Bloomberg OUT!

He will start a Super Pac and spend a shit-ton on Biden.

Bolshevik Berniebots won't like this. I see them staying home in November, if they don't burn the convention down first.

I love the clusterfuck that the Dimsocialist party has become.:banana:
Bloomberg will not spend a cent on Sleepy Joe. He might waste money on himself but not this Catholic.

The only threat minor though it is, was Bloomberg using money to stifle the airwaves. That threat is gone. The two old democrats can play bumfights until the convention.

You haven't been paying attention. Of course, you rarely do.
A billionaire egotistical Ahole that surrounds himself with”yes” men that knew he couldn’t win,but knew they will collect fat pay checks. The joy I get out of this is he spent $500 million and got nothing! And he will say it doesn’t bother him, but when he closes his eyes at night he will know he lost and looked like a loser!
I also heard he made 11 billion during the time he was spending that 500 million. sounded like it was an investment.
Seems the supporters of Donald Trump, at least those with enough touch with reality, have seen a blue wave is growing, and the more trump tweets, the more likelihood it will build to a tsunami; sanity will return to the White House, Moscow Mitch will go the way of Gingrich, and The Speaker will remain the most powerful women in our government.

The Democratic Party has shown that both Senators (Sanders and Warren) are too radical to get the nomination, since Bernie received half of the votes when Biden and Bloomberg are counted together, it's likely moderate Republicans (labeled RINOs by Trump&Co.) and independents will vote for moderate Democrats to defeat Trump&Co, keep the majority in the House, and a majority in the Senate.

Moderate D's are Socially Liberal, and Fiscally Responsible; they embrace our allies (and don't insult them), they put diplomacy before Brinkmanship, and never use the bellicose rhetoric of Trump and the NeoCons, they support equal rights, equal opportunities and democracy, things which are anathema in the current Republican Pols.
naw, many republicans in states that allow cross voting voted for sleepy joe. too fking funny.
Bernie supporters may literally blow up the dnc this year. Lol.


This is Democracy... Biden is ahead on delegates... All major candidates who have bowed out endorsed him.

Democrats and Bernie are not falling for this again...Bernie might not make it to the convention... This is all over in two weeks.Joe Biden on the outside coming through like a train...
Biden will pick a VP who the young will be excited about, Michelle is my pick there...

American you have a simple choice Trump or the A team back.... Landslide...

Hopefully you're referring to Michelle Obama and not Michele Bachmann ;)

She'd be great - So would Stacey Abrams or Kamala. Preferably female - Preferably female of color.
This guy thought he could win just by running half a billion dollars in ads. Pretty stupid.

I wonder if he will pour his money into helping Biden beat Trump. I suspect he will.

Michael Bloomberg Quits Democratic Race, Ending a Brief and Costly Bid
I doubt that he will spend anywhere near what he has already spent on his own campaign.
I suspect Bloomberg will now unleash a host of attack ads against Trump.

"Grab them by the pussy! Brought to you by the party of Family Values.™"

--- And TicTacs.

I'm Tim Apple and I improved this message.
Trump has provided a mountain of attack material for Bloomberg.

Maybe Bloomberg should hold a press conference just before the Biden-Trump debate and have Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and all the women Trump has groped and attacked present.
Does it really matter anymore? Trump will go one step further of course.
Breaking. No link yet.

Actually, he's not out. He's putting his time and considerable resources behind Biden.

While you suckers are still buying this shit:

For Democrats, this whole election boils down to saving their party from becoming a Socialist Party and losing all their donor class.

Yet, despite their best efforts, I think Sanders will still win as he retakes the lead in delegates this week.

March 10, Sanders picks up North Dakota, Washington, Idaho and Michigan, while Biden will get Mississippi, and Missouri, with California completing its count and awarding another 250+ delegates to Sanders growing lead over Biden.

The following week is Sanders getting Ohio, Illinois and Arizona, while Biden splits Florida with Sanders.

Biden will pick up a Singleton in Georgia, though Sanders will get some of that too, I think.

Then we have another avalanche for Sanders; Alaska, Wyoming, Hawaii, while Biden again splits Louisiana.

At that point Sanders will have huge momentum and the opportunists will be sucking his dingdong to get on the bandwagon.

Sorry, Dems, your party is turning into a Democratic Socialist Party.
Biden's delegate count as of right now is 453. Sanders's delegate count so far is 373.

California has not been allocated yet, but their 415 delegates are doled out proportionally. It is not winner take all. So even if Sanders beats Biden in California, Biden will still pick up delegates there, too.
Looks like money alone cant buy an election and the Democratic party isn't falling under Sanders' cult of personality.

I guess the two parties aren't the same after all.

Ukraine joe is the typical sacrifice ie romney, dole, mccain, mondale etc.

Keep telling yourself that. It's actually complacency and making assumptions you have no business making.

Naw, biden is just as worthless as the aforementioned. This is what happens. The opposing party will run their dung pile amid a president that is rising in popularity, accomplishing what he promised, economy cruising. Ukraine joe is their sacrificial dung.

He's unpopular, he's been unpopular. I've heard about him rising every time a single polling firm pushes him over 50% for a day or two but then silence when he slips down to -8 points in the very same poll.

Look what's happening now.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Not going in his direction and he's polling has been consistent since mid 2018. He's not popular at all.

He's not popular in the slightest, and folks are sick and tired of his chaos, corruption and amorality.

Remember too, most of that polling was prior to the 15% dump in the stock market in past week.

Wait until people get their 401k statements.
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Seems the supporters of Donald Trump, at least those with enough touch with reality, have seen a blue wave is growing, and the more trump tweets, the more likelihood it will build to a tsunami; sanity will return to the White House, Moscow Mitch will go the way of Gingrich, and The Speaker will remain the most powerful women in our government.

The Democratic Party has shown that both Senators (Sanders and Warren) are too radical to get the nomination, since Bernie received half of the votes when Biden and Bloomberg are counted together, it's likely moderate Republicans (labeled RINOs by Trump&Co.) and independents will vote for moderate Democrats to defeat Trump&Co, keep the majority in the House, and a majority in the Senate.

Moderate D's are Socially Liberal, and Fiscally Responsible; they embrace our allies (and don't insult them), they put diplomacy before Brinkmanship, and never use the bellicose rhetoric of Trump and the NeoCons, they support equal rights, equal opportunities and democracy, things which are anathema in the current Republican Pols.

Turnout numbers have been high, indicating high interest in a Rump dump, and he got in four years ago on the squeakiest of squeakers with astonishingly unexcellent numbers, and in the ensuing time has failed to win the approval of half the nation, just as he failed to win even half of Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and even Utah, so the threshold is, as Stormy Daniels would tell us, soft.
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Bloomberg is about 50 times more wealthy than Trump, and unlike Trump he earned it honestly.

That's a lot of money to throw around. Should be interesting.

Bloomberg is like Trump in one way, though. They both change parties like they change suits.

Hillary outspent the Donald in 2016, spending nearly twice the amount. How’d that work out?

Maybe, but when you add in the money and effort Putin and his oligarch pals kicked in - It was about even ;)
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Holy shit, well, that was quick.

Expensive too.

Seriously WTF was that?
Frank, I heard between him and Steyer's they spent over 700,000,000 dollars. almost a fking billion fking dollars, to lose like a pig in a pen.

Did they though?

You think a nomination is the only reason to do this?
why would they report it? it's amazing the things you all challenge and then the things you accept. too fking funny.

Why would WHO report WHAT?

All you did was sit here and go "I heard that...". I don't see no steenking "reports". Nor was that the question.
This guy thought he could win just by running half a billion dollars in ads. Pretty stupid.

I wonder if he will pour his money into helping Biden beat Trump. I suspect he will.

Michael Bloomberg Quits Democratic Race, Ending a Brief and Costly Bid
I doubt that he will spend anywhere near what he has already spent on his own campaign.
I suspect Bloomberg will now unleash a host of attack ads against Trump.

"Grab them by the pussy! Brought to you by the party of Family Values.™"

--- And TicTacs.

I'm Tim Apple and I improved this message.
Trump has provided a mountain of attack material for Bloomberg.

Maybe Bloomberg should hold a press conference just before the Biden-Trump debate and have Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and all the women Trump has groped and attacked present.
Does it really matter anymore? Trump will go one step further of course.
Indeed. Biden has three months to live, throws live puppies into rush hour traffic, impregnated a two year old, and aborted the second coming of Jesus.

Biden has committed adultery, ran a fake university which ripped off the elderly, lies constantly, and dodged the draft in Vietnam by claiming to have bone spurs.

Biden will also run trillion dollar deficits, alienate our allies, and have one of the most corrupt administrations in history.
A billionaire egotistical Ahole that surrounds himself with”yes” men that knew he couldn’t win,but knew they will collect fat pay checks. The joy I get out of this is he spent $500 million and got nothing! And he will say it doesn’t bother him, but when he closes his eyes at night he will know he lost and looked like a loser!

Holy shit, well, that was quick.

Expensive too.

Seriously WTF was that?
Frank, I heard between him and Steyer's they spent over 700,000,000 dollars. almost a fking billion fking dollars, to lose like a pig in a pen.

Did they though?

You think a nomination is the only reason to do this?
why would they report it? it's amazing the things you all challenge and then the things you accept. too fking funny.

Why would WHO report WHAT?

All you did was sit here and go "I heard that...". I don't see no steenking "reports". Nor was that the question.
the irony there is amazing. you know? I do know that all of the bloomberg adds will now end. They were on five times an hour in Chicago.
I doubt that he will spend anywhere near what he has already spent on his own campaign.
I suspect Bloomberg will now unleash a host of attack ads against Trump.

"Grab them by the pussy! Brought to you by the party of Family Values.™"

--- And TicTacs.

I'm Tim Apple and I improved this message.
Trump has provided a mountain of attack material for Bloomberg.

Maybe Bloomberg should hold a press conference just before the Biden-Trump debate and have Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and all the women Trump has groped and attacked present.
Does it really matter anymore? Trump will go one step further of course.
Indeed. Biden has three months to live, throws live puppies into rush hour traffic, impregnated a two year old, aborted the second coming of Jesus, has committed adultery, ran a fake university which ripped off the elderly, lies constantly, and dodged the draft in Vietnam by claiming to have bone spurs. He will also run trillion dollar deficits, alienate our allies, and have one of the most corrupt administrations in history.

Yabbut his father was born in a very wonderful place in Scranton.
I suspect Bloomberg will now unleash a host of attack ads against Trump.

"Grab them by the pussy! Brought to you by the party of Family Values.™"

--- And TicTacs.

I'm Tim Apple and I improved this message.
Trump has provided a mountain of attack material for Bloomberg.

Maybe Bloomberg should hold a press conference just before the Biden-Trump debate and have Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and all the women Trump has groped and attacked present.
Does it really matter anymore? Trump will go one step further of course.
Indeed. Biden has three months to live, throws live puppies into rush hour traffic, impregnated a two year old, aborted the second coming of Jesus, has committed adultery, ran a fake university which ripped off the elderly, lies constantly, and dodged the draft in Vietnam by claiming to have bone spurs. He will also run trillion dollar deficits, alienate our allies, and have one of the most corrupt administrations in history.

Yabbut his father was born in a very wonderful place in Scranton.
Biden's father was born on a kitchen table, surrounded by a pile of overdue utility bills and union dues.
Expensive too.

Seriously WTF was that?
Frank, I heard between him and Steyer's they spent over 700,000,000 dollars. almost a fking billion fking dollars, to lose like a pig in a pen.

Did they though?

You think a nomination is the only reason to do this?
why would they report it? it's amazing the things you all challenge and then the things you accept. too fking funny.

Why would WHO report WHAT?

All you did was sit here and go "I heard that...". I don't see no steenking "reports". Nor was that the question.
the irony there is amazing. you know? I do know that all of the bloomberg adds will now end. They were on five times an hour in Chicago.

Except there is no "irony" here, you still didn't touch the question, and you don't know jack shit about who will run what ads.

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