Bloods Declare War on Police

Bloods threaten to kill more cops | New York Post

How should we deal with gang violence directed against the men and women who protect and serve our communities? I think this requires a major military operation that would involve something along the lines of what Israel is doing to Hamas right now in the Middle East. But, community agitators would protest and cry about their rights. Blood's also had a community memorial for the scum that shot this rookie in cold blood. We need a massive simultaneous operation in every major city in the United States to show the street scum that the law is taking the streets back, and that good people and little children do not have to live in fear.

I'm pretty sure that you feel that a "major military action" is appropriate for everything from illegal immigrants to the heartbreak of psoriasis...
We saw how many innocent people got shot by police when they declared war on Christopher Dorner. Just imagine these assholes trying to go after an entire gang. They will kill at least 5 civilians for every thug they kill. Then riots will burn the city to the ground.

Police jobs are safe jobs & don't even rank in the top 10 dangerous jobs. I'm sick of all the outrage over how they are hero's every day putting their life on the line. If overpaid assholes were actually working investigating crime & policing like they were hired to do, the city would not have huge gang problem in the first place.

Police jobs are very high stress. They have a higher rate of suicide after they retire than most other professions. Now, they are sued for doing their jobs and even though they are not killed at the high rate you seem to think they should be they live with the constant stress of knowing they are targets.

Further, the ACLU has made it virtually impossible to do police work like in Dirty Harry's day. No longer is instinct and intuition allowed in police work. Their hands are tied by progressives at every turn.
Arrest them all and send them to Iraq. Let them see what its like on the front lines, protecting people who don't give a shit.

Actually, gangbangers ARE joining the military! They are, after discharge, passing along their knowledge of weapons & tactics to other gang members. Hell, gang graffiti has been done in Iraq and Afghanistan!
Arrest them all and send them to Iraq. Let them see what its like on the front lines, protecting people who don't give a shit.

You do know that some of us who have gone to war didn't care at all about protecting you or your "freedoms", right? Some of us just wanted to taste and experience war. Combat. The sensation of taking human life. Effectively using the military as a means to an end.

Its not evil. Its not even criminal. Its natural. Its enlightening. It can be a profoundly sacred and spiritual act- taking human lives- especially when it is the Will of your "country". Or it can mess you up for life, depending on how you choose to feel about it.

Never once did I feel as if I were fighting for any American Mundane. Instead... I felt as though I were paying tribute to the Gods, generating Mana for them, and awakening a part of my dormant human Nature.

People say we "fight for your freedom", that we "protect our people". Keep telling yourself that. Its called "Indoctrination".

You should probably be involuntarily institutionalized for your own safety.
Arrest them all and send them to Iraq. Let them see what its like on the front lines, protecting people who don't give a shit.

Actually, gangbangers ARE joining the military! They are, after discharge, passing along their knowledge of weapons & tactics to other gang members. Hell, gang graffiti has been done in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Like I said.

"A means to an end."

What better way to legally commit murder than to join the military and go to war? What a way to first experience the sensation of taking human life. One's "knowledge of weapons & tactics" & survival remains invaluable, especially to "gangbangers" and other criminals, but really for anyone once you return from war.
Arrest them all and send them to Iraq. Let them see what its like on the front lines, protecting people who don't give a shit.

You do know that some of us who have gone to war didn't care at all about protecting you or your "freedoms", right? Some of us just wanted to taste and experience war. Combat. The sensation of taking human life. Effectively using the military as a means to an end.

Its not evil. Its not even criminal. Its natural. Its enlightening. It can be a profoundly sacred and spiritual act- taking human lives- especially when it is the Will of your "country". Or it can mess you up for life, depending on how you choose to feel about it.

Never once did I feel as if I were fighting for any American Mundane. Instead... I felt as though I were paying tribute to the Gods, generating Mana for them, and awakening a part of my dormant human Nature.

People say we "fight for your freedom", that we "protect our people". Keep telling yourself that. Its called "Indoctrination".

You should probably be involuntarily institutionalized for your own safety.

Ashtara is a troll. Nothing he says is to be believed.
Sounds more and more like the cops started something. Typically the gangs and the cops have a truce. There is more to this story than whats being reported.

Agreed...or it is a bullshit story planted by Teapers to further divide America.
Westwall does not understand my Sacred Heresy. He has no use for my message, because of his Nature. He does not see things as I do, and refuses to believe or accept the things I say.

Which is excellent. I have no interest in liberating Mundanes who's Nature prevents them from experiencing a Deliverance that is not meant for them.

Besides... who I am is not relevant. My message, however, WILL affect your minds, and make you think, whether you admit it or not. It will stimulate your imagination, provoke some deep thought, and could potentially begin to liberate your spirit. Some of you might awaken from the Dream. The Illusion. The Delusion. The Prison. The Indoctrination. The Slavery of your Mind. The Captivity of your Soul!

Some among you do not possess a Mundane Nature, but do not yet know it! But you have felt it...

Some of you, who have been raised into the Culture of Sheep, may witness a Dragon consuming your fellow Sheep, but if you follow me across the Mountains and through the Desert, I can lead you to an Oasis where you will gaze upon your true Reflection, and discover that you are no Sheep, but a Dragon too!

These are the few who my message is dedicated to.

So if my Sacred Heresy causes any Mundanes here to be overwhelmed with disgust, intimidation, fear, sorrow, pain, jealousy, or some other emotion that you struggle to overcome, I encourage you to add me to your Ignore list. Do so, if you are feeling scorched by my Fire. If you cannot handle the Flames. My message is not intended for your Kind.
Westwall does not understand my Sacred Heresy. He has no use for my message, because of his Nature. He does not see things as I do, and refuses to believe or accept the things I say.

Which is excellent. I have no interest in liberating Mundanes who's Nature prevents them from experiencing a Deliverance that is not meant for them.

Besides... who I am is not relevant. My message, however, WILL affect your minds, and make you think, whether you admit it or not. It will stimulate your imagination, provoke some deep thought, and could potentially begin to liberate your spirit. Some of you might awaken from the Dream. The Illusion. The Delusion. The Prison. The Indoctrination. The Slavery of your Mind. The Captivity of your Soul!

Some among you do not possess a Mundane Nature, but do not yet know it! But you have felt it...

Some of you, who have been raised into the Culture of Sheep, may witness a Dragon consuming your fellow Sheep, but if you follow me across the Mountains and through the Desert, I can lead you to an Oasis where you will gaze upon your true Reflection, and discover that you are no Sheep, but a Dragon too!

These are the few who my message is dedicated to.

So if my Sacred Heresy causes any Mundanes here to be overwhelmed with disgust, intimidation, fear, sorrow, pain, jealousy, or some other emotion that you struggle to overcome, I encourage you to add me to your Ignore list. Do so, if you are feeling scorched by my Fire. If you cannot handle the Flames. My message is not intended for your Kind.

I don't know if you are a troll. I didn't bother to read your essay...but I think you are one weird chic/ guy. Intriguing...but I am not sure that is good or bad.

Are you a female or a gay guy?
Westwall does not understand my Sacred Heresy. He has no use for my message, because of his Nature. He does not see things as I do, and refuses to believe or accept the things I say.

Which is excellent. I have no interest in liberating Mundanes who's Nature prevents them from experiencing a Deliverance that is not meant for them.

Besides... who I am is not relevant. My message, however, WILL affect your minds, and make you think, whether you admit it or not. It will stimulate your imagination, provoke some deep thought, and could potentially begin to liberate your spirit. Some of you might awaken from the Dream. The Illusion. The Delusion. The Prison. The Indoctrination. The Slavery of your Mind. The Captivity of your Soul!

Some among you do not possess a Mundane Nature, but do not yet know it! But you have felt it...

Some of you, who have been raised into the Culture of Sheep, may witness a Dragon consuming your fellow Sheep, but if you follow me across the Mountains and through the Desert, I can lead you to an Oasis where you will gaze upon your true Reflection, and discover that you are no Sheep, but a Dragon too!

These are the few who my message is dedicated to.

So if my Sacred Heresy causes any Mundanes here to be overwhelmed with disgust, intimidation, fear, sorrow, pain, jealousy, or some other emotion that you struggle to overcome, I encourage you to add me to your Ignore list. Do so, if you are feeling scorched by my Fire. If you cannot handle the Flames. My message is not intended for your Kind.

I've done more crazy shit than you could ever dream of sweet cheeks. You're a troll, pure and simple. My wife is pagan, I have known some serious people in my time that would make you piss yourself.

Like I said, you're a poseur, real people who are Satanists...and yes, I've known a couple, are entirely different from your little act.
I've done more crazy shit than you could ever dream of

There is no way either of us can test that improbable theory so there is no point in arguing over who has "done more crazy shit".

My wife is pagan

Great. At least one of you is interesting.

I have known some serious people in my time that would make you piss yourself.

Again with these wild theories.

Like I said, you're a poseur, real people who are Satanists...and yes, I've known a couple, are entirely different from your little act.

When did I ever say I am a "Satanist"?

Many Satanists are pathetic. The Laveyan Satanists are usually just pissed off Athiests who hate humanity, know nothing of spirituality, have massive egos for little to no reason, and are afraid to break the law. Some are alright though. TOS, COS, etc are, for the most part, a disgrace to the Left Hand Path.

Luciferians can be great. Many of them understand what its like to explore and embrace the extremes of what the culture around them considers to be "good or evil". The best Luciferians, in my opinion, do extremely beneficial things for people, and extremely criminal things to others, in attempt to understand the illusions of morality. Sadly, many of these Luciferians are too much philosophy and too little action. But I do love many Luciferian rituals.

Traditional/ Theistic Satanists can be either crazy or brilliant, and rarely in between, and sometimes both. Devil worshipers, Satanic Pagans, etc... There are so many variants to this Spiritual perspective. This type of spirituality is so thrilling and magickal! The mind has the ability to create a world of Spritual Beings or adopt an already existing Pantheon, and fully interact with them, more than people realize. It can have profound effects on the world around you. Many of these Satanists are solitary but others form Covens or are initiated into special Orders like the MLO (TOB) and other more secretive clans.

Then there is the Order of Nine Angles.

O9A took the core of Satanism and pushed it further than Anton Lavey or Michael W Ford ever could. So much in fact, its not even really Satanism. Its too criminal for "Satanists", too extreme. It is taught "The outer form is not the essence". "Satanism" is an outer form, but what is the essence? It is what O9A took and evolved into something most Satanists never even dream of exploring. Various O9A Nexions like WSA352 each contribute to the whole and constantly evolve the "system", keeping it diverse and fresh enough for new generations to embrace so that it will thrive for ages into the future.

So yes.

I have explored these things over the years, but I have learned from Right Hand Path religions as well. I look for the greatness in every religion, absorbing the strengths and discarding the weaknesses. I know many Ways to walk the Left Hand Path, and I know many Ways to walk the Right Hand Path, but I do not claim to know every Way. No human knows every Way.

O9A, Paganism, and Christianity are what "religions" I "embrace" the most. "Embrace"... not "submit to". They grant me the most freedom and the most appealing culture to forge into my own beliefs. My own "Path" outside of Left and Right. Outside of "Good and Evil".

I am no "Satanist". That is such a limited and restricting term that could not even begin to accurately describe my Nature. I belong to the neither the "Light" nor the "Darkness."
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