Boehner: House To Vote For Full Repeal Of Obamacare

All of those on that list have waivers? It needs to posted and broadcast from every newspaper or website everyday so people wise up and refuse to sign up for health insurance in 2014.

Great plan. Get people to agree to being uninsured or to go on paying more than they have to for health care coverage.

Seriously, WHO is dumb enough to do that?

The real question is, WHY do the rw nutters continue to fall for this joke on them? They know the R won't vote for jobs. They know the R won't vote for anything that might actually help the country or the middle class. They know the R votes only to help their masters, the 2%. And, surely, the rw's know the R is just putting on a bit political theater, for the 35th time and at the cost of millions.

They couldn't get the votes the last 34 times. Why would they think they can this time? And, why would they think the president would sign it?

ObamaCare is the law of the land and I for one, don't want to have to give any of the money I've gotten back as a result of it.

The delicious part is that the "mandate" was a creation of the Right/Heritage Foundation in response to Hillary's HC task force in the 90's :rofl:

Absolutely. They all love this shit. Anything that gives them more power and control. Whichever party is out of power pretends to fight against authoritarian government - until they get back in.
Except that this makes the Repubs look like idiots who would flunk an 8th grade civics exam. The only reason they would keep bringing up this same bill (40th time, I hear earlier), is that they don't know it cannot win.

Only a few brain dead rw's would think this waste of time and money is a good idea. My guess is that they also don't know the law will not be repealed, in which case, I suggest some remedial junior high level education.

Everything the Rs do is geared toward beating Obama. Its all a contest with them with the American people being the loser.

When was the last time we heard of a Republican introducing a bill or voting for a bill that would result in jobs or infrastructure or education or economic growth? Nope. All they vote for is hurting Obama.

Further, that will not change at the end of Obama's administration. Then they'll just go on fighting to take more money away from the average joe so they can give it to the 2%.
Except that this makes the Repubs look like idiots who would flunk an 8th grade civics exam. The only reason they would keep bringing up this same bill (40th time, I hear earlier), is that they don't know it cannot win.

The reason they keep bringing it up is that lots of people want to see PPACA repealed.
Except that this makes the Repubs look like idiots who would flunk an 8th grade civics exam. The only reason they would keep bringing up this same bill (40th time, I hear earlier), is that they don't know it cannot win.

The reason they keep bringing it up is that lots of people want to see it repealed.

Absolutely, dblack. The ACA has to be showing gains by early 2016, because the GOP will use it as one of the center pieces for the national election political games.
Except that this makes the Repubs look like idiots who would flunk an 8th grade civics exam. The only reason they would keep bringing up this same bill (40th time, I hear earlier), is that they don't know it cannot win.

The reason they keep bringing it up is that lots of people want to see PPACA repealed.

Only the GObP/pubs and those who have not already taken advantage of various facets want it repealed. Those who refuse to even consider it - yep, they hate it. And, those do nothing Rs who hate Obama, yeah they hate it too. Just don't hold your breath waiting for the R to do even one fucking thing FOR their own country.

As more and more people benefit from ACA, they will become less and less likely to give up those benefits.

I'm also seeing more people objecting to rw's getting free health care and demanding to keep it that way. A lot of us are really sick of hearing rw's whine about ACA being "socialistic" because everyone is responsible to pay for their own health care insurance while they stupidly don't understand that forcing the rest of us to pay for your free health care IS socialistic.

This is definitely why I wish people would look up the meanings of various labels before they use the word.
Except that this makes the Repubs look like idiots who would flunk an 8th grade civics exam. The only reason they would keep bringing up this same bill (40th time, I hear earlier), is that they don't know it cannot win.

The reason they keep bringing it up is that lots of people want to see PPACA repealed.

Only the GObP/pubs and those who have not already taken advantage of various facets want it repealed. Those who refuse to even consider it - yep, they hate it. And, those do nothing Rs who hate Obama, yeah they hate it too. Just don't hold your breath waiting for the R to do even one fucking thing FOR their own country.

As more and more people benefit from ACA, they will become less and less likely to give up those benefits.

I'm also seeing more people objecting to rw's getting free health care and demanding to keep it that way. A lot of us are really sick of hearing rw's whine about ACA being "socialistic" because everyone is responsible to pay for their own health care insurance while they stupidly don't understand that forcing the rest of us to pay for your free health care IS socialistic.

This is definitely why I wish people would look up the meanings of various labels before they use the word.

A voice of reason who makes sense! I'm relatively new on the board, haven't posted much but was about to give up,,,,,that there was a serious lack of knowledge and a lot of immaturity (name calling) on the board.

And just for the record, I am neither a liberal nor a conservative! I belong to no party and don't see much good in either "party"....I'm not talking about individuals, I'm talking about "parties". I judge each issue on it's own merits and sometimes I agree with conservatives and sometimes with liberals and yet other times with neither.
They won't vote for jobs but they'll spend $52MILLION DOLLARS with their political grandstanding.

That figure is, of course, in addition to the taxes we pay for them to get the very same health care insurance.

They work 125 days a year and we pay for their constant vacations the other 2/3 of the year. I guess we should be impressed that they took time out from their boozing and golfing to vote against the welfare of the American tax payer AGAIN.
Still wasting American taxpayer monies on bullshit? The more the GOP changes the more it stays the same

They won't vote for jobs but they'll spend $52MILLION DOLLARS with their political grandstanding.

That figure is, of course, in addition to the taxes we pay for them to get the very same health care insurance.

They work 125 days a year and we pay for their constant vacations the other 2/3 of the year. I guess we should be impressed that they took time out from their boozing and golfing to vote against the welfare of the American tax payer AGAIN.

spending $50+ Million on these "show votes" impresses people like 007 & boedicca :rolleyes:
They won't vote for jobs but they'll spend $52MILLION DOLLARS with their political grandstanding.

But why are they doing it? I'll grant you, it's pure theater - the Republicans in the beltway want the power grab to go through as much as the Democrats. But clearly, they believe it plays to significant portion of the American public. And they're right. Lots of people are leery about giving government and corporate insurance so much power over our health care decisions. They see it as a dangerous centralization of power and another gravy train for statist corruption.
They won't vote for jobs but they'll spend $52MILLION DOLLARS with their political grandstanding.

But why are they doing it? I'll grant you, it's pure theater - the Republicans in the beltway want the power grab to go through as much as the Democrats. But clearly, they believe it plays to significant portion of the American public. And they're right. Lots of people are leery about giving government and corporate insurance so much power over our health care decisions. They see it as a dangerous centralization of power and another gravy train for statist corruption.

Like everything else the R does, they start with a premise and then work to change facts to fit that premise. When asked, people like and want the various benefits of ObamaCare but if they're asked if they like "ObamaCare", suddenly they hate it. The R has been very successful in brainwashing the apathetic American voter.

Saying "they see it as a dangerous centralization of power and another gravy train for statist corruption" is ludicrous. The GObP/R exist because of that very gravy train. And, as we all know, every R was in favor of the ACA until Obama was elected and put his name on it

This is not about ACA. Its about that uppity nigra in the White House. That's what the R said and its true.
BTW, you do know that boner himself said the reason for the vote was to give the freshmen idiots a chance to vote against it.

Think that through.

Its obscene but very typical of the treasonous R. And after all, they have a bottomless pit of money to throw away on frivolous legislation and its not as though there are any important issues in front of them - like JOBS.

I will never understand how any one could vote for this bunch of worthless scum called the Republican party. How long has it been since they have voted for anything that could actually help their own country?
They won't vote for jobs but they'll spend $52MILLION DOLLARS with their political grandstanding.

But why are they doing it? I'll grant you, it's pure theater - the Republicans in the beltway want the power grab to go through as much as the Democrats. But clearly, they believe it plays to significant portion of the American public. And they're right. Lots of people are leery about giving government and corporate insurance so much power over our health care decisions. They see it as a dangerous centralization of power and another gravy train for statist corruption.

Like everything else the R does, they start with a premise and then work to change facts to fit that premise. When asked, people like and want the various benefits of ObamaCare but if they're asked if they like "ObamaCare", suddenly they hate it. The R has been very successful in brainwashing the apathetic American voter.

Plenty of brainwashing going on, it's true. But if you think there's not genuine and significant opposition to ACA among voters, I'd suggest the brainwashing is closer to home than you realize

Saying "they see it as a dangerous centralization of power and another gravy train for statist corruption" is ludicrous. The GObP/R exist because of that very gravy train. And, as we all know, every R was in favor of the ACA until Obama was elected and put his name on it.

These two comments aren't related. Whether or not Republican reps are sincere in their opposition to ACA (and as I've indicated, I don't believe most of them are) has no effect on the actual nature of the law. The fact is, many Americans are opposed to this and do see it as a dangerous, radical expansion of the corporatist state. If that weren't the case, the Rethugs wouldn't bother with the charade.
I will never understand how any one could vote for this bunch of worthless scum called the Republican party. How long has it been since they have voted for anything that could actually help their own country?

Maybe someday you'll wake up to the fact that both parties fit that description. Maybe not.
People should just start pelting Boehner with tomatoes everytime he walks out the door. He's terrible..

Just terrible..
Most states right now their population is split, half of them are covered under the government's healthcare expense and the other half is employed and have coverage through an employer. If any of the states tip the scale where they are covering more than half of their population on government insurance, they are going to be in financial trouble with their budget.

The ACA is not a very good solution when you have health insurance still in the game for profit!

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