Blood Lions: A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
The death of a beloved lion named Cecil, at the hands of an American hunter in Zimbabwe, struck a nerve around the globe. The debate about the ethics of that hunt still provokes strong emotions. On Wednesday, October 7th, MSNBC will focus on another side of the industry, the legal side. Blood Lions, a one hour documentary, takes viewers inside the seldom seen world of the “canned hunting” industry in South Africa.

With the help of Ian Michler, safari operator and environmental journalist and Rick Swazey, an American hunter, viewers will see inside the breeding farms where lions are bred for a variety of exploitative revenue streams.

“Our film is an exposé,” says Blood Lions director Bruce Young, “most of the lions exist in appalling conditions, exploited at every stage of their lives. Even the people in South Africa do not know that lions are being bred for the bullet – and that it is totally legal. We want to show the world what is going on, who is involved, the impact on the animals and how much money is being generated by this industry.”


Also known as captive bred lion hunting, canned hunts allow hunters to select their lion ahead of time and complete a hunt in a matter of just three days. Canned hunts provide a cheaper, faster, and a surefire way of hunting predatory animals, compared to wild lion hunts which may last weeks with a much lower probability of success. Americans are largely fueling the industry, with 62% of the trophies being imported into the United States, according to Humane Society International.

The documentary includes the perspective of both proponents of this practice who say that hunting helps preserve Africa’s lion population and conservationists who are quick to dispute that claim.

Catch the premiere of Blood Lions, Wednesday October 7th at 10pm ET on MSNBC.

"Blood Lions" premieres Wednesday October 7th on MSNBC

Blood Lions™ - A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting

Canned hunting is very dishonorable to the hunter and to the prey. Actually, canned hunting is not hunting - it's just killing, much like in a slaughterhouse.
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I love animals, but this is insanity! Cull the herd of lions, they are NOT endangered! Beside SAVE the lives of other LESS HOSTILE animals!

Ha ha ha!! The Leftwats are still menstruating over Cecil the Lion! Awesome!

Let's kill 10 more just like him and send them over the edge.
Just another disgruntled Detroit football fan.
The death of a beloved lion named Cecil, at the hands of an American hunter in Zimbabwe, struck a nerve around the globe. The debate about the ethics of that hunt still provokes strong emotions. On Wednesday, October 7th, MSNBC will focus on another side of the industry, the legal side. Blood Lions, a one hour documentary, takes viewers inside the seldom seen world of the “canned hunting” industry in South Africa.

With the help of Ian Michler, safari operator and environmental journalist and Rick Swazey, an American hunter, viewers will see inside the breeding farms where lions are bred for a variety of exploitative revenue streams.

“Our film is an exposé,” says Blood Lions director Bruce Young, “most of the lions exist in appalling conditions, exploited at every stage of their lives. Even the people in South Africa do not know that lions are being bred for the bullet – and that it is totally legal. We want to show the world what is going on, who is involved, the impact on the animals and how much money is being generated by this industry.”


Also known as captive bred lion hunting, canned hunts allow hunters to select their lion ahead of time and complete a hunt in a matter of just three days. Canned hunts provide a cheaper, faster, and a surefire way of hunting predatory animals, compared to wild lion hunts which may last weeks with a much lower probability of success. Americans are largely fueling the industry, with 62% of the trophies being imported into the United States, according to Humane Society International.

The documentary includes the perspective of both proponents of this practice who say that hunting helps preserve Africa’s lion population and conservationists who are quick to dispute that claim.

Catch the premiere of Blood Lions, Wednesday October 7th at 10pm ET on MSNBC.

"Blood Lions" premieres Wednesday October 7th on MSNBC

Blood Lions™ - A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting

I think canned hunting is very dishonorable - to the hunter and to the prey.
Cry me a bleeding heart river.
Washington redskin
Ha ha ha!! The Leftwats are still menstruating over Cecil the Lion! Awesome!

Let's kill 10 more just like him and send them over the edge.

No, we don't need to do that, but using what Common sense man has, SHOULD be able to control this situation...if not, drastic measures should be taken!
I am not a leftward or a bleeding heart progressive

That doesn't mean that I don't love and care for all animal life!

Shame on all of you!
I love animals, but this is insanity! Cull the herd of lions, they are NOT endangered! Beside SAVE the lives of other LESS HOSTILE animals!

You pitiful fool, you obviously didn't read any of the OP. These lions are explicitly raised for "canned" hunts. You've heard of puppy mills - well, these are lion mills.
I love animals, but this is insanity! Cull the herd of lions, they are NOT endangered! Beside SAVE the lives of other LESS HOSTILE animals!

You pitiful fool, you obviously didn't read any of the OP. This lions are explicitly raised for "canned" hunts. You've heard of puppy mills - well, these are lion mills.

And as with PUPPY BREEDERS, there should be REGULATIONS, overseas by the gov't involved, and checks to NOT overkill anything. BUT Squaw, it's INBRED in man to hunt, because queers and liberals don't have that "GENE" doesn't make it WRONG for hunting to be done, especilally if the MEAT is used to feed poor Africans ...even YOU want poor Africans fed, don't you?
Lions are threatened or endangered in every single population around the world but that's not the point here.

Zoos breed animals because the public wants to see babies. Remember the giraffe that was killed in front of kids and fed to other zoo animals? That was so they would have space to have more babies, who, in turn, would be killed.

There are on line sites where you can buy animals that have been bred for no other reason than to increase traffic to zoos. Those animals are tame. They are put into small enclosures for limp-dicked assholes (like some in this thread) to PRETEND to hunt.

I've seen a video of big cat released from cages and running under a pick up to hide. The aforementioned limp-dicked assholes actually had to shoot the cat under the truck, drag the carcass out to take that all important FAKE trophy photo.

Before you decide that some animals have a right to live without being hunted by their NATURAL predators (like limp-dicked asshole Vigilante says about zebras above), you might want to educate yourself about the natural world and the balance or predator and prey.
Ha ha ha!! The Leftwats are still menstruating over Cecil the Lion! Awesome!

Let's kill 10 more just like him and send them over the edge.


I'm always surprised when the thumpers say they have no caring or knowledge or respect for the world they SAY they believe was created by their god.

WTF is wrong with these phony christian idiots? Why do they want to torture what they SAY they believe their god created?

And then, this particular ^^^ phony christian^^^ has to throw in a little hatred for women while he's at it. Sick twitch.
If you want to hunt lions...I think they should give you spear and lock you in a large fenced area.

You may not win (or win and live to tell about it), but at least it would be a fair fight.

BTW: they would smear you with wildabeast blood too....

Now, that's living.....

I'd bet that pretty soon we'd have a game show going !!!!
Lions are threatened or endangered in every single population around the world but that's not the point here.

Zoos breed animals because the public wants to see babies. Remember the giraffe that was killed in front of kids and fed to other zoo animals? That was so they would have space to have more babies, who, in turn, would be killed.

There are on line sites where you can buy animals that have been bred for no other reason than to increase traffic to zoos. Those animals are tame. They are put into small enclosures for limp-dicked assholes (like some in this thread) to PRETEND to hunt.

I've seen a video of big cat released from cages and running under a pick up to hide. The aforementioned limp-dicked assholes actually had to shoot the cat under the truck, drag the carcass out to take that all important FAKE trophy photo.

Before you decide that some animals have a right to live without being hunted by their NATURAL predators (like limp-dicked asshole Vigilante says about zebras above), you might want to educate yourself about the natural world and the balance or predator and prey.

I know all about predator and prey, and agree with you on SOME pints, as would anyone with a heart, BUT, here you come again to a point where MAN is FREE to do what he wants, and as the TOP PREDATOR, has the NATURAL RIGHT to do so...even if you and I don't like it! That's why you are a simpering pile of shit, when it comes to logical thinking and I'm not! And you talk about the natural world and the balance of predator and prey, the only difference is the big cats KILLS with claw and teeth, cause MUCH PAIN to the prey, while a fucking BULLET put the lion out of misery almost immediately...Yes, I know what they did to Cecil, that is why that dentist is going on trial, a CLEAN KILL is mandatory!
I love animals, but this is insanity! Cull the herd of lions, they are NOT endangered! Beside SAVE the lives of other LESS HOSTILE animals!

You pitiful fool, you obviously didn't read any of the OP. This lions are explicitly raised for "canned" hunts. You've heard of puppy mills - well, these are lion mills.

And as with PUPPY BREEDERS, there should be REGULATIONS, overseas by the gov't involved, and checks to NOT overkill anything. BUT Squaw, it's INBRED in man to hunt, because queers and liberals don't have that "GENE" doesn't make it WRONG for hunting to be done, especilally if the MEAT is used to feed poor Africans ...even YOU want poor Africans fed, don't you?

You're amazingly stupid but you've accidentally hit on what I consider to be a good test of our actions.

Ask yourself if you would be okay with a particular action if it was done to puppies and kittens.

Would you be okay with putting puppies and kittens in a small fenced enclosure and charging thousands of dollars to shoot at them?

How about greased pig contests? Those are baby animals, unaccustomed to being handled and they're turned loose in a small enclosure for children to chase and injure and torment. You okay with doing the same to puppies and kittens?
Ha ha ha!! The Leftwats are still menstruating over Cecil the Lion! Awesome!

Let's kill 10 more just like him and send them over the edge.

Perhaps THIS will help you..Saint Francis would look down and DISAPPROVE of you!
That's why he's not my patron saint. Though I think if he chanced upon a lion, he'd grab a weapon to defend himself.

Defend himself from attack is one thing, we aren't talking about that!
Do not hunt animals

Hunt among about that?

I have no problem with that.

Leave animal life alone!

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