Boehner Calls Cruz a "Miserable Son-Of-A-Bitch"

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party
By Erick Erickson | January 22, 2016, 11:58pm


most likely

want to know what is weirder

the Attorney for Mitch McConnell has a Super PAC for of all people

Ted Cruz


It's not weird for superpacs's at all. they are a slimy cowardly product of Washington. that doesn't matter though because right now the media machine wants trump against Hillery. They love this crap because it boosts their ratings. But when it's time for the presidential campaign they will let loose on the Donald and rip him to shreds. And he will give them everything they want.


they have been doing that all along

how many times did they claim

this time he is doomed


Ain't the general election yet. Also, you are so right about nothing sticking to trump. so true. But it's the same for Hillery, except she has done it longer, has a friendly press The Donald doesnt.

but she old and busted

part of the establishment crowd

Trump funds the establishment crowed. She ain't running.
Cruz is a globalist, he and his wife support a North American union with open borders, Dangerous!

again, she ain't running. nonissue. but I didn't have to say, I like what Trump had to say about dealing with other countries. if he would just stop all the lying and crying. Ted Cruze may be hated by everyone, but he will need a fend or a few hundred in the house and all that.
Boehner calling someone else lucifer is laughable........anyone figured out why he retired........
The GOP is mostly a bunch of big gov't loving rino's. Didn't boner just kiss obutthead's ass today? That they despise Cruz is a good thing, means Cruz isn't one of them.

Didn't their former Dubya era leader just get busted on racketeering and officially go on record as a pedophile? Fuck the GOP orthodoxy.
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.

Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.
Course ole BONER has no problem working with Nancy, burnt out old hippie, Pelosi, or Dingy Harry Reid... he just hates CONSERVATIVES.

BONER needs just one thing... a swift kick in the fucking NADS... the RINO POS rat fuck prick.
spoken like a true political intellect; IDIOT!!!
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.

Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.

And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.

Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.

And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?

Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.

Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.

And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?

Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.

People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.

Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.

And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?

Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.

People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.

If your talking about people, you must live in Austin. Everywhere else we pretty much like the guy. I understand your distrust and all. A politician that does what he said he would is an odd concept to grasp.
Shucks.........I thought all Republicans were miserable sons-of-a-bitches
Who gives a shit what Boehner has to say. He is history. A flyspeck in the ocean
I am quite certain Ted Cruz has already lost the nanno-second of sleep over the opinion of John Boehner.
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.

Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.

And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?

Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.

People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.

If your talking about people, you must live in Austin. Everywhere else we pretty much like the guy. I understand your distrust and all. A politician that does what he said he would is an odd concept to grasp.

He said he would defund healthcare when he knew that was impossible. He promised to not raise money for republicans targeted by tea party groups, and raised money for them anyway. There is a long list of his lack of integrity. The man will promise anything, but only do what he thinks is politically advantageous to him.
I can't help but to think Cruz may be the start of a shift away from GOP of the past 28 years to a party reflecting its core principles.
I find it rather amusing that people continue to agree with the concept that all one has to do is raise the debt ceiling and all the problems will be solved without understanding the implications it has on monetary policy.

Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.

And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?

Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.

People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.

If your talking about people, you must live in Austin. Everywhere else we pretty much like the guy. I understand your distrust and all. A politician that does what he said he would is an odd concept to grasp.

I have some property in Austin, but a management company takes care of it, and i'm rarely there. Cruz does very little of what he promises to do.
Hell yeah. it's the equivalent of being able to raise your credit card limit on demand. it's just dumb. I sincerely hope Trump and Cruze can come together after its all done. if Trump is not lying to us about who he really is, Cruzcould be a good friend to have in the senate.

And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?

Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.

People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.

If your talking about people, you must live in Austin. Everywhere else we pretty much like the guy. I understand your distrust and all. A politician that does what he said he would is an odd concept to grasp.

I have some property in Austin, but a management company takes care of it, and i'm rarely there. Cruz does very little of what he promises to do.

Prove it. Far as I see, he has done everything he said he would do if elected to the senate. Had he not, he would have lost his home state like Marco Rubio.
And yet not a single member of the senate wants to be Cruz's friend. Are you saying all those people who have dealt with him on a regular basis are wrong?

Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.

People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.

If your talking about people, you must live in Austin. Everywhere else we pretty much like the guy. I understand your distrust and all. A politician that does what he said he would is an odd concept to grasp.

I have some property in Austin, but a management company takes care of it, and i'm rarely there. Cruz does very little of what he promises to do.

Prove it. Far as I see, he has done everything he said he would do if elected to the senate. Had he not, he would have lost his home state like Marco Rubio.

He single-handedly orchestrated the government shutdown that cost us 24 billion dollars while knowing it could not be done.
Pretty much yes because just about every Republican in Texas hated Ted Cruz before hating Ted Cruz was cool. It's the biggest reason I voted for him and will continue to do so.

People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.

If your talking about people, you must live in Austin. Everywhere else we pretty much like the guy. I understand your distrust and all. A politician that does what he said he would is an odd concept to grasp.

I have some property in Austin, but a management company takes care of it, and i'm rarely there. Cruz does very little of what he promises to do.

Prove it. Far as I see, he has done everything he said he would do if elected to the senate. Had he not, he would have lost his home state like Marco Rubio.

He single-handedly orchestrated the government shutdown that cost us 24 billion dollars while knowing it could not be done.

Ya, and David Dewhurst lost because he wouldn't.
People in Texas don't like Cruz. They like hearing ridiculous claims that blame someone else for all their problems. Any dishonorable bible thumper willing to play on their hatred and fear would go just as far.

If your talking about people, you must live in Austin. Everywhere else we pretty much like the guy. I understand your distrust and all. A politician that does what he said he would is an odd concept to grasp.

I have some property in Austin, but a management company takes care of it, and i'm rarely there. Cruz does very little of what he promises to do.

Prove it. Far as I see, he has done everything he said he would do if elected to the senate. Had he not, he would have lost his home state like Marco Rubio.

He single-handedly orchestrated the government shutdown that cost us 24 billion dollars while knowing it could not be done.

Ya, and David Dewhurst lost because he wouldn't.

So you want people to promise you something that everybody knows can't be done? Typical.

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