Blood Lions: A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting

It's always amusing watching someone with supposedly Native American ancestry touting it out in the open in nearly every post to assure everyone they are "Native American" and um (some European Ethnicity).
It's always amusing watching someone with supposedly Native American ancestry touting it out in the open in nearly every post to assure everyone they are "Native American" and um (some European Ethnicity).
I am 100% Oglala Sioux... I would never use the spineless politically correct term "Native American" it means nothing.
Indian is much more accurate traditional term... Progressives made up the Native American term, no real Indians involved. Except maybe drunk/high casino Indians.
So save your bleeding heart for progressives...
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Yes, it is I hunt for grouse, mule deer, whitetail deer, mountain lion, elk, bobcat, among many others every year.
It is one of the great joys in life for me and my kids(yes two girls) it's wonderful life experience.

I'm sure it is for you.

But not for those poor animals.
I look at it as every animal that I harvest was put there for me or my family for me to take and use.
By the way I use what I hunt, hunting is the best way to cull the old and weak in any given animal population.
Plus it's good for the economy.

you don't get your food in the supermarket?
No really don't... Store bought meat is too full of steroids and hormones for my liking. The feed lots use these put weight on the stock.

why don't you become a semi-vegetarian like me?

I only eat fish and seafood and chicken :biggrin:

skye - Sorry but there's no such thing as "semi-vegetarian". You either eat meat or you don't and you do.

There's plenty of reason not to eat chicken and fish - use Google.
This is almost like clubbing baby seals.
There you go again, that bleeding heart river is going to flood if you don't watch out...
Washington redskin

Since when did caring about needless suffering become something to be ashamed of? We see the same derision from RWs concerning the suffering of children.

"I look at it as every animal that I harvest was put there for me or my family for me to take and use.
By the way I use what I hunt, hunting is the best way to cull the old and weak in any given animal population.
Plus it's good for the economy."

Your own choice of avatars proves you're lying. Hunters always kill the youngest and strongest. They say they want meat but that's just a side effect of wanting to brag. You'll never see a Boone and Crocket contest for the oldest and weakest trophy.

Hunters know the truth of what they're doing. That's why they try to lessen the horror by calling it "harvesting" or "taking". They don't have the balls to just call it what it really is - blood lust killing.

The effect on the economy is negligible. And as already noted, Africa makes much more money from photo safaris. You can charge some impotent idiot only once to pretend to hunt and kill a dangerous animal but you can charge thousands of times to take photos.

"I would rather do that myself, than pay someone else to do it by buying it in a store."

This is the one thing I admire - somewhat - about hunting.
The death of a beloved lion named Cecil, at the hands of an American hunter in Zimbabwe, struck a nerve around the globe. The debate about the ethics of that hunt still provokes strong emotions. On Wednesday, October 7th, MSNBC will focus on another side of the industry, the legal side. Blood Lions, a one hour documentary, takes viewers inside the seldom seen world of the “canned hunting” industry in South Africa.

With the help of Ian Michler, safari operator and environmental journalist and Rick Swazey, an American hunter, viewers will see inside the breeding farms where lions are bred for a variety of exploitative revenue streams.

“Our film is an exposé,” says Blood Lions director Bruce Young, “most of the lions exist in appalling conditions, exploited at every stage of their lives. Even the people in South Africa do not know that lions are being bred for the bullet – and that it is totally legal. We want to show the world what is going on, who is involved, the impact on the animals and how much money is being generated by this industry.”


Also known as captive bred lion hunting, canned hunts allow hunters to select their lion ahead of time and complete a hunt in a matter of just three days. Canned hunts provide a cheaper, faster, and a surefire way of hunting predatory animals, compared to wild lion hunts which may last weeks with a much lower probability of success. Americans are largely fueling the industry, with 62% of the trophies being imported into the United States, according to Humane Society International.

The documentary includes the perspective of both proponents of this practice who say that hunting helps preserve Africa’s lion population and conservationists who are quick to dispute that claim.

Catch the premiere of Blood Lions, Wednesday October 7th at 10pm ET on MSNBC.

"Blood Lions" premieres Wednesday October 7th on MSNBC

Blood Lions™ - A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting

Canned hunting is very dishonorable to the hunter and to the prey. Actually, canned hunting is not hunting - it's just killing, much like in a slaughterhouse.

I think big game hunting like this is dispicable, but the problem is in African countries. It's just a big money making business for them. Maybe if Africans learn to make money in a way that doesn't including scamming, they wouldn't need to make money by this way. But we are talking about a people that were willing to sell their brothers into slavery. They are all about making an easy buck no matter how immoral.
Plus, by far most of the killing of animals in Africa are for bush meat... The killing for trophies is only a fraction of a fraction in the grand scheme of things.
The problem with these so called realty shows is they play on the heart strings of an uneducated public on the fact helping to push the insincerity of a deceptive agenda.

bush meat? ARE YOU RETARDED? NO- its for killing lions and other animals. THERE are over 7,000 lions in canned hunting farms...waiting to be slaughtered for "sport".

They live in just horrendous conditions, waiting their turn in the fenced in pen.

Rustic - Your avatar shows you don't know it but trophy killing is not the same as killing to eat.
I love animals, but this is insanity! Cull the herd of lions, they are NOT endangered! Beside SAVE the lives of other LESS HOSTILE animals!

You pitiful fool, you obviously didn't read any of the OP. These lions are explicitly raised for "canned" hunts. You've heard of puppy mills - well, these are lion mills.

Lots of animals are bred for food for your table. You against that also?

Is a lion's life more valuable than that of a cow or a chicken?
The death of a beloved lion named Cecil, at the hands of an American hunter in Zimbabwe, struck a nerve around the globe.

Oh bullshit. The locals sure didn't love that damned lion. Only a bunch of narcisistic Westerners who thin Nature is accurately portrayed in Disney movies had any affection for a predatory beast.

The only place for a lion is in a zoo or dead. Anyone who thinks different is either not a local or is a fool.

Like Rustic, who brags his kills a big cat every year, JimBowie1958 is clueless about wildlife, the relationship between predator and prey and the importance of keystone species.

"Lions are killers and killers belong in cages or dead."

By your standards, humans should be imprisoned or killed.
Sad and yet the African government's allow the his crap. Cut off aid in countries that allow it and the laws will change.
See my avatar... That's my pet.
I call him bob

Earlier, Rustic lied that he kills to eat. Now he confesses that he kills in order to prove what a big, brave, hunt 'n' grunt he-man he is.

This typical of hunters' reactions to anyone daring to question them or their motives - they simply ridicule everyone who disagrees with them or points out their hypocrisy.

See his later posts for more of this hypocrisy.
It is funny how the progressives want everything to conform to their imagined world view. Like the term "blood lions" very ominous inaccurate but, very ominous. LoL
Take for instance the word Sioux means little snake or snake in the grass, no real self respecting Sioux has a problem with their given tribal name.
But, progressives the control freaks they are want the names Sioux and Indian to be more politically correct, for their own self serving bleeding hearts sake.
I can't hardly think of a more neutered name than "Native American"... What does that mean? Born here? Well most everyone on this forum was most likely born. No distinction in that.
No, I'm a traditionalist I will stick with the traditional names given to by INDIANS!!!
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View attachment 51824 This is junior, why do I call him junior? Well, he is smaller than bob... By quite a bit.

View attachment 51825 Meet Tim he greets everyone who comes to the front door... Like all my other pets he is very maintenance free. He "stays" very well and best of all there is no cleaning up after Tim.
I may have you meet the rest of my pets in my office building, if I have time. There are over two dozen of the little rascals there...

More proof he lied about killing the oldest and weakest and only for the meat.

Rustic is a low life trophy hunter.
See my avatar... That's my pet.
I call him bob

Earlier, Rustic lied that he kills to eat. Now he confesses that he kills in order to prove what a big, brave, hunt 'n' grunt he-man he is.

This typical of hunters' reactions to anyone daring to question them or their motives - they simply ridicule everyone who disagrees with them or points out their hypocrisy.

See his later posts for more of this hypocrisy.
Nothing wrong with trophy hunting... A very traditional Indian practice. Both hunting for meat and trophies serves very important purposes in the Indian culture equally.
Sorry it hurts your sensitive bleeding heart.

Believe me bob did and does not mind... He's pretty quiet now days, very well behaved.
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humans dont need to kill animals, period, esp. wild ones for trophies or "sport". It has nothing to do with conservation. And everything to do with ego.

In your brain dead personal opinion, jack ass. And that is nada to any rational person.

Go fuck yourself.

humans dont need meat asshole. Have you ever watched what these animals go through to end up on your table? I think not because you only give a shit about yourself.

We evolved eating meat, stupid twit. Ever notice the canines in your mouth, dullard?

This always cracks me up.

Humans do not have long sharp carnivores' canines that are used to pierce and hold on to a prey animal. They have the grinding teeth, used to chew vegetable matter.

Strong saliva that starts the digestion while we chew. Carnivores tear off chunks and chew very little.

Long intestines to get the nutrition out of grasses and seeds as opposed to the short carnivore's in order to pass rotting meat quickly through the system. Eating meat and the long time it takes to process is why we have colon cancer.
See my avatar... That's my pet.
I call him bob

Earlier, Rustic lied that he kills to eat. Now he confesses that he kills in order to prove what a big, brave, hunt 'n' grunt he-man he is.

This typical of hunters' reactions to anyone daring to question them or their motives - they simply ridicule everyone who disagrees with them or points out their hypocrisy.

See his later posts for more of this hypocrisy.
Nothing wrong with trophy hunting... A very traditional Indian practice.
Sorry it hurts your sensitive bleeding heart.

Believe me bob did and does not mind... He's pretty quiet now days, very well behaved.

Thanks for admitting you lied.

Most of you slimy trophy hunters keep on with their asssinine story about killing for food.
humans dont need to kill animals, period, esp. wild ones for trophies or "sport". It has nothing to do with conservation. And everything to do with ego.

In your brain dead personal opinion, jack ass. And that is nada to any rational person.

Go fuck yourself.

humans dont need meat asshole. Have you ever watched what these animals go through to end up on your table? I think not because you only give a shit about yourself.

We evolved eating meat, stupid twit. Ever notice the canines in your mouth, dullard?

This always cracks me up.

Humans do not have long sharp carnivores' canines that are used to pierce and hold on to a prey animal. They have the grinding teeth, used to chew vegetable matter.

Strong saliva that starts the digestion while we chew. Carnivores tear off chunks and chew very little.

Long intestines to get the nutrition out of grasses and seeds as opposed to the short carnivore's in order to pass rotting meat quickly through the system. Eating meat and the long time it takes to process is why we have colon cancer.
Ever get sick of your bleeding heart??
See my avatar... That's my pet.
I call him bob

Earlier, Rustic lied that he kills to eat. Now he confesses that he kills in order to prove what a big, brave, hunt 'n' grunt he-man he is.

This typical of hunters' reactions to anyone daring to question them or their motives - they simply ridicule everyone who disagrees with them or points out their hypocrisy.

See his later posts for more of this hypocrisy.
Nothing wrong with trophy hunting... A very traditional Indian practice.
Sorry it hurts your sensitive bleeding heart.

Believe me bob did and does not mind... He's pretty quiet now days, very well behaved.

Thanks for admitting you lied.

Most of you slimy trophy hunters keep on with their asssinine story about killing for food.
That bleeding heart sure must be a bother??
Really, bob did not mind being hunted for his trophy "rack"(wink) and I have to say exquisite venison.
He does not have look for food any more, how do I know this? You ask, because you know bob is quite silent anymore....
The wind told me...

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