Bloomberg news jealous of Breitbart news? For their expose on the alt-right....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...I linked to the story a few times....Breitbarts expose on the actual Alt-Right and the truth behind what it is....and Bloomberg news recongnizes they missed an opportunity.....of course they did.....the entire left wing, democrat party news collective has missed a lot of stories.....

Breitbart's 'Alt-Right' Exposé Makes Bloomberg Businessweek 'Jealousy List' 2016 - Breitbart

Breitbart News recently made Bloomberg Businessweek’s “Jealousy List” 2016, a collection of “40-odd stories we wish we’d done this year—and don’t want you to miss.”

The article, selected by economics editor Peter Coy, was “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right” by Milo Yiannopoulos and Allum Bokhari.

This taxonomy on by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos broke down the alt-right into “intellectuals,” “natural conservatives,” the young “meme team” that made Pepe the Frog into a symbol, and lastly the “1488ers”—“real racists and bigots” who the authors said make the rest of the alt-right look bad. I learned something, although I have a feeling that the alt-right is a darker place now than even last March, when their article came out.

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow commented on the Bloomberg list: “It’s ironic that the same corporate media that used our thorough and accurate reporting on the ‘alt-right’ to falsely smear us as racist, is now coming clean about the merits of our investigative journalism. Once again, Breitbart News identified a major news narrative long before establishment journalists. Breitbart has never been a part of the alt-right, but we were the first to report on the movement and the various elements within.”

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