Blow Job Bill Clinton May Backfire As Hillary’s ‘Secret Weapon’..

I'm no fan of the Clintons, just the opposite. But the desperation of the right to somehow prop up Trump's behavior on the back of Bill Clinton is patently ridiculous.

Trump should pay attention to the fact that Clinton was impeached but came out of it not only ahead of the game but wildly popular.

Trump is going for the jugular because Bill on the campaign trail scares the shit out of his Nazi-Aryan ass.

Oh my, you are a flaming liberal. You would give Bill a Lewinsky in a heart beat. You have been polishing Obama's knob for seven years now.
An "ugly turn"? Look at what the democrats did to Sara Palin's family. You can read between the lines that democrat operatives are scared to death about Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women. Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein and if she gets the nomination, the "bimbo eruption squad" is going the be the least of her problems as she is exposed as the enabler of a serial rapist.
Democrats got the Palin family drunk, disorderly and pregnant?
Well better than Obama's little children who would get an abortion. Obama himself said he wanted them to get an abortion. Wouldn't want to burden them with s child. The way they burdened them. He should get dad of the year, the sorry part is liberals on here will agree.
Still waiting for Trump to release his divorce settlements and details about his Hooters girl wife

Hillary has nothing to fear
When Hillary releases her records maybe Trump will to.
All of Hillary's records have been released......none of Trumps have

What is he hiding?
Oh bullshit, just what she will let be released.

Hillary has released everything

Trump has refused to release his tax returns, divorce settlements, bankruptcies, school records...

What is he hiding?
Trump is wasting his time on Bill..But then again, it keeps the masses enthralled with his drama queen antics so folks don't need to see his platform and how he actually will rebuild the USA...
Still waiting for Trump to release his divorce settlements and details about his Hooters girl wife

Hillary has nothing to fear
When Hillary releases her records maybe Trump will to.
All of Hillary's records have been released......none of Trumps have

What is he hiding?
Oh bullshit, just what she will let be released.

Hillary has released everything

Trump has refused to release his tax returns, divorce settlements, bankruptcies, school records...

What is he hiding?
Nope she erased over 30,000 emails. What is she hiding?

1. Why was Bill Clinton disbarred-)

2. Is not one of the feminist laws of importance that a man having sex with a subrodinate is sexual harrassment?

And so, once we identify why President Clinton was disbarred, and admit the he also broke one of the laws most important to feminists, we now have to ascertain if Hillary knew he had done these things even after the fact, and supported his male "Machismo" against the poor women of the country. Oh yes my lefty friends, this is going to be an easy election-) The war on women was REAL, and the GOP is going to prove it. Only thing is, it was being waged by Bill and Hillary Clinton against women he assaulted, who if the circumstanceas came to light at the time, would certainly have kept them out of power.

Better late than never I always say-)

And 3. I keep reading you lefties comparing Hillary and Bill to Trump. What is up with that? Have you aleady decided FOR US who/whom our nominee will be? Before even 1 vote has been cast! I know you are brilliant pointy heads, but I think you are assuming to much. We are devising a strategy to run against the only person who has a chance to win the Presidency on your side, and you are devising a plan to run against the only person up high in the polls on our side who could possibly lose, lol.

If that is the best you can do to try and disuade us, I am honestly begining to think you really are in panic mode-)n (and I would not blame you, but carry on with the phony lefty bravado anyway, it is funny!)

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