Bob Woodward is not a journalist he is a writer of fiction

The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOL

Set your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

The lame reply to your post by CowboyTed is exemplary of the lack of comprehension snowflake liberals have regarding context.

While it is true that Biden did not say the words "the ban was xenophobic", his comments implied that the ban was evidence of Trump's xenophobia. So, the ban, to Biden, was a xenophobic move on the part of Trump.

It is telling that he has changed in mind on this and know agrees that the ban was a good move. He now says that it came too late.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong to say "the ban was xenophobic"...

Actual words by Biden:
Biden tweeted: "We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency."

Biden said: "This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science."

There are tapes. They were even playing them on fox last night.
Give it up wingers. Good lord.
The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOLSet your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

Watch your own fucking video and Biden didn't say the ban was xenophobic...You are just showing how ignorant you are..

Biden said that Trump's travel ban was xenophobic. He changed his mind after Trump was praised for saving lives by ordering the travel ban.You are the ignorant one here.

This is a 180-degree spin from the former vice president. Just two months ago, Biden called a ban on travel to and from China, where the virus originated, was "xenophobic" and "racist:"

In January, President Trump banned all foreign nationals who were in China during the time of the coronavirus outbreak from entering the United States. Many pundits and health experts have since credited this decision with helping to slow the coronavirus pandemic on American shores.However, at the time former vice president Joe Biden railed against the decision.

During a campaign rally, Biden said that “In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do.”

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued.

From your news sources it looks like that... But as I have shown in articles linked to videos, Biden did call the ban xenophobic....

So your sources are wrong and lost credibility.. Thus you are misinformed and lost your credibility...

I suggest you get yourself properly informed, at the moment you are gullible fool for misinformation. I know this might anger you or make you frustrated. But don't loose hope, there is places for some great information... I suggest a Bob Woodward book coming out next week...
No one here has refuted what I said. I read Woodward's book about the Supreme Court. He does not write like a journalist, he writes like a fiction writer. He claims to know what people are thinking.
Ever since he got lucky and deep throat threw him a bone, dems have been uber ass hurt. That shit happed 50 fucking years ago. Get over it, assholes.
Bob Woodhead has attacked Nixon, Ford, Reagan, both Bushes and now Trump.

Has Bob Woodward EVER liked a Republican since 1960?

Bob Woodward reported on all the Presidents...

This is a well trotted out path... The tapes are there, everyone has heard them... This is the usual attack the reporter when don't like the news...

This is a constant, you prefer to be lied too than face the truth...
I read his book about the Supreme Court and it's not journalism, he claims to know what the Justices were thinking and that's impossible for a reporter to know.

Trump has admitted that he downplayed the coronavirus. This confirms at least 1 tenet of Woodward's book.
I read his book about the Supreme Court and it's not journalism, he claims to know what the Justices were thinking and that's impossible for a reporter to know.

Trump should never have trusted him that's for sure. Regardless, his comment is blown out of proportion. Every leader in the West thought it was going to be less of a threat than it was, even the W.H.O was advising this.

Trump made the right decision to stop China from flying into the U.S and then Europe. After that, it was all going to be a learning experience to know how to deal with the threat and how much of a danger it was. You can't spread fear and panic among citizens when even your top medical experts don't know how the virus is going to be dealt with.

Any leader saying they would have done better is outright full of it. Bold face lying. All you can do is provide the necessities to the governors and make the decisions that you can to decrease it. He might have even had gone too far with the shutdown, he did more than he could, you can't stop an unknown biology.

How about this, why doesn't Woodward and his network blame Communist China for this virus? That is who is responsible for this. the guy is a Dem patsy and his network is an insult to objective journalism.

That is so much bullshit. Many world and state leaders did better than Trump. Relying on Governors means a patchwork of rules that sometimes work against each other. One person from a state with few rules comes to another state and spreads the coronavirus. Trump holds a Tulsa rally which leads to increased infections. A recent bike rally spread the coronavirus. When you have something that affects all 50 states like this, it requires a national response from the President.

Communist China is not responsible for the coronavirus. Bats are. You are a insult to objective journalism. Anyone who tells the truth about Trump is not objective to you.
It doesn't matter what Bob Woodward says. The mainstream media have lied about Trump so many times that no one believes what they say anymore.

No. people don't trust the news media but they trust the news media more than they trust Trump.
Bob Woodward has always been one thing and one thing only...he is the dems literary October surprise...he does this every election....if you are no good just come up with a hook or click bait...that's Bobby.....
Trump should have known better than to speak to Bob.....
The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOL

Set your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

The lame reply to your post by CowboyTed is exemplary of the lack of comprehension snowflake liberals have regarding context.

While it is true that Biden did not say the words "the ban was xenophobic", his comments implied that the ban was evidence of Trump's xenophobia. So, the ban, to Biden, was a xenophobic move on the part of Trump.

It is telling that he has changed in mind on this and know agrees that the ban was a good move. He now says that it came too late.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong to say "the ban was xenophobic"...

Actual words by Biden:
Biden tweeted: "We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency."

Biden said: "This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science."

Yes, I read that shit already. Politifact is playing with words just as you are. Politifact is a biased-to-the-left fact checker, just as is Snopes.

Technically speaking, the ban itself cannot be xenophobic. Anyone with a working brain can listen to what Biden said and put it into the context in which he said it, and conclude that his implication of xenophobia was related to the ban by Trump. In simply words, for the benefit of the dimwits, it was a xenophobic move by the President. His action (the banning of travel by foreign nationals from China) was xenophobic.

Go fuck a snake!
The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOLSet your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

Watch your own fucking video and Biden didn't say the ban was xenophobic...You are just showing how ignorant you are..

Biden said that Trump's travel ban was xenophobic. He changed his mind after Trump was praised for saving lives by ordering the travel ban.You are the ignorant one here.

This is a 180-degree spin from the former vice president. Just two months ago, Biden called a ban on travel to and from China, where the virus originated, was "xenophobic" and "racist:"

In January, President Trump banned all foreign nationals who were in China during the time of the coronavirus outbreak from entering the United States. Many pundits and health experts have since credited this decision with helping to slow the coronavirus pandemic on American shores.However, at the time former vice president Joe Biden railed against the decision.

During a campaign rally, Biden said that “In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do.”

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued.

From your news sources it looks like that... But as I have shown in articles linked to videos, Biden did call the ban xenophobic....

So your sources are wrong and lost credibility.. Thus you are misinformed and lost your credibility...

I suggest you get yourself properly informed, at the moment you are gullible fool for misinformation. I know this might anger you or make you frustrated. But don't loose hope, there is places for some great information... I suggest a Bob Woodward book coming out next week...

You haven't the mental capacity to anger me, you dimwit!

Don't lose hope. There are places for some great information. I suggest you start with Kindergarten and work your way up to GED.
The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOLSet your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

Watch your own fucking video and Biden didn't say the ban was xenophobic...You are just showing how ignorant you are..

Biden said that Trump's travel ban was xenophobic. He changed his mind after Trump was praised for saving lives by ordering the travel ban.You are the ignorant one here.

This is a 180-degree spin from the former vice president. Just two months ago, Biden called a ban on travel to and from China, where the virus originated, was "xenophobic" and "racist:"

In January, President Trump banned all foreign nationals who were in China during the time of the coronavirus outbreak from entering the United States. Many pundits and health experts have since credited this decision with helping to slow the coronavirus pandemic on American shores.However, at the time former vice president Joe Biden railed against the decision.

During a campaign rally, Biden said that “In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do.”

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued.

From your news sources it looks like that... But as I have shown in articles linked to videos, Biden did call the ban xenophobic....

So your sources are wrong and lost credibility.. Thus you are misinformed and lost your credibility...

I suggest you get yourself properly informed, at the moment you are gullible fool for misinformation. I know this might anger you or make you frustrated. But don't loose hope, there is places for some great information... I suggest a Bob Woodward book coming out next week...

You haven't the mental capacity to anger me, you dimwit!

Don't lose hope. There are places for some great information. I suggest you start with Kindergarten and work your way up to GED.

You're trying to educate a slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, inbred, drooling retard that worships african lawn jockeys and 80-year old stuttering pedo fucks..... it's hopeless, I assure you.
The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOLSet your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

Watch your own fucking video and Biden didn't say the ban was xenophobic...You are just showing how ignorant you are..

Biden said that Trump's travel ban was xenophobic. He changed his mind after Trump was praised for saving lives by ordering the travel ban.You are the ignorant one here.

This is a 180-degree spin from the former vice president. Just two months ago, Biden called a ban on travel to and from China, where the virus originated, was "xenophobic" and "racist:"

In January, President Trump banned all foreign nationals who were in China during the time of the coronavirus outbreak from entering the United States. Many pundits and health experts have since credited this decision with helping to slow the coronavirus pandemic on American shores.However, at the time former vice president Joe Biden railed against the decision.

During a campaign rally, Biden said that “In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do.”

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued.

From your news sources it looks like that... But as I have shown in articles linked to videos, Biden did call the ban xenophobic....

So your sources are wrong and lost credibility.. Thus you are misinformed and lost your credibility...

I suggest you get yourself properly informed, at the moment you are gullible fool for misinformation. I know this might anger you or make you frustrated. But don't loose hope, there is places for some great information... I suggest a Bob Woodward book coming out next week...

You haven't the mental capacity to anger me, you dimwit!

Don't lose hope. There are places for some great information. I suggest you start with Kindergarten and work your way up to GED.

You're trying to educate a slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, inbred, drooling retard that worships african lawn jockeys and 80-year old stuttering pedo fucks..... it's hopeless, I assure you.

Actually, I'm not trying to educate him...just encouraging him to get an education. ;)
Bob Woodward uses unethical means to get access to his sources. He says to them, "Cooperate with me and I'll make you the hero of the story, refuse to cooperate with me and I'll make you the villain." That's how he got access to the Bush White House.

true! and only suckers like trump fall for it...

I read his book about the Supreme Court and it's not journalism, he claims to know what the Justices were thinking and that's impossible for a reporter to know.
If jesus comes out and denounces Trump he would be crucified by trump supporters.
Jesus was a commie bastard. Cured sick folk for free.
You so lucky you dont live with the dumbest group of people known to humanity. They vote against their own interest because fox news told them so. Now they follow everything trump says.
They hate Hollywood and their guy is a showman.
They hate the elitism and their guy ai a 1 percenter.
They hate the swamp, and the guy was always in bed with the swamp.
They hate the anti Christianity and they voted for someone who has never been to church, married a hooker and had a casino. Lol

You just cant make this stuff up.
They lurve Murica and vote for a draft dodger.
He just reflect 30% of have no idea how dumb so called republicans or conservatives I came across and see and hear....Before I moved to the US i knew they existed. living here, I ask myself all the time how can a human being be this dumb. The guy told them straight I can should someone and I won't lose a vote hahahaha
I read his book about the Supreme Court and it's not journalism, he claims to know what the Justices were thinking and that's impossible for a reporter to know.
If jesus comes out and denounces Trump he would be crucified by trump supporters.
Jesus was a commie bastard. Cured sick folk for free.
You so lucky you dont live with the dumbest group of people known to humanity. They vote against their own interest because fox news told them so. Now they follow everything trump says.
They hate Hollywood and their guy is a showman.
They hate the elitism and their guy ai a 1 percenter.
They hate the swamp, and the guy was always in bed with the swamp.
They hate the anti Christianity and they voted for someone who has never been to church, married a hooker and had a casino. Lol

You just cant make this stuff up.
They lurve Murica and vote for a draft dodger.
He just reflect 30% of have no idea how dumb so called republicans or conservatives I came across and see and hear....Before I moved to the US i knew they existed. living here, I ask myself all the time how can a human being be this dumb. The guy told them straight I can should someone and I won't lose a vote hahahaha
Its not just the US. We voted for brexit. Brits are thick as shit.
I read his book about the Supreme Court and it's not journalism, he claims to know what the Justices were thinking and that's impossible for a reporter to know.
If jesus comes out and denounces Trump he would be crucified by trump supporters.
Jesus was a commie bastard. Cured sick folk for free.
You so lucky you dont live with the dumbest group of people known to humanity. They vote against their own interest because fox news told them so. Now they follow everything trump says.
They hate Hollywood and their guy is a showman.
They hate the elitism and their guy ai a 1 percenter.
They hate the swamp, and the guy was always in bed with the swamp.
They hate the anti Christianity and they voted for someone who has never been to church, married a hooker and had a casino. Lol

You just cant make this stuff up.
They lurve Murica and vote for a draft dodger.
He just reflect 30% of have no idea how dumb so called republicans or conservatives I came across and see and hear....Before I moved to the US i knew they existed. living here, I ask myself all the time how can a human being be this dumb. The guy told them straight I can should someone and I won't lose a vote hahahaha
Its not just the US. We voted for brexit. Brits are thick as shit.
Not even close....the ignorance in the US is unparalleled. I've been to third world countries, where people are dirt poor and know more than the average American...Sometimes i'm puzzled as to why the US is the way it is economically, and then I remember immigration.
The dumbest thing i keep hearing, well we need guns to defend against tyrannic government lol....goodluck shooting an F35 with your pistol dumbo.
I read his book about the Supreme Court and it's not journalism, he claims to know what the Justices were thinking and that's impossible for a reporter to know.
If jesus comes out and denounces Trump he would be crucified by trump supporters.
Jesus was a commie bastard. Cured sick folk for free.
You so lucky you dont live with the dumbest group of people known to humanity. They vote against their own interest because fox news told them so. Now they follow everything trump says.
They hate Hollywood and their guy is a showman.
They hate the elitism and their guy ai a 1 percenter.
They hate the swamp, and the guy was always in bed with the swamp.
They hate the anti Christianity and they voted for someone who has never been to church, married a hooker and had a casino. Lol

You just cant make this stuff up.
They lurve Murica and vote for a draft dodger.
He just reflect 30% of have no idea how dumb so called republicans or conservatives I came across and see and hear....Before I moved to the US i knew they existed. living here, I ask myself all the time how can a human being be this dumb. The guy told them straight I can should someone and I won't lose a vote hahahaha
Its not just the US. We voted for brexit. Brits are thick as shit.
Not even close....the ignorance in the US is unparalleled. I've been to third world countries, where people are dirt poor and know more than the average American...Sometimes i'm puzzled as to why the US is the way it is economically, and then I remember immigration.
The dumbest thing i keep hearing, well we need guns to defend against tyrannic government lol....goodluck shooting an F35 with your pistol dumbo.
Our dumbfucks believe that a conservative government cares about them. The tories despise poor folk and have spent centuries actively seeking to keep them poor.
Bob Woodward has always been one thing and one thing only...he is the dems literary October surprise...he does this every election....if you are no good just come up with a hook or click bait...that's Bobby.....
Trump should have known better than to speak to Bob.....

The problem is Trump's Ego is so big he thought he could charm Woodward with his bullshit.

Sucks to be him.

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