Board of Governors says Silent Same WILL be put back up!

Glad to hear it.

That statue has been there for over one hundred years and never bothered a soul by being there.

Now all of a sudden people are offended??

The idiots who pushed it over should be arrested. Hope they are.

--- This was the way the Confederacy retaliated against the forced end of slavery. Whitewashing itself and spitefully undermining the race relation challenges that would come with it. If they weren't going to be allowed slaves, then by God they were going to do everything they could to muddy the water that would follow, and, the philosophy goes, the federal government would 'regret' it. Along with these propaganda transmitters and Birth of a Nation this historical revision brought back the Klan (1915), Jim Crow laws and segregated water fountains and public facilities, brought the worst period of race riots this country has ever had ("Red Summer" 1919, Tulsa Race Riots 1921); rampant lynchings all over the nation; and arguably the "gentlemen's agreement" that kept blacks out of our national pastime sport of baseball for six decades between Moses Fleetwood Walker and Jackie Robinson. It gave us Gone With the Wind and the rewritten history books you see in that video above.

And it put Silent Sam where he is there, who's been a target of various kinds of vandalism for at least sixty years.

But wait. The plot sickens. That statue, the very one in this topic, which ironically was posed by a lad from that most Southern of cities, Boston Massachusetts --- was dedicated in 1913 with these words by Confederate veteran Julian Carr
>> "The present generation, I am persuaded, scarcely takes note of what the Confederate soldier meant to the welfare of the Anglo Saxon race during the four years immediately succeeding the war, when the facts are that their courage and steadfastness saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South -- When "the bottom rail was on top" all over the Southern states, and to-day, as a consequence, the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern states -- Praise God. <<
Note the allusion to "the four years immediately succeeding the war". This is the exact period that the Ku Klux Klan and dozens of similar groups, usually founded/run by ex-Confederate soldiers, were doing what they could to normalize life in a war-torn occupied territory by terrorizing the black people that had until then been human property.
Carr's speech continues, without edit:

>> I trust I may be pardoned for one allusion, howbeit it is rather personal. One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomatox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers. I performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence of the entire garrison, and for thirty night afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun under my head. <<​

--- Again, that's at Silent Sam's dedication, from a veteran of that war, depicting what it was really about. And the UDC and their propaganda transmitters were doing everything they could to smooth that repugnance over and pave it into something "noble" and "gallant" (the aristocratic South had always been obsessed with illusions of "chivalry", right down to the self-styled "knights" of the Klan). Five months after this speech and a few hundred miles to the southwest, an opportunist named Simmons charged up a mountain in Georgia and re-founded the Ku Klux Klan all over again. And two years after that these same "Daughters" put up a plaque at the building where the original Klan was founded, again to whitewash and sell the 'nobility' song and dance.

So THAT is what Silent Sam stands for. That's where he came from and why he was put there. A propaganda transmitter. Tell me, would you put up a silly whiny-snowflake thread about this?


Whelp --- same thing here.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining all this history on the occasion of that city removing several similar monuments (including one that celebrated the day a Klan klone organization called the White League orchestrated a coup d'etat to take over the city by force and return it to white rule)

Any questions?
And again ---- UNC is putting the thing back up because state law requires it to.

That would be the state law pushed through recently by the then-Republican governor. The guy who, when he was voted out of office, wouldn't leave because he was butthurt about losing.

As noted above this particular statue has been targeted directly since at least 1953 --- presumably longer but that was the early reference I saw. He's put there to polarize and he's doing his job. And the more he gets pulled down and put back up, the more the story behind why he was put up there in the first place gets exposed, and thus the more people understand what he is and what he stands for. The pullers-down generate attention, the putters-back-up generate more attention. Every time either one does so the backstory is re-energized. And that's a good thing.
Last edited:

--- This was the way the Confederacy retaliated against the forced end of slavery. Whitewashing itself and spitefully undermining the race relation challenges that would come with it. If they weren't going to be allowed slaves, then by God they were going to do everything they could to muddy the water that would follow, and, the philosophy goes, the federal government would 'regret' it. Along with these propaganda transmitters and Birth of a Nation this historical revision brought back the Klan (1915), Jim Crow laws and segregated water fountains and public facilities, brought the worst period of race riots this country has ever had ("Red Summer" 1919, Tulsa Race Riots 1921); rampant lynchings all over the nation; and arguably the "gentlemen's agreement" that kept blacks out of our national pastime sport of baseball for six decades between Moses Fleetwood Walker and Jackie Robinson. It gave us Gone With the Wind and the rewritten history books you see in that video above.

And it put Silent Sam where he is there, who's been a target of various kinds of vandalism for at least sixty years.

But wait. The plot sickens. That statue, the very one in this topic, which ironically was posed by a lad from that most Southern of cities, Boston Massachusetts --- was dedicated in 1913 with these words by Confederate veteran Julian Carr
>> "The present generation, I am persuaded, scarcely takes note of what the Confederate soldier meant to the welfare of the Anglo Saxon race during the four years immediately succeeding the war, when the facts are that their courage and steadfastness saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South -- When "the bottom rail was on top" all over the Southern states, and to-day, as a consequence, the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern states -- Praise God. <<
Note the allusion to "the four years immediately succeeding the war". This is the exact period that the Ku Klux Klan and dozens of similar groups, usually founded/run by ex-Confederate soldiers, were doing what they could to normalize life in a war-torn occupied territory by terrorizing the black people that had until then been human property.
Carr's speech continues, without edit:

>> I trust I may be pardoned for one allusion, howbeit it is rather personal. One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomatox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers. I performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence of the entire garrison, and for thirty night afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun under my head. <<​

--- Again, that's at Silent Sam's dedication, from a veteran of that war, depicting what it was really about. And the UDC and their propaganda transmitters were doing everything they could to smooth that repugnance over and pave it into something "noble" and "gallant" (the aristocratic South had always been obsessed with illusions of "chivalry", right down to the self-styled "knights" of the Klan). Five months after this speech and a few hundred miles to the southwest, an opportunist named Simmons charged up a mountain in Georgia and re-founded the Ku Klux Klan all over again. And two years after that these same "Daughters" put up a plaque at the building where the original Klan was founded, again to whitewash and sell the 'nobility' song and dance.

So THAT is what Silent Sam stands for. That's where he came from and why he was put there. A propaganda transmitter. Tell me, would you put up a silly whiny-snowflake thread about this?


Whelp --- same thing here.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining all this history on the occasion of that city removing several similar monuments (including one that celebrated the day a Klan klone organization called the White League orchestrated a coup d'etat to take over the city by force and return it to white rule)

Any questions?

Question: Why shouldn't one of those vandals, as an example to the other vandals, be drug by the throat down the street with a frog gig?


--- This was the way the Confederacy retaliated against the forced end of slavery. Whitewashing itself and spitefully undermining the race relation challenges that would come with it. If they weren't going to be allowed slaves, then by God they were going to do everything they could to muddy the water that would follow, and, the philosophy goes, the federal government would 'regret' it. Along with these propaganda transmitters and Birth of a Nation this historical revision brought back the Klan (1915), Jim Crow laws and segregated water fountains and public facilities, brought the worst period of race riots this country has ever had ("Red Summer" 1919, Tulsa Race Riots 1921); rampant lynchings all over the nation; and arguably the "gentlemen's agreement" that kept blacks out of our national pastime sport of baseball for six decades between Moses Fleetwood Walker and Jackie Robinson. It gave us Gone With the Wind and the rewritten history books you see in that video above.

And it put Silent Sam where he is there, who's been a target of various kinds of vandalism for at least sixty years.

But wait. The plot sickens. That statue, the very one in this topic, which ironically was posed by a lad from that most Southern of cities, Boston Massachusetts --- was dedicated in 1913 with these words by Confederate veteran Julian Carr
>> "The present generation, I am persuaded, scarcely takes note of what the Confederate soldier meant to the welfare of the Anglo Saxon race during the four years immediately succeeding the war, when the facts are that their courage and steadfastness saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South -- When "the bottom rail was on top" all over the Southern states, and to-day, as a consequence, the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern states -- Praise God. <<
Note the allusion to "the four years immediately succeeding the war". This is the exact period that the Ku Klux Klan and dozens of similar groups, usually founded/run by ex-Confederate soldiers, were doing what they could to normalize life in a war-torn occupied territory by terrorizing the black people that had until then been human property.
Carr's speech continues, without edit:

>> I trust I may be pardoned for one allusion, howbeit it is rather personal. One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomatox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers. I performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence of the entire garrison, and for thirty night afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun under my head. <<​

--- Again, that's at Silent Sam's dedication, from a veteran of that war, depicting what it was really about. And the UDC and their propaganda transmitters were doing everything they could to smooth that repugnance over and pave it into something "noble" and "gallant" (the aristocratic South had always been obsessed with illusions of "chivalry", right down to the self-styled "knights" of the Klan). Five months after this speech and a few hundred miles to the southwest, an opportunist named Simmons charged up a mountain in Georgia and re-founded the Ku Klux Klan all over again. And two years after that these same "Daughters" put up a plaque at the building where the original Klan was founded, again to whitewash and sell the 'nobility' song and dance.

So THAT is what Silent Sam stands for. That's where he came from and why he was put there. A propaganda transmitter. Tell me, would you put up a silly whiny-snowflake thread about this?


Whelp --- same thing here.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining all this history on the occasion of that city removing several similar monuments (including one that celebrated the day a Klan klone organization called the White League orchestrated a coup d'etat to take over the city by force and return it to white rule)

Any questions?

Question: Why shouldn't one of those vandals, as an example to the other vandals, be drug by the throat down the street with a frog gig?


OOOh! I know! I know! :desk:

The Eighth Amendment.

Thangyew, thangyew.... :thanks:
Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining
" A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu’s private life indicated to us yesterday that the mayor no longer lives at home and has moved in with his mistress, a former communications director for the mayor’s office named Devona Dolliole, and that Ms. Dolliole, who is black, has been a personal influence on Landrieu’s dogged efforts to remove the monuments."
Five People Were Shot And Two Killed In New Orleans Last Night, And The Cops Were...

Why am I not surprised by anti-American Pogster posting support for erasing history and taking down monuments commemorating it? :lol:
Damnit, added a letter to the title and can't fix it lol.
Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining
" A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu’s private life indicated to us yesterday that the mayor no longer lives at home and has moved in with his mistress, a former communications director for the mayor’s office named Devona Dolliole, and that Ms. Dolliole, who is black, has been a personal influence on Landrieu’s dogged efforts to remove the monuments."
Five People Were Shot And Two Killed In New Orleans Last Night, And The Cops Were...

Why am I not surprised by anti-American Pogster posting support for erasing history and taking down monuments commemorating it? :lol:

Gettin' purty desperate here Def Jam. "A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu's private life", really? Gonna hang your hat on that? And even if you do what the fuck does it have to do with the recorded history of the Lost Cause Cult? Wanna go dig up "a Hayride source with knowledge of Karen Cox's private life" and every other historian saying the same thing? Huh Def Jam?

And by all means essplain to the class how close Louisa, St.Claude, Forstall, North Galvez and Feliciana are to City Park. Not. Or on what planet police are advised in advance of murders so that they can be there when they happen. Let alone how "police said" anything about them if they weren't there.

But leave us not stop there. Back to the "Hayride" for more straw...

>> Our source also indicated that the monument removal has estranged the mayor from his father, New Orleans’ former mayor Moon Landrieu, who was described as “ashamed” of the campaign to bowdlerize the monuments. <<​

That would be a strange stance for Moon Landrieu to take, since he himself set a disclaimer plaque on that White League monument --- the first one to go last year -- which read:

“Although the ‘Battle of Liberty Place’ and this monument are important parts of New Orleans history, the sentiments in favor of white supremacy expressed thereon are contrary to the philosophy and beliefs of present-day New Orleans.”


Doesn't really add up, does it Def Jam?

"The Hayride". Poster please. All that history and you want to scrape up a blog making up "sources with knowledge of the private life of" the last entry in the post, and you think that's a response?
Last edited:
Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining
" A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu’s private life indicated to us yesterday that the mayor no longer lives at home and has moved in with his mistress, a former communications director for the mayor’s office named Devona Dolliole, and that Ms. Dolliole, who is black, has been a personal influence on Landrieu’s dogged efforts to remove the monuments."
Five People Were Shot And Two Killed In New Orleans Last Night, And The Cops Were...

Why am I not surprised by anti-American Pogster posting support for erasing history and taking down monuments commemorating it? :lol:

Gettin' purty desperate here Def Jam. "A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu's private life", really? Gonna hang your hat on that? And even if you do what the fuck does it have to do with the recorded history of the Lost Cause Cult? Wanna go dig up "a Hayride source with knowledge of Karen Cox's private life" and every other historian saying the same thing? Huh Def Jam?

And by all means essplain to the class how close Louisa, St.Claude, Forstall, North Galvez and Feliciana are to City Park. Not. Or on what planet police are advised in advance of murders so that they can be there when they happen. Let alone how "police said" anything about them if they weren't there.

But leave us not stop there. Back to the "Hayride" for more straw...

>> Our source also indicated that the monument removal has estranged the mayor from his father, New Orleans’ former mayor Moon Landrieu, who was described as “ashamed” of the campaign to bowdlerize the monuments. <<​

That would be a strange stance for Moon Landrieu to take, since he himself set a disclaimer plaque on that White League monument --- the first one to go last year -- which read:

“Although the ‘Battle of Liberty Place’ and this monument are important parts of New Orleans history, the sentiments in favor of white supremacy expressed thereon are contrary to the philosophy and beliefs of present-day New Orleans.”


Doesn't really add up, does it Def Jam?

"The Hayride". Poster please. All that history and you want to scrape up a blog making up "sources with knowledge of the private life of" the last entry in the post, and you think that's a response?

Well sir, when all the facts are uncovered about the Perfect Kenyan, I am going to lead a group of vandals to tear down the damn Obammy Presidential Library. How about them apples.
Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining
" A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu’s private life indicated to us yesterday that the mayor no longer lives at home and has moved in with his mistress, a former communications director for the mayor’s office named Devona Dolliole, and that Ms. Dolliole, who is black, has been a personal influence on Landrieu’s dogged efforts to remove the monuments."
Five People Were Shot And Two Killed In New Orleans Last Night, And The Cops Were...

Why am I not surprised by anti-American Pogster posting support for erasing history and taking down monuments commemorating it? :lol:

Gettin' purty desperate here Def Jam. "A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu's private life", really? Gonna hang your hat on that? And even if you do what the fuck does it have to do with the recorded history of the Lost Cause Cult? Wanna go dig up "a Hayride source with knowledge of Karen Cox's private life" and every other historian saying the same thing? Huh Def Jam?

And by all means essplain to the class how close Louisa, St.Claude, Forstall, North Galvez and Feliciana are to City Park. Not. Or on what planet police are advised in advance of murders so that they can be there when they happen. Let alone how "police said" anything about them if they weren't there.

But leave us not stop there. Back to the "Hayride" for more straw...

>> Our source also indicated that the monument removal has estranged the mayor from his father, New Orleans’ former mayor Moon Landrieu, who was described as “ashamed” of the campaign to bowdlerize the monuments. <<​

That would be a strange stance for Moon Landrieu to take, since he himself set a disclaimer plaque on that White League monument --- the first one to go last year -- which read:

“Although the ‘Battle of Liberty Place’ and this monument are important parts of New Orleans history, the sentiments in favor of white supremacy expressed thereon are contrary to the philosophy and beliefs of present-day New Orleans.”


Doesn't really add up, does it Def Jam?

"The Hayride". Poster please. All that history and you want to scrape up a blog making up "sources with knowledge of the private life of" the last entry in the post, and you think that's a response?

Well sir, when all the facts are uncovered about the Perfect Kenyan, I am going to lead a group of vandals to tear down the damn Obammy Presidential Library. How about them apples.

You do that, although Vandals are gonna be costly to transport from Europe.
May I suggest the KKK. Local boyz.

"Domestic terrorists" ROFL

Diga me Tonto --- what would be the goal of this here "domestic terrorism"? Who or what would it be intimidating?

Doublethink is rampant.
Why waste your time trying to expose the lies and hypocrisy of the South to those who already know it's true but can't face the facts???

"Domestic terrorists" ROFL

Diga me Tonto --- what would be the goal of this here "domestic terrorism"? Who or what would it be intimidating?

Doublethink is rampant.
Why waste your time trying to expose the lies and hypocrisy of the South to those who already know it's true but can't face the facts???

I like to watch 'em squirm. I'm a sadist that way. :spank:
A sad day it will be when the statues are all gone and the crackers will have to find another way to taunt blacks. Heartbreaking indeed.
Wow that video showing the 'police stand down' was pretty damning. No question in my mind that they let these hooligans tear that thing down.

--- This was the way the Confederacy retaliated against the forced end of slavery. Whitewashing itself and spitefully undermining the race relation challenges that would come with it. If they weren't going to be allowed slaves, then by God they were going to do everything they could to muddy the water that would follow, and, the philosophy goes, the federal government would 'regret' it. Along with these propaganda transmitters and Birth of a Nation this historical revision brought back the Klan (1915), Jim Crow laws and segregated water fountains and public facilities, brought the worst period of race riots this country has ever had ("Red Summer" 1919, Tulsa Race Riots 1921); rampant lynchings all over the nation; and arguably the "gentlemen's agreement" that kept blacks out of our national pastime sport of baseball for six decades between Moses Fleetwood Walker and Jackie Robinson. It gave us Gone With the Wind and the rewritten history books you see in that video above.

And it put Silent Sam where he is there, who's been a target of various kinds of vandalism for at least sixty years.

But wait. The plot sickens. That statue, the very one in this topic, which ironically was posed by a lad from that most Southern of cities, Boston Massachusetts --- was dedicated in 1913 with these words by Confederate veteran Julian Carr
>> "The present generation, I am persuaded, scarcely takes note of what the Confederate soldier meant to the welfare of the Anglo Saxon race during the four years immediately succeeding the war, when the facts are that their courage and steadfastness saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South -- When "the bottom rail was on top" all over the Southern states, and to-day, as a consequence, the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern states -- Praise God. <<
Note the allusion to "the four years immediately succeeding the war". This is the exact period that the Ku Klux Klan and dozens of similar groups, usually founded/run by ex-Confederate soldiers, were doing what they could to normalize life in a war-torn occupied territory by terrorizing the black people that had until then been human property.
Carr's speech continues, without edit:

>> I trust I may be pardoned for one allusion, howbeit it is rather personal. One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomatox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers. I performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence of the entire garrison, and for thirty night afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun under my head. <<​

--- Again, that's at Silent Sam's dedication, from a veteran of that war, depicting what it was really about. And the UDC and their propaganda transmitters were doing everything they could to smooth that repugnance over and pave it into something "noble" and "gallant" (the aristocratic South had always been obsessed with illusions of "chivalry", right down to the self-styled "knights" of the Klan). Five months after this speech and a few hundred miles to the southwest, an opportunist named Simmons charged up a mountain in Georgia and re-founded the Ku Klux Klan all over again. And two years after that these same "Daughters" put up a plaque at the building where the original Klan was founded, again to whitewash and sell the 'nobility' song and dance.

So THAT is what Silent Sam stands for. That's where he came from and why he was put there. A propaganda transmitter. Tell me, would you put up a silly whiny-snowflake thread about this?


Whelp --- same thing here.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining all this history on the occasion of that city removing several similar monuments (including one that celebrated the day a Klan klone organization called the White League orchestrated a coup d'etat to take over the city by force and return it to white rule)

Any questions?

I got one... Why in the hell didn't they cull their stock!?
Last edited:
Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining
" A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu’s private life indicated to us yesterday that the mayor no longer lives at home and has moved in with his mistress, a former communications director for the mayor’s office named Devona Dolliole, and that Ms. Dolliole, who is black, has been a personal influence on Landrieu’s dogged efforts to remove the monuments."
Five People Were Shot And Two Killed In New Orleans Last Night, And The Cops Were...

Why am I not surprised by anti-American Pogster posting support for erasing history and taking down monuments commemorating it? :lol:

Gettin' purty desperate here Def Jam. "A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu's private life", really? Gonna hang your hat on that? And even if you do what the fuck does it have to do with the recorded history of the Lost Cause Cult? Wanna go dig up "a Hayride source with knowledge of Karen Cox's private life" and every other historian saying the same thing? Huh Def Jam?

And by all means essplain to the class how close Louisa, St.Claude, Forstall, North Galvez and Feliciana are to City Park. Not. Or on what planet police are advised in advance of murders so that they can be there when they happen. Let alone how "police said" anything about them if they weren't there.

But leave us not stop there. Back to the "Hayride" for more straw...

>> Our source also indicated that the monument removal has estranged the mayor from his father, New Orleans’ former mayor Moon Landrieu, who was described as “ashamed” of the campaign to bowdlerize the monuments. <<​

That would be a strange stance for Moon Landrieu to take, since he himself set a disclaimer plaque on that White League monument --- the first one to go last year -- which read:

“Although the ‘Battle of Liberty Place’ and this monument are important parts of New Orleans history, the sentiments in favor of white supremacy expressed thereon are contrary to the philosophy and beliefs of present-day New Orleans.”


Doesn't really add up, does it Def Jam?

"The Hayride". Poster please. All that history and you want to scrape up a blog making up "sources with knowledge of the private life of" the last entry in the post, and you think that's a response?

Well sir, when all the facts are uncovered about the Perfect Kenyan, I am going to lead a group of vandals to tear down the damn Obammy Presidential Library. How about them apples.
You are going to need more than your walker, Hoss.
Here's the mayor of New Orleans explaining
" A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu’s private life indicated to us yesterday that the mayor no longer lives at home and has moved in with his mistress, a former communications director for the mayor’s office named Devona Dolliole, and that Ms. Dolliole, who is black, has been a personal influence on Landrieu’s dogged efforts to remove the monuments."
Five People Were Shot And Two Killed In New Orleans Last Night, And The Cops Were...

Why am I not surprised by anti-American Pogster posting support for erasing history and taking down monuments commemorating it? :lol:

Gettin' purty desperate here Def Jam. "A Hayride source with knowledge of Landrieu's private life", really? Gonna hang your hat on that? And even if you do what the fuck does it have to do with the recorded history of the Lost Cause Cult? Wanna go dig up "a Hayride source with knowledge of Karen Cox's private life" and every other historian saying the same thing? Huh Def Jam?

And by all means essplain to the class how close Louisa, St.Claude, Forstall, North Galvez and Feliciana are to City Park. Not. Or on what planet police are advised in advance of murders so that they can be there when they happen. Let alone how "police said" anything about them if they weren't there.

But leave us not stop there. Back to the "Hayride" for more straw...

>> Our source also indicated that the monument removal has estranged the mayor from his father, New Orleans’ former mayor Moon Landrieu, who was described as “ashamed” of the campaign to bowdlerize the monuments. <<​

That would be a strange stance for Moon Landrieu to take, since he himself set a disclaimer plaque on that White League monument --- the first one to go last year -- which read:

“Although the ‘Battle of Liberty Place’ and this monument are important parts of New Orleans history, the sentiments in favor of white supremacy expressed thereon are contrary to the philosophy and beliefs of present-day New Orleans.”


Doesn't really add up, does it Def Jam?

"The Hayride". Poster please. All that history and you want to scrape up a blog making up "sources with knowledge of the private life of" the last entry in the post, and you think that's a response?

Well sir, when all the facts are uncovered about the Perfect Kenyan, I am going to lead a group of vandals to tear down the damn Obammy Presidential Library. How about them apples.
You are going to need more than your walker, Hoss.
That's OK. I can get hold of a quad fifty to put on my Land Rover.

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