Boebert confuses Bible with Chinese Food

GED Barbie strikes again. I don’t need no education

Preaching from a Bible verse, Lauren Boebert got stumped by the meaning of “wanton killing” and pronounced “wanton” like wonton, the Chinese dumpling: “I don’t know what a [wonton] killing is. I’m going to have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”

What is it with these poorly educated Republicans and food related mispronunciations?

Marjorie Taylor Greene rages about the Gazpacho Police Force and Peach Tree Dishes
Meanwhile, Mexicrats line up to vote for ghetto hood rats like this.
GED Barbie strikes again. I don’t need no education

Preaching from a Bible verse, Lauren Boebert got stumped by the meaning of “wanton killing” and pronounced “wanton” like wonton, the Chinese dumpling: “I don’t know what a [wonton] killing is. I’m going to have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”
You can always have her shot for being opposed to the bottom feeding one party state demrats.
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GED Barbie got pregnant at 17 and dropped out of HS
So? She did better than the brother-f*cker you love and defend.

Why do you disparage a GED? All you lefties do is promote GED degrees for blacks that dropped out of school. How many Dem voters got knocked up and dropped out of high school? Too many to count, but suddenly it’s a target for jokes for you.

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