Bob Woodward is not a journalist he is a writer of fiction

No one here has refuted what I said. I read Woodward's book about the Supreme Court. He does not write like a journalist, he writes like a fiction writer. He claims to know what people are thinking.
Ever since he got lucky and deep throat threw him a bone, dems have been uber ass hurt. That shit happed 50 fucking years ago. Get over it, assholes.
No one here has refuted what I said. I read Woodward's book about the Supreme Court. He does not write like a journalist, he writes like a fiction writer. He claims to know what people are thinking.
Nobody cares about the supreme court book. Trump said on tape with Woodward in February and they are playing the tapes on most network and making them available on the internet, of trump in his own words, he knew it was a deadly serious virus and played it down to the public as nothing serious, and proving he has been lying to the public and his supporters from the beginning, instead of leading to keep us from being Covid capital of the whole planet. He finally made us #1, with his lies.
Dr. Fauci disagreed with Woodward's comments.

Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, insisted he did not "get any sense" that President Trump minimized the severity of the coronavirus pandemic after audio emerged of the commander in chief telling journalist Bob Woodward earlier this year that he "wanted to always play it down" to avoid stirring panic.

Fauci rejected the idea that Trump misleadingly minimized the threat posed by the virus, adding that he never witnessed the president project an improper lack of urgency during press conferences with the White House coronavirus task force.

"I don’t recall anything different than in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly. So I didn’t read the book. I didn’t go over any of the text since it just came out. But you know, in my discussions and the discussions of other task force members with the president, we’re talking about the reality of what was going on, and then, when we would get up in front of the press conferences, which were very, very common after our discussions with the president, he really didn’t say anything different than we discussed when we were with him," Fauci told Fox News on Wednesday.

"So I may not be tuned in to the right thing they’re talking about, but I didn’t see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said," he added.

Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he didn't believe that Trump was distorting the severity of the illness to the public. He said that the entire coronavirus taskforce was "straightforward" with the president and that Trump relayed their positions to the public.

Woodward is an attention hound.
Woodward is not an ethical journalist. He is the writer of fiction, but he is unethical because he lies and says his fiction is true.
No one here has refuted what I said. I read Woodward's book about the Supreme Court. He does not write like a journalist, he writes like a fiction writer. He claims to know what people are thinking.
Quite a few people "refuted what you said", especially about him not being a journalist. Your boy Trump is an idiot and a narcissist. Bob Woodward, being a good journalist, capitalized on his narcissistic stupidity.

Thank you. Apparently OPie thinks Watergate was fiction.
The OP doesn't address Watergate, doofus.
Ya, Woodward has been reporting and having his work covered by huge newspapers and selling millions of books for over a half-century but some anonymous messageboard posters have decided he isn't a real journalist. Ignore the fact he got Trump to confess to murdering Americans on a recorded interview.
Ya, Woodward has been reporting and having his work covered by huge newspapers and selling millions of books for over a half-century but some anonymous messageboard posters have decided he isn't a real journalist. Ignore the fact he got Trump to confess to murdering Americans on a recorded interview.
I thought it was the governor of New York who actually murdered people when he sent those sick people into the nursing homes to infect them.
No one here has refuted what I said. I read Woodward's book about the Supreme Court. He does not write like a journalist, he writes like a fiction writer. He claims to know what people are thinking.
Nobody cares about the supreme court book. Trump said on tape with Woodward in February and they are playing the tapes on most network and making them available on the internet, of trump in his own words, he knew it was a deadly serious virus and played it down to the public as nothing serious, and proving he has been lying to the public and his supporters from the beginning, instead of leading to keep us from being Covid capital of the whole planet. He finally made us #1, with his lies.
Dr. Fauci disagreed with Woodward's comments.

Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, insisted he did not "get any sense" that President Trump minimized the severity of the coronavirus pandemic after audio emerged of the commander in chief telling journalist Bob Woodward earlier this year that he "wanted to always play it down" to avoid stirring panic.

Fauci rejected the idea that Trump misleadingly minimized the threat posed by the virus, adding that he never witnessed the president project an improper lack of urgency during press conferences with the White House coronavirus task force.

"I don’t recall anything different than in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly. So I didn’t read the book. I didn’t go over any of the text since it just came out. But you know, in my discussions and the discussions of other task force members with the president, we’re talking about the reality of what was going on, and then, when we would get up in front of the press conferences, which were very, very common after our discussions with the president, he really didn’t say anything different than we discussed when we were with him," Fauci told Fox News on Wednesday.

"So I may not be tuned in to the right thing they’re talking about, but I didn’t see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said," he added.

Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he didn't believe that Trump was distorting the severity of the illness to the public. He said that the entire coronavirus taskforce was "straightforward" with the president and that Trump relayed their positions to the public.

Woodward is an attention hound.
Trump in his own words said he downplayed and the record of what he has said from the beginning proves he told Woodward the truth back in February, while he kept lying and downplaying to the public and playing his supporters for fools for months. trump lied and people died and are still dying.
Ya, Woodward has been reporting and having his work covered by huge newspapers and selling millions of books for over a half-century but some anonymous messageboard posters have decided he isn't a real journalist. Ignore the fact he got Trump to confess to murdering Americans on a recorded interview.
I thought it was the governor of New York who actually murdered people when he sent those sick people into the nursing homes to infect them.
You think lots of goofy things.

Trump's confession is recorded and all over the internet.
I pre-ordered my copy on Audible just now. Can't wait until the 15th. I'm off that evening. Hope it drops early in the day.
Ya, Woodward has been reporting and having his work covered by huge newspapers and selling millions of books for over a half-century but some anonymous messageboard posters have decided he isn't a real journalist. Ignore the fact he got Trump to confess to murdering Americans on a recorded interview.
I thought it was the governor of New York who actually murdered people when he sent those sick people into the nursing homes to infect them.
You think lots of goofy things.

Trump's confession is recorded and all over the internet. don't see the wisdom of this:

The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOLSet your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

Watch your own fucking video and Biden didn't say the ban was xenophobic...You are just showing how ignorant you are..

Biden said that Trump's travel ban was xenophobic. He changed his mind after Trump was praised for saving lives by ordering the travel ban.You are the ignorant one here.

This is a 180-degree spin from the former vice president. Just two months ago, Biden called a ban on travel to and from China, where the virus originated, was "xenophobic" and "racist:"

In January, President Trump banned all foreign nationals who were in China during the time of the coronavirus outbreak from entering the United States. Many pundits and health experts have since credited this decision with helping to slow the coronavirus pandemic on American shores.However, at the time former vice president Joe Biden railed against the decision.

During a campaign rally, Biden said that “In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do.”

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued.
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I pre-ordered my copy on Audible just now. Can't wait until the 15th. I'm off that evening. Hope it drops early in the day.
I skip a lot of these, even though I am certainly no trump fan, but I get this one, also, since it is backed up by tapes of trump himself. Hey Candy, will the Audible version just be a reading out loud as usual or will it have the trump recordings backing up the telling? I'd buy that in a heartbeat if it did.
I pre-ordered my copy on Audible just now. Can't wait until the 15th. I'm off that evening. Hope it drops early in the day.
I skip a lot of these, even though I am certainly no trump fan, but I get this one, also, since it is backed up by tapes of trump himself. Hey Candy, will the Audible version just be a reading out loud as usual or will it have the trump recordings backing up the telling? I'd buy that in a heartbeat if it did.
Likely not. I've listened to several Woodward books on Audible, CD, etc... I imagine he used recording devices on many if not most of his works. I've never heard they play his source material. I think there was some material in an epilogue one time on one of the books. I seem to recall one of the principles in the book having passed away at about the time it was released so they played some of the recordings. I may have it confused with another author though. I'm a big book on CD fan. I gave up my XM radio for a while because I was listening to books on my frequent trips.
No one here has refuted what I said. I read Woodward's book about the Supreme Court. He does not write like a journalist, he writes like a fiction writer. He claims to know what people are thinking.
Nobody cares about the supreme court book. Trump said on tape with Woodward in February and they are playing the tapes on most network and making them available on the internet, of trump in his own words, he knew it was a deadly serious virus and played it down to the public as nothing serious, and proving he has been lying to the public and his supporters from the beginning, instead of leading to keep us from being Covid capital of the whole planet. He finally made us #1, with his lies.
Dr. Fauci disagreed with Woodward's comments.

Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, insisted he did not "get any sense" that President Trump minimized the severity of the coronavirus pandemic after audio emerged of the commander in chief telling journalist Bob Woodward earlier this year that he "wanted to always play it down" to avoid stirring panic.

Fauci rejected the idea that Trump misleadingly minimized the threat posed by the virus, adding that he never witnessed the president project an improper lack of urgency during press conferences with the White House coronavirus task force.

"I don’t recall anything different than in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly. So I didn’t read the book. I didn’t go over any of the text since it just came out. But you know, in my discussions and the discussions of other task force members with the president, we’re talking about the reality of what was going on, and then, when we would get up in front of the press conferences, which were very, very common after our discussions with the president, he really didn’t say anything different than we discussed when we were with him," Fauci told Fox News on Wednesday.

"So I may not be tuned in to the right thing they’re talking about, but I didn’t see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said," he added.

Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he didn't believe that Trump was distorting the severity of the illness to the public. He said that the entire coronavirus taskforce was "straightforward" with the president and that Trump relayed their positions to the public.

Woodward is an attention hound.
Trump in his own words said he downplayed and the record of what he has said from the beginning proves he told Woodward the truth back in February, while he kept lying and downplaying to the public and playing his supporters for fools for months. trump lied and people died and are still dying.
You're being dense. President Trump took heat from Democrats including Biden, Pelosi and Schumer for his China travel ban. If anyone downplayed the danger of the virus, it was Pelosi inviting people to come party in Chinatown and Dr. Fauci telling people to continue their normal activities.

I think you did not bother to read what I quoted from the linked article regarding what Fauci said. His remarks indicate that Trump has advised the public with the same information that his team presented to him.

Here's part of it:
Fauci rejected the idea that Trump misleadingly minimized the threat posed by the virus, adding that he never witnessed the president project an improper lack of urgency during press conferences with the White House coronavirus task force.

Go back and read the entire quote. Stop with your knee-jerk, ignorant replies.
I pre-ordered my copy on Audible just now. Can't wait until the 15th. I'm off that evening. Hope it drops early in the day.
I skip a lot of these, even though I am certainly no trump fan, but I get this one, also, since it is backed up by tapes of trump himself. Hey Candy, will the Audible version just be a reading out loud as usual or will it have the trump recordings backing up the telling? I'd buy that in a heartbeat if it did.
Likely not. I've listened to several Woodward books on Audible, CD, etc... I imagine he used recording devices on many if not most of his works. I've never heard they play his source material. I think there was some material in an epilogue one time on one of the books. I seem to recall one of the principles in the book having passed away at about the time it was released so they played some of the recordings. I may have it confused with another author though. I'm a big book on CD fan. I gave up my XM radio for a while because I was listening to books on my frequent trips.
Too bad. I will get it for my Amazon Fire. I'm retired and don't commute or travel for the company any more. If I started with the audio books even going on vacation in the SUV, PJ would want equal time and her tastes in literature(?) on a long trip would have me aiming for bridge abutments, after a while.
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So what would you have had Trump do? Panic the American public? FDR downplayed the dangers of the Great Depression by saying “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Part of a president’s job is to sell hopeful propaganda to the American people.
So what would you have had Trump do? Panic the American public? FDR downplayed the dangers of the Great Depression by saying “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Part of a president’s job is to sell hopeful propaganda to the American people.
Bull Crap. I knew the score, because I knew he was lying when he said it and was not panicked. Scares people a lot more to know he will out and out lie, and make matters worse by encouraging people to blow off real dangers to themselves, and their families. A lot of people listened to his lies, then took foolish chances, even encouraging others to take foolish chances, even belittling those that stood with public health and science, and caused a lot of them to die. It was all for his political benefit. Anybody that doubts it is just Gullible with a capital G. A bunch of his own supporters were Gullible and now just DEAD, but they spread it to others before they took that last breath. If he had only told the truth, stood behind taking precautions and set the example for taking those precautions himself, there would not have been near the number blowing it off as it was the Pro-trump thing to do. Those that blew it off, underestimating the danger, believing in the lies, false cures and treatments, the anti-science national leader touted and lied about, died for nothing but his PERSONAL benefit, like hogs to slaughter. He could have shown positive leadership instead of leading others to their death. He is bears the major blame for how covid was reacted to in this country and that is why we are number 1 on the planet in confirmed cases and number 1 on the planet on total dead citizens of 1 country. In this country the Covid virus is the Trump Virus, in honor of him, the Grim Reaper and Chief, like no other country's leader on earth.
The travel ban is 'xenophobic' on Mar 12.... LOL

Set your Google Translate to "stuttering fuck"....

The lame reply to your post by CowboyTed is exemplary of the lack of comprehension snowflake liberals have regarding context.

While it is true that Biden did not say the words "the ban was xenophobic", his comments implied that the ban was evidence of Trump's xenophobia. So, the ban, to Biden, was a xenophobic move on the part of Trump.

It is telling that he has changed in mind on this and know agrees that the ban was a good move. He now says that it came too late.

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