Bobby Jindal, Governor Of Louisiana {KING}

Yes, it would be outrageous for Georgia's racist governors to ever defend blacks!

You would find it outrageous for the Governor (only one at a time, professor) to "defend blacks"? Of course I wasn't asking about something as general as 'defending blacks,' but you chose to twist my words. That's not a very honest way to conduct yourself in a discussion

You shut your mouth about honesty in a discussion. You're the biggest LIAR :eusa_liar: in this forum, and everyone knows it.

no, that is Jake Starkey
Bruce came back to tell Bobby...

Obama had them both over for a Beer Summit, and cslmed the situation down without condemning or condoning either party.

When the cop was wrong to arrest someone for "breaking" into their OWN home.

No...Obama took sides and said the cop acted "stupidly." He also injected himself in the Zimmerman case and took sides.

Your OP point is correct. Politicians like Obama and Jindal need to stay out of these issues and let the legal system run it's course. The reason Obama and Jindal interject themselves in these situations is an attempt to score personal political points.

Funny, you see that with Jindal, but do not seem to see it with Obama at all.
Obama was the first black president. The first hot button race issue was Gates. People WERE VERY MUCH wanting to hear his view. YEARS LATER, Trayvon had protests IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE COUNTRY! It was part of his job to address it.

NOBODY was waiting or needed Jindal to say a damn thing about duck-calling rednecks on a fucking reality show.

HUGE difference...
Obama was the first black president. The first hot button race issue was Gates. People WERE VERY MUCH wanting to hear his view. YEARS LATER, Trayvon had protests IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE COUNTRY! It was part of his job to address it.

I don't recall anyone clamoring for obama's uninformed opinion on a FL court case. In fact, given the way he stuck his foot in his mouth the last time he had chimed in on a legal matter that he didn't know enough about to speak intelligently on, you would have thought he might have learned to restrain himself.
Obama was the first black president. The first hot button race issue was Gates. People WERE VERY MUCH wanting to hear his view. YEARS LATER, Trayvon had protests IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE COUNTRY! It was part of his job to address it.

NOBODY was waiting or needed Jindal to say a damn thing about duck-calling rednecks on a fucking reality show.

HUGE difference...

Redneck is a racist term and is offensive. It is similar to cracker. Equally offensive. I know you don't care, which tells me all I need to know about you.

Obama took sides in the Gates and Zimmerman cases. He made an ass of himself. His comments were strictly intended to score political points with like minded bigots such as yourself. You know...the folks he calls his base...many of which are ignorant and hate-filled.
Obama was the first black president. The first hot button race issue was Gates. People WERE VERY MUCH wanting to hear his view. YEARS LATER, Trayvon had protests IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE COUNTRY! It was part of his job to address it.

NOBODY was waiting or needed Jindal to say a damn thing about duck-calling rednecks on a fucking reality show.

HUGE difference...

no they weren't wanting to hear his views...and then he talked like some kid in grade school...the police acted STUPIDLY
so you just tore apart your own thread. give it up already
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Isn't this family from Louisiana? so Jindal has every right to speak up on this as he Represents them and their state
Obama was the first black president. The first hot button race issue was Gates. People WERE VERY MUCH wanting to hear his view. YEARS LATER, Trayvon had protests IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE COUNTRY! It was part of his job to address it.

NOBODY was waiting or needed Jindal to say a damn thing about duck-calling rednecks on a fucking reality show.

HUGE difference...

Redneck is a racist term and is offensive. It is similar to cracker. Equally offensive. I know you don't care, which tells me all I need to know about you.

Obama took sides in the Gates and Zimmerman cases. He made an ass of himself. His comments were strictly intended to score political points with like minded bigots such as yourself. You know...the folks he calls his base...many of which are ignorant and hate-filled.

Redneck is not a racist term. It may have been at one time but us rednecks took the name and the power it had back. And I know of no white person that is offended by being called a cracker.

You see, us white folks don't let little words have that much power of us and we have thicker skins than most folks.
I asked do you think a jew was happy because he didn't complain to a german?

Since y'all wanna try and be obtuse, take the concentration camp part out, and just answer the question from BEFORE they started shipping them to camps.

When jews were living in a state discriminating against them in Nazi Germany.

^^ Is that better?

Now if a german were to say "Those jews never complained to me! They were happy! They were singing! I never saw them mistreated! Things were better then for them than them being free today!"

See how fucking stupid that sounds?


it sounds stupid, because your ARE stupid.
only a stupid like you can compare the FREE albeit discriminated people who work for a living with INCARCERATED in waiting to be annihilated.

you can kiss my snowy ass :D
I asked do you think a jew was happy because he didn't complain to a german?

Since y'all wanna try and be obtuse, take the concentration camp part out, and just answer the question from BEFORE they started shipping them to camps.

When jews were living in a state discriminating against them in Nazi Germany.

^^ Is that better?

Now if a german were to say "Those jews never complained to me! They were happy! They were singing! I never saw them mistreated! Things were better then for them than them being free today!"

See how fucking stupid that sounds?


Phil was talking about his experience growing up with blacks. He did not see them as an unhappy people.

I'm willing to bet he would not say the same thing about blacks today.
Redneck is what they call themselves proudly. It has to do with them working in the sun. If a white person was offended by the term, I would not use it.

The term cracker comes from a person "cracking the whip". From when whites enslaved blacks. The term "honkey" comes from white men cruising the ghetto for black prostitutes. Not wanting to get out of their cars, they would "honk" to get a whore to come to them.

These terms come from blacls being oppressed. I can understand why whites aren't offended by them like blacks are offended by the names you call us. For nobody was calling you a cracker or honkey while they lynched your brother, raped your mother, or killed your father.

There is a slight difference there, and it has nothing to do with who's skin is thicker.

As far as Obama, I most certainly did see hundreds of black people who were instrumental in him getting elected, being very eager to hear his point of view on a race issue. Never in history of this country had blacks an oppurtunity to have the POTUS be a black man. After America's history with blacks, this Gates case was a chance to see if we finally had at least a fighting chance at ppl in powerful positions SEEING OUR SIDE OF THE STORY.

It was important that he said SOMETHING!

It was.

Jindal, doesn't have any race traditions in this country anywhere NEAR the situation with blacks and whites. So when a white person says something about a vicious time in black's history...WTF he got to do with it?

Nothing. At least be diplomatic enough to not be seen as defending someone that is romanticizing a period (albeit he says it's his personal memory), that even the dumbest, stupidest, most retarded motherfucker on the planet KNOWS was not a "happy" time for blacks!

To me?

The fucking willfully blind motherfucking redneck hillbilly racist bitch was being funny and smart-aleck. They do that bullshit to try and paint a dishonest picture of the oppression of blacks by whites.

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Jindal, doesn't have any race traditions in this country anywhere NEAR the situation with blacks and whites. So when a white person says something about a vicious time in black's history...WTF he got to do with it?

So the governor of the state shouldn't comment on a matter in his state if he's not the 'correct' color? Is that what you're saying?

No. The governor CAN speak on it.

I question if it is ethical for a governor to speak on it if he is gonna take sidesof the person making comments that obviously upset a large part of the ppl he is supposed to be serving.

IF....he was gonna speak publicly on the job about it, he could've said...

"No comment."

"While Phil is a friend of mine, his comments do not reflect the feelings of all Louisianans that I serve."

"I think this is being blown out of proportion."

"We in Louisiana, have far more pressing problems than one man's opinions."

"He has a right to say what he feels, and A+E has a right to suspend him if they choose."

"Although I personally may feel where my friend Phil is coming from, neither Phil nor I are black or gay. Therefore, I deem it wise to tread lightly upon the heritage or sexual orientations of others, until we've walked in their shoes."

"Let's just wait and see what becomes of this before we crucify anyone."

"Phil is older than me, but we all know Jim Crow was an evil system of racial discrimination similar to apartheid. Therefore, just because a few select people he worked with never SEEMED bothered by it to HIM, it is very insensitive to say or think that "blacks were happy" during that time."


^^^ Does that make any sense to any of you?

Or am I just a dumb, racist, racecard-playing ****** with thin skin?
No. The governor CAN speak on it.

I question if it is ethical for a governor to speak on it if he is gonna take sidesof the person making comments that obviously upset a large part of the ppl he is supposed to be serving.

Ah, so he CAN speak on it if he says what you want him to say? :rolleyes:
Or am I just a dumb, racist, racecard-playing ****** with thin skin?

Who - other than YOU - has said that? And why do you seem so desperate to have someone say that to you? Odd. Sorry, you'll have to look elsewhere.

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