Bodies of Three Missing Israeli Teens Found Near Hebron

GOD SAYS TO ISRAEL==I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
Genesis 12:2-3
Diablo, Just a simple question...
Who would have served as the financiers if the Jews didn't?
you really want to DARE GOD???? GOD SAYS TO ISRAEL==I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
Genesis 12:2-3
The people of the towns/villages whatever.Its not that the jews served as the financiers its that they used usury while doing it.

The usury was collected by the Roman Catholic Church.
The average Catholic was illiterate and was hardly cut out to be an accountant, let alone an investment counselor.
I'd like some depth to your seemingly ever widening rantings.
I understand you have resentment issues but I'm interested in what you thought would have been a reasonable alternative.
Either way 3 jews that won't get to slaughter any Palestinian kids in the IDF is a good day to me.


Have a nice day
Either way 3 jews that won't get to slaughter any Palestinian kids in the IDF is a good day to me.


Have a nice day

I will. I get paid today.

NO SKIN OFF MY NOSE IF YOU WANT TO BE CURSED!!! GOD SAYS OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWS===I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
:lol: I can just see the spittle flying out of your mouth as you scream at the computer screen that how dare someone belittle the apple of gods eye. :lol:

Yep sure did.

Duh. Israel won't be around forever. Guaranteed. I look forward to the day the last jew is wiped from this earth. Want world peace. Get rid of the instigators.

Wow. Are you German by chance ?
Part German...Has absolutely nothing to do with my hatred of jews,judaism,I hate christians and christianity just as much. You do realize not only Germany tried to eliminate the jewish problem right? They have been kicked from damn near every country they ever settled in because of Usury in finance and the fact they NEVER assimilated...they are a parasite and even some of our founding fathers wanted them banned. Unfortunately that didn't happen.

They sure do have courage and heart though...guess that comes along with seeing your children slaughtered and your land stolen and your women raped.

replace the word "jew" with "gay", and i believe this poster would be banned for life around here.

yes!!! You are free to say any trash against christians,jews and god but don't post the truth about sexual perversion or radical muslim terrorists!!

Yep. Its one giant conspiracy against the jewsssss!! :lol:

So if you feel the same way about Christians, this means you'll party when they're all dead ?
NO SKIN OFF MY NOSE IF YOU WANT TO BE CURSED!!! GOD SAYS OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWS===I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
God said HE would do that. Not some Zionist asshole on planet earth.
Wow. Are you German by chance ?
Part German...Has absolutely nothing to do with my hatred of jews,judaism,I hate christians and christianity just as much. You do realize not only Germany tried to eliminate the jewish problem right? They have been kicked from damn near every country they ever settled in because of Usury in finance and the fact they NEVER assimilated...they are a parasite and even some of our founding fathers wanted them banned. Unfortunately that didn't happen.

They sure do have courage and heart though...guess that comes along with seeing your children slaughtered and your land stolen and your women raped.

yes!!! You are free to say any trash against christians,jews and god but don't post the truth about sexual perversion or radical muslim terrorists!!

Yep. Its one giant conspiracy against the jewsssss!! :lol:

So if you feel the same way about Christians, this means you'll party when they're all dead ?

That guy is worthless. A complete sack of pus. I would put an utter piece of shit like that on ignore. Having any communications with him is totally useless.
Wow. Are you German by chance ?
Part German...Has absolutely nothing to do with my hatred of jews,judaism,I hate christians and christianity just as much. You do realize not only Germany tried to eliminate the jewish problem right? They have been kicked from damn near every country they ever settled in because of Usury in finance and the fact they NEVER assimilated...they are a parasite and even some of our founding fathers wanted them banned. Unfortunately that didn't happen.

They sure do have courage and heart though...guess that comes along with seeing your children slaughtered and your land stolen and your women raped.

yes!!! You are free to say any trash against christians,jews and god but don't post the truth about sexual perversion or radical muslim terrorists!!

Yep. Its one giant conspiracy against the jewsssss!! :lol:

So if you feel the same way about Christians, this means you'll party when they're all dead ?

There are many "Zionist" Christians to contend with, HI THERE DB. The Protocols of The Elders of Zion was a henious sham when written, remains so.
Yet the Protocols are coming true just like Henry Ford said they were when he published them in his newspaper at the hell of a sham to know the future huh?

But I have read the filth, nothing in that maggot infested diatribe coming true, -0-, zip, nada.
I wonder if they were raped. Islamic radicals seem to be fond of raping boys and stoning girls to death.
Funny how the Liberal/Democrats would support dictators over freedom.

Israel actually has palestinian arabs who are part of the political government yet the Liberal/Democrat sides with the pure dictatorship.

Moslems are free to travel anywhere in the USA they please, I on the other hand would be murdered if I walked their land.
Funny how the Liberal/Democrats would support dictators over freedom.

Israel actually has palestinian arabs who are part of the political government yet the Liberal/Democrat sides with the pure dictatorship.

Moslems are free to travel anywhere in the USA they please, I on the other hand would be murdered if I walked their land.

They simply support anyone that hates white American conservative Christians.

No matter what, if they kill or rap
Funny how the Liberal/Democrats would support dictators over freedom.

Israel actually has palestinian arabs who are part of the political government yet the Liberal/Democrat sides with the pure dictatorship.

Moslems are free to travel anywhere in the USA they please, I on the other hand would be murdered if I walked their land.

Again, I must not be "liberal" enough, you are correct, in some Muslim nations, not the Phillippines, nor most of Saudi Arabia, though. And I continue to support Israel.
I wonder if they were raped. Islamic radicals seem to be fond of raping boys and stoning girls to death.

They were murdered, spreading more hate does not help end the first instance.

You continue to support Israel while not supporting justice for their murdered citizens? You are not one of those that think the followers of sharia law will lay down their weapons and will all of a sudden stop attacking Israel if we are all nice to them are you?

There is only one way to deal with these fanatics. They will not reason. They believe they are carrying out the will of their god by committing mass murder while they blow themselves up. They falsely believe they are entitles to a land that they were never entitled to.

Ever see the world drone on and on about the east bank? The supporters of this lie, and those that think Israel are the murderers are the obvious enemies to God, if there is indeed a God. When the godless who rails against the notion of God, support the enemies of Israel, then that is all we ever need to know about them.

If you support Israel as you say, then you need to be the enemy of her enemies. There is no other choice. It is black and white.
I wonder if they were raped. Islamic radicals seem to be fond of raping boys and stoning girls to death.

They were murdered, spreading more hate does not help end the first instance.

You continue to support Israel while not supporting justice for their murdered citizens? You are not one of those that think the followers of sharia law will lay down their weapons and will all of a sudden stop attacking Israel if we are all nice to them are you?

There is only one way to deal with these fanatics. They will not reason. They believe they are carrying out the will of their god by committing mass murder while they blow themselves up. They falsely believe they are entitles to a land that they were never entitled to.

Ever see the world drone on and on about the east bank? The supporters of this lie, and those that think Israel are the murderers are the obvious enemies to God, if there is indeed a God. When the godless who rails against the notion of God, support the enemies of Israel, then that is all we ever need to know about them.

If you support Israel as you say, then you need to be the enemy of her enemies. There is no other choice. It is black and white.

Yes, I want justice for the murdered teenagers, and no extemists almost certainly will not lay down their arms, thus my concern about ISIS.

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