Bob Mueller Probably Already Has Trump’s Tax Returns

Trump says his tax returns reveal nothing that is not already disclosed on his official candidate financial disclosure, called Form 278e. As ethics counsels to the past two presidents, we dealt with both their tax filings and their Form 278's and so we know that Trump is wrong. His tax filings have an enormous amount of additional information which, in this case, could be critically important to determining whether his business overseas might affect his decision-making as president. That is because Trump’s 12,000-page tax return may tell us a great deal about his Russian and other foreign business ties that is not on his 104-page campaign financial disclosure. It’s now more vital than ever that we get that information in light of Trump's embrace of Russian hacking, leaking and interference in our election.

If the public saw Trump's taxes, we could check his Russia connections for ourselves. That should start with the troubling discrepancies in how he and his closest associates talk about his Russia ties. Trump has claimed, for example, that “the reason they blame Russia [for hacking into Democratic emails] is they are trying to tarnish me with Russia. I know about Russia, but not about the inner workings. I have no business there and no loans from Russia. I have a great balance sheet.” But that’s very different from the claims that the Trump Organization was making before he decided to run for president. Trump's son said in 2008 that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross section of a lot of our assets” and “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

So Trump Sr. contradicts Trump Jr.
cultists: makes sense..
My God you’re not very bright.
He’s violated the emolument clause of the Constitution.
And you have to ask why charges haven’t been brought?
Who controls Congress?
He’s violated the emolument clause of the Constitution.

that's been proven, or is that what the talking heads have hammered into your skull?

does it need to be "proven" to know that foreign nationals stay at his properties, pay to go to mar a lago and his makes money off of them?

creep son number one sits in the lobby of the hotel in DC and makes note of who is there.

that is what the emoluments clause is supposed to prohibit.

oh right... he's not a lefty so no matter what he does, you don't care. if he were, you'd just make up stuff that doesn't exist.

Donald Trump’s Suite of Power

Let me know when a court rules on it.

this is almost a year old, and still nothing but filler on late night news(?) programs.

so it's ok that foreign nationals use his hotels?

Yes, selling goods and services at market prices is not a crime. Doesn't matter who it is.


how about buying and selling goods for grossly inflated prices (like the property trump sold to Dmitry Rybolovlev)

Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump’s Palm Beach mansion?

how about significant business with Russians while trump lied throughout the campaign about not knowing any Russians? (apparently even a misstatement during a sunday morning show by an aid was worth two years of investigations by gop hacks).
We’ll eventually find out why the thin skinned whiny little bitch was so afraid to release them.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday morning that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, several weeks ago. The bank agreed to submit documents “on its relationship with [President] Trump and his family,” which go back almost 20 years, according to an anonymous source.

Deutsche’s connections to Russia aren’t merely hypothetical: The bank has previously paid $670 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators over its role in a Russian money-laundering scheme, but a Department of Justice inquiry into a $10 billion scheme has stalled for unclear reasons.

Report: Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Relating to Trump

Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns - U.S. News & World Report - Congressional Black Caucus 2017 News and Events

Report: Robert Mueller likely already has Donald Trump’s tax returns

Assumptions, speculation and innuendo, you got any real evidence?


I would doubt anyone on here has any evidence. Let's wait and see if Bob has any.
who said his taxes are fraudulent?

you think that would be the only thing wrong with his tax returns?

if it were a dem, you'd be turning yourself into a pretzel demanding the tax returns.
so tell us, what would be wrong if they're not fraudulent?

that he makes all his money from Russia.

that he isn't worth what he says

that he is taking deductions which leave him paying only the minimum (which he is now trying to get rid of along with every other tax he actually pays... )

just for a start. if he wasn't hiding anything, he'd have made his tax returns public.
how would a tax return show he made his money from russia? do you work? do you get a W2 with what was withheld?

did you never file a tax return?

your 1099's or whatever form he files... would show payors.
doesn't show where money comes from. they show what was made.

the payor is on every 1099.

but please keep saying the same BS over and over and over and over....

it still doesn't make anything you say true.
We’ll eventually find out why the thin skinned whiny little bitch was so afraid to release them.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday morning that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, several weeks ago. The bank agreed to submit documents “on its relationship with [President] Trump and his family,” which go back almost 20 years, according to an anonymous source.

Deutsche’s connections to Russia aren’t merely hypothetical: The bank has previously paid $670 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators over its role in a Russian money-laundering scheme, but a Department of Justice inquiry into a $10 billion scheme has stalled for unclear reasons.

Report: Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Relating to Trump

Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns - U.S. News & World Report - Congressional Black Caucus 2017 News and Events

Report: Robert Mueller likely already has Donald Trump’s tax returns
There has been much speculation as to how Trump has been able to escape paying taxes for so many years while his fortune has grown by billions. Trump's comment that he has good tax lawyers is certainly no answer. Many people, and possibly Mueller believe that the Trump's business failures of the early 90's are insufficient to generate huge tax write offs for 10 years. What Mueller may be looking for is confirmation that revenues are not being reported; but are illegal being moved offshore. He could also be tracing a money trail from Russia to the Trump campaign.

He gets audited every year.... how many times has he been indicted for tax fraud?

who said his taxes are fraudulent?

you think that would be the only thing wrong with his tax returns?

if it were a dem, you'd be turning yourself into a pretzel demanding the tax returns.
so tell us, what would be wrong if they're not fraudulent?

that he makes all his money from Russia.

that he isn't worth what he says

that he is taking deductions which leave him paying only the minimum (which he is now trying to get rid of along with every other tax he actually pays... )

just for a start. if he wasn't hiding anything, he'd have made his tax returns public.

He's audited ever year. What did the IRS miss?
We’ll eventually find out why the thin skinned whiny little bitch was so afraid to release them.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday morning that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, several weeks ago. The bank agreed to submit documents “on its relationship with [President] Trump and his family,” which go back almost 20 years, according to an anonymous source.

Deutsche’s connections to Russia aren’t merely hypothetical: The bank has previously paid $670 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators over its role in a Russian money-laundering scheme, but a Department of Justice inquiry into a $10 billion scheme has stalled for unclear reasons.

Report: Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Relating to Trump

Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns - U.S. News & World Report - Congressional Black Caucus 2017 News and Events

Report: Robert Mueller likely already has Donald Trump’s tax returns
There has been much speculation as to how Trump has been able to escape paying taxes for so many years while his fortune has grown by billions. Trump's comment that he has good tax lawyers is certainly no answer. Many people, and possibly Mueller believe that the Trump's business failures of the early 90's are insufficient to generate huge tax write offs for 10 years. What Mueller may be looking for is confirmation that revenues are not being reported; but are illegal being moved offshore. He could also be tracing a money trail from Russia to the Trump campaign.

Yeah, speculation, no one except Trump and his accountants know what taxes he's paid and when. You throw this crap out like it has some validity with zero knowledge of reality.

so tell us, what would be wrong if they're not fraudulent?

that he makes all his money from Russia.

that he isn't worth what he says

that he is taking deductions which leave him paying only the minimum (which he is now trying to get rid of along with every other tax he actually pays... )

just for a start. if he wasn't hiding anything, he'd have made his tax returns public.
how would a tax return show he made his money from russia? do you work? do you get a W2 with what was withheld?

did you never file a tax return?

your 1099's or whatever form he files... would show payors.
doesn't show where money comes from. they show what was made.

the payor is on every 1099.

but please keep saying the same BS over and over and over and over....

it still doesn't make anything you say true.
again, those are investments. why weren't the companies looked into when he was audited? The IRS could tell us. subpoena them. let's watch this.
Trump has zero credit in the United States due to all of his bankruptcies and lawsuits defrauding small businessmen.

One of the few places he can get a loan is in Russia.

Don Jr.: We get most of our money thru Russia
Don Sr. I have nothing to do with Russia.

Yet the cultists STILL voted for him.
Vladimir Putin launders his money thru the Bank of Cyprus. Guess who used to run that bank? Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

I guess THAT’S just another coincidence too.
oh fking dog.
We’ll eventually find out why the thin skinned whiny little bitch was so afraid to release them.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday morning that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, several weeks ago. The bank agreed to submit documents “on its relationship with [President] Trump and his family,” which go back almost 20 years, according to an anonymous source.

Deutsche’s connections to Russia aren’t merely hypothetical: The bank has previously paid $670 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators over its role in a Russian money-laundering scheme, but a Department of Justice inquiry into a $10 billion scheme has stalled for unclear reasons.

Report: Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Relating to Trump

Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns - U.S. News & World Report - Congressional Black Caucus 2017 News and Events

Report: Robert Mueller likely already has Donald Trump’s tax returns
There has been much speculation as to how Trump has been able to escape paying taxes for so many years while his fortune has grown by billions. Trump's comment that he has good tax lawyers is certainly no answer. Many people, and possibly Mueller believe that the Trump's business failures of the early 90's are insufficient to generate huge tax write offs for 10 years. What Mueller may be looking for is confirmation that revenues are not being reported; but are illegal being moved offshore. He could also be tracing a money trail from Russia to the Trump campaign.

He gets audited every year.... how many times has he been indicted for tax fraud?

who said his taxes are fraudulent?

you think that would be the only thing wrong with his tax returns?

if it were a dem, you'd be turning yourself into a pretzel demanding the tax returns.
so tell us, what would be wrong if they're not fraudulent?

that he makes all his money from Russia.

that he isn't worth what he says

that he is taking deductions which leave him paying only the minimum (which he is now trying to get rid of along with every other tax he actually pays... )

just for a start. if he wasn't hiding anything, he'd have made his tax returns public.
that he isn't worth what he says

how is that illegal exactly? I don't know how that one works, explain. and what is the statute for such things?
There has been much speculation as to how Trump has been able to escape paying taxes for so many years while his fortune has grown by billions. Trump's comment that he has good tax lawyers is certainly no answer. Many people, and possibly Mueller believe that the Trump's business failures of the early 90's are insufficient to generate huge tax write offs for 10 years. What Mueller may be looking for is confirmation that revenues are not being reported; but are illegal being moved offshore. He could also be tracing a money trail from Russia to the Trump campaign.

He gets audited every year.... how many times has he been indicted for tax fraud?

who said his taxes are fraudulent?

you think that would be the only thing wrong with his tax returns?

if it were a dem, you'd be turning yourself into a pretzel demanding the tax returns.
so tell us, what would be wrong if they're not fraudulent?

that he makes all his money from Russia.

that he isn't worth what he says

that he is taking deductions which leave him paying only the minimum (which he is now trying to get rid of along with every other tax he actually pays... )

just for a start. if he wasn't hiding anything, he'd have made his tax returns public.
that he isn't worth what he says

how is that illegal exactly? I don't know how that one works, explain. and what is the statute for such things?

so it's ok that the president is a lying sociopath as long as there's an R after his name.

thanks for playing.

and thanks for ignoring the part where he lied about his contacts with Russia and the business contacts he had there.... you know, the ones he lied about.
We’ll eventually find out why the thin skinned whiny little bitch was so afraid to release them.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday morning that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, several weeks ago. The bank agreed to submit documents “on its relationship with [President] Trump and his family,” which go back almost 20 years, according to an anonymous source.

Deutsche’s connections to Russia aren’t merely hypothetical: The bank has previously paid $670 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators over its role in a Russian money-laundering scheme, but a Department of Justice inquiry into a $10 billion scheme has stalled for unclear reasons.

Report: Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Relating to Trump

Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns - U.S. News & World Report - Congressional Black Caucus 2017 News and Events

Report: Robert Mueller likely already has Donald Trump’s tax returns

That’s fine and all, but how about some of that collusion stuff? Any of that yet?
Glad you asked about collusion.

What more evidence of Trump-Russia collusion do you need?

Evidence of Trump-Russia collusion already exists, Watergate prosecutors say
Assumptions, speculation and innuendo, you got any real evidence?

Bob Mueller does and unlike this fake president, he’s a professional.

You made a definitive statement insinuating you know something we don't. Tell us oh wise one, what evidence does Mueller have? Don't use any equivocal wording.

Trump ADMITTED obstruction of justice live on TV when he tried to get Flynn’s case dropped.
You’re way behind in the news aren’t you.
But there’s so much more..

What more evidence of Trump-Russia collusion do you need?

Your link wouldn't connect. So you got this TV quote? I've seen no such admission. I did however see Comey's testimony that the wording Trump used would not rise to obstruction.


your expertise on that? just wondering, since you've made a judgment.

and these things are not determined based on one action alone or one comment alone... or one discussion alone. obstruction is a pattern and practice of behavior which, taken together, rise to a criminal level which proves intent.

Excuse me dip, I'm cornering this individual on one point at a time. I did finally get his link to connect and it is just more speculation. I want' hard evidence, not opinions. Evey damn link you regressives post always contain some sort of a hedge, why is that? They want you to believe their crap, all the while saying we really don't know the facts. That's why they always us equivocal terms like, may, possibly, could ect. I'm just saying STFU till you have FACTS.

Vladimir Putin launders his money thru the Bank of Cyprus. Guess who used to run that bank? Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

I guess THAT’S just another coincidence too.
oh fking dog.

Give him a break...

after all, they are the only two customers the Bank of Cyprus have.

there MUST be a connection
Vladimir Putin launders his money thru the Bank of Cyprus. Guess who used to run that bank? Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

I guess THAT’S just another coincidence too.
Hilarious watching the left spin onto the next lie.
We’ll eventually find out why the thin skinned whiny little bitch was so afraid to release them.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday morning that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, several weeks ago. The bank agreed to submit documents “on its relationship with [President] Trump and his family,” which go back almost 20 years, according to an anonymous source.

Deutsche’s connections to Russia aren’t merely hypothetical: The bank has previously paid $670 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators over its role in a Russian money-laundering scheme, but a Department of Justice inquiry into a $10 billion scheme has stalled for unclear reasons.

Report: Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Relating to Trump

Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns - U.S. News & World Report - Congressional Black Caucus 2017 News and Events

Report: Robert Mueller likely already has Donald Trump’s tax returns
There has been much speculation as to how Trump has been able to escape paying taxes for so many years while his fortune has grown by billions. Trump's comment that he has good tax lawyers is certainly no answer. Many people, and possibly Mueller believe that the Trump's business failures of the early 90's are insufficient to generate huge tax write offs for 10 years. What Mueller may be looking for is confirmation that revenues are not being reported; but are illegal being moved offshore. He could also be tracing a money trail from Russia to the Trump campaign.

He gets audited every year.... how many times has he been indicted for tax fraud?

who said his taxes are fraudulent?

you think that would be the only thing wrong with his tax returns?

if it were a dem, you'd be turning yourself into a pretzel demanding the tax returns.

Flopper said this:

"Trump has been able to escape paying taxes for so many years while his fortune has grown by billions."

Kinda a implication that he is doing something wrong.
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We’ll eventually find out why the thin skinned whiny little bitch was so afraid to release them.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday morning that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, several weeks ago. The bank agreed to submit documents “on its relationship with [President] Trump and his family,” which go back almost 20 years, according to an anonymous source.

Deutsche’s connections to Russia aren’t merely hypothetical: The bank has previously paid $670 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators over its role in a Russian money-laundering scheme, but a Department of Justice inquiry into a $10 billion scheme has stalled for unclear reasons.

Report: Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Relating to Trump

Why Robert Mueller Probably Has Trump's Tax Returns - U.S. News & World Report - Congressional Black Caucus 2017 News and Events

Report: Robert Mueller likely already has Donald Trump’s tax returns

That’s fine and all, but how about some of that collusion stuff? Any of that yet?
The bitch’s tax returns will show proof you won’t be able to deny.
Plus yesterday we Mueller has documented evidence that 11 secs into the Dump’s inaugural rant Flynn said to a business associate, “ now the Russian sanctions will be lifted and we’ll make a lot of money.”

You've never actually filled out a tax return, have you?
Weakest excuse EVER for why Trump is scared shitless to release his tax returns. Thanks for the laugh.

So no Russia stuff? You have been promoising all this year Trump was going down for collusion, then obstruction now it’s tax’s? I mean are y’all settling on that now?

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