Boehner: Failing To Raise The Debt Limit Puts Economy In Great Jeopardy


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Boehner: Failing To Raise The Debt Limit Puts Economy In Great Jeopardy | TPMDC

In a political role reversal Friday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) warned that Congress risks severely harming the economy and exacerbating the unemployment crisis if it fails to raise the national debt ceiling in the next four weeks.

"While some think we can go past August 2nd, I frankly think it puts us in an awful lot of jeopardy, and puts our economy in jeopardy, risking even more jobs," Boehner told reporters at his weekly Capitol briefing.

His statement comes as a quiet rebuke to members of his own party who've argued that smacking against the ceiling -- or even defaulting briefly on the debt -- poses no great risk to the economy.

Interesting that he makes these comments now. Thoughts USMB?
As I've been reading elsewhere and agree – it seems Boehner is responding to his corporate masters.
Seems as though he is admitting the facts that we cannot stop the spending fast enough. And we must stop the spending......
Boehner: Failing To Raise The Debt Limit Puts Economy In Great Jeopardy | TPMDC

In a political role reversal Friday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) warned that Congress risks severely harming the economy and exacerbating the unemployment crisis if it fails to raise the national debt ceiling in the next four weeks.

"While some think we can go past August 2nd, I frankly think it puts us in an awful lot of jeopardy, and puts our economy in jeopardy, risking even more jobs," Boehner told reporters at his weekly Capitol briefing.

His statement comes as a quiet rebuke to members of his own party who've argued that smacking against the ceiling -- or even defaulting briefly on the debt -- poses no great risk to the economy.

Interesting that he makes these comments now. Thoughts USMB?

he knew it all along. or at least his economic advisors did.
he knew it all along. or at least his economic advisors did.

Oh I'm sure he knew it all along, just like they all do in Congress. What I'm wondering is why he is saying this now.
Boehner is just another self-serving politician....and I'm an 'r'. I hope Ohio bounces his ass the next time he's up for reelection.

I say to the young 'r's we put in last November..........STICK TO YOUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!
The mainline Republicans still adore Ronald Reagan, at least until Nancy passes on, and the astrologers find new sooth to say. The Reagans were a decent, Christian-believing, kind of folk: In their day.

Reagan took the federal budget deficits annual to about 35% of GDP, with Obama setting the Reagan Trajectory, that he is for: To over 40% of GDP. That was not the Reagan Trajectory that Boehner believed in. That was not the 13% of GDP that Herbert Hoover believed in, or the 20% of GDP that FDR believed.

There was a Reagan Revolution. Rich people profiteered from federal largesse, and blacks and latinos were set--in their youth--to shooting one another. Hollywood types made fortunes from the culture of the murders.

Boehner knows what he was for. The Ivy League Obamas are likely out there at the freeway edge, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Boehner Bronco, passing on by.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(As though ignorance of the law were ever an excuse! "Run John Run! Go John, Go! Get Into That Bronco, and never go slow!")
It's tantamount to saying "it's dark at night". Boehner (R) :eusa_doh:
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As we used to say in middle school, "No sh*t Sherlock!"

That exactly what I said. This idiot is holding us hostage again so his corporate and uber rich friends wont have to pay.

Here is the deal, say raising taxes on the uber rich wont create jobs, but cutting medicare and SS will?

Fuck republicans are dumb. They really are.
it's coming down to the wire.

Do you think that means the GOP (or least the leadership) will accept the concessions that President Obama has offered up?

Yes, the 'so-called' leadership will cave.....and woe on them. Many of us will be just as pissed off at them as we were the D's.

The House (who controls the $$) is controlled by Republicans...........they don't need to give a damn inch............

I have many credit cards that raise my 'limit' every I run right out and spend it because I can??????????????? FUCK NO.

Its called responsibility.

I say, not only DO NOT RAISE THE CREDIT LIMIT, I say LOWER it (to at least Clinton years).....and let the chips fall where they may.

We're Americans.........we'll deal with it......

Get the damned fed out of our pockets and watch this country revive itself within a year.
it's coming down to the wire.

Do you think that means the GOP (or least the leadership) will accept the concessions that President Obama has offered up?

Yes, the 'so-called' leadership will cave.....and woe on them. Many of us will be just as pissed off at them as we were the D's.

The House (who controls the $$) is controlled by Republicans...........they don't need to give a damn inch............

I have many credit cards that raise my 'limit' every I run right out and spend it because I can??????????????? FUCK NO.

Its called responsibility.

I say, not only DO NOT RAISE THE CREDIT LIMIT, I say LOWER it (to at least Clinton years).....and let the chips fall where they may.

We're Americans.........we'll deal with it......

Get the damned fed out of our pockets and watch this country revive itself within a year.

you could be talking about 1929-style "chips"
As we used to say in middle school, "No sh*t Sherlock!"

That exactly what I said. This idiot is holding us hostage again so his corporate and uber rich friends wont have to pay.

Here is the deal, say raising taxes on the uber rich wont create jobs, but cutting medicare and SS will?

Fuck republicans are dumb. They really are.

Your hatred of R's is noted by your avi.

Quit drinking the partisan class warfare kookaid for a minute and educate yourself as to the reality of where we are today.

As an 'r' I can....but you can't.::eusa_hand:

In case you haven't noticed ......We're broke.
Seems as though he is admitting the facts that we cannot stop the spending fast enough. And we must stop the spending......

I am sure you said this when you found out how much we were spending on Iraq, righty? If not, why suddenly NOW is the time to stop the spending. Did you say a word of this during those horrible 8 years? Did you first say this the day after Obama took office because suddenly it became a problem?

Seriously. Think about what I just wrote.
Boehner: Failing To Raise The Debt Limit Puts Economy In Great Jeopardy | TPMDC

In a political role reversal Friday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) warned that Congress risks severely harming the economy and exacerbating the unemployment crisis if it fails to raise the national debt ceiling in the next four weeks.

"While some think we can go past August 2nd, I frankly think it puts us in an awful lot of jeopardy, and puts our economy in jeopardy, risking even more jobs," Boehner told reporters at his weekly Capitol briefing.

His statement comes as a quiet rebuke to members of his own party who've argued that smacking against the ceiling -- or even defaulting briefly on the debt -- poses no great risk to the economy.

Interesting that he makes these comments now. Thoughts USMB?

I suspect he's scared. Boehner has lost control of the House and knows better than any of us the dangers faced by our nation and our people if we default.
As we used to say in middle school, "No sh*t Sherlock!"

That exactly what I said. This idiot is holding us hostage again so his corporate and uber rich friends wont have to pay.

Here is the deal, say raising taxes on the uber rich wont create jobs, but cutting medicare and SS will?

Fuck republicans are dumb. They really are.

Your hatred of R's is noted by your avi.

Quit drinking the partisan class warfare kookaid for a minute and educate yourself as to the reality of where we are today.

As an 'r' I can....but you can't.::eusa_hand:

In case you haven't noticed ......We're broke.

Con, do you think we got broke over the policies of the last two years? Educate yourself and find that if we go back to bush era policies, we will go into a depression. Obama did what he had to do save this fucking country, due to bush's policies. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW CLOSE WE WERE TO A DEPRESSION?

Boner is bush. He really is. He has dont NOTHING towards job creation. Nothing!

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