Boebert wins by a landslide.

This is how far our country has fallen, people are now proud someone like Boebert is going back to Congress.

Truly nothing matters any longer but party loyalties.
This is Republican family values. Look at Trump f#cking porn stars after his wife had Baron, MTG f#ucking guys at the gym, etc. She is just another divorce Republican good time girl.
But what about them borders and gas and food and housing prices, huh?
You know, things that concern most people. 😐
What does Article 4, Section 4 of The Constitution say?
The party of family values strikes again

But what about them borders and gas and food and housing prices, huh?
You know, things that concern most people. 😐
What does Article 4, Section 4 of The Constitution say?
Joe's border policy has sucked since day 2. People selling houses are getting great prices, with most houses being sold are owned by people wanting to change or move up, getting excellent prices and not staying on the market long, in this vibrant economy, meaning good times for homeowners maximizing their home investment, as the rise in paycheck bouys home sales. Whether you favor a Sellers market or buyers market depends on which side of the transaction, you are on. I am not selling mine, but as the largest tangible (non-cash or securities) investment we have, I am please to see it's value go up. Like any other of our investments, we are pleased with the increase in asset value.



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