Bloomberg backs down! WooT!!!

Well, it's his own damned fault. He should have put a stop to this nonsense right at the beginning.

At the beginning it was only a few people, and it has become customary for people to use public places such as parks to exercise their First Amendment rights of free speech, peaceful assembly, and petitioning for a redress of grievances. Had he done anything then, he would clearly have been in the wrong. It's only because the protest has lasted so long and become, apparently, a permanent fixture that there might be issues which allow him legally to clear the park.

And public health is an excellent reason for tossing them, as is the damage they're doing to the property.

Claims of public health problems or damage to the property are without foundation, in fact. The protest movement is very well organized. Trash is hauled off the property daily. There is a department of the Central Committee with explicit responsibility for sanitation and public safety. There has been no damage to the park itself. All this has been verified by inspectors from the company that owns the property.

You should not believe everything that circulates as a rumor about this movement, especially given that those opposed to it are clearly willing to lie about it.

What might give him a pretext is the fact that the park was never intended to be home to a permanent large-scale protest movement. But again, political considerations are obviously giving him pause.

Here we are in 2011, and how embarrassing that some people have to clean up after other babies&teen boppers pooping messes in a New York Park! How would it look for some guy to come home to his wife, the wife says,,,HONEY !! HOW WAS YOUR DAY ???? (edith bunker) Hubby: I had a wonderful day !! I got to shovel human waste! I was so productive, I am so proud to be an American!

Read the quote directly above yours, as quoted herein.

Know how I know we're succeeding? Because y'all would rather talk about shit, literally, than what's going on in America today, and what caused Americans to rise up.
So the Pee Party gets to keep living in it's own filth?


Yep, the SHIT-IN will continue.....

You consider it a win so these idiots could live in an area with no sanitation and a smell that's so bad that it's bringing rats?


wow, the standards of victory are very low for the left.

Actually, I think the smell is driving the rats off. They're seeking relief in the sewers....
You should not believe everything that circulates as a rumor about this movement, especially given that those opposed to it are clearly willing to lie about it.


You should not believe everything that circulates as a rumor about this movement, especially given that those FOR it are clearly willing to lie about it.

I can actually point to a number of lies that have circulated by those opposed to OWS, for example the alleged list of "official demands" including the $20 minimum wage that turned out to be a single person's post on the web site's forum, and not anything official at all. There were several threads here about that. Also, the frequent claims that the movement is all orchestrated by Van Jones or by the Obama administration or by organized labor by George Soros (did I leave anyone out there?), without any evidence presented in support of this allegation. Then there's the photos of a young guy with his pants dropped, alleging that he is shitting on a police car or in public, but without any feces in the picture, when the likelier interpretation is that the guy is giving himself a sponge-bath.

Now, what lies can you point to that have been told by those who support the movement? start off...the "lie" of the "official demands" was in fact a lie in itself. To the contrary, those that questioned the motives of the OWS movement referred to the movement as not focused and referred to those demands as nothing more than a blogger posting on a website.

I noticed you completely ignored my question of where were you when unsubstantiated claims were made by POLITICIANS as it pertained to the tea party ralley's.

I you are claiming that a bunch of posters on a forum are spreading lies......but were you outraged in the least when Pelosi, Reid and administration memebers did the same thing?

Afterall, the politicians ghave the ears of the world. People on USMB? Have the ears of 200 other people at most.

So tell me....are you a hypocrite or do you admit the same was done...but at even a larger scale to the tea partyers.
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET WINS! Bloomberg backs down, protestors stay in park - YouTube

Huge news! This morning at 6 o'clock, MoveOn members, union members, community organizers and thousands of others gathered in Zuccotti Park to stand in solidarity with the people who are occupying Wall Street and to defend them from eviction by Mayor Bloomberg.

They were supported by hundreds of thousands of people from around the country like you who signed petitions and flooded the city with calls.


hes an idiot for announcing the evacuation then backing down, and same attitude got deans offices occupied and trashed back in the day. If Blunderberg thinks he won net votes with this move, hes dead wrong. :eusa_whistle:

Go Unions go, hang up banners get it. suck in Obama next.
So we're excited that these people will be able to continue making that park unsanitary and uninhabitable, possibly until some sort of disease breaks out? This is their idea of a triumph?

I say hose the place down with them still in it. They probably need a power washing as badly as the park does.

I think disease is a wonderful idea for the Shitter Revolution. Typhoid has too long been absent, let the leftists of the Shitter movement reintroduce it to America! start off...the "lie" of the "official demands" was in fact a lie in itself. To the contrary, those that questioned the motives of the OWS movement referred to the movement as not focused and referred to those demands as nothing more than a blogger posting on a website.

Oh, the movement's focused, all right, just not on things that can easily be made into demands that the government as currently constituted can act upon. Are you denying that people claimed those 11 or 13 or however many demands they were, constituted an "official" position of OWS, when they were in a position to know that they weren't?

I noticed you completely ignored my question of where were you when unsubstantiated claims were made by POLITICIANS as it pertained to the tea party ralley's.

That's 'cause I know a red herring when I see one. :cool:

We aren't discussing the TP and any falsehoods told about that (I don't deny there were some, for the record) have no bearing on the point I was making, which is that you should not believe everything you read or hear from people about OWS. Every derogatory claim made about the TP could be Gospel truth, or every such claim could be a flaming lie, and my point about the lies circulating w/r/t OWS would remain completely unchanged either way. start off...the "lie" of the "official demands" was in fact a lie in itself. To the contrary, those that questioned the motives of the OWS movement referred to the movement as not focused and referred to those demands as nothing more than a blogger posting on a website.
Oh, the movement's focused, all right, just not on things that can easily be made into demands that the government as currently constituted can act upon. Are you denying that people claimed those 11 or 13 or however many demands they were, constituted an "official" position of OWS, when they were in a position to know that they weren't?

sophist horsehockey...try again...:rolleyes: start off...the "lie" of the "official demands" was in fact a lie in itself. To the contrary, those that questioned the motives of the OWS movement referred to the movement as not focused and referred to those demands as nothing more than a blogger posting on a website.

Oh, the movement's focused, all right, just not on things that can easily be made into demands that the government as currently constituted can act upon. Are you denying that people claimed those 11 or 13 or however many demands they were, constituted an "official" position of OWS, when they were in a position to know that they weren't?

I noticed you completely ignored my question of where were you when unsubstantiated claims were made by POLITICIANS as it pertained to the tea party ralley's.

That's 'cause I know a red herring when I see one. :cool:

We aren't discussing the TP and any falsehoods told about that (I don't deny there were some, for the record) have no bearing on the point I was making, which is that you should not believe everything you read or hear from people about OWS. Every derogatory claim made about the TP could be Gospel truth, or every such claim could be a flaming lie, and my point about the lies circulating w/r/t OWS would remain completely unchanged either way.

yes..I am denying that anyone of any importance and with a voice claimed that those demands were official demands. As I said, even the news media referred to them as exactly what they were....demands written by one person on the website and subsequently criticized by other people affiliated with the movement. Fox News, for example, reported it as nothing more than the demands of "one person"....

And as for the red herring......YOU made a blanketed statement about "rumors" and whereas I agree with you and have yet to spread any regarding the OWS movement I questioned your sincerity with a very valid and appropriate question.

So I again a different way.....

can you compare the spreading of rumors by a few posters on a site frequented by about 200 people to the rumors spread by elected officials as high up as the speaker of the house, the senate majority leader and high officials in the white house who are hired by the president to speak on his behalf?

Furthermore...were you out there telling all of us how it is wrong to spread unsubstantiated rumors?

Or are you again going to not answer claiming that it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.....which, by the nothing more than a punt...and you and I know it.
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sophist horsehockey...try again...:rolleyes:

It's a simple enough question, no need for such a dodge.

A list of 11 or 13 demands was widely circulated here on a number of threads by right-wing posters; the same list was circulated elsewhere, also by conservatives who wished to discredit OWS. The demands were in many cases outrageous; e.g. a $20 minimum wage and a general cancellation of debts.

Turned out that list of demands came from one (1) poster on the OWS web site forum, speaking only for himself. It was in no way, shape or form an "official" list of demands from OWS. The people who found it on the forum, and presented it as an official list, knew it was nothing of the sort. They lied.

Do you deny this?
sophist horsehockey...try again...:rolleyes:

It's a simple enough question, no need for such a dodge.

A list of 11 or 13 demands was widely circulated here on a number of threads by right-wing posters; the same list was circulated elsewhere, also by conservatives who wished to discredit OWS. The demands were in many cases outrageous; e.g. a $20 minimum wage and a general cancellation of debts.

Turned out that list of demands came from one (1) poster on the OWS web site forum, speaking only for himself. It was in no way, shape or form an "official" list of demands from OWS. The people who found it on the forum, and presented it as an official list, knew it was nothing of the sort. They lied.

Do you deny this?

Sure....thats what right wing posters do left wing posters.....
I dont deny it. It is to be expected.

However, when elected officals do it...Speaker of the House of representatives.....Senate majority leader.....spokespeople for the White House...

Well...I would think you would be a bit more outraged than when a few hundred right wing posters do it on a message board.

Wouldnt you?
are some of you listening to Hannity now? a restaurant owner is telling her story of how the wall street dumbasses are abusing her restrooms, they dont wanna eat there, just crap in her toilet,take baths,ect,,,,,and you know, she has to pay for the water/TP and yet they just spit in her face.
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET WINS! Bloomberg backs down, protestors stay in park - YouTube

Huge news! This morning at 6 o'clock, MoveOn members, union members, community organizers and thousands of others gathered in Zuccotti Park to stand in solidarity with the people who are occupying Wall Street and to defend them from eviction by Mayor Bloomberg.

They were supported by hundreds of thousands of people from around the country like you who signed petitions and flooded the city with calls.

And something that Mayor Bloomberg is now regretting a few hours later--:lol::lol: This mob broke through police barriers--and are in conflict right now with the NYPD.

NYPD Arrests More Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Updated) | Reuters

In other news DENVER--COLORADO booted occupiers out of the Capital Park at 3 a.m. this morning--no violence but 23 were arrested.

23 arrested as police, CSP clear out Occupy Denver camp site - The Denver Post

Now--they're probably headed to Zuccoti park---:lol::lol::lol: Thank You Mr. Bloomberg for keeping the 1/2 acre concrete pad open for our Colorado OWS protester crowd--they're headed your way--LOL
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#OCCUPYWALLSTREET WINS! Bloomberg backs down, protestors stay in park - YouTube

Huge news! This morning at 6 o'clock, MoveOn members, union members, community organizers and thousands of others gathered in Zuccotti Park to stand in solidarity with the people who are occupying Wall Street and to defend them from eviction by Mayor Bloomberg.

They were supported by hundreds of thousands of people from around the country like you who signed petitions and flooded the city with calls.

Great news!
are some of you listening to Hannity now? a restaurant owner is telling her story of how the wall street dumbasses are abusing her restrooms, they dont wanna eat there, just crap in her toilet,take baths,ect,,,,,and you know, she has to pay for the water/TP and yet they just spit in her face.

She needs to REFUSE to let them in her restaurant. You can't just walk into a restaurant as a NON-CUSTOMER and use their bathrooms without permission.

When was the last time anyone was able to use a bathroom at a gas station without FIRST having to get a key from an attendant--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No customer--no potty privilege--oh that EVIL capitalist--restaurant owner--LOL
are some of you listening to Hannity now? a restaurant owner is telling her story of how the wall street dumbasses are abusing her restrooms, they dont wanna eat there, just crap in her toilet,take baths,ect,,,,,and you know, she has to pay for the water/TP and yet they just spit in her face.

She needs to REFUSE to let them in her restaurant. You can't just walk into a restaurant as a NON-CUSTOMER and use their bathrooms without permission.

When was the last time anyone was able to use a bathroom at a gas station without FIRST having to get a key from an attendant--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No customer--no potty privilege--oh that EVIL capitalist--restaurant owner--LOL

I was down there for a meeting....and walked into a coffee shop.
As I sat there I watched groups of people come in to use the faciilities. To try to stop them would have created an issue. The waitress told them only one person in the restroom at a time and they ignored her....and two went in at a time.....assuming they were peeing in the sink.

Not saying they were acting outrageous...or violently...they werent.....they were acting as teenagers and early twenties act when faced by authority.....rebellious.
When you look at the footage of what the 5000 or so protesters have done to Manacotti Fettucini Park, you have to feel sympathy for all of the squirrels,birds,coyotes,wolves,sasquatch,ferrets,mouses,rats,chubacabra's and Anthony Weiner Supporters who used to live in that park. God Help Them!
Zuccotti "Park" is not a park in the familiar sense of the word. It is best described as a square, as in Washington Square or Tompkins Square "Parks," each of which are fully paved seating areas which are provided for public seating and gathering.

In the Zuccotti example the "park" is owned and managed by a private real estate organization and provided as part of an agreement to permit construction of an adjoining skyscraper. The agreement specifies that the public cannot be barred from using it. Mayor Bloomberg's live-in girlfriend is a member of the board that owns and manages the "park," which is a particularly valuable piece of Manhattan real estate.

The question arises as to who owned that piece of land before this arrangement was made? The answer is The People of New York City. The public. It is a piece of the New York City Commons which has been administratively transformed into a privately owned property, an disturbing concept which has been surreptitiously concealed by the "agreement" which allows the public to use what essentially was theirs to begin with!

Bottom line: Zuccotti Park exists as symbolic testimony to the Wall Street culture which is incrementally and surreptitiously taking possession of our country.

Little by little, piece by piece.
So the street shitters have taken over private property and the left goes wild. what a bunch of asswipes.

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