Blow Job Bill Clinton May Backfire As Hillary’s ‘Secret Weapon’..

If the choice was between Clinton and Reagan, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair than the guy who lied about selling weapons to Iran.

If the choice was between Clinton and Bush, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair rather than the guy who started a war under false pretenses.

If the choice was between Hillary and Trump, I'd take the candidate who is married to a man who lied under oath about sex, than a man who lacks the minimum policy knowledge to be president of the United States.

Yup, Bill Clinton has low character, and that would disqualify him from just about everything but a presidential contest where his competition comes from a political party that has turned lying and dirty politics into an art form.

A republican voter complaining about character is like a turd complaining about the smell of shit. That dog don't hunt.

So what turd bowl do you belong to?
Isn't Reagan Dead ?
I'm looking at today's candidates and their spouses.
And Killary is a filthy lying murderer.
If it was only one blow job...

Hildabeast has tried to harpoon all of them, what's the official count 15?

It's really clear where she stands on women's rights...

But her followers miss the forest for the trees as they do many things...
please enlighten us

Knock yourself out...

There are many more, care to dispute them? I know all these women are lying, all of them...
What does the right's constant incompetence have to do with my ethics?

Your incompetence has much to do with your lack of ethics!


Sorry, that doesn't bother me too much coming from a lying coward as yourself. Tell me again why you are so scared of the world till you have to hide behind a gun everywhere you go. Did someone jump up and say boo when you were little?

Oh My, I believe I hit Clown faces SOFT SPOT when talking about Blow Jobs, blow job... apparently he wishes he had been Monica with BJ's dick in his mouth! You certainly are a pathetic little piss ant, but we already knew that!

Go ahead. Get it all out of your system. Call me anything you want. I've still proven you to be a lying coward many times, and I enjoy your whining.

You haven't done SHIT clown face! Just proving you're an ANTI-American!

Do you really want me to go to all the trouble of dredging up the lies I and others caught you in and repost them? We both know there are several.
Bill maintains a 64% approval rating decades after the world found out about Monica smoking his cigar. I doubt ANYTHING will hurt his credibility on the campaign trail.
It will with the young voters. You know the ones liberals have made so politically correct. That they need those safe zones if they get offended.

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