Boehner Calls Cruz a "Miserable Son-Of-A-Bitch"

The GOP is mostly a bunch of big gov't loving rino's. Didn't boner just kiss obutthead's ass today? That they despise Cruz is a good thing, means Cruz isn't one of them.
Cruz is a big government supporter as well. How do you think he's going to defend Judeo Christian values from liberal fascism :lol: or pay for the wall?
Judeo Christian values

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”
Hilarious. Christian hater now gives us Bible lessons.
What a baffoon.
Boehner Calls Cruz a "Miserable Son-Of-A-Bitch"
Well you know what they say... "If John Boehner doesn't like you, you must be doing at least something right".
No doubt, crybaby was one of those old-school politicians doing backroom deals, earmarks - you know all that shit that never worked for the people of this country.
He was typical of a career politician… LOL
Shucks.........I thought all Republicans were miserable sons-of-a-bitches

That was rather amusing when I heard it.

Cruz couldn't even get along with his own party in the Senate.

Imagine him trying to get a legislation passed?

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party
By Erick Erickson | January 22, 2016, 11:58pm

Shucks.........I thought all Republicans were miserable sons-of-a-bitches

That was rather amusing when I heard it.

Cruz couldn't even get along with his own party in the Senate.

Imagine him trying to get a legislation passed?

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party
By Erick Erickson | January 22, 2016, 11:58pm


most likely

want to know what is weirder

the Attorney for Mitch McConnell has a Super PAC for of all people

Ted Cruz

there will be plenty of time for them to kick each other in the balls after they piss off another win this fall.

heard Rafael say he didn't even know JB other than a hello ... his own speaker?

awwwww ... nobody will talk to Teddie.
Shucks.........I thought all Republicans were miserable sons-of-a-bitches

That was rather amusing when I heard it.

Cruz couldn't even get along with his own party in the Senate.

Imagine him trying to get a legislation passed?

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party
By Erick Erickson | January 22, 2016, 11:58pm


most likely

want to know what is weirder

the Attorney for Mitch McConnell has a Super PAC for of all people

Ted Cruz


It's not weird for superpacs's at all. they are a slimy cowardly product of Washington. that doesn't matter though because right now the media machine wants trump against Hillery. They love this crap because it boosts their ratings. But when it's time for the presidential campaign they will let loose on the Donald and rip him to shreds. And he will give them everything they want.
there will be plenty of time for them to kick each other in the balls after they piss off another win this fall.

heard Rafael say he didn't even know JB other than a hello ... his own speaker?
Ummm.. yeah.. Johnny Walker Red was Speaker of the House of Representatives, Texas Teddy is a Senator two different organizations so no "JB" wasn't "his own speaker" (the equivalent for Teddy would be Mitch McConnell as minority then majority leader of the Senate).
there will be plenty of time for them to kick each other in the balls after they piss off another win this fall.

heard Rafael say he didn't even know JB other than a hello ... his own speaker?

awwwww ... nobody will talk to Teddie.

Not really. after all, he is a dick head and book nerd.
Shucks.........I thought all Republicans were miserable sons-of-a-bitches

That was rather amusing when I heard it.

Cruz couldn't even get along with his own party in the Senate.

Imagine him trying to get a legislation passed?

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party
By Erick Erickson | January 22, 2016, 11:58pm


most likely

want to know what is weirder

the Attorney for Mitch McConnell has a Super PAC for of all people

Ted Cruz


It's not weird for superpacs's at all. they are a slimy cowardly product of Washington. that doesn't matter though because right now the media machine wants trump against Hillery. They love this crap because it boosts their ratings. But when it's time for the presidential campaign they will let loose on the Donald and rip him to shreds. And he will give them everything they want.


they have been doing that all along

how many times did they claim

this time he is doomed

there will be plenty of time for them to kick each other in the balls after they piss off another win this fall.

heard Rafael say he didn't even know JB other than a hello ... his own speaker?

awwwww ... nobody will talk to Teddie.

Not really. after all, he is a dick head and book nerd.
... not to mention listening to his nasal voice and repetitious speaking style is about as pleasant as running your dick over a cheese grater.
there will be plenty of time for them to kick each other in the balls after they piss off another win this fall.

heard Rafael say he didn't even know JB other than a hello ... his own speaker?
Ummm.. yeah.. Johnny Walker Red was Speaker of the House of Representatives, Texas Teddy is a Senator two different organizations so no "JB" wasn't "his own speaker" (the equivalent for Teddy would be Mitch McConnell as minority then majority leader of the Senate).

Ted Cruz calls Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor

Firebrand Republican senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Friday rushed across a line rarely crossed on the Senate floor: He accused the leader of his party, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, of lying to his colleagues.

"What we just saw today was an absolute demonstration that not only what he told every Republican senator, but what he told the press over and over and over again, was a simple lie," Cruz said Friday morning. "We know now that when the majority leader looks us in the eyes and makes an explicit commitment, that he is willing to say things that he knows are false. That has consequences for how this body operates."

Cruz's remarks laid bare, in the most august of settings, simmering tensions between the activist wing of the Republican Party and the mainstream party establishment."

What did the Donald do? he gave McConnel money to stay in power. yup, Trump's a rebel alright.
Shucks.........I thought all Republicans were miserable sons-of-a-bitches

That was rather amusing when I heard it.

Cruz couldn't even get along with his own party in the Senate.

Imagine him trying to get a legislation passed?

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party
By Erick Erickson | January 22, 2016, 11:58pm


most likely

want to know what is weirder

the Attorney for Mitch McConnell has a Super PAC for of all people

Ted Cruz


It's not weird for superpacs's at all. they are a slimy cowardly product of Washington. that doesn't matter though because right now the media machine wants trump against Hillery. They love this crap because it boosts their ratings. But when it's time for the presidential campaign they will let loose on the Donald and rip him to shreds. And he will give them everything they want.


they have been doing that all along

how many times did they claim

this time he is doomed


Ain't the general election yet. Also, you are so right about nothing sticking to trump. so true. But it's the same for Hillery, except she has done it longer, has a friendly press The Donald doesnt.

fuck em all ... I could care less what they do or say or mean to each other.. you girls make excuses for them, I'll sit back and laugh at all of you and the party.

What did the Donald do? he gave McConnel money to stay in power. yup, Trump's a rebel alright.

Trumplodyte Rule#1: Nothing Donald Trump did BEFORE he announced his bid for the Republican Nomination for President counts.
Trumplodyte Rule#2: See Rule#1

yup, it works now, I mean if we are honest, primary time is the time our candidates appeal to our party dihards. the extreme of both. in the general they take their case to the public, to normal folks who don't go on message boards. Trump just won't a peal much.
How can republicans think they have a shot at the presidency when even they hate their candidates?

Gross mis-perception on yer' part. Repub Party currently dynamic in that they are not putting 'party before country' like the Democraps. Now that the record has been set straight, please resume your 'party before country' props..............

Republicans started the "Never Trump" campaign, and Cruz is the most hated man in the senate. The repub party is self destructing.

You sound scared
How can republicans think they have a shot at the presidency when even they hate their candidates?

Gross mis-perception on yer' part. Repub Party currently dynamic in that they are not putting 'party before country' like the Democraps. Now that the record has been set straight, please resume your 'party before country' props..............

Republicans started the "Never Trump" campaign, and Cruz is the most hated man in the senate. The repub party is self destructing.

You sound scared

That's funny.
Boehner is a loser...and that has nothing to do with what he said. 'Nuff said.
I highly doubt Cruz supporters put much if any value on Boehners opinion of Cruz or anything else. I wonder if Boehners comments are because Cruz somehow made him cry? We all know it doesn't take much to do that.

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