Blurred Line Between Espionage and Truth

The Obama administration, which promised during its transition to power that it would enhance “whistle-blower laws to protect federal workers,” has been more prone than any administration in history in trying to silence and prosecute federal workers.

The Espionage Act, enacted back in 1917 to punish those who gave aid to our enemies, was used three times in all the prior administrations to bring cases against government officials accused of providing classified information to the media. It has been used six times since the current president took office.

Great article! I'm surprised it came from the NY Times.
This was the administration that promised to be the most open and transparent right? I wonder what happened....
I am not, nor do I believe the so called "left" is of the opinion that either party is trying to stop authoritarianism from ratcheting up.

All one needs do is look at who approved the NATIONAL DEFENCE AUTHIZATION ACTS, and one knows that THEY aren't lovers of civil rights.

And the numbers show us that very few members of congress aren't working toward a POLICE STATE in America.

The SENATE approved NDAA 99 to ZERO

IN the House only 93 Democrats voted against this POLICE STATE AUTHORIZING BILL.

In the House only 43 Republicans voted against this POLICE STATE AUTHORIZING BILL.

Arguing which PARTY is a lover of freedom, given those numbers?

That's a complete and utter partisan circle jerking waste of all our time.
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That's a complete and utter partisan circle jerking waste of all our time.

and it goes on and on like chineses water torture Editec

one would think anyone south of living under a rock would figure the sham out

it's not like they're actually good at it either....


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