Bob Schieffer gives Dan Pfeiffer a Major Bitch Slap over Benghazi


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Wow. Bob Schieffer sounds like he has had enough of the Obama Admistration's spin. When you've lost a NBC...

This really is a bitch slap; and note Schieffer's calling the White House for sending out PR stooges instead of people in positions of responsibility to address Benghazi:

DAN PFEIFFER, SENIOR WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR: The point that our Chief of Staff is making is that this is the Republican playbook here which is try, when they don't have a positive agenda, try to drag Washington into a swamp of partisan fishing expeditions, trumped up hearings and false allegations. We're not going to let that distract us and the President from actually doing the people's work and fighting for the middle class.

BOB SCHIEFFER, HOST: You know, I don’t want to compare this in any way to Watergate. I do not think this is Watergate by any stretch. But you weren't born then I would guess, but I have to tell you that is exactly the approach that the Nixon administration took. They said, “These are all second-rate things. We don't have time for this. We have to devote our time to the people's business.” You’re taking exactly the same line they did.

After Pfeiffer continued with evasive talking points, Schieffer again scolded:

SCHIEFFER: But Mr. Pfeiffer, and I don't mean to be argumentative here, but the President is in charge of the executive branch of the government. It’s my, I'll just make this as an assertion: when the executive branch does things right, there doesn't seem to be any hesitancy of the White House to take credit for that. When Osama bin Laden was killed, the President didn't waste any time getting out there and telling people about it.

But with all of these things, when these things happen, you seem to send out officials many times who don't even seem to know what has happened. And I use as an example of that Susan Rice who had no connection whatsoever to the events that took place in Benghazi, and yet she was sent out, appeared on this broadcast, and other Sunday broadcasts, five days after it happens, and I'm not here to get in an argument with you about who changed which word in the talking points and all that. The bottom line is what she told the American people that day bore no resemblance to what had happened on the ground in an incident where four Americans were killed.

Pfeiffer once again stuck with the Administration line leading Schieffer to further push back:

But what I'm saying to you is that was just PR. That was just a PR plan to send out somebody who didn't know anything about what had happened. Why did you do that? Why didn't the Secretary of State come and tell us what they knew and if he knew nothing say, “We don't know yet?” Why didn't the White House Chief of Staff come out? I mean I would, and I mean this as no disrespect to you, why are you here today? Why isn't the White House Chief of Staff here to tell us what happened?

Schieffer to Obama Advisor: ?Why Are You Here? Why Isn?t the White House Chief of Staff Here?? | NewsBusters
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Obama's media whores are finally figuring out the fact that they cannot protect Obama anymore if they want to have any shred of relevancy, and remain in business.
they sent out Susan Rice hoping people wouldn't attack a
1 A woman
2 A black woman at that.

Remember when Klitoon hid behind the skirt of that tobacco chewing Janet Reno
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It really is suspicious how they won't just admit where he was: asleep in bed resting up for his Vegas fund raiser.
Obama's media whores are finally figuring out the fact that they cannot protect Obama anymore if they want to have any shred of relevancy, and remain in business.

^ this!

They'll all have even lower ratings, if possible
I haven't watched the ABC-CBS-NBC evening news since I was a kid living at home with my folks. And even they don't watch it anymore.
Whining about the level of guests he has, I guess. Did some of the attackers get caught last night, how the hell do you know the attackers' motives, brainwashed hack?

Comparing this to Nixon is ridiculous...LOL. BTW, the Dems never HAD the lamestream, scared to death of the loudmouth moron GOP, controversy and ratings mad corporate media...At least they don't out and out lie like the PPM, but they DO report GOP propaganda with a straight face lol...
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Spin all you want Frankie. It's very notable when an MSM talking head such as Schieffer turns on the Obama Administration.

Methinks the MSM is going to get very angry once the denial that they've been chumps wears off.
ROFLMAO! ABC-CBS-NBC don't broadcast what the country is thinking (well, mostly they don't). Generally, they broadcast jourolistlike talking points that support the progressive agenda. That collusion works as long as they feel "respected as journalists". But methinks the Obama Gang has overplayed its hand...and the MSM feel like they've been duped.
Sure, chump of the greedy idiot rich and right wing infotainment/propaganda/hate. Thanks for 9/11,the stupidest wars ever, the production of millions of Jihadists, AND a Depression...quite the incompetent crooks.

And now total mindless obstruction and fear mongering...over and out in 2014!
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Spin spin spin, frankie. You must getting dizzy.
Obama is not up for election again so the MSM no longer has any incentive to carry Obama's water and will do their job to some degree during his second term of course if Hillary runs in 2016 I suspect the MSM liberal love feast will return in full force.
In 2016, what difference will it make?
The only liberal love fest is for facts, knowledge of history, political science, science, etc etc, ignorant hater dupes. lol

So what was Hillary's next sentence, and how does that explain your appalling brainwashed hate and stupidity? LOL
Oh, that is such a lie.

Obama is not up for election again so the MSM no longer has any incentive to carry Obama's water and will do their job to some degree during his second term of course if Hillary runs in 2016 I suspect the MSM liberal love feast will return in full force.

liberal love?Isn't that where 2 members of the same sex.........ah never mind.

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