Bloomberg Ad Inadvertently Portrays Limits Of Gun Control Agenda


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
putting their best foot forward trying to slander gun owners, gun grabbers point out reasons why owning a gun is necessary. but that's the problem when you try to lie and spin to force an agenda. reality usually comes back to bit you in the ass.

Bloomberg Ad Inadvertently Portrays Limits Of Gun Control Agenda | The Daily Caller

With $50 million, one would think Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun cronies could afford to conduct some focus testing. However, judging from the reaction to the latest fear-mongering ad from Bloomberg’s Everytown group, the ex-mayor and his astroturf activists are clueless when it comes to women and firearms.

The ad depicts a mother and child alone in a house. A man begins pounding on the door, demanding entry. The woman calls 9-1-1 and explains that her “ex” is trying to break in, and she has a restraining order against him. While the woman is still on the phone, the man bursts through the door and grabs the child. As the unarmed woman futilely attempts to stop him, he pulls a gun. The screen fades to black, and a gunshot is heard.

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