Boebert confuses Bible with Chinese Food

GED Barbie strikes again. I don’t need no education

Preaching from a Bible verse, Lauren Boebert got stumped by the meaning of “wanton killing” and pronounced “wanton” like wonton, the Chinese dumpling: “I don’t know what a [wonton] killing is. I’m going to have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”
Funny how liberals become theologians when a conservative gets the Bible wrong, but hey, when a liberal twists and contorts the meaning of it, they refer to anyone who calls them on it as "bad Christians" or say "good Christians would do what the Bible says" knowing full well that's not what the Bible says.

Quiet you.
GED Barbie strikes again. I don’t need no education

Preaching from a Bible verse, Lauren Boebert got stumped by the meaning of “wanton killing” and pronounced “wanton” like wonton, the Chinese dumpling: “I don’t know what a [wonton] killing is. I’m going to have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”

The memory care Mussolini mispronounces more than that in a couple of sentences. He also needs neon signs to tell him where to go.

Petty crap of the year.

I doubt it, there's a lot of contenders here.

It's what politics has become. "Oh, Obama needs a teleprompter" and the like.
Isn't it time for a proper electoral system that makes politics about running a country or state or local area, rather than the entertainment of the masses?

Time for Proportional Representation?
GED Barbie strikes again. I don’t need no education

Preaching from a Bible verse, Lauren Boebert got stumped by the meaning of “wanton killing” and pronounced “wanton” like wonton, the Chinese dumpling: “I don’t know what a [wonton] killing is. I’m going to have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”

I love that actually. Sounds like a crime novel ! "the Wonton Killings". or the "Wonton Killer"!
Kudos to Boebert !(not the candy bar)

Anyway, no one is perfect, this doesn't make her any worse than any of your clowns up in Illinois.
So? She did better than the brother-f*cker you love and defend.

Why do you disparage a GED? All you lefties do is promote GED degrees for blacks that dropped out of school. How many Dem voters got knocked up and dropped out of high school? Too many to count, but suddenly it’s a target for jokes for you.
GEDs are fine, as far as they go.

We expect a little better with Congressional Representatives
Your “president“ is a walking gaffe machine, you are in no place to criticize anyone else.

Our President understands the term wanton

Where does that put Boebert?
GEDs are fine, as far as they go.

We expect a little better with Congressional Representatives

I wouldn't even condemn a member of Congress for that alone. There are many reasons a person had problems making it through school. Not all of them of their making.

That said............she had obviously never read that passage before. This is like Trump standing proudly holding the Bible upside down. She is supposed to be using a Bible passage as a teaching moment and she has no clue as to what the passage is even saying.

A trained parrot.
Really? Tucker Carlson showed some of her work. She could not even write a paper.

I’ll take Dr Biden’s education over Tucker Carlsons Trinity College degree and College Dropouts Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh
Yea sure, that’s why you vote for brain dead idiots like Fetterman and Biden.
Biden has a law degree and a distinguished career
Fetterman has an MBA and has been Lieutenant Governor

Boebert managed to get a GED
Biden has a law degree and a distinguished career
Fetterman has an MBA and has been Lieutenant Governor

Boebert managed to get a GED
Fetterman is a loser living off his rich parents. Never held a job in his life. Then ran and became mayor in a shitty small town in PA, and did nothin to improve it. It has one of the highest crime rates in the country.

Then to top it off, he got the Clot Shot and had himself a Safe & Effective stroke. Now he is full retard.


".....there's no one more dangerous than a misguided fool with power."

Of course, we saw that in the 2016 presidential elections outcome!

Actually, a bullshit PhD fools the idiot into thinking they know something and there's no one more dangerous than a misguided fool with power.

Fetterman is a loser living off his rich parents. Never held a job in his life. Then ran and became mayor in a shitty small town in PA, and did nothin to improve it. It has one of the highest crime rates in the country.

Then to top it off, he got the Clot Shot and had himself a Safe & Effective stroke. Now he is full retard.


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Love to watch MAGA attack dogs mock someone who had a stroke
You learned that from Trump didn’t you?

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^^ See, more debunked fake news. President Trump was never mocking someone with a disability. He was mocking an idiot. He mocked several other people in the exact same manner.
Sure he wasn’t

Have you seen this guy?
Trump knew he was disabled and made fun of him

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