Bobby Jindal drops out..

Alas, Poor Piyush, I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite
jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bored me with his tiresome stories a thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is!
My gorge rises at it.
I thought he'd have dropped out before the Wisconsin turd.
Russ Feingold is dead.
The GOP governors have not done the stellar job everyone expected they would. Perry, Walker, Jindal, Christie. The mood in the GOP is anti anyone who has held office or is perceived as an insider. This is good. It is firing up the party and will lead to increased turnout.
Meanwhile Democrats are saddled wth a boring sham primary leading to the coronation of one of the most corrupt, disliked politicians in America.
It will be no contest.
The GOP governors have not done the stellar job everyone expected they would. Perry, Walker, Jindal, Christie. The mood in the GOP is anti anyone who has held office or is perceived as an insider. This is good. It is firing up the party and will lead to increased turnout.
Meanwhile Democrats are saddled wth a boring sham primary leading to the coronation of one of the most corrupt, disliked politicians in America.
It will be no contest.

I think you are engaging in a logical fallacy here, guy.

Just because the small fraction of the population that shows up for Republican Primaries - less than 10 million people made Mitt Romney the nominee - is disgusted with conventional politicians, does't mean that

1) The eventual nominee won't still be a conventional politician.

2) That any more people will show up to vote for your guy than showed up in 2012.

Here's the thing. Bush, McCain and Romney only got about 60 million votes. There's not some well of untapped voters out there. Unless you are talking about the reality TV watching morons who couldn't tell you who their Senator is, but can tell you who won Survivor last season.
Maybe now Piyush will hang up his "Bobby the Christian" persona and go back to his Indian roots?

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