Boebert to be Grandma at 36

I look forward to seeing you in future posts whining about teen pregnancy and out of wedlock children....when it's fun to whine about those things again.....
Be on the lookout. You never know when I'll strike and devastate you again. Sure, it's not the smartest thing in the world to have kids when you're a teenager, and definitely not the smartest thing to have them when you're not married, but I apparently hold the minority opinion on that, what with single parenthood being held up as some kind of ideal and stuff. What, do you expect me to start complaining about multi-generational single parents living off government largess? Because I don't see that happening in this case, do you?
If you're whining about what I think you are, I was commenting on whether it is right for the prosecution to withhold evidence from the defense after it was requested multiple times. You don't have to watch a video to do that. And no, I don't watch FOX News or Carlson. Here's a hint for you, I don't watch PMSNBC either. They're all just going to spin a narrative, not give me the news.

This is where I get a real chuckle from your ilk. You think you have a real gotcha when you start throwing random things at someone, thinking they'll be embarrassed about something you guessed. The reality is, you're still guessing, and yes, I chortle politely when you do it, because you're revealing your true juvenile mindset. I supported Bush because he did what he had to do based on what he was given by the sources at hand at the time. Funny how hindsight is always so sharp and clear, because remember that there was bipartisan support for what he did, including from the One Defeated by TRUMP!. I'll still say I supported TRUMP! down the road, because I'm working with reality, not the fevered imaginations of irrationally hating howler monkeys. I can say that even if I stop supporting him, because reality is real.
Nothing in the 4-minute video is exculpatory to the charges Jacob pled to...

Furthermore, nothing in that video warrants releasing all of the rest of the cosplay fascists from jail either...

and yet, here you morons are...demanding they be released.....

Funny how when black folks tell morons like you all the time about the REAL PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT and WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS perpetrated by the judicial system -- yall whine "CRT" -- but cults gonna cult
Be on the lookout. You never know when I'll strike and devastate you again. Sure, it's not the smartest thing in the world to have kids when you're a teenager, and definitely not the smartest thing to have them when you're not married, but I apparently hold the minority opinion on that, what with single parenthood being held up as some kind of ideal and stuff. What, do you expect me to start complaining about multi-generational single parents living off government largess? Because I don't see that happening in this case, do you?
Technically, the chick you are caping for....

Will be supporting her grand child off of "government largess"

The chick you are caping for failed to stop her child from repeating the same mistakes she had -- despite all of the demonizing talk she issues against others...

The chick you are caping for will vote to strip away benefits and assistance offered to help those teen moms and dads ...

It's almost like you folks really don't give a fuck about it until one of your own is affected...but that is how narcissism works..
Oh, okay. So we should say that democrats hate people doing the best they can in touch circumstances. Got it.
We should say she's the ultimate hypocrite, plus her educational background make her utterly unsuitable to be a Federal representative and in no way someone to admire.
The chick you are caping for will vote to strip away benefits and assistance offered to help those teen moms and dads ...

Yea….Boebert will be there to take care of her grandchild

But she will stab other teen mothers in the back and deny benefits.
She will also oppose Sex Education and birth control for teens
Yea….Boebert will be there to take care of her grandchild

But she will stab other teen mothers in the back and deny benefits.
She will also oppose Sex Education and birth control for teens
She came from that. And realized something needs to be done. It is not easy. For her she changed her politics a little and found religion.
She came from that. And realized something needs to be done. It is not easy. For her she changed her politics a little and found religion.
She was religious before then.....

Or are you claiming she didn't believe in God until she was given money by Ted Cruz and convinced to run for office?

Cool...I am guessing the religion you mean here is Trumpism...
Nothing in the 4-minute video is exculpatory to the charges Jacob pled to...

Furthermore, nothing in that video warrants releasing all of the rest of the cosplay fascists from jail either...

and yet, here you morons are...demanding they be released.....

Funny how when black folks tell morons like you all the time about the REAL PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT and WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS perpetrated by the judicial system -- yall whine "CRT" -- but cults gonna cult
And again you pull out things and wildly fling them around, hoping you'll connect with something.

First, I didn't even say the video in question was exculpatory or that it would even help his case. I said that since it showed the defendant at the scene at the time of the incident it should have been up to the defense to use it if they decided it would help their case. You failed right there, in your first sentence. You really should read what I actually wrote instead of what you wish I had.

Second, I never demanded that anyone be released. You failed again, and where did that come from, anyway?

Third, I don't complain about CRT, yet another failure on your part. When you're willing to complain about stuff I've actually said, it's possible to have a discussion, but as long as you insist on yelling about what somebody else said and try to pin it on me, it's not. And, of course, you need to stop bringing in a bunch of unrelated stuff, hoping against hope something will stick.
We should say she's the ultimate hypocrite, plus her educational background make her utterly unsuitable to be a Federal representative and in no way someone to admire.
Except that we have supposedly educated Reps that are absolute dullards.
And again you pull out things and wildly fling them around, hoping you'll connect with something.

First, I didn't even say the video in question was exculpatory or that it would even help his case. I said that since it showed the defendant at the scene at the time of the incident it should have been up to the defense to use it if they decided it would help their case. You failed right there, in your first sentence. You really should read what I actually wrote instead of what you wish I had.

Second, I never demanded that anyone be released. You failed again, and where did that come from, anyway?

Third, I don't complain about CRT, yet another failure on your part. When you're willing to complain about stuff I've actually said, it's possible to have a discussion, but as long as you insist on yelling about what somebody else said and try to pin it on me, it's not. And, of course, you need to stop bringing in a bunch of unrelated stuff, hoping against hope something will stick.
The defendant being at the scene at the time of the incident is what he plead guilty to, showing him there for 4 additional minutes is not new trial material.....but I would love for him to take his chances in trial against the other 5 charges that will be slapped on him...

This is like a bank robber saying he deserves a new trial because he was unaware of the camera that showed him walking into the bank to rob it from a different angle

As for you distancing yourself from other right-wing talking points....I just chalk that up to you being a will sit here and cape up for all things rightwing - then clutch your pearls and say "but but I never said that" whenever I bring anything up...shut yo goofy ass up
The defendant being at the scene at the time of the incident is what he plead guilty to, showing him there for 4 additional minutes is not new trial material.....but I would love for him to take his chances in trial against the other 5 charges that will be slapped on him...
I made my point very clear, I believe, and that is that it should have been up to the defense to either use the video or not. I didn't claim it was exculpatory or that it would guarantee a new trial or anything like that. You keep trying to make it out like I did, but you can't find where I said anything like that.
This is like a bank robber saying he deserves a new trial because he was unaware of the camera that showed him walking into the bank to rob it from a different angle

As for you distancing yourself from other right-wing talking points....I just chalk that up to you being a will sit here and cape up for all things rightwing - then clutch your pearls and say "but but I never said that" whenever I bring anything up...shut yo goofy ass up
See, when you grab stuff other people said and try to make me defend it, you're tilting at windmills because I DIDN'T SAY IT, so I feel no need to justify your assertions just to make you feel better. When you bring up something I actually said, I'll discuss it. If you want my opinion on something, I'll give it to you, but when you attempt to claim you know what my opinion is based on something someone else said, you're not going to get satisfaction.

In fact, you'll probably end up doing something silly and juvenile, like telling me to shut up when you inevitably run out of substance to add. Has that ever worked for you?
If you're whining about what I think you are, I was commenting on whether it is right for the prosecution to withhold evidence from the defense after it was requested multiple times. You don't have to watch a video to do that. And no, I don't watch FOX News or Carlson. Here's a hint for you, I don't watch PMSNBC either. They're all just going to spin a narrative, not give me the news.

This is where I get a real chuckle from your ilk. You think you have a real gotcha when you start throwing random things at someone, thinking they'll be embarrassed about something you guessed. The reality is, you're still guessing, and yes, I chortle politely when you do it, because you're revealing your true juvenile mindset. I supported Bush because he did what he had to do based on what he was given by the sources at hand at the time. Funny how hindsight is always so sharp and clear, because remember that there was bipartisan support for what he did, including from the One Defeated by TRUMP!. I'll still say I supported TRUMP! down the road, because I'm working with reality, not the fevered imaginations of irrationally hating howler monkeys. I can say that even if I stop supporting him, because reality is real.
If you supported Bush you must have been listening to Fox News. Because the other media sources, without flat out saying Bush LIED us into that way, did start telling us eventually that Saddam may not have gotten WMD's.

You believe Bush when he said he was given bad information? We all know he cherry picked information that would help him sell us into that war and he tossed out good information that wouldn't help him sell us on going to war.

He lied. And to this day you still don't know that? This is why I know you listen to Fox or Fox like media sources.
If you supported Bush you must have been listening to Fox News. Because the other media sources, without flat out saying Bush LIED us into that way, did start telling us eventually that Saddam may not have gotten WMD's.

You believe Bush when he said he was given bad information? We all know he cherry picked information that would help him sell us into that war and he tossed out good information that wouldn't help him sell us on going to war.

He lied. And to this day you still don't know that? This is why I know you listen to Fox or Fox like media sources.
Do you mean information that the democrats also had access to and still voted to go to war? You're so desperate to prove I watch FOX News when I don't. I don't know why it's so important to you.
Do you mean information that the democrats also had access to and still voted to go to war? You're so desperate to prove I watch FOX News when I don't. I don't know why it's so important to you.

Either sign the patriot act and vote to go to war or else

Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

Yes Bush gave us all bad intel. He cherry picked. We know that now.

Funny, Brits know Tony Blair lied them into war. How come American Republicans don't? To this day you are still repeating the same bullshit. Hillary voted for it too. Yea, because like us, she was lied to. Bush did it. Hillary didn't take us to war. THey wanted Bill Clinton to so they could pin it on him but he wouldn't do it. Just like they got him to sign NAFTA and look how you pin that on him even though Republicans invented it.
Either sign the patriot act and vote to go to war or else

Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

Yes Bush gave us all bad intel. He cherry picked. We know that now.

Funny, Brits know Tony Blair lied them into war. How come American Republicans don't? To this day you are still repeating the same bullshit. Hillary voted for it too. Yea, because like us, she was lied to. Bush did it. Hillary didn't take us to war. THey wanted Bill Clinton to so they could pin it on him but he wouldn't do it. Just like they got him to sign NAFTA and look how you pin that on him even though Republicans invented it.
The conspiracy widens. Poor, defenseless democrats, always a day behind and a dollar short.
Michael Obama will never be a biological grandmother.


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