Bobby Jindal, Governor Of Louisiana {KING}

No. The governor CAN speak on it.

I question if it is ethical for a governor to speak on it if he is gonna take sidesof the person making comments that obviously upset a large part of the ppl he is supposed to be serving.

IF....he was gonna speak publicly on the job about it, he could've said...

"No comment."

"While Phil is a friend of mine, his comments do not reflect the feelings of all Louisianans that I serve."

"I think this is being blown out of proportion."

"We in Louisiana, have far more pressing problems than one man's opinions."

"He has a right to say what he feels, and A+E has a right to suspend him if they choose."

"Although I personally may feel where my friend Phil is coming from, neither Phil nor I are black or gay. Therefore, I deem it wise to tread lightly upon the heritage or sexual orientations of others,until we've walked in their shoes."

"Let's just wait and see what becomes of this before we crucify anyone."

"Phil is older than me, but we all know Jim Crow was an evil system of racial discrimination similar to apartheid. Therefore, just because a few select people he worked with never SEEMED bothered by it to HIM, it is very insensitive to say or think that "blacks were happy" during that time."


^^^ Does that make any sense to any of you?

Or am I just a dumb, racist, racecard-playing ****** with thin skin?

some of it does, some of it does not ( the bolded part is pure pile of shit)

still does not change you from being a racist and race playing absolutely not dumb but clearly thinned to the paper thickness skin person ;)
Good question I have often wondered why when President Obama was asked about the Henry Louis Gates incident he just didn't sat I'm not familiar with the facts and can't comment instead of taking a stand as he did.

Probably because there wasn't a set of facts that really justified white police officers arresting a distinguished black professor at his own home after they had ascertained his identity.

As I recall the arrest came as a result of Gates becoming verbally abusive with the officers and that the President was aware of none of that when he commented on the situation so again back to the OP who seemed to feel Jindal should not have done what Obama did comment on a event that did not directly involve him. I have yet to get a real answer on why it is seemingly wrong for Governor Jindal to do this but not President Obama.
Should politicians take sides in things outside of their official duties? I like a lot of things in pop culture, and some things I do not. Yet, I expect an elected official to have enough professionalism to speak publicly about his denanding, pressing problems, instead of speaking about frivilous and trivial things.

And IF an elected official does venture into opining on a pop culture issue, is it appropriate at all for them to take sides of a person that may in fact be saying/doing things that millions of his constituents are offended by?

Is this good politics?

Should an Ethics Review be in order?

Should mayors comment on who they like in Housewives Of Atlanta beefs? If they do, can the woman the mayor has chosen to publicly stand against...bring the mayor up on ethic violations for unduly effecting her reality career by using their mayoral influence to side with their adversary??

Your Thoughts...

Look ... Bobby Jindal is from Louisiana ... Same as Phil Robertson.
There are some things we do different here in Louisiana than the rest of the States (most of us anyways).

First Off ...
We don't shy away from what we think because someone may not like it ... Or may disapprove of the message or how we say it.
We don't lack the courage of our convictions ... And won't simply tailor what we say in attempts to gain respect from people ... If it isn't what we mean.

Secondly ...
As far as what we believe and think ... We don't give a rat's ass whether or not you agree or approve.
We respect people who stand for what they believe ... Even if it is contradictory to our own beliefs.
We just don't sugar coat crap and expect other people to buy any snake oil like philosophies ... That do more to pollute honest discussion than accomplish anything worthwhile.

Just look at the way the Robertson family handled A&E over the situation with Phil.
A&E said that it would be unacceptable to keep Phil on the show ... And the rest of the family said it would be unacceptable to go on with the show without him ... They don't care what A&E thinks.

Bobby Jindal has always been looking beyond the boarders of Louisiana in his political aspirations ... But he is as much from here as anywhere else.
Governor Jindal isn't afraid to tell you what he thinks ... And if you cannot vote for him because you are scared of what he thinks ... Then he doesn't care about your wishy-washy vote.
He has no desire to jump through single issue hoops chasing individual voters ... You either like enough of what he has to offer ... Or vote for the idiot he is running against.
That has worked well for him here ... Might not work out so well when he gets out around a bunch of two faced lying backstabbing louts in Washington.

Most people in Louisiana have a simple trait that makes them hard to deal with on the National scene ... It is called tenacity*.

*Tenacity is something I am pretty sure that hot-cocoa drinking, pajama wearing, ObamaCare boy doesn't have a heck of a lot of.
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Good question I have often wondered why when President Obama was asked about the Henry Louis Gates incident he just didn't sat I'm not familiar with the facts and can't comment instead of taking a stand as he did.

Probably because there wasn't a set of facts that really justified white police officers arresting a distinguished black professor at his own home after they had ascertained his identity.

As I recall the arrest came as a result of Gates becoming verbally abusive with the officers and that the President was aware of none of that when he commented on the situation so again back to the OP who seemed to feel Jindal should not have done what Obama did comment on a event that did not directly involve him. I have yet to get a real answer on why it is seemingly wrong for Governor Jindal to do this but not President Obama.

Oh, "verbally abusive". You mean he was upset that police were harrassing him at his own home because "you people" don't belong here?

Yes, how dare he object to their racial profiling and bigotry. The proper response was to get back in their cars and go back to the donut shop. But they had to get all macho and show this uppity negro that they were in charge.

Piyush, on the other hand, is just trying to get some attention before he vanishes into political oblivion where he belongs.
Probably because there wasn't a set of facts that really justified white police officers arresting a distinguished black professor at his own home after they had ascertained his identity.

As I recall the arrest came as a result of Gates becoming verbally abusive with the officers and that the President was aware of none of that when he commented on the situation so again back to the OP who seemed to feel Jindal should not have done what Obama did comment on a event that did not directly involve him. I have yet to get a real answer on why it is seemingly wrong for Governor Jindal to do this but not President Obama.

Oh, "verbally abusive". You mean he was upset that police were harrassing him at his own home because "you people" don't belong here?

Yes, how dare he object to their racial profiling and bigotry. The proper response was to get back in their cars and go back to the donut shop. But they had to get all macho and show this uppity negro that they were in charge.

Piyush, on the other hand, is just trying to get some attention before he vanishes into political oblivion where he belongs.
Still avoiding the question why is it ok Obama to comment on social issues like the Gates incident but not Jindal on Phil as the Op implies?
As I recall the arrest came as a result of Gates becoming verbally abusive with the officers and that the President was aware of none of that when he commented on the situation so again back to the OP who seemed to feel Jindal should not have done what Obama did comment on a event that did not directly involve him. I have yet to get a real answer on why it is seemingly wrong for Governor Jindal to do this but not President Obama.

Oh, "verbally abusive". You mean he was upset that police were harrassing him at his own home because "you people" don't belong here?

Yes, how dare he object to their racial profiling and bigotry. The proper response was to get back in their cars and go back to the donut shop. But they had to get all macho and show this uppity negro that they were in charge.

Piyush, on the other hand, is just trying to get some attention before he vanishes into political oblivion where he belongs.
Still avoiding the question why is it ok Obama to comment on social issues like the Gates incident but not Jindal on Phil as the Op implies?

Mostly because Piyush looks like an idiot when he opens him mouth....
Oh, "verbally abusive". You mean he was upset that police were harrassing him at his own home because "you people" don't belong here?

Yes, how dare he object to their racial profiling and bigotry. The proper response was to get back in their cars and go back to the donut shop. But they had to get all macho and show this uppity negro that they were in charge.

Piyush, on the other hand, is just trying to get some attention before he vanishes into political oblivion where he belongs.
Still avoiding the question why is it ok Obama to comment on social issues like the Gates incident but not Jindal on Phil as the Op implies?

Mostly because Piyush looks like an idiot when he opens him mouth....

In other words you can't answer the question got it moving on.
Still avoiding the question why is it ok Obama to comment on social issues like the Gates incident but not Jindal on Phil as the Op implies?

Mostly because Piyush looks like an idiot when he opens him mouth....

In other words you can't answer the question got it moving on.

I did answer it.

The police acted stupidly, and Obama was right to call them on it.

A&E did what any corporation would do in the same circumstance.
Obama was sought after and asked about a national issue that was in the courts. Police and The Justice system are things paid for by public money.

Jindal commented on a private enterprise that had nothing to do with government.
Bobby Jindal. What a fool. And this is a GOP "rising star".

I think he's the only catholic in the world that believes in "creationism".

Lobbied the people of his state to make gun ownership a "fundamental right". Now they've put it into their constitution and judges have struck down any laws denying firearms to felons. Why? Because it is now a "fundamental right". Duh! He was warned. Like having a fair trial or assuming innocence until proven guilty, those are "fundamental rights".

It takes a Republican to fight for the right of rapists, murderers and bank robbers to own firearms. Feel safer?

And dumbass right wingers, don't ask for links to this when I've linked to it so many times. Learn to use Google.
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Now they've put it into their constitution and judges have struck down any laws denying firearms to felons. Why? Because it is now a "fundamental right". Duh! He was warned. Like having a fair trial or assuming innocence until proven guilty, those are "fundamental rights".

It takes a Republican to fight for the right of rapists, murderers and bank robbers to own firearms. Feel safer?

And dumbass right wingers, don't ask for links to this when I've linked to it so many times. Learn to use Google.

Another rdean Lie ...

Law banning felons from possessing firearms survives challenge |

I guess rdean should have checked the links for any relevant information ... Like the way the Louisiana Supreme Court actually ruled.
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Now they've put it into their constitution and judges have struck down any laws denying firearms to felons. Why? Because it is now a "fundamental right". Duh! He was warned. Like having a fair trial or assuming innocence until proven guilty, those are "fundamental rights".

It takes a Republican to fight for the right of rapists, murderers and bank robbers to own firearms. Feel safer?

And dumbass right wingers, don't ask for links to this when I've linked to it so many times. Learn to use Google.

Another rdean Lie ...

Law banning felons from possessing firearms survives challenge |

I guess rdean should have checked the links for any relevant information ... Like the way the Louisiana Supreme Court actually ruled.

actually reading his links that he puts up? He can't be bothered
You are right, I stand corrected. Obama DID call the police stupid.

Because the police did act stupid.

Obama is the first black president, so he gets a lot of things thrown his way about race. Obama could cause a riot or a celebration depending on what he says. Many ppl listen to the president to give leadership. Obama speaks on these inflammatory issues like Trayvon Martin being murdered and his killer notveven arrested to calm the nation to avoid riots and senseless killings.

I think he's done a good job at that.

I remember Nixon saying Manson was guilty and he caught a lot of flak for that. I don't think Zimmerman or the cop case rose to even that level. I really don't care what a President's opinion is on local issues. And his skin color doesn't really matter to me.
There were nationwide protests about Martin. It was appropriate like a motherfucker for Obama to have said something.

Just trust me.

And Beer Summit was the first racial issue for the first black president. Again, people needed him to say something.

Trust me.

Bobby Jindal?

Ain't nobody sitting around waiting for him to say shit about a tv show!

He was out of line like hell!

So, you are the one that gets to decide when it is appropriate or not for the President to speak out? How is taking sides in the issue calming? In the Zimmerman/ Martin Case, it just put pressure on law enforcement to make a bad arrest. In the Beer Summit, it was making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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