Bob Paulson, RCMP Commissioner insults plantiffs in 2013, cries, apologizes in 2016...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Basically all you need to know about the Canadian Security apparatus. So-called leaders who are bullies, cowards, dirtbags and unaccountable back stabbers of our citizens and closest allies;

Video of Little Bobby in 2013 acting like a tough guy and a bully towards his own members:
RCMP chief hits back at 'outlandish' harassment claims

The same Little Bobby in 2016 as he provides crocodile tears to the women who were abused by their dirty superior officers. Many of them surely Little Bobby's pals:

RCMP apologizes for sexual harassment in the workplace

Not only did none of the people in the RCMP who were named in the suit, who engaged in the creepiest activities lose their jobs or pensions, but, the taxpayer has to pay at least $100M to these RCMP employees who were victimized by their abusers who were in a position of power. Little Bobby Paulson might have had some of these same abusers over for BBQ's at his home for all we know, he certainly likes defending these creeps and holding noone to account.

With all I have posted and exposed about the Canadian apparatus, don't ever confuse the FBI with the RCMP, the CIA with CSIS, police in Texas with police from Toronto. America liberty with Canadian central government. They are night and day on so many variables.

The American security upholding your constitution and acting with courage and principle, Canadian authorities, disregarding our Charter of Rights and acting with malice. Texas police bravely and selflessly took on a terrorist who was armed to the teeth and had full body armour, the Toronto police union head Mike McCormick just complained about his members being directed to tougher neighbourhood rather than some of the plush, non violent areas of Toronto, suggesting it "puts them in danger". Errr, you are the police you putz, what the hell do you think your job SHOULD be?

Also note, unlike Comey or even local police in New York (I saw an interview on Fox News just last week with a police commissioner out of a New York borough who was dressed in a suit, immaculate and well spoken), Paulson wears his uniform like a proud, wee arrogant Moscow police of chief, a proud dinosaur. We've also seen this with Mark Saunders of the TPS and Vince Hawkes of the OPP when they were interviewed by CP24, a local station. This is often referred to as the "wannabe soldier syndrome" which many of our police forces have. Unlike in the U.S there are very few to no soldiers on the police force, and the local union in Toronto even complained and pushed back against "risks" the police were facing as the Chief demanded they patrol more dangerous areas rather than plush, wealthy neighbourhoods with little risks or crime...

I could go on about The OPP union openly attacked the Conservative candidate in the last election because they care little about the future of the province or the billion dollar thefts, the Conservative spoke about fiscal responsibility, a threat to the OPP. Meanwhile the OPP are a threat to the future of the province...but I digress, and I hope you get the picture. This picture extends to violations of NAFTA by these same agencies when they enter U.S businesses operating in Canada.

Americans can be sure the level of abuse and unaccountable policing you see from time to time, pales in comparison to that evident in the Canadian system. A nice 15-20% border tariff should do the trick. Get 'er done Trump!
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Why do I feel like I'm watching a dudley do right cartoon.

I can't lie that it's unfortunate that Americans don't take the Canadian apparatus and abuses more seriously. I have read a great number of books, blown the whistle myself and conducted large volumes of research, and clearly the Canadian system is harming America and American business interests.

Some of the powers the Toronto Police and Ontario Provincial Police have for instance, would startle the average American. It's not the uniformed police that are the issue, but the covert police. They operate without controls, accountability, oversight or transparency. Our system in this regard is akin to the former East German system (in fact, a book in the 1970's based on the RCMP illustrated that the RCMP admired the then Stasi, and wanted to replicate their tactics, and they did to some degree), which ensures that state operatives and agents can and do operate without impunity against individual rights.

You could take it many steps further and assume that Canada's historic allegiance to the British; considered our "Home Country", has been in direct opposition to American values and interests. To what extent is anyones guess, but you could safely wager that Canada is less an ally to America than it is to Britain.

Considering how many Americans wrongly and view Canada in some Utopian manner suggests some of the efforts are well ingrained in some corners of the American media, I imagine at least some of this has resulted is the alt-left, socialist snowflakes that have grown exponentially in America, themselves very "unAmerican" I might add.
Basically all you need to know about the Canadian Security apparatus. So-called leaders who are bullies, cowards, dirtbags and unaccountable back stabbers of our citizens and closest allies;

Video of Little Bobby in 2013 acting like a tough guy and a bully towards his own members:
RCMP chief hits back at 'outlandish' harassment claims

The same Little Bobby in 2016 as he provides crocodile tears to the women who were abused by their dirty superior officers. Many of them surely Little Bobby's pals:

RCMP apologizes for sexual harassment in the workplace

Not only did none of the people in the RCMP who were named in the suit, who engaged in the creepiest activities lose their jobs or pensions, but, the taxpayer has to pay at least $100M to these RCMP employees who were victimized by their abusers who were in a position of power. Little Bobby Paulson might have had some of these same abusers over for BBQ's at his home for all we know, he certainly likes defending these creeps and holding noone to account.

With all I have posted and exposed about the Canadian apparatus, don't ever confuse the FBI with the RCMP, the CIA with CSIS, police in Texas with police from Toronto. America liberty with Canadian central government. They are night and day on so many variables.

The American security upholding your constitution and acting with courage and principle, Canadian authorities, disregarding our Charter of Rights and acting with malice. Texas police bravely and selflessly took on a terrorist who was armed to the teeth and had full body armour, the Toronto police union head Mike McCormick just complained about his members being directed to tougher neighbourhood rather than some of the plush, non violent areas of Toronto, suggesting it "puts them in danger". Errr, you are the police you putz, what the hell do you think your job SHOULD be?

Also note, unlike Comey or even local police in New York (I saw an interview on Fox News just last week with a police commissioner out of a New York borough who was dressed in a suit, immaculate and well spoken), Paulson wears his uniform like a proud, wee arrogant Moscow police of chief, a proud dinosaur. We've also seen this with Mark Saunders of the TPS and Vince Hawkes of the OPP when they were interviewed by CP24, a local station. This is often referred to as the "wannabe soldier syndrome" which many of our police forces have. Unlike in the U.S there are very few to no soldiers on the police force, and the local union in Toronto even complained and pushed back against "risks" the police were facing as the Chief demanded they patrol more dangerous areas rather than plush, wealthy neighbourhoods with little risks or crime...

I could go on about The OPP union openly attacked the Conservative candidate in the last election because they care little about the future of the province or the billion dollar thefts, the Conservative spoke about fiscal responsibility, a threat to the OPP. Meanwhile the OPP are a threat to the future of the province...but I digress, and I hope you get the picture. This picture extends to violations of NAFTA by these same agencies when they enter U.S businesses operating in Canada.

Americans can be sure the level of abuse and unaccountable policing you see from time to time, pales in comparison to that evident in the Canadian system. A nice 15-20% border tariff should do the trick. Get 'er done Trump!

There are differences to be sure. However there are far more similarities. Mostly those similarities exist because of lack of accountability. It is a truism in every system that power corrupts. The factor that is supposed to limit if not eliminate this corruption is responsibility. Power can never be greater than the accountability that is applied. The responsibility must be equal for corruption to be limited or eliminated.

The problems in the American and Canadian as well as any other system occur when accountability is sacrificed.

The first step is always the same. Look past the propaganda to find the truth.

Look at how things are reported. Let's take a police shooting. The officer at great risk of life was able to get to a position where he could shoot the criminal and end the threat. The criminal hid ina cowardly manner and ambushed the courageous cop who was cut down in a particularly vile manner.

Bad guys using bombs to kill people are cowards and scum. Cops sending in a drone with a bomb are heroic and virtuous. Same type of death. Same tool of death. Completely different narratives.

Then look at how the events are considered when it is a lesser situation. A factory worker who is having marital problems gets angry and acts like an ass. We don't hear about his stress and situation. We don't hear how he was really sorry the situation escalated out of control. But a cop who has marital problems or whatever is forgiven because the incident does not represent his character or behavioral norms.

Soldiers who serve in the Army Honor Guard are held to the highest possible standards. Nothing is accepted as an excuse for the failure to live up to those standards. Marines serving as guards at Embassies or for the President are held to an equally high standard. The superiors for those troops expect only the best and will accept nothing less. It is hard to get those jobs, and easy to lose them.
Basically all you need to know about the Canadian Security apparatus. So-called leaders who are bullies, cowards, dirtbags and unaccountable back stabbers of our citizens and closest allies;

Video of Little Bobby in 2013 acting like a tough guy and a bully towards his own members:
RCMP chief hits back at 'outlandish' harassment claims

The same Little Bobby in 2016 as he provides crocodile tears to the women who were abused by their dirty superior officers. Many of them surely Little Bobby's pals:

RCMP apologizes for sexual harassment in the workplace

Not only did none of the people in the RCMP who were named in the suit, who engaged in the creepiest activities lose their jobs or pensions, but, the taxpayer has to pay at least $100M to these RCMP employees who were victimized by their abusers who were in a position of power. Little Bobby Paulson might have had some of these same abusers over for BBQ's at his home for all we know, he certainly likes defending these creeps and holding noone to account.

With all I have posted and exposed about the Canadian apparatus, don't ever confuse the FBI with the RCMP, the CIA with CSIS, police in Texas with police from Toronto. America liberty with Canadian central government. They are night and day on so many variables.

The American security upholding your constitution and acting with courage and principle, Canadian authorities, disregarding our Charter of Rights and acting with malice. Texas police bravely and selflessly took on a terrorist who was armed to the teeth and had full body armour, the Toronto police union head Mike McCormick just complained about his members being directed to tougher neighbourhood rather than some of the plush, non violent areas of Toronto, suggesting it "puts them in danger". Errr, you are the police you putz, what the hell do you think your job SHOULD be?

Also note, unlike Comey or even local police in New York (I saw an interview on Fox News just last week with a police commissioner out of a New York borough who was dressed in a suit, immaculate and well spoken), Paulson wears his uniform like a proud, wee arrogant Moscow police of chief, a proud dinosaur. We've also seen this with Mark Saunders of the TPS and Vince Hawkes of the OPP when they were interviewed by CP24, a local station. This is often referred to as the "wannabe soldier syndrome" which many of our police forces have. Unlike in the U.S there are very few to no soldiers on the police force, and the local union in Toronto even complained and pushed back against "risks" the police were facing as the Chief demanded they patrol more dangerous areas rather than plush, wealthy neighbourhoods with little risks or crime...

I could go on about The OPP union openly attacked the Conservative candidate in the last election because they care little about the future of the province or the billion dollar thefts, the Conservative spoke about fiscal responsibility, a threat to the OPP. Meanwhile the OPP are a threat to the future of the province...but I digress, and I hope you get the picture. This picture extends to violations of NAFTA by these same agencies when they enter U.S businesses operating in Canada.

Americans can be sure the level of abuse and unaccountable policing you see from time to time, pales in comparison to that evident in the Canadian system. A nice 15-20% border tariff should do the trick. Get 'er done Trump!

There are differences to be sure. However there are far more similarities. Mostly those similarities exist because of lack of accountability. It is a truism in every system that power corrupts. The factor that is supposed to limit if not eliminate this corruption is responsibility. Power can never be greater than the accountability that is applied. The responsibility must be equal for corruption to be limited or eliminated.

The problems in the American and Canadian as well as any other system occur when accountability is sacrificed.

The first step is always the same. Look past the propaganda to find the truth.

Look at how things are reported. Let's take a police shooting. The officer at great risk of life was able to get to a position where he could shoot the criminal and end the threat. The criminal hid ina cowardly manner and ambushed the courageous cop who was cut down in a particularly vile manner.

Bad guys using bombs to kill people are cowards and scum. Cops sending in a drone with a bomb are heroic and virtuous. Same type of death. Same tool of death. Completely different narratives.

Then look at how the events are considered when it is a lesser situation. A factory worker who is having marital problems gets angry and acts like an ass. We don't hear about his stress and situation. We don't hear how he was really sorry the situation escalated out of control. But a cop who has marital problems or whatever is forgiven because the incident does not represent his character or behavioral norms.

Soldiers who serve in the Army Honor Guard are held to the highest possible standards. Nothing is accepted as an excuse for the failure to live up to those standards. Marines serving as guards at Embassies or for the President are held to an equally high standard. The superiors for those troops expect only the best and will accept nothing less. It is hard to get those jobs, and easy to lose them.

Your first assertion really says it all, "lack of accountability". There is a deeper more sinister issue than even that in Canada, a lack of character and culture within the Canadian apparatus. They've become a Godless cult, insulated and nefarious.

As an example, when there were NYPD officers off on PTSD claims due to 9/11, the FBI investigated and charged all those who lied about these claims, it turned out most of these officers weren't even present during the events of 9/11, but at least you had the FBI to investigate and charge those who broke the law and were lying. That level of accountability is some comfort, it's non existent in Canada.

In Canada you can be sure they would be protected, many of them wouldn't have even had lost their job. This goes even deeper than accountability, this goes to the character of our agencies, to the core of what they represent, what kind of human beings they are. The vast majority of the NYPD would shun the officers charged by the FBI and want them gone, the TPS, OPP or RCMP would defend these same officers to the end.
Ironically, these same agencies will complain when criminals aren't reported by family and friends, or they will plaster the face of someone charged but not found guilty of a crime on the front of the paper ("leaked" to the paper), but they will force censorship of the identity of an officer charged with rape for instance, as recently happened, the police said to "protect the identity of the VICTIM!", I kid you not. Worse yet, often the courts themselves will issue a media blackout, forbidding the media from reporting the name of an individual without an explanation in many cases!

Americans need to understand Canada far better than they do. What Americans have been fed about Canada is often very inaccurate and our own democracy is more easily undermined by the Canadian government when noone stands up to Canada. To his credit, something I won't soon forget; Obama spoke about Canadian human right abuses of some citizens when he was here to address Parliament a year or two ago, right in front of PM Trudeau. That's character regardless of what we think of Obamas politics, and it earned my respect.
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Basically all you need to know about the Canadian Security apparatus. So-called leaders who are bullies, cowards, dirtbags and unaccountable back stabbers of our citizens and closest allies;

Video of Little Bobby in 2013 acting like a tough guy and a bully towards his own members:
RCMP chief hits back at 'outlandish' harassment claims

The same Little Bobby in 2016 as he provides crocodile tears to the women who were abused by their dirty superior officers. Many of them surely Little Bobby's pals:

RCMP apologizes for sexual harassment in the workplace

Not only did none of the people in the RCMP who were named in the suit, who engaged in the creepiest activities lose their jobs or pensions, but, the taxpayer has to pay at least $100M to these RCMP employees who were victimized by their abusers who were in a position of power. Little Bobby Paulson might have had some of these same abusers over for BBQ's at his home for all we know, he certainly likes defending these creeps and holding noone to account.

With all I have posted and exposed about the Canadian apparatus, don't ever confuse the FBI with the RCMP, the CIA with CSIS, police in Texas with police from Toronto. America liberty with Canadian central government. They are night and day on so many variables.

The American security upholding your constitution and acting with courage and principle, Canadian authorities, disregarding our Charter of Rights and acting with malice. Texas police bravely and selflessly took on a terrorist who was armed to the teeth and had full body armour, the Toronto police union head Mike McCormick just complained about his members being directed to tougher neighbourhood rather than some of the plush, non violent areas of Toronto, suggesting it "puts them in danger". Errr, you are the police you putz, what the hell do you think your job SHOULD be?

Also note, unlike Comey or even local police in New York (I saw an interview on Fox News just last week with a police commissioner out of a New York borough who was dressed in a suit, immaculate and well spoken), Paulson wears his uniform like a proud, wee arrogant Moscow police of chief, a proud dinosaur. We've also seen this with Mark Saunders of the TPS and Vince Hawkes of the OPP when they were interviewed by CP24, a local station. This is often referred to as the "wannabe soldier syndrome" which many of our police forces have. Unlike in the U.S there are very few to no soldiers on the police force, and the local union in Toronto even complained and pushed back against "risks" the police were facing as the Chief demanded they patrol more dangerous areas rather than plush, wealthy neighbourhoods with little risks or crime...

I could go on about The OPP union openly attacked the Conservative candidate in the last election because they care little about the future of the province or the billion dollar thefts, the Conservative spoke about fiscal responsibility, a threat to the OPP. Meanwhile the OPP are a threat to the future of the province...but I digress, and I hope you get the picture. This picture extends to violations of NAFTA by these same agencies when they enter U.S businesses operating in Canada.

Americans can be sure the level of abuse and unaccountable policing you see from time to time, pales in comparison to that evident in the Canadian system. A nice 15-20% border tariff should do the trick. Get 'er done Trump!

There are differences to be sure. However there are far more similarities. Mostly those similarities exist because of lack of accountability. It is a truism in every system that power corrupts. The factor that is supposed to limit if not eliminate this corruption is responsibility. Power can never be greater than the accountability that is applied. The responsibility must be equal for corruption to be limited or eliminated.

The problems in the American and Canadian as well as any other system occur when accountability is sacrificed.

The first step is always the same. Look past the propaganda to find the truth.

Look at how things are reported. Let's take a police shooting. The officer at great risk of life was able to get to a position where he could shoot the criminal and end the threat. The criminal hid ina cowardly manner and ambushed the courageous cop who was cut down in a particularly vile manner.

Bad guys using bombs to kill people are cowards and scum. Cops sending in a drone with a bomb are heroic and virtuous. Same type of death. Same tool of death. Completely different narratives.

Then look at how the events are considered when it is a lesser situation. A factory worker who is having marital problems gets angry and acts like an ass. We don't hear about his stress and situation. We don't hear how he was really sorry the situation escalated out of control. But a cop who has marital problems or whatever is forgiven because the incident does not represent his character or behavioral norms.

Soldiers who serve in the Army Honor Guard are held to the highest possible standards. Nothing is accepted as an excuse for the failure to live up to those standards. Marines serving as guards at Embassies or for the President are held to an equally high standard. The superiors for those troops expect only the best and will accept nothing less. It is hard to get those jobs, and easy to lose them.

Your first assertion really says it all, "lack of accountability". There is a deeper more sinister issue than even that in Canada, a lack of character and culture within the Canadian apparatus. They've become a Godless cult, insulated and nefarious.

As an example, when there were NYPD officers off on PTSD claims due to 9/11, the FBI investigated and charged all those who lied about these claims, it turned out most of these officers weren't even present during the events of 9/11, but at least you had the FBI to investigate and charge those who broke the law and were lying. That level of accountability is some comfort, it's non existent in Canada.

In Canada you can be sure they would be protected, many of them wouldn't have even had lost their job. This goes even deeper than accountability, this goes to the character of our agencies, to the core of what they represent, what kind of human beings they are. The vast majority of the NYPD would shun the officers charged by the FBI and want them gone, the TPS, OPP or RCMP would defend these same officers to the end.
Ironically, these same agencies will complain when criminals aren't reported by family and friends, or they will plaster the face of someone charged but not found guilty of a crime on the front of the paper ("leaked" to the paper), but they will force censorship of the identity of an officer charged with rape for instance, as recently happened, the police said to "protect the identity of the VICTIM!", I kid you not. Worse yet, often the courts themselves will issue a media blackout, forbidding the media from reporting the name of an individual without an explanation in many cases!

Americans need to understand Canada far better than they do. What Americans have been fed about Canada is often very inaccurate and our own democracy is more easily undermined by the Canadian government when noone stands up to Canada. To his credit, something I won't soon forget; Obama spoke about Canadian human right abuses of some citizens when he was here to address Parliament a year or two ago, right in front of PM Trudeau. That's character regardless of what we think of Obamas politics, and it earned my respect.

I think you overestimate the reaction of the police when one of their numbers is caught.

NYPD detective suspended after video shows him taking cash during deli raid

When they are caught normally nothing happens. Words like Obama spoke are easy. I can say lots of them. Actions speak much louder.

When police are caught red tongues and all there is basically never any punishment or corrective action.

NYPD cops making false misconduct statements increase: CCRB

You look at our system and see one to be emulated. I see one I seriously believe to be in need of reform from top to bottom

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