Bo Berghdal vs. Confederates

A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Son, WHAT THE HELL does being conservative (Right Wing?) have anything to do with Robert E Lee or Bowe Bergdahl? You can't even spell the name right. You are cornfused, son. Has there ever been a time you weren't? Bergdahl was a deserter which made him a traitor to the nation. Worse, he deserted to the ENEMY. Robert E Lee was a general in a war whose side happened to lose. You are comparing Apples to Steaks to ball-peen hammers.

Nice try .

BOWE wandered off. He didn't join the taliban. Unlike Lee who was a high ranking military man who joined the enemy and killed 10's of thousands of US troops .

It is apples to steaks . Lee was 1000x worse than Bowe .
You really need to quit falling down the well
Shit for brains... The cowardly son of a bitch wanted to be part of the Taliban you stupid ass motherfucker.
Like I said you don't understand the Civil War… And you certainly do not understand lee. It was never about slavery with him it was all about states rights and duty it's a military thing you would not understand.
A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .
We don't like traitors, you try to elect them president. Civil war was a way different time than we live today. So apples and oranges.
This cowardly piece of shit deserves to be with the Taliban and he did want to be part of the Taliban. The Cowardly motherfucker abandoned his post which is a treasonous act against his fellow soldiers. The motherfucker should be persecuted for the rest of his life.

A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Son, WHAT THE HELL does being conservative (Right Wing?) have anything to do with Robert E Lee or Bowe Bergdahl? You can't even spell the name right. You are cornfused, son. Has there ever been a time you weren't? Bergdahl was a deserter which made him a traitor to the nation. Worse, he deserted to the ENEMY. Robert E Lee was a general in a war whose side happened to lose. You are comparing Apples to Steaks to ball-peen hammers.

Nice try .

BOWE wandered off. He didn't join the taliban. Unlike Lee who was a high ranking military man who joined the enemy and killed 10's of thousands of US troops .

It is apples to steaks . Lee was 1000x worse than Bowe .
You really need to quit falling down the well
Shit for brains... The cowardly son of a bitch wanted to be part of the Taliban you stupid ass motherfucker.
Like I said you don't understand the Civil War… And you certainly do not understand lee. It was never about slavery with him it was all about states rights and duty it's a military thing you would not understand.

Lee was guilty of treason. The textbook definition! Spin the civil war all you want , you can't escape that truth .

He and his fellow traitors would've been hung in the city square if not for Lincolns desire for peace and healing .
This cowardly piece of shit deserves to be with the Taliban and he did want to be part of the Taliban. The Cowardly motherfucker abandoned his post which is a treasonous act against his fellow soldiers. The motherfucker should be persecuted for the rest of his life.


How many US soldiers did he kill? Vs Lee #s .
A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Because, idiot, the "Confederate issue" was resolved 150 years ago. Bergdahl is currently a living traitor who aided a current, immediate enemy. And because he was a fellow muslim, Obamaggot is an even bigger traitor who released 5 al-qaida kingpins and gave then 5 billion taxpayers dollars. Which is a 100% example that the Obama sewer rat was always about selling out America to benefit his precious Pisslam. That carpet-headed cocksucker.
A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Son, WHAT THE HELL does being conservative (Right Wing?) have anything to do with Robert E Lee or Bowe Bergdahl? You can't even spell the name right. You are cornfused, son. Has there ever been a time you weren't? Bergdahl was a deserter which made him a traitor to the nation. Worse, he deserted to the ENEMY. Robert E Lee was a general in a war whose side happened to lose. You are comparing Apples to Steaks to ball-peen hammers.

Nice try .

BOWE wandered off. He didn't join the taliban. Unlike Lee who was a high ranking military man who joined the enemy and killed 10's of thousands of US troops .

It is apples to steaks . Lee was 1000x worse than Bowe .
You really need to quit falling down the well
Shit for brains... The cowardly son of a bitch wanted to be part of the Taliban you stupid ass motherfucker.
Like I said you don't understand the Civil War… And you certainly do not understand lee. It was never about slavery with him it was all about states rights and duty it's a military thing you would not understand.

Lee was guilty of treason. The textbook definition! Spin the civil war all you want , you can't escape that truth .

He and his fellow traitors would've been hung in the city square if not for Lincolns desire for peace and healing .
Lincoln was a racist piece of shit that should've been shot much sooner…
This cowardly piece of shit deserves to be with the Taliban and he did want to be part of the Taliban. The Cowardly motherfucker abandoned his post which is a treasonous act against his fellow soldiers. The motherfucker should be persecuted for the rest of his life.


How many US soldiers did he kill? Vs Lee #s .
I'm pretty sure he did not kill a single soldier himself… You need to quit falling down the well

Lee was never part of the union army, he turned the cowardly piece of shit Lincoln down.
Like I said you don't understand the Civil War or lee... it was never about slavery with Lee it was about states rights and duty.
It's a military thing you would not understand
A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Berghdal executed a planned desertion, he sent all his personal property home before he deserted. Your revisionist history doesn't hold water.

A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Son, WHAT THE HELL does being conservative (Right Wing?) have anything to do with Robert E Lee or Bowe Bergdahl? You can't even spell the name right. You are cornfused, son. Has there ever been a time you weren't? Bergdahl was a deserter which made him a traitor to the nation. Worse, he deserted to the ENEMY. Robert E Lee was a general in a war whose side happened to lose. You are comparing Apples to Steaks to ball-peen hammers.

Nice try .

BOWE wandered off. He didn't join the taliban. Unlike Lee who was a high ranking military man who joined the enemy and killed 10's of thousands of US troops .

It is apples to steaks . Lee was 1000x worse than Bowe .
You really need to quit falling down the well
Shit for brains... The cowardly son of a bitch wanted to be part of the Taliban you stupid ass motherfucker.
Like I said you don't understand the Civil War… And you certainly do not understand lee. It was never about slavery with him it was all about states rights and duty it's a military thing you would not understand.

Lee was guilty of treason. The textbook definition! Spin the civil war all you want , you can't escape that truth .

He and his fellow traitors would've been hung in the city square if not for Lincolns desire for peace and healing .

Now I understand you're dumber than dirt, but try to follow

No Confederate was a traitor because their States had seceded
from the Union.

Now we know the Yankee Congress talked out of both sides of their
mouth. They told the Confederacy that they could not secede from the
Union and at the same time, allowed the 48 western most counties of
Virginia to secede from Virginia and become the state of West Virginia.

When WV entered the Union 9 months after Lincoln's Emancipation
Proclamation, they entered as a "Slave State." The North no more
cared about the slaves than I do. That's why the States that had
slaves but didn't secede from the Union were allowed to keep their
slaves after Lincoln's EP. (As a matter of fact, it is written into the
EP, that they could keep theirs.

btw...Timmy Historian...Do you know who was the first high ranking Officer
in the Union Army to be captured during the Civil War. (It happened
in Texas).

Times Up...It was Col Robert E Lee. He and the rest of the garrison
were caught and kicked out of Texas. He only resigned his commission
when Virginia seceded from the Union.

And this traitor stuff was equal fluff. When American went to war with Spain
we had Negro Troops that had to pass thru the South to get to Tampa
and depart for Cuba. How did McKinley deal with that?

He got the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to accept
a Commission in the American Army, and Brig General "Fighting Joe"
Wheeler, a General serving in the Southern Army under Bedford Forrest
was made a Major General in th American Army and placed in command
of all Cavalry units fighting in Cuba. After Cuba he was given command
in the Phillipines.

So much for Southern Traitors...huh?

I'd quit listening to Ralph Maddow and read a book or two before giving
any opinions.
A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Son, WHAT THE HELL does being conservative (Right Wing?) have anything to do with Robert E Lee or Bowe Bergdahl? You can't even spell the name right. You are cornfused, son. Has there ever been a time you weren't? Bergdahl was a deserter which made him a traitor to the nation. Worse, he deserted to the ENEMY. Robert E Lee was a general in a war whose side happened to lose. You are comparing Apples to Steaks to ball-peen hammers.

Nice try .

BOWE wandered off. He didn't join the taliban. Unlike Lee who was a high ranking military man who joined the enemy and killed 10's of thousands of US troops .

It is apples to steaks . Lee was 1000x worse than Bowe .
You really need to quit falling down the well
Shit for brains... The cowardly son of a bitch wanted to be part of the Taliban you stupid ass motherfucker.
Like I said you don't understand the Civil War… And you certainly do not understand lee. It was never about slavery with him it was all about states rights and duty it's a military thing you would not understand.

Lee was guilty of treason. The textbook definition! Spin the civil war all you want , you can't escape that truth .

He and his fellow traitors would've been hung in the city square if not for Lincolns desire for peace and healing .

Lee was guilty of treason..

If General Lee's fighting to defend his Confederacy is treason, then all the Never-Trumpers, Resist, MSM and Trump-bashers are guilty too. Both were trying to oppose what they saw as an unjust government. So, is that what you are saying? That the Never-Trumpers, Resist Movement and Leftist media all need to be arrested for sedition now?
A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Berghdal executed a planned desertion, he sent all his personal property home before he deserted. Your revisionist history doesn't hold water.

...And he is a cowardly piece of shit and should be treated the rest of his life as such…
Lincoln was a racist piece of shit that should've been shot much sooner…

He was shot for freeing the slaves. So then you are all for keeping slavery.
He certainly was not what the history books said he was, just look what he did to the Indian nations. Basically genocide
His racism was definitely selective
He certainly was not what the history books said he was, just look what he did to the Indian nations. Basically genocide
His racism was definitely selective

THIS WHOLE COUNTRY was a crime and genocide against the Indians! You cannot hang it on just Lincoln. It was a matter of practical need: The Colonists wanted to expand west. Wide open space. A few Indians running around with arrows here and there. The Indians put up a big fight. They were friendly at first but soon went to war. Of course, the Colonists (and earlier, the Spaniards) weren't exactly KIND to them either. We were stealing their land. We did not see any point in bartering what we could STEAL. We took it by slaughter. It was a matter of the weak being trodden over by the more powerful. I really wish it hadn't happened. But there would be no USA today if not for that.

It might have gone differently had the Indians been united under one government and could have negotiated a better, peaceful land treaty. They got shit. They mostly got land no one else wanted.

Either way, the Colonists were ruthless and very unfair to the Indians. They lied, cheated and stole from them. They took their country. They showed them no respect. But the Indians were not a nation, they were just a loose association of local primitive tribes. It was simply an utter disregard for other's human rights--- ---what we called: Manifest-destiny--- a rationalization to justify unjust actions. Put differently: The Ends Justified The Means.

An incalculable loss to the world the destruction of the Indian culture. I wish we still had some of it we could go to and learn from, but it won't be the first or last time man ran over other civilizations in his zeal never knowing what losses he incurred along the way.
He certainly was not what the history books said he was, just look what he did to the Indian nations. Basically genocide
His racism was definitely selective

THIS WHOLE COUNTRY was a crime and genocide against the Indians! You cannot hang it on just Lincoln. It was a matter of practical need: The Colonists wanted to expand west. Wide open space. A few Indians running around with arrows here and there. The Indians put up a big fight. They were friendly at first but soon went to war. Of course, the Colonists (and earlier, the Spaniards) weren't exactly KIND to them either. We were stealing their land. We did not see any point in bartering what we could STEAL. We took it by slaughter. It was a matter of the weak being trodden over by the more powerful. I really wish it hadn't happened. But there would be no USA today if not for that.

It might have gone differently had the Indians been united under one government and could have negotiated a better, peaceful land treaty. They got shit. They mostly got land no one else wanted.

Either way, the Colonists were ruthless and very unfair to the Indians. They lied, cheated and stole from them. They took their country. They showed them no respect. But the Indians were not a nation, they were just a loose association of local primitive tribes. It was simply an utter disregard for other's human rights--- ---what we called: Manifest-destiny--- a rationalization to justify unjust actions. Put differently: The Ends Justified The Means.

An incalculable loss to the world the destruction of the Indian culture. I wish we still had some of it we could go to and learn from, but it won't be the first or last time man ran over other civilizations in his zeal never knowing what losses he incurred along the way.
Obviously you do not understand American Indians, Kinda have to be one to understand us. You do realize Indians at that time had no concept of possession of land? Second of all the federal government is what fucked over the American Indians more than any other reason because of their socialism and their career politicians.
We would still be playing around with sticks and dirt if it was not for the white man. Innovation and capitalism is not the enemy of the Indian it was/is a socialist government with their affirmative-action and political correctness.
The Federal government treats the American Indian much worse now than they ever have… fact
A question for our righty pals .

Whenever you bring up Bo (the soildier caught bebtbe taliban after he wandered away from base) and how he was part of a pow swap, righties freak out.

"He's a traitor ". " we should have left him with the taliban"

Switch topic to statutes of Confederates . And the righties are rioting in the streets ! Robert Lee was the very definition of a traitor ! He was responsible for deaths of 100000's of us soldiers ! Yet he's beloved ?

Please explain .

Son, WHAT THE HELL does being conservative (Right Wing?) have anything to do with Robert E Lee or Bowe Bergdahl? You can't even spell the name right. You are cornfused, son. Has there ever been a time you weren't? Bergdahl was a deserter which made him a traitor to the nation. Worse, he deserted to the ENEMY. Robert E Lee was a general in a war whose side happened to lose. You are comparing Apples to Steaks to ball-peen hammers.

Nice try .

BOWE wandered off. He didn't join the taliban. Unlike Lee who was a high ranking military man who joined the enemy and killed 10's of thousands of US troops .

It is apples to steaks . Lee was 1000x worse than Bowe .
You really need to quit falling down the well
Shit for brains... The cowardly son of a bitch wanted to be part of the Taliban you stupid ass motherfucker.
Like I said you don't understand the Civil War… And you certainly do not understand lee. It was never about slavery with him it was all about states rights and duty it's a military thing you would not understand.

Lee was guilty of treason. The textbook definition! Spin the civil war all you want , you can't escape that truth .

He and his fellow traitors would've been hung in the city square if not for Lincolns desire for peace and healing .

Lee was guilty of treason..

If General Lee's fighting to defend his Confederacy is treason, then all the Never-Trumpers, Resist, MSM and Trump-bashers are guilty too. Both were trying to oppose what they saw as an unjust government. So, is that what you are saying? That the Never-Trumpers, Resist Movement and Leftist media all need to be arrested for sedition now?

Lee wasn't having protests in the streets . He took up arms against his country !!! He killed 100,000s of US troops . Think about that !

And why ? Cause the south didn't get their way? Even though they had all kinds of government representation . Even slaves were counted to make them happy .
Obviously you do not understand American Indians, Kinda have to be one to understand us.

I'm not one and will never understand them like they understand themselves.

You do realize Indians at that time had no concept of possession of land?

Then why were the tribes always fighting over territory?

The Federal government treats the American Indian much worse now than they ever have… fact

That would not surprise me at all. If white man stopped and took the time to see the world as the Indian did, as part of the land rather than possessor, in tune with the spirits of the mountains, water and sky, we might have avoided a great many of the problems we suffer today and it might be a much better world for all.
[Lee wasn't having protests in the streets . He took up arms against his country !!!

I guess you just don't read or choose to get it. General Lee was a General in the Confederacy. He was FIGHTING AGAINST THE UNION, and the Confederacy had seceded from them! It was TWO separate factions fighting for dominance and control of the N. American continent. People die in war. It's not treason or a crime, it is WAR. The Confederacy LOST and the the Union WON, and we took back those 11 states. Had Ulysses S. Grant been in the Confederate Army, you'd be saying the same things about him. Instead, he became your president. It is all a matter of perspective. If Lee had been a "criminal" just because of the side he fought on, there wouldn't have been statues erected to him all across the South. I have no love of the man but personally, I want all those statues to stay just were they've been for 150 years. I don't want my history rewritten for future generations just to make it all cleaned up pretty and sounding better!

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