Bloomberg News analysis: Democrats on pace to win control of the House of Representatives

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Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
The analysts states: "There’s a confluence of evidence indicating a so-called wave election may be building that would allow Democrats to wrest the House of Representatives from Republican control."

Please vote in my poll, asking how scared you are (Republicans only) about Democrats thwarting Trump's agenda starting November

All Signs Point to Big Democratic Wins in 2018
I do think the Democrats will take over the House largely due to Republican overreach. However what we could see is the re-emergence of blue dog Democrats. They have recruited candidates that fit their districts rather than far left ideologues. That is going to force either liberal Democrats or conservative Republicans to compromise.

I actually could see a 50-50 Senate. There is a real possibility that Democrats could take Republican seats in Nevada, Arizona and Tennessee. Missouri may not be as lost as I thought it was. It looks like it will be a close race and I have yet to get a feel for the race in Indiana. Those 5 seats are where the changes will likely occur at this time.
The cool thing is that TheHill and Politico polls change from one party to the other everyday.
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"On pace"? What the hell does that mean? You almost gotta laugh that the desperate left would latch on to such a lame statement. In Nov. 2016 Bloomie's analysis predicted that Hillary had an 89% chance of winning the election.
The analysts states: "There’s a confluence of evidence indicating a so-called wave election may be building that would allow Democrats to wrest the House of Representatives from Republican control."

Please vote in my poll, asking how scared you are (Republicans only) about Democrats thwarting Trump's agenda starting November

All Signs Point to Big Democratic Wins in 2018

I'll take option 3

So if you aren't a Republican, you can't view the results?

And even for the Republicans, what if they aren't scared at all? Nothing will change even if the Democrats take the house, most of the Republicans are acting like Democrats anyhow, so. . .

Democrats will win neither the House nor The Senate.


But the polls their operatives run will show them winning right up till election night...then the screaming at the sky starts again.

Dumb-Ass Democrats are the only ones who have not figured out that the polls run by shit-holes like CNN etc. are nothing more than the Fake News put out the same outfits which are nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party.

Its why they are not trusted....except by Dumb-Asses who believe only what they want to believe.
The analysts states: "There’s a confluence of evidence indicating a so-called wave election may be building that would allow Democrats to wrest the House of Representatives from Republican control."

Please vote in my poll, asking how scared you are (Republicans only) about Democrats thwarting Trump's agenda starting November

All Signs Point to Big Democratic Wins in 2018

is there some reason your poll is only directed at rightwingnuts?
Democrats will win neither the House nor The Senate.


But the polls there operatives run will show them winning right up till election night...then the screaming at the sky starts again.

Dumb-Ass Democrats are the only ones who have not figured out that the polls run by shit-holes like CNN etc. are nothing more than the Fake News put out the same outfits which are nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party.

Its why they are not trusted....except by Dumb-Asses who believe only what they want to believe.

*their* operatives. lol

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