Bobby Jindal, Governor Of Louisiana {KING}

Good question I have often wondered why when President Obama was asked about the Henry Louis Gates incident he just didn't sat I'm not familiar with the facts and can't comment instead of taking a stand as he did.

Trayvon Martin could be my son.
Calling Jason Collins to congratulate him on coming out as gay.
Support for Sandra Fluke

obama is the champ of sticking his nose in.
There were nationwide protests about Martin. It was appropriate like a motherfucker for Obama to have said something.

Just trust me.

And Beer Summit was the first racial issue for the first black president. Again, people needed him to say something.

Trust me.

Bobby Jindal?

Ain't nobody sitting around waiting for him to say shit about a tv show!

He was out of line like hell!

The Robertson Family - stars of the popular reality show - live in Louisiana.
Bobby Jindal is the Governor of Louisiana.
The Robertson Family are Bobby Jindal's constituents.

Therefore Bobby Jindal had every right to speak on behalf of his constituents, as well as President Obama had the right to speak on behalf of two different black guys.

Racism and political correctness can not possibly be an issue, because the Governor spoke up for people whose skin color is different from his.

Strangely, (?) this is not the case with the President.
Oh, "verbally abusive". You mean he was upset that police were harrassing him at his own home because "you people" don't belong here?

Yes, how dare he object to their racial profiling and bigotry. The proper response was to get back in their cars and go back to the donut shop. But they had to get all macho and show this uppity negro that they were in charge.

Piyush, on the other hand, is just trying to get some attention before he vanishes into political oblivion where he belongs.
Still avoiding the question why is it ok Obama to comment on social issues like the Gates incident but not Jindal on Phil as the Op implies?

Mostly because Piyush looks like an idiot when he opens him mouth....

And you have the nerve to bitch when somebody refers to the President as "HUSSAIN".

When Bobby Jindal has something to say, he says it without reading from a teleprompter, written by somebody smarter.
Good question I have often wondered why when President Obama was asked about the Henry Louis Gates incident he just didn't sat I'm not familiar with the facts and can't comment instead of taking a stand as he did.

Trayvon Martin could be my son.
Calling Jason Collins to congratulate him on coming out as gay.
Support for Sandra Fluke

obama is the champ of sticking his nose in.

Good for him for doing so.

Arresting a distinguished black acamedician after you've established his identity is really acting stupidly.

Shooting an unarmed kid down in cold blood and no arrest is really terrible.

It was really brave for Collins to come out. He deserved recognition.

And, sorry, calling someone a slut because she thinks she should get medical care she paid for should be called out.

Hey, maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, if Republicans TRIED to act like decent human beings, they wouldn't have the bad rap they have.

Just saying.
Still avoiding the question why is it ok Obama to comment on social issues like the Gates incident but not Jindal on Phil as the Op implies?

Mostly because Piyush looks like an idiot when he opens him mouth....

And you have the nerve to bitch when somebody refers to the President as "HUSSAIN".

When Bobby Jindal has something to say, he says it without reading from a teleprompter, written by somebody smarter.

Jindal's parents didn't name him "Bobby", they named him "Piyush".

"Hello, this is Bobby, how may I provide you excellent customer service today!"

Maybe I'm missing something here.

Maybe there are certain types of people THAT ACTUALLY BELIEVE that other people want to be 2nd class citizens under them.

In their minds, they see nothing wrong with Jim Crow, Apartheid, or Nazi Germany.

There ARE people who are happy to be second class citizens.

Those, 90% of whom blindly subjugate themselves politically to one party, 90% of the time.

BTW, Black_Man1, how big is that chip on your shoulder?
Obama was the first black president. The first hot button race issue was Gates. People WERE VERY MUCH wanting to hear his view. YEARS LATER, Trayvon had protests IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE COUNTRY! It was part of his job to address it.

NOBODY was waiting or needed Jindal to say a damn thing about duck-calling rednecks on a fucking reality show.

HUGE difference...

Bobby Jindal is the FIRST very brown governor of Louisiana, of Indian heritage.

The Gates thing was made into a hot button issue by the President.
Obama was sought after and asked about a national issue that was in the courts. Police and The Justice system are things paid for by public money.

Jindal commented on a private enterprise that had nothing to do with government.

Is the business located in Jindal's state? If it is, then Jindal's has every right to speak about it.
Mostly because Piyush looks like an idiot when he opens him mouth....

And you have the nerve to bitch when somebody refers to the President as "HUSSAIN".

When Bobby Jindal has something to say, he says it without reading from a teleprompter, written by somebody smarter.

Jindal's parents didn't name him "Bobby", they named him "Piyush".

"Hello, this is Bobby, how may I provide you excellent customer service today!"


Sad how bigots such as yourself find one type of racism ok and another wrong. I'm not sure how you justify it.
I want Jindal to go to a New Orleans black hood, and defend his friend saying blacks were happy under Jim Crow.

Blacks should throw shoes at this idiotic governor.
I want Jindal to go to a New Orleans black hood, and defend his friend saying blacks were happy under Jim Crow.

Blacks should throw shoes at this idiotic governor.

you can "want" as much as you can. It's a free country :D
I want Jindal to go to a New Orleans black hood, and defend his friend saying blacks were happy under Jim Crow.

Blacks should throw shoes at this idiotic governor.

That is not what they do in the hood in New Orleans.
Ask the Crips and Bloods what happens when you go to New Orleans looking to get your foot in the door ... Because it didn't work out too well for them.

In my opinion Jindal's statement was inappropriate on many levels.

He showed an ignorance of the Constitution. He showed a lack of sensitivity to his minority constituents. He gratuitously insulted a 21-year-old woman. And he did all that to support someone who said some truly repugnant things.

He did this not as a private citizen but in his capacity as governor.

I held Jindal in high regard before this. This ignorant action on his part takes him off the list of people I will suggest when someone asks me whom I favor for president in future races.
Excellent comment Amelia!

Yet, I was never of the opinion that a southern republican governor was...."progressive".


I don't understand the reference. I wouldn't have classified him as that either. I'm not a progressive myself, in case you thought I was. I'm right of center, solidly GOP, and disappointed by Jindal.

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