Blowing Up Yet Another Democrat Myth

Have you noticed how the drumbeat of Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, resulting in poor Bill's wife losing the election, has diminished to the point of silence??

Of course, some of the drones on the board haven't gotten the memo yet, but....even here one can sense that it is all but forgotten.

Now, of course, a new meme: Trump fired Comey to stop the investigation.

Obstruction of Justice!!!!!! Impeachment!!!!!

Two problems with the meme:
1. Obama stopped the investigations of Bill's wife...
"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

2. Comey testified under oath that it never happened.

Beyond the initial idiotic general accusations in the beginning, you don't really seem to be making any point in the OP. You're just blathering.

Currently, many Republicans have stated that they find Comey's firing (along with everyone else that were investigating the Trump campaign), to be highly suspicious.

What is known is that the FBI investigations into Clinton's emails continued until the FBI was satisfied that no significant illegal activity had occurred and closed the case.

And we know that Obama asked the FBI not to go public with the fact that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign's communications with Russian agents.

" you don't really seem to be making any point in the OP. "

Yet, here is the dunce trying to refute it.

Comedy gold!!!

Perhaps you should take some courses in composition. You don't seem to know how to present an argument clearly, and certainly not logically.

It seems to have been successful in irking you Leftists.


Irking? No. Entertaining is more like it.

These debates with you certainly enhance my sense of intellectual superiority.

Perhaps I should spend my time on something more challenging.....
This is just unbelievable by Obama. How could you spend more money in 10 years then we spent on the civil war, war for independence, the war of 1812, .WWI, WWII, the Korean war, the Vietnam war , sending a man to the moon ...combined

I hope someone here got a piece of it because I sure didn't....

Debt Under Obama Up $9,000,000,000,000

It took the United States, which declared independence in 1776, 231 years to accumulate its first $9,000,000,000,000 in debt—with the debt first surpassing that level on the last day of August 2007.

On August 31, 2007, the total federal debt was $9,005,648,561,262.70, Since then it has grown by $10,657,762,936,534.70 (or approximately 118 percent) to the current level of $19,663,411,497,797.40

How many remember when 99.9% of the RWnuts around here thought that the Russian hacking was the greatest thing ever,

because they thought it was the big nail in Hillary's political coffin?

Funny to see them running away helter skelter now from those sentiments.
I showed that the failed presidency incurred $9 trillion in increased debt.
Yet you are incapable of showing how, by listing Obama's $9 trillion in spending.

Why? Because you can't! Republicans spent that money.
Please list a few of the folks, those whom you say claim that there absolutely was collusion between Trump and the Russians and because of that collusion, Sec. Clinton lost the election!
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What fucking universe do you live in, PC?

Clean up your language....and then I'll eviscerate you.....again.
Like you did to me when you listed Obama's $9 trillion in spending?

Oh, wait - you didn't. You ran away from that thread, tail between your legs.

.".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

See what I mean about the 'comic gold'?

Yes I do. From your link.

Method 3. How Obama's Policies Increased the Debt
Is it fair to blame any president for events over which he had no control? During Obama's terms, there was less federal income than usual. That is because the recession and the Bush tax cuts reduced tax receipts. At the same time, the cost of Social Security, Medicare, and other mandatory programs continued to increase.

The War on Terror, although technically over, was still being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The fairest method is to measure the debt incurred by Obama's specific policies. The Congressional Budget Office does this for every program. The CBO found that the largest contributor to the debt was the Obama tax cuts, which were an extension of the Bush tax cuts. They added $858 billion to the debt in 2011 and 2012.

The next largest was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It added $787 billion between 2009 and 2012. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded job-creating public works projects. Like the Obama tax cuts, the ARRA was an attempt to stimulate the economy after the 2008 financial crisis

Obama increased military spending to an average of $800 billion a year. In fact, his security budget request of $895 billion in FY 2011 set a new record.

In FY 2013, he requested $851 billion. That happened even though he withdrew troops from Iraq in 2012 and eliminated the threat from Osama bin Laden in 2011. Obama spent $857 billion in contingency funds during his administration. That was more than the $850 billion Bush devoted to the War on Terror.

What about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? It didn't add anything to the debt in Obama's first term. That's because most of its costs began in 2014. That's when it set up health insurance exchanges and extended coverage to more low-income people. In fact, tax increases offset costs to the tune of $104 billion between 2010 and 2019. For more, see Obamacare Costs.

Congress and Obama also negotiated the sequestration budget cuts. They cut the deficit by a small percent. When all these are added up, Obama's debt contribution was $983 billion between 2009 and 2017. (Source: Ezra Klein, "Doing the Math on Obama's Deficits," The Wall Street Journal, January 31, 2014.)
The left has reached a level where none of their talking points are real or accurate. They've become exactly what they protest to hate. Other than dishonesty and decay, personally, I think a real dumbing down has occurred. Likely the result of gadgets and spoiled populace.
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  • The Dems refused to listen when The NSA announced they found NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION
  • The Dems refused to listen when The CIA announced they found NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION
  • The Dems refused to listen when The FBI announced they found NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION
  • The Dems refused to listen when The Treasury announced they found NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION
  • The Dems refused to listen when The Head of National Intelligence announced they found NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION

All of these organizations at the time were being run by Obama Holdovers.

Yet the Dems continued to push a False Russian Collusion Narrative that they were told was false by 16 Intelligence Agencies.
They continued to lie to The American Public Knowing They Were Lying.
They were doing this knowing full well that they were only doing this to undermine The Presidency and destabilize The Government.
They were doing this knowing they were lying and for one reason only, to use a FALSE ACCUSATION like a hammer to try to regain power in 2018.
Then they beat their chests even harder every time they were told their accusations were false.
And lastly in the biggest move of stupidity ever seen committed by a political party, which will in retroflection be seen as a suicidal act, they Ramped Up The Fake Narrative and Rhetoric and called for an INDEPENDENT COUNSEL.

Their Bluff was called, and Now They Are Silent.

  • They are Silent because now it will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they knowingly accused President Trump and his staff FALSELY for political gain.
  • They are Silent now because they know the Investigation will Exonerate The President just as the NSA, CIA, FBI, Treasury, and Head of National Intelligence did and damn them straight to HELL instead!
  • They are Silent now because the only crimes committed, and the only party that tried to illegally and unethically alter the outcome of an Election was the very party that has been crying about it all along.

Heads will roll.

There are consequences for promoting a False Narrative when you are guilty of the very crimes and then some, plus a multitude of felonies that you yourself have committed.

The Dem Party Deserves this bit of Karma that is coming their way, and it will be glorious to watch them squirm, struggle, be called out publicly, be forced to testify to The Nation about their Corrupt Character and Actions, and then see Justice Executed upon their deserving heads.
Lets wait for the Special Counsel to decide whether Trump was involved or not
The left has reached a level where none of their talking points are real or accurate. They've become exactly what they protest to hate. Other than dishonesty and decay, personally, I think a real dumbing down has occurred. Likely the result of gadgets and spoiled populace. know who controls the's indoctrination over education.

And, this:
Liberalism Has Destroyed Education
When asked if america was trading arms for hostages, the reply was absolutely not. And that was from the guy in charge, Ronald Wilson Reagan.
Authoritative statements of there being no evidence, from the people who should know what's going on, like Clapper etc.
When asked if america was trading arms for hostages, the reply was absolutely not. And that was from the guy in charge, Ronald Wilson Reagan.
Authoritative statements of there being no evidence, from the people who should know what's going on, like Clapper etc.

Well clapper lied didn't he ....

We know that Clapper as DNI didn't know about the FBI collusion investigation.
Funny I and the entire world did last October.

The FBI didn't report their evidence to you, the entire world, or to Clapper. So all three could claim they didn't know of any evidence.

I am a average Joe and I knew about it..God damn how many fucking times do I have to post the story's?

Here is one October 2016

Clapper lied

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia


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