Bloomberg's anti gun mouth piece reveals their goal...banning guns...anyone surprised...

No link or content in the OP but, no, I'm not surprised at all. Here in Colorado our group, RMGO (Rocky Mountain Gun Owners), has been super active in fighting Bloomberg and his henchmen. We've succeeded in recalling two anti-Constitution, State Congressmen and scared a third one out of office before her recall election took place. Even many Liberal Coloradans like their guns and don't like that particular right trampled on. We're hoping for a pro-gun, State Government in the near future.
The link I posted actually quoted an Australian judge calling for banning all guns...and described it as what bloombergs mouth piece really thought...I didn't catch that point right away...I am watching a couple of threads and moving a little to fast...but only wants his bodyguards top have guns...
Read post #3 and that explains why there isn't anything in post #1....
Bloomberg's anti-gun stance is well known. Wouldn't be a surprise at all if he's working for an outright ban.
Here is an actual gun grabber...wants the police disarmed as well...hmmmm...I wonder what political party he belongs to...

D.C. Councilman Calls For Disarming Police Officers Along With Civilians

Grosso said his staff has urged him not to express the opinion, but nonetheless, he said, “I think we ought to get rid of guns in the city and that police shouldn’t have guns.”

Democratic Council-member Tommy Wells pointed out that some police officers in other countries don’t carry deadly weapons.
Not saying that someone did not say they would like to see guns banned but you nutters are always on the verge of all-out hysteria.

The OP didn't even have a name and I don't find anything with a search.


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