Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

I it worked the way it was intended to work....then that must mean the intention was to piss people off.

Is that a good way to lead this country?

By pissing everyone off???

Forget it.

You lack the empathy and/or cognition to understand statecraft.

Or why this was well played.

Omaba: Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a speech on jobs to a joint session of Congress on September 7th, please.

Boehner: Sorry, Mr' President, but we cannot accommodate your request at this time. How's the 8th?

Obama: Well, I 'really' wanted to do this on the 7th, if it's all the same to you.

Boehner: Well, as I said, we cannot accommodate your request at this time. The 8th will have to do.

Obama: But I'm the President!

Boehner: That's nice, junior. You chose that date to upstage my party. I'll show the good grace not to make an issue of that fact in public. Now... unless you 'really' want a federal case made out of this in every media outlet in the nation....

Obama: The 8th will do nicely. Thank you, sir.

Yup. Well played, Mr President. :rofl:

Believe or are on the right track. :eek:
This whole situation just shows that Obama can't even manage something simple like a speech.

He wanted to upstage the GOP Debate, because, hey, who wants to listen to 9 Republicans point out all the ways he's FAILED in every possible respect. So, yeah, let's suck all the air out of the room.

Boenher rightly points out that the House will not have enough time the same day it reconvenes to do all the things to prepare for a presidential address.

The White House gets into a screaming match and then folds.

Again- Obama folds- again.

Can this guy do anything right?

He got this exactly right. Somewhere Sir Francis Walsingham is smiling..:lol:

Yeah, I'm sure all those in the 9.2% unempoyment are thinking it is a laugh riot.


But as one of the newly one except republicans are smiling about that. :eusa_shhh:
I it worked the way it was intended to work....then that must mean the intention was to piss people off.

Is that a good way to lead this country?

By pissing everyone off???

Forget it.

You lack the empathy and/or cognition to understand statecraft.

Or why this was well played.

Omaba: Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a speech on jobs to a joint session of Congress on September 7th, please.

Boehner: Sorry, Mr' President, but we cannot accommodate your request at this time. How's the 8th?

Obama: Well, I 'really' wanted to do this on the 7th, if it's all the same to you.

Boehner: Well, as I said, we cannot accommodate your request at this time. The 8th will have to do.

Obama: But I'm the President!

Boehner: That's nice, junior. You chose that date to upstage my party. I'll show the good grace not to make an issue of that fact in public. Now... unless you 'really' want a federal case made out of this in every media outlet in the nation....

Obama: The 8th will do nicely. Thank you, sir.

Yup. Well played, Mr President. :rofl:

What a stupid post.
He got this exactly right. Somewhere Sir Francis Walsingham is smiling..:lol:

Yeah, I'm sure all those in the 9.2% unempoyment are thinking it is a laugh riot.


But as one of the newly one except republicans are smiling about that. :eusa_shhh:

so why are here making dumb post and NOT WORKING?

You're really not cute in this matter even if you think you are.
Forget it.

You lack the empathy and/or cognition to understand statecraft.

Or why this was well played.

Omaba: Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a speech on jobs to a joint session of Congress on September 7th, please.

Boehner: Sorry, Mr' President, but we cannot accommodate your request at this time. How's the 8th?

Obama: Well, I 'really' wanted to do this on the 7th, if it's all the same to you.

Boehner: Well, as I said, we cannot accommodate your request at this time. The 8th will have to do.

Obama: But I'm the President!

Boehner: That's nice, junior. You chose that date to upstage my party. I'll show the good grace not to make an issue of that fact in public. Now... unless you 'really' want a federal case made out of this in every media outlet in the nation....

Obama: The 8th will do nicely. Thank you, sir.

Yup. Well played, Mr President. :rofl:

Believe or are on the right track. :eek:

Obama got bitch slapped, can't prove he got bitch slapped or get any traction from it, members of his own party are upset with him for getting bitch slapped... yet this is a positive to you?

You're really a Republican.
Yup. Well played, Mr President. :rofl:

Believe or are on the right track. :eek:

Obama got bitch slapped, can't prove he got bitch slapped or get any traction from it, members of his own party are upset with him for getting bitch slapped... yet this is a positive to you?

You're really a Republican.

He thinks it's a positive?

To me it looks like he is agreeing with you that that's prolly pretty close to how it went down.
Yeah, I'm sure all those in the 9.2% unempoyment are thinking it is a laugh riot.


But as one of the newly one except republicans are smiling about that. :eusa_shhh:

so why are here making dumb post and NOT WORKING?

You're really not cute in this matter even if you think you are.

Got laid off in June. Worked the same place for 13 years.

Been doing phone interviews, like 3 a day. This is a new thing for me..13 years ago we'd talk face to face with prospective employers.

Got a real life interview today for a 3 month contract.

Should be fun..
The speaker has the power to stop him. He does control when the house gathers after all. This could get ugly.
can you believe this petty shit!! Don't try to tell me Obama did not plan this !!



This was completely intended.

And it worked great. :clap2:

You're such a might understand why. :razz:

It was intended....

If you didn't get the memo thats why the communists voted him in.

Welcome to socialismland.

Now your crying?

You got everything you asked for...

Go to your fucking government and get your free bread and rations...

Oh yeah you were expecting free gas and plasma TV's weren't you?

But as one of the newly one except republicans are smiling about that. :eusa_shhh:

so why are here making dumb post and NOT WORKING?

You're really not cute in this matter even if you think you are.


I bet he has a big screen tv as well.


And 2..count em..2 apartments. One in manhattan which I own..and one in Greenpoint which I rent. :lol:
can you believe this petty shit!! Don't try to tell me Obama did not plan this !!



This was completely intended.

And it worked great. :clap2:

You're such a might understand why. :razz:

It was intended....

If you didn't get the memo thats why the communists voted him in.

Welcome to socialismland.

Now your crying?

You got everything you asked for...

Go to your fucking government and get your free bread and rations...


Swing and a miss.

Strike one.
Believe or are on the right track. :eek:

Obama got bitch slapped, can't prove he got bitch slapped or get any traction from it, members of his own party are upset with him for getting bitch slapped... yet this is a positive to you?

You're really a Republican.

He thinks it's a positive?

To me it looks like he is agreeing with you that that's prolly pretty close to how it went down.

Oh I do think it's a positive.

Just waitin to see if anyone understands why.
I just read every page on this thread.

I have come to the conclusion that we are fucked as a nation.

I personally rather hear what the Prez has to say however, I understand there is some excitement about the GOP debate but do we really have to turn this into a Parisian debacle?

I sit here quite disappointed in the majority of the posts I read, on both ends. We have a lack of critical thinking going on here, for sure.

So? Let America chose what they want to see. There isn't any excitment on my part to watch the gop make complete fools of themselves. Does anyone really want that much Michelle Bachmann exposure?

Rick Perry winking at the camera is something I could def live without. Let's look at the president's plan instead.

I sure wish Obama would stop giving in to these morons. Utter morons. :cuckoo:

Oh well, Obama has been in some tight spaces before and come up with a big win when people realize what kind of idiocy we will endure again with GOP "leadership". We'll see what happens here.
Let me see if I got this right.
The GOP schedules a debate for 8 PM Eastern on Sept, 7. Hundreds of people begin preparation making sure the venue, security, broadcast facilities and support staff are on line.
The President tells us that he has another "plan" that will save the world, but he can't tell us what the plan is until he gets back from vacation. So he get back, looks at his busy schedule and low and behold, the only hour he has just happens to be in conflict with the GOP debate.
Yup I guess that makes someone an utter moron for buying into his bull shit.


This was completely intended.

And it worked great. :clap2:

You're such a might understand why. :razz:

It was intended....

If you didn't get the memo thats why the communists voted him in.

Welcome to socialismland.

Now your crying?

You got everything you asked for...

Go to your fucking government and get your free bread and rations...


Swing and a miss.

Strike one.

How am I wrong exactly?

Let me guess, I got your intentions all wrong just not your philosophy?
Im sure the republicans would alter their plans for Obama if he asked.

First of all changing the scheduling of the debate would be much more difficult.

Second of all, another jobs bill is not the kind of thing that needs to be addressed before a full Congress, especially when some of the participants of the debate would have to be in two places at once. Obama can easily do one of those 1pm speeches he specializes in. Nope, he wants to lecture us and lecture Congress on primetime. Wow....he really knows how to bring folks together, don't he???

It was a stunt Obama pulled that backfired on him. Instead he resorted to snapping at Congress about doing their jobs in a email after he was forced to reschedule.

Didn't backfire at all.

Worked just as it was probably intended to work.

You wouldn't see that.

But then'll probably be dumbfounded by the 2012 election results too.

Claim it was ACORN!!!

It should be pretty easy to see if it backfired or not. I know I'll be watching the Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll over the next 3 days. We shall see what the public thinks of his stunt.
Barry could have told Boner to pound sand.

He didn't. He moved his speech to the next day.

Kudo's to him for the move.
It was intended....

If you didn't get the memo thats why the communists voted him in.

Welcome to socialismland.

Now your crying?

You got everything you asked for...

Go to your fucking government and get your free bread and rations...


Swing and a miss.

Strike one.

How am I wrong exactly?

Let me guess, I got your intentions all wrong just not your philosophy?

Well first off..President Obama is a democrat not a communist.

Second off...I am a registered Democrat..not a communist.

Third off..I've never gone out for free bread rations..though I have been to plenty of office parties, industry parties and rang the bell at the New York Stock Exchange (been on the podium three times).

And forth calling is generally the sign of a lost cause.


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