Boebert wins by a landslide.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Projected winner @ +29.

Ken Buck is likely fuming. :dance:


So much for mail in ballots being fraudulent. They only do mail in voting in Colorado.

The Democrats don't have to financial backing to pull off another "color revolution" like they did in 2020. Even the wealthy globalist entities that financed the 2020 steal are disappointed with the Biden administration's piss-poor performance over the last four years.

If you understood that, you'd be freaking out right now.
The Democrats don't have to financial backing to pull off another "color revolution" like they did in 2020. Even the wealthy globalist entities that financed the 2020 steal are disappointed with the Biden administration's piss-poor performance over the last four years.

If you understood that, you'd be freaking out right now.

I understand. You're against mail in balloting; unless someone you favor wins. You're morally bankrupt.
America continues its downhill slide.
I also found the Colorado primary interesting Trump only got 63.5 % of the vote, with 33.3% of the vote still going to Nikki Haley, though she dropped out back, last winter.
I also found the Colorado primary interesting Trump only got 63.5 % of the vote, with 33.3% of the vote still going to Nikki Haley, though she dropped out back, last winter.

Colorado had a "semi-open" presidential primary race, which meant that anyone who claimed to be "unaffiliated" could vote for Haley.

Unaffiliated voters won’t be blocked from open primaries in Colorado this June, judge rules

Quite a lot of people who normally vote Democrat took advantage of that in order to stump Trump, but it failed.
The party of family values strikes again
This is Republican family values. Look at Trump f#cking porn stars after his wife had Baron, MTG f#ucking guys at the gym, etc. She is just another divorce Republican good time girl.

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