Blue State ACA Enrollments Not Leaving Their People In The Ditch of More Bankruptcy!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
2005 was an ugly year for the singlepayer alternative to health plans. GOP Part D MediCare enrollments were not going well at all. The two phony wars were not going well, either, but nobody much cared about that agenda, either. So anyone learned that the federal government is not too skilled about new computer systems.

Within a few years there would be Wall Street Banker bail-outs, however, and everyone would live happily ever after, bashing ObamaCare. federal computers(?). In GOP National Thinking(?), better to have more bankruptcies due to financially inadequate health plan coverage, then from financially inadequate, mortgage regulation(?)! In America, you send $1.0 tril. to a few banking houses, and not too millions in the form of insurance plan subsidies.

So now the Blue State ACA enrollments are actually happening, and in November, only 2013! The Red State Governors, and Congressional Delegations, appear to have determined to harass their people, and overload the federal system. There was possibly a Part D, roll-out memory. The compare and contrast is with the giant Blue State populations, They had governors and Congressional Delegations, determined to assist their people. They created their own systems. That diverted people away from the federal computers. Some people had learned from the Part D Medicare roll-out, when the computers at that time were not user friendly, either. So now the Blue State people, with those Blue State systems, are not having problems. There does seem to be one lady in State of Washington who is having to muck through eligibility determinations, being directed to various aid and help sources, in that state. Then there are the several hundred thousand, new enrollments.

Obamacare enrollment?is kind of, sort of, working?

So how will ads be turning out going into March, 2014? California, LA Market, has CoveredCalifornia ads running all the time. Enrollments are picking up faster than expected. ACA is a normal and seamless, fact of life--well accepted. There is a Republican in California who thinks Governor Brown is too status quo(?), and may mount an election campaign. That may mean that he plans to switch parties(?).

At the national level, that kind of thinking, about Governor Brown, would seem to indicate a GOP, 2014, strategy, based on the fact that ACA really works?!? Status Quo is the GOP brand. All the local state success stories, easily point fingers at Red State incumbents, who left their people in the lurch, and unprepared! The old policy ways helped largely to increase the family bankruptcy explosion of the previous decade.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations! Teach math of Western Civilization to many young warriors. Now Gaming Houses Found Everywhere. . .and they are winning!)
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2005 was an ugly year for the singlepayer alternative to health plans. GOP Part D MediCare enrollments were not going well at all. The two phony wars were not going well, either, but nobody much cared about that agenda, either. So anyone learned that the federal government is not too skilled about new computer systems.

Within a few years there would be Wall Street Banker bail-outs, however, and everyone would live happily ever after, bashing ObamaCare. federal computers(?). In GOP National Thinking(?), better to have more bankruptcies due to financially inadequate health plan coverage, then from financially inadequate, mortgage regulation(?)! In America, you send $1.0 tril. to a few banking houses, and not too millions in the form of insurance plan subsidies.

So now the Blue State ACA enrollments are actually happening, and in November, only 2013! The Red State Governors, and Congressional Delegations, appear to have determined to harass their people, and overload the federal system. There was possibly a Part D, roll-out memory. The compare and contrast is with the giant Blue State populations, They had governors and Congressional Delegations, determined to assist their people. They created their own systems. That diverted people away from the federal computers. Some people had learned from the Part D Medicare roll-out, when the computers at that time were not user friendly, either. So now the Blue State people, with those Blue State systems, are not having problems. There does seem to be one lady in State of Washington who is having to through eligibility determinations, being directed to various aid and help sources, in that state. Then there are the several hundred thousand, new enrollments.

Obamacare enrollment?is kind of, sort of, working?

So how will ads be turning out going into March, 2014? California, LA Market, has CoveredCalifornia ads running all the time. Enrollments are picking up faster than expected. ACA is a normal and seamless, fact of life--well accepted. There is a Republican in California who thinks Governor Brown is too status quo(?), and may mount an election campaign. That may mean that he plans to switch parties(?).

At the national level, that kind of thinking, about Governor Brown, would seem to indicate a GOP, 2014, strategy, based on the fact that ACA really works?!? Status Quo is the GOP brand. All the local state success stories, easily point fingers at Red State incumbents, who left their people in the lurch, and unprepared! The old policy ways helped largely to increase the family bankruptcy explosion of the previous decade.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations! Teach math of Western Civilization to many young warriors. Now Gaming Houses Found Everywhere. . .and they are winning!)

That's a crock of crap! The numbers are out. Only 27,000 have enrolled in the pay for it yourself Obamacare exchanges. This while 500,000 have enrolled in the FREE Medicade. Now you do the math on that.

The reason we don't have 5 million who just lost their insurance standing in line to get on these state exchanges and actually push the BUY button--is because their premiums have doubled or tripled to what they were paying.

A good discussion on this is what Diane Fienstein--out of one of your blue states, California stated last week.

I have decided to cosponsor Senator Mary Landrieu’s legislation: Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act. This bill provides a simple fix to a complex problem. This bill will extend the grandfather date for individual insurance plans so that individuals who have insurance policies they like can keep them indefinitely, unless the individual chooses another plan or the insurer stops providing health insurance in the individual market.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

Now if you want to get on my Obamacare state exchange and look at these premiums you're more than welcome too. The premiums are enough to drive anyone into bankruptcy. They are finding out quickly that the cough-cough "Affordable Health Care act is NOT Affordable, as promised it would be.
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

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So Los Angeles Times itself has noted that CoveredCalifornia enrolled more people in the first two weeks of November, than it did in all of October. And so what happens in those exchange enrollments--as opposed to what Senator Feinstein may have been receving in September--Subsidy determinations!

The fact of enrollments increases in the Blue States is now on public record, and reported even in Los Angeles Times.

Healthcare plan enrollment surges in some states after rocky rollout -

Less widely reported is that State of Kentucy, Insurance Commissioner, has been sounding the alarm about the illegal aspects of the 5 mil. cancellation notices, getting otherwise a lot of attention. The letters need to advise the affected individuals that they may be able to qualify for the federal subsidies--In the Exchanges! Many are not so explaining, but are suggesting an automatic enrollment in one of their new policies! The cancellation scandal is a profiteering scam!

It is exchanges that create the eligibility deteminations, not the insurers.

And so State Commissioners are actually out in front of Senators Feinstein and Landrieu, pursuing the state remedies for the flawed cancellations of the so many individual market health plans.

So back to the original post. The intent of most Republican Policy is a new flood of personal bankruptcies. The Republicans intended the mortgage crisis, and got it. The Republicans intended the TARP bail-out, only for the banks. They got it at first. Now in the Red States, the governors and federal and state GOP delegations would be said to have intended an overloaded federal enrollments process. They got it, at least for awhile.

Noted in LA Times, many of the Red States did not even opt for the MediCaid expansion. There is intent all over the agenda! Math is a game being played! Math is an intentional act!

ObamaCare getting on track will be a gift that keeps on giving for the Democrats, in those Red States, going forward. The Compare and Contrast will be with the Blue States, comfortably on track, like was intended. Bankruptcy increase becomes the mantra of what GOP intends, clearly: Going into 2014. That can contrast in national, compare and contrast, kind of campaign.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now find new alternative to policy intended bankruptcy of entire indigenous peoples. Warriors of Many Nations now have different, 7 come 11, kind of concept!)
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So Los Angeles Times itself has noted that CoveredCalifornia enrolled more people in the first two weeks of November, than it did in all of October. And so what happens in those exchange enrollments--as opposed to what Senator Feinstein may have been receving in September--Subsidy determinations!

The fact of enrollments increases in the Blue States is now on public record, and reported even in Los Angeles Times.

Healthcare plan enrollment surges in some states after rocky rollout -

Less widely reported is that State of Kentucy, Insurance Commissioner, has been sounding the alarm about the illegal aspects of the 5 mil. cancellation notices, getting otherwise a lot of attention. The letters need to advise the affected individuals that they may be able to qualify for the federal subsidies--In the Exchanges! Many are not so explaining, but are suggesting an automatic enrollment in one of their new policies! The cancellation scandal is a profiteering scam!

It is exchanges that create the eligibility deteminations, not the insurers.

And so State Commissioners are actually out in front of Senators Feinstein and Landrieu, pursuing the state remedies for the flawed cancellations of the so many individual market health plans.

So back to the original post. The intent of most Republican Policy is a new flood of personal bankruptcies. The Republicans intended the mortgage crisis, and got it. The Republicans intended the TARP bail-out, only for the banks. They got it at first. Now in the Red States, the governors and federal and state GOP delegations would be said to have intended an overloaded federal enrollments process. They got it, at least for awhile.

Noted in LA Times, many of the Red States did not even opt for the MediCaid expansion. There is intent all over the agenda! Math is a game being played! Math is an intentional act!

ObamaCare getting on track will be a gift that keeps on giving for the Democrats, in those Red States, going forward. The Compare and Contrast will be with the Blue States, comfortably on track, like was intended. Bankruptcy increase becomes the mantra of what GOP intends, clearly: Going into 2014. That can contrast in national, compare and contrast, kind of campaign.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now find new alternative to policy intended bankruptcy of entire indigenous peoples. Warriors of Many Nations now have different, 7 come 11, kind of concept!)

I have always wondered if Liberals actually read their own articles that they post--:lol: Now you have confirmed they don't. YOUR ARTICLE STATES THIS:

Enrollment has been even stronger in many Medicaid programs.

About half the states have agreed to expand their Medicaid programs to most low-income residents in 2014. Under the law, the federal government picks up nearly the entire cost of that expansion for the first several years.

Nationwide, nearly 400,000 new people qualified for Medicaid coverage in October, according to federal data. In Oregon, whose marketplace has been one of the few trouble-plagued state sites, the state reported that it had already signed up 70,000 new people for Medicaid.

You do know that Medicade is a FREE health care program under Obamacare--don't you? No one is arguing that Medicade people don't have a "fire" sale going on with Obamacare. Anything that's for FREE--is going to have them sitting on web-sites for HOURS to get. But who's going to pay for all this free health care. We the working class are, by paying higher premiums, in which they're NOT buying, because they CAN'T AFFORD the Obamacare premiums.

As far as red states not going along with the expanded Medicade--I don't blame them. These states live under a "balanced budget amendments" meaning they are required by law to not spend more than they take in each year. Plus many don't believe the Federal Government would pay them back after several years of running in red ink for the Medicade expansion. Obama has already lied--he has distorted the truth about Obamacare--what confidence could they possibly have now that they would get paid back?

Yippy--ki--yi--yay!! Obamacare is working--LOL!---:cuckoo:

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The minimum purchasing power increase, nation-wide, due to ACA, is about $1.0 tril. The different, Medicaid Expansion in ACA was intended to benefit persons at 136% of the federal poverty rate, federally funded. Mostly, the Red State Republicans do not want paying customers in the stores--and so have voted more than 40 times to take all that money away! The Supreme Court allowed that the Red States could take the MediCaid spending away!

This fact alone, may remind a lot of people a simpler time, when GOP was just getting started--and took a lot of purchasing power away, from so many! They even tossed in attempted genocide, of all white people in the USA, as a bonus(?)! Prior to that, mostly the heirs were feeling the effects of property freed, in the so many wills. Banks were not so inclined to notice, unless maybe in private(?)! Now, subsequent the Great Recession, the national and state Republicans are alike in the chorus to take even more spending away!

Also noted in getting ACA paid for, is that individuals with over $200,000 annual income, and households with more than $250,000 annual income, and large corporations--would pay an increase of taxes. If any one listens to a Red State legislator, of the Republican Party, then anyone hears that market competition actually keeps the premiums down. An expanded market will tend to keep the increases down.

Important note: Any current premium increases are based on pre-ACA implementation data. Some of the cancellation notices in fact may be an illegal act.

People with rich-level incomes are generally expected to pay rich-level prices, and for rich-level goods and services. ACA has different plan levels. So The Middle Class is generally uninvolved in the payment for the program, and even much of the cost of the premiums. ACA kicks in subsidies at the tens of thousands of dollars of annual income, capturing the bulk of the income distribution middle.

Rich people do pay more, under ACA, and at IRS, and in most states: Even states reliant solely on sales tax. If some stupid rich person chooses to purchase $1.0 mil. of peanut butter, then stupid person will pay more sales tax!

That problem is that they generally do not. . . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes speak with tongue like snake, squashed in jaws of soaring eagle, to be dropped from sky on any rock of local, prairie below! White Eyes mainly send young braves to Afghanistan and Iraq--To die like dogs in vomit, instead!)
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The minimum purchasing power increase, nation-wide, due to ACA, is about $1.0 tril. The different, Medicaid Expansion in ACA was intended to benefit persons at 136% of the federal poverty rate, federally funded. Mostly, the Red State Republicans do not want paying customers in the stores--and so have voted more than 40 times to take all that money away! The Supreme Court allowed that the Red States could take the MediCaid spending away!

This fact alone, may remind a lot of people a simpler time, when GOP was just getting started--and took a lot of purchasing power away, from so many! They even tossed in attempted genocide, of all white people in the USA, as a bonus(?)! Prior to that, mostly the heirs were feeling the effects of property freed, in the so many wills. Banks were not so inclined to notice, unless maybe in private(?)! Now, subsequent the Great Recession, the national and state Republicans are alike in the chorus to take even more spending away!

Also noted in getting ACA paid for, is that individuals with over $200,000 annual income, and households with more than $250,000 annual income, and large corporations--would pay an increase of taxes. If any one listens to a Red State legislator, of the Republican Party, then anyone hears that market competition actually keeps the premiums down. An expanded market will tend to keep the increases down.

Important note: Any current premium increases are based on pre-ACA implementation data. Some of the cancellation notices in fact may be an illegal act.

People with rich-level incomes are generally expected to pay rich-level prices, and for rich-level goods and services. ACA has different plan levels. So The Middle Class is generally uninvolved in the payment for the program, and even much of the cost of the premiums. ACA kicks in subsidies at the tens of thousands of dollars of annual income, capturing the bulk of the income distribution middle.

Rich people do pay more, under ACA, and at IRS, and in most states: Even states reliant solely on sales tax. If some stupid rich person chooses to purchase $1.0 mil. of peanut butter, then stupid person will pay more sales tax!

That problem is that they generally do not. . . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes speak with tongue like snake, squashed in jaws of soaring eagle, to be dropped from sky on any rock of local, prairie below! White Eyes mainly send young braves to Afghanistan and Iraq--To die like dogs in vomit, instead!)

Important note: Any current premium increases are based on pre-ACA implementation data. Some of the cancellation notices in fact may be an illegal act.

Prove it.
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The minimum purchasing power increase, nation-wide, due to ACA, is about $1.0 tril. The different, Medicaid Expansion in ACA was intended to benefit persons at 136% of the federal poverty rate, federally funded. Mostly, the Red State Republicans do not want paying customers in the stores--and so have voted more than 40 times to take all that money away! The Supreme Court allowed that the Red States could take the MediCaid spending away!

This fact alone, may remind a lot of people a simpler time, when GOP was just getting started--and took a lot of purchasing power away, from so many! They even tossed in attempted genocide, of all white people in the USA, as a bonus(?)! Prior to that, mostly the heirs were feeling the effects of property freed, in the so many wills. Banks were not so inclined to notice, unless maybe in private(?)! Now, subsequent the Great Recession, the national and state Republicans are alike in the chorus to take even more spending away!

Also noted in getting ACA paid for, is that individuals with over $200,000 annual income, and households with more than $250,000 annual income, and large corporations--would pay an increase of taxes. If any one listens to a Red State legislator, of the Republican Party, then anyone hears that market competition actually keeps the premiums down. An expanded market will tend to keep the increases down.

Important note: Any current premium increases are based on pre-ACA implementation data. Some of the cancellation notices in fact may be an illegal act.

People with rich-level incomes are generally expected to pay rich-level prices, and for rich-level goods and services. ACA has different plan levels. So The Middle Class is generally uninvolved in the payment for the program, and even much of the cost of the premiums. ACA kicks in subsidies at the tens of thousands of dollars of annual income, capturing the bulk of the income distribution middle.

Rich people do pay more, under ACA, and at IRS, and in most states: Even states reliant solely on sales tax. If some stupid rich person chooses to purchase $1.0 mil. of peanut butter, then stupid person will pay more sales tax!

That problem is that they generally do not. . . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes speak with tongue like snake, squashed in jaws of soaring eagle, to be dropped from sky on any rock of local, prairie below! White Eyes mainly send young braves to Afghanistan and Iraq--To die like dogs in vomit, instead!)

Important note: Any current premium increases are based on pre-ACA implementation data. Some of the cancellation notices in fact may be an illegal act.

Prove it.

I have already given you a link to PROVE that Obamacare is unaffordable to the majority of working Americans in this country. People who make 200--250K per year make up only 5% of the entire population of this country. Red States are required by law to balance their budgets each and every year. The outright lies and distortions coming out of Obamacare is not going to persuade a red state to extend Medicade programs with another promise that they will get paid back by the Federal Government.

Without pay for it yourself individuals moving in mass into the Obamacare exchanges--Obamacare collapses under it's own weight. That is exactly why Obama and democrats deliberately destroyed the individual market place. Obama NEEDS them to pay higher premiums--to make up for those that are getting it for free. This will move into the employer mandate next year, like a plague and there will be millions more getting cancellation notices. This is just the beginning.

Here is the link again--browse all you want and pick your cough-cough affordable Obamacare plan. I am one of those that remember the many promises from Obama that our premiums would be lower--but if you can find one--let me know--LOL
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured. EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured.

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--Neither the Link to Senator Feinstein's remarks, from Cancellations pre-October, nor the link to Connect For Colorado, show anything about ObamaCare being unaffordable. The $1.0 tril., which Red States do not want spent in the stores in their states: Starts next year.

--The Kentucky Insurance Commissioner is among the first to notify, all the other states, that problems exist in some of the Cancellation letters. The Subsidy money actually arrives through participation in the Exchanges. That is not being discussed in many letters.

--The federal government funds the MediCaid Expansion, not the Red States. Florida is a Red State, giant multi-trillion dollar recipient of federal spending already. Texas is number three, $2.9 tril., federal money recipient, of Governor Perry's concept of the Free Enterprise market system at work(?)! Taxes even pay for that!

So look at these states, including Blue Nevada, Red Georgia, Red Oklahoma, Blue West Virginia, Red Florida, Blue New Mexico, Red South Carolina, Red Arkansas, Red Louisiana, and Red Mississipi. These are states actually lethal for their people--through lack of Medical Plans. 70% or better Red is what that is all about. Washington, California, and New York are famously Blue, and even now are normal(?)!

Ten States Dying for Health Coverage - 24/7 Wall St.

Now, who are the whining rich getting the cancellation notices, from the likely largely temporary policies? Maybe as few as 0.5% of the people who do have health plans are affected. A lot of the Individual Market is transitional in nature, with cancellations routine and expected--and required. They can now go into employer plans, MediCaid or MediCare, or into the exchanges.

Who are others getting notices? Many are previously low-paying covered since they never used the plans. Once the plans see usage, then the premiums exploded into pre-bankruptcy kinds of levels. That is now no longer an available option--through the exchanges. That is due to Obama-Biden, Pelosi-Reid, ACA called, ObamaCare! Possibly anyone can take some German, call it, "FuhrerCare," and like it better(?)!

The exchanges are federally funded! Even people in Bankruptcy-favoring, Red States can get the plans! The money is federal that pays for them. The local prosperity that comes from the spending will easily spill over, and even into Blue States!

"Crow James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now waiting! Many will play on Lands of Many Nations! Others may wind up in Nevada!)
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The minimum purchasing power increase, nation-wide, due to ACA, is about $1.0 tril. The different, Medicaid Expansion in ACA was intended to benefit persons at 136% of the federal poverty rate, federally funded. Mostly, the Red State Republicans do not want paying customers in the stores--and so have voted more than 40 times to take all that money away! The Supreme Court allowed that the Red States could take the MediCaid spending away!

This fact alone, may remind a lot of people a simpler time, when GOP was just getting started--and took a lot of purchasing power away, from so many! They even tossed in attempted genocide, of all white people in the USA, as a bonus(?)! Prior to that, mostly the heirs were feeling the effects of property freed, in the so many wills. Banks were not so inclined to notice, unless maybe in private(?)! Now, subsequent the Great Recession, the national and state Republicans are alike in the chorus to take even more spending away!

Also noted in getting ACA paid for, is that individuals with over $200,000 annual income, and households with more than $250,000 annual income, and large corporations--would pay an increase of taxes. If any one listens to a Red State legislator, of the Republican Party, then anyone hears that market competition actually keeps the premiums down. An expanded market will tend to keep the increases down.

Important note: Any current premium increases are based on pre-ACA implementation data. Some of the cancellation notices in fact may be an illegal act.

People with rich-level incomes are generally expected to pay rich-level prices, and for rich-level goods and services. ACA has different plan levels. So The Middle Class is generally uninvolved in the payment for the program, and even much of the cost of the premiums. ACA kicks in subsidies at the tens of thousands of dollars of annual income, capturing the bulk of the income distribution middle.

Rich people do pay more, under ACA, and at IRS, and in most states: Even states reliant solely on sales tax. If some stupid rich person chooses to purchase $1.0 mil. of peanut butter, then stupid person will pay more sales tax!

That problem is that they generally do not. . . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes speak with tongue like snake, squashed in jaws of soaring eagle, to be dropped from sky on any rock of local, prairie below! White Eyes mainly send young braves to Afghanistan and Iraq--To die like dogs in vomit, instead!)

Important note: Any current premium increases are based on pre-ACA implementation data. Some of the cancellation notices in fact may be an illegal act.

Prove it.

I have already given you a link to PROVE that Obamacare is unaffordable to the majority of working Americans in this country. People who make 200--250K per year make up only 5% of the entire population of this country. Red States are required by law to balance their budgets each and every year. The outright lies and distortions coming out of Obamacare is not going to persuade a red state to extend Medicade programs with another promise that they will get paid back by the Federal Government.

Without pay for it yourself individuals moving in mass into the Obamacare exchanges--Obamacare collapses under it's own weight. That is exactly why Obama and democrats deliberately destroyed the individual market place. Obama NEEDS them to pay higher premiums--to make up for those that are getting it for free. This will move into the employer mandate next year, like a plague and there will be millions more getting cancellation notices. This is just the beginning.

Here is the link again--browse all you want and pick your cough-cough affordable Obamacare plan. I am one of those that remember the many promises from Obama that our premiums would be lower--but if you can find one--let me know--LOL
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured. EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured.


I was asking mescale to prove his assertion, I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield I already know what the premiums are doing to people.
--Neither the Link to Senator Feinstein's remarks, from Cancellations pre-October, nor the link to Connect For Colorado, show anything about ObamaCare being unaffordable. The $1.0 tril., which Red States do not want spent in the stores in their states: Starts next year.

--The Kentucky Insurance Commissioner is among the first to notify, all the other states, that problems exist in some of the Cancellation letters. The Subsidy money actually arrives through participation in the Exchanges. That is not being discussed in many letters.

--The federal government funds the MediCaid Expansion, not the Red States. Florida is a Red State, giant multi-trillion dollar recipient of federal spending already. Texas is number three, $2.9 tril., federal money recipient, of Governor Perry's concept of the Free Enterprise market system at work(?)! Taxes even pay for that!

So look at these states, including Blue Nevada, Red Georgia, Red Oklahoma, Blue West Virginia, Red Florida, Blue New Mexico, Red South Carolina, Red Arkansas, Red Louisiana, and Red Mississipi. These are states actually lethal for their people--through lack of Medical Plans. 70% or better Red is what that is all about. Washington, California, and New York are famously Blue, and even now are normal(?)!

Ten States Dying for Health Coverage - 24/7 Wall St.

Now, who are the whining rich getting the cancellation notices, from the likely largely temporary policies? Maybe as few as 0.5% of the people who do have health plans are affected. A lot of the Individual Market is transitional in nature, with cancellations routine and expected--and required. They can now go into employer plans, MediCaid or MediCare, or into the exchanges.

Who are others getting notices? Many are previously low-paying covered since they never used the plans. Once the plans see usage, then the premiums exploded into pre-bankruptcy kinds of levels. That is now no longer an available option--through the exchanges. That is due to Obama-Biden, Pelosi-Reid, ACA called, ObamaCare! Possibly anyone can take some German, call it, "FuhrerCare," and like it better(?)!

The exchanges are federally funded! Even people in Bankruptcy-favoring, Red States can get the plans! The money is federal that pays for them. The local prosperity that comes from the spending will easily spill over, and even into Blue States!

"Crow James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now waiting! Many will play on Lands of Many Nations! Others may wind up in Nevada!)

You are quite the moron child.
Apparently moronic people don't pay much attention to USMessageBoard(?)!

States slap insurers for misleading letters -

Employment at an insurance company, for example, would have no bearing on premium subsidy determinations. That is how many cancellation notices are being flagged.

Noted is that Oreo poster appears to be in the illegal bunch, failing at compliance with federal and state regulations--seemingly herein posted, in this thread.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Many not aware that Great Indigenous to Lands of Many Nations! Many not aware that White Eyes not Indigenous even, to the Lands of Many Nations!)
Um, Oregon is a Blue State, how many have gotten through their Marketplace?
Fines for the illegal cancellation notices are already public record, and being shared among the states. Not all states opted for their own exchanges, or even MediCaid expansions.

Despite the intent of harm created by Senator Ted Cruz types, or Boehner types, Cantor types--That one likely opposed even to disaster relief for the Midwest devasted: ACA makes higher premiums affordable!
. . . .not everyone will have to fork over the full amount for premiums or cost sharing. Those with incomes up to 400% of the poverty line will get subsidies to defer premium prices to no more than 9.5% of annual income. Those earning less than 250% of poverty are eligible for additional subsidies that will lower their deductibles and co-pays.

The Oreo poster types, or Atares poster types, side with GOP MisLeadership agenda for 2014: Free up no spending for any business stores, or any corporations, or any Building, Service, or other trades, anywhere in the United States. Instead the objective is poverty and bankruptcy. . .and in a case like Cantor's, then even opposing any federal, state, or local: Disaster relief. The New Jersey governor wants to take those people into a White House. . .where everyone can fit(?)! Venice Beach will be allowed to stay on the other coast.

There exists what everbody notes, and then there is what The Republican MisLeadership intends! Take all the spending away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations, no longer accept just beads and trinkets, anymore! Many say, "That was then! This is Now!)
Fines for the illegal cancellation notices are already public record, and being shared among the states. Not all states opted for their own exchanges, or even MediCaid expansions.

Despite the intent of harm created by Senator Ted Cruz types, or Boehner types, Cantor types--That one likely opposed even to disaster relief for the Midwest devasted: ACA makes higher premiums affordable!
. . . .not everyone will have to fork over the full amount for premiums or cost sharing. Those with incomes up to 400% of the poverty line will get subsidies to defer premium prices to no more than 9.5% of annual income. Those earning less than 250% of poverty are eligible for additional subsidies that will lower their deductibles and co-pays.

The Oreo poster types, or Atares poster types, side with GOP MisLeadership agenda for 2014: Free up no spending for any business stores, or any corporations, or any Building, Service, or other trades, anywhere in the United States. Instead the objective is poverty and bankruptcy. . .and in a case like Cantor's, then even opposing any federal, state, or local: Disaster relief. The New Jersey governor wants to take those people into a White House. . .where everyone can fit(?)! Venice Beach will be allowed to stay on the other coast.

There exists what everbody notes, and then there is what The Republican MisLeadership intends! Take all the spending away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations, no longer accept just beads and trinkets, anymore! Many say, "That was then! This is Now!)

What about the letters was illegal, and how many folks have signed up through the Oregon Marketplace?
Well when they overwhelm Medicaid it can go bankrupt instead

bravo Democrats/Progressive...wonderful of you to think of how people won't go they wont ever much lefties bs

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