Blue Wave in Jeopardy As CDC Reports Suicide On The rise In Every State

I'm a bit skeptical to say the least about how the federal govt can decrease the number of addicts dying. I think the fed govt could, but is not, levying punishment on the powers that be that manufacture opiods legally. But at any rate, this is not good for the party of Rump that owns healthcare.
But at any rate, this is not good for the party of Rump that owns healthcare.
Sorry, but that is still a false narrative pushed by those completely embarrassed by Obama supporters, supporters who realize OBAMAcare was / is a POS THEIR Democrats and President shoved down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it at the time.

The Health Care system that the Republicans supported was completely destroyed by Obama and the Democrats, replaced by OBAMAcare.

The man's name is still on it - it is still referred to as OBAMAcare.

If you want to hammer the $h!t out of the Republicans for failing to lead, for failing to act in any way to attempt to clean up the giant pile of excrement Obama and the Democrats dropped In their laps on the way out the door I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU 100%.

The GOP lied their assess off by declaring they would fix it - repeal and replace. They voted nearly 100 times to replace it - ALL 'SHOW VOTES' when their votes meant NOTHING. When it came time to cast a vote where they could have defunded it through the budget (defunding key pieces that would have in effect killed Obamacare) they voted to keep funding it.

On one hand I can understand in part why they did so - they would have had to have come up with an entirely new health care system with which to replace Obamacare....and they were scared sh!tless to do it because they did not want to do ANYTHING that would cost them their jobs, their power, and their money.

McConnell is the living, breathing example of a gutless, self-serving Washington Establishment career politician / piece of excrement. McConnell LOVES being the Senate Majority leader...but don't let him fool you - he would love being the Senate Majority Leader again just as much if not more. He loves his perks, loves his money, loves the parking spots, the attention...and did I mention how he loves the MONEY and Power?

That gutless SOB, however, would rather side with Liberals when in the minority and do absolutely nothing when in the majority to avoid causing waves, causing anyone to get mad, to cause people to threaten to take away his money, power, and title of 'Senator'.

As I said, he would love to be the Minority Leader in the senate again - as NOT being the leader takes pressure and responsibility to perform / lead off one's shoulders. McConnell is a FOLLOWER, not a leader. He would rather be in the seat where he doesn't have to make tough include something so critical as come up with an entire new health care system with which to replace Obamacare AND STILL MANAGE TO MAKE EVERYONE (Special Interest Groups, Donors, Democrat colleagues, Conservatives, Constituents, Independents, etc....all who have great influence oon his power and money to some extent) HAPPY.

If he actually LED and helped pass a replacement for obamacare - if he TOOK A RISK - he could potentially lose everything if it is a disaster...and he would rather do nothing and stay comfortably right where he is that to risk all of that.

This country was not carved out, led, and made great by gutless, no-chin, no spine followers / people who were too freakin' chicken to take a step, who were afraid to risk something. 'When you refuse to risk anything you risk everything'.

McConnell's coward/gutless 'disease', the self-preservation infection that prevents him from being willing to do ANYTHING for fear of offending anyone and thus risk losing his power and money, has infected large portions of the Republican party.

The GOP leaders told the American people, 'Give us the House' and we will do great things for you and the country.'
- They were given the House...

...And they said, 'Give us the House and Senate, and we will do great things for you and the country.'
- They were given the House AND the Senate...

...And they said, 'Give us the House and Senate AND White House, and we will do great things for you and the country.'

..and when the NON-Washington Establishment, NON-'Don't-Rock-The-Boat', NON-Washington-Insider, Brash Trump came on the scene, was embraced by the people, and began swatting their 'Usual Cast of Candidates' aside...THEY BEGAN TO FIHT HIM, ATTACK HIM, UNDERMINE HIM, AND TO SEMI-WORK TO HELP THE LIBERALS UNDERMINE/MINIMIZE HIM ... EVEN AFTER HE WON THE WH.

The success we now have has been accomplished IN SPITE of the Republicans, not because of them. ANY success Congress can claim right now, they can thank Trump for.

But back to OBAMAcare......

Attempting to claim the mess that WAS and STILL IS OBAMAcare is now owned by the GOP is like the Captain of the Alaskan Oiler the Valdeez claiming that the remnants of the massive oil spill left from ramming his ship onto the rocks now belongs to the clean up crews that got stuck with the oil spill and who have been trying to deal with it since the accident.

Blame the GOP for not taking action to try to clean up the mess, but you can't claim the original mess is the Republicans'. It will ALWAYS belong to the President and Democrats who rammed a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven ill-conceived (or not, if you believe Harry Reid's claim that Obamacare was always designed to fail and was a stepping-stone to Single Payer) health care plan down the throats of the majority of Americans he lied to and who opposed it.
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