Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

Barry could have told Boner to pound sand.

He didn't. He moved his speech to the next day.

Kudo's to him for the move.

Brilliant post! :razz:
Had he passed out drunk in the bathroom and smacked his head on the toilet, you would praise him for missing the sink as he stood up.

Bullshit Ernie.

He didn't have to move his speech. He could have given it exactly when he said he would.

Did he have an ulterior motive or was he trying to be accomodating?? Don't know. Don't care.

I know that now I can watch the GOP debates one night and watch him spew his BS the next night. Thats if I chose to watch said spewing.
And the President continues to propose partisan bullshit that has no hope of passing the House. See how that works?

Naw..because that's not reality.

What republicans are looking for is total capitulation. They want this president out and control of both houses.

They don't want compromise. They don't want a good economy. They actually just want a one party nation they can hand over to the Plutocrats.

Because they hate the government we have. And have said it over and over.

you mean like what the democrats wanted and acheived back in 2008?

Democrats are saying they hate government?

Democrats are signing pledges written by a man who says he wants to take the American government to the bathroom and drown it?

Since when?
Valerie Jarrett was behind this.
They thought they could get away with the ye olé corrupt, dirty style politics philosophy of do anything it takes to eliminate the competition.
Republicans would be watching the debates and miss his speech.
Speaker Boehner called him out on it.

Sorry Valerie your dirty style of Chicago corruption does not work in the Big league.
Like this was difficult to predict.

Obama knows his plan isn't workable so this was set up to scapegoat the GOP when it goes nowhere.

It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

Sounds to me like you've already conceded that Obama won't have anything in his "plan" that would fix the economy or address unemployment, Sallow. I think you know as well as I do that it's going to be a rehash of the policies he's already tried...the ones that already failed.

One of the earliest posts in this jumble of threads showed that Obama
himself said as much...
"All these ideas are ones that have been presented to Congress. We'll be putting out several other additional ideas. We've got to do it, unfortunately, at a time when money is tight. George Bush left us (a) $1 trillion deficit," he said, referring to the former Republican president.
And he threw in another 'It's all Bush's fault, not mine' for good measure.
Didn't backfire at all.

Worked just as it was probably intended to work.

You wouldn't see that.

But then'll probably be dumbfounded by the 2012 election results too.

Claim it was ACORN!!!

It should be pretty easy to see if it backfired or not. I know I'll be watching the Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll over the next 3 days. We shall see what the public thinks of his stunt.

You ever play chess?

Just so you know... it's not called a 'horsie'... it's a knight.
The house has passed partisan bullshit with no chance of getting past the Senate.
And the President continues to propose partisan bullshit that has no hope of passing the House. See how that works?

Naw..because that's not reality.

What republicans are looking for is total capitulation. They want this president out and control of both houses.

They don't want compromise. They don't want a good economy. They actually just want a one party nation they can hand over to the Plutocrats.

Because they hate the government we have. And have said it over and over.

What the hell?
Democrats were the one party nation on 2009 and 10.
Dem President and Majority in the Senate and House and no cooperation or compromise at all with the republicans during that period.

They have never said that they hate government.
Like this was difficult to predict.

Obama knows his plan isn't workable so this was set up to scapegoat the GOP when it goes nowhere.

It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

Sounds to me like you've already conceded that Obama won't have anything in his "plan" that would fix the economy or address unemployment, Sallow. I think you know as well as I do that it's going to be a rehash of the policies he's already tried...the ones that already failed.

Conceded what?

And what failed? During President Obama's administration the private sector created more jobs in 3 years then during President Bush's entire eight years. And you guys are jumping up and down about how "successful" Bush's jobs numbers were (And I am pretty sure they were as bogus as the numbers that came out about how bad the recession was, from the Bush administration). And before anything even got implemented, UE shot up to around 10%. It must have been all those previously Unemployed people that no one counted, suddenly looking for work. In any case NOW they were counted. His policies got that number DOWN to around 9.1%. And corporations are making record profits.

What's the disconnect here? Well for one thing..we have incredibly low taxes. The government is getting incredibly low revenue. And we are still paying for some incredibly expensive crap put up by the Bush administration.

Republicans took a shit, left it for Democrats to clean up..and are screaming bloody murder because they don't like the pace.

Boehner said that since the House wouldn't reconvene until 6:30 on Wednesday, and because it takes hours to complete the security sweep necessary for a presidential address, "it is my recommendation that your address be held on the following evening, when we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks."

Boehner asks Obama to move jobs joint address to Thursday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Heck almost 3 years for a job plan whats another day

We had a job's plan the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill that no one took the time to read before they passed it. That's when the democrats had super majority's in the house and senate, they stuffed that down out throats just as he did his trillion dollar health care plan with his super majority's in both houses.

Never, not ever do you allow liberals or progressives to lead, America needs to learn this, we did during Jimmy Carter, this is America's reminder.


We have a winner!:thewave:

Like this was difficult to predict.

Obama knows his plan isn't workable so this was set up to scapegoat the GOP when it goes nowhere.

It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.
I remember this with Jimmy Carter, eventually no one pays attention or respected what he was doing, and could have not cared less about what he said or did. He was put on ignore, the same thing is happening here.


Another Democrat in the whitehouse.

Another Republican attempt to nullify the election.

Which is another reason this is so well played. :clap2:
Obama has run out of ideas short of just declaring Marshal Law and installing a dictatorship. This scapegoating is all he has left because he has nothing new to offer. His credibility is shot. He's looking for excuses and trying to cover his ass rather then finding workable solutions.
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Like this was difficult to predict.

Obama knows his plan isn't workable so this was set up to scapegoat the GOP when it goes nowhere.

It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.
Naw..because that's not reality.

What republicans are looking for is total capitulation. They want this president out and control of both houses.

They don't want compromise. They don't want a good economy. They actually just want a one party nation they can hand over to the Plutocrats.

Because they hate the government we have. And have said it over and over.

you mean like what the democrats wanted and acheived back in 2008?

Democrats are saying they hate government?

Democrats are signing pledges written by a man who says he wants to take the American government to the bathroom and drown it?

Since when?

you know what I was referring to....your response just slowed up your response time to my question...

SO I will lay it out for you.

Do you not feel that democrats goal is to have the WH, the house and the senate all at once as you claim is the goal of the GOP?
Like this was difficult to predict.

Obama knows his plan isn't workable so this was set up to scapegoat the GOP when it goes nowhere.

It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want. you think the democratic party acts any differently?

Oh sure it does.

Reagan wasn't impeached over Iran Contra. He was popular but there were plenty of reasons to impeach him.

Clinton was impeached over a blowjob. He was popular and there was absolutely no reason to impeach him.

I can't think of a more stark difference.
It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?
It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

98% divided by four.

But thanks for playing anyway.
you mean like what the democrats wanted and acheived back in 2008?

Democrats are saying they hate government?

Democrats are signing pledges written by a man who says he wants to take the American government to the bathroom and drown it?

Since when?

you know what I was referring to....your response just slowed up your response time to my question...

SO I will lay it out for you.

Do you not feel that democrats goal is to have the WH, the house and the senate all at once as you claim is the goal of the GOP?

They openly stated that when? Exactly?

I've never heard anything like this.
It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want. you think the democratic party acts any differently?

Oh sure it does.

Reagan wasn't impeached over Iran Contra. He was popular but there were plenty of reasons to impeach him.

Clinton was impeached over a blowjob. He was popular and there was absolutely no reason to impeach him.

I can't think of a more stark difference.

Clinton was not impeachedover a blowjob.

He was impeached for lying to congress while under oath
It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

Sounds to me like you've already conceded that Obama won't have anything in his "plan" that would fix the economy or address unemployment, Sallow. I think you know as well as I do that it's going to be a rehash of the policies he's already tried...the ones that already failed.

Conceded what?

And what failed? During President Obama's administration the private sector created more jobs in 3 years then during President Bush's entire eight years. And you guys are jumping up and down about how "successful" Bush's jobs numbers were (And I am pretty sure they were as bogus as the numbers that came out about how bad the recession was, from the Bush administration). And before anything even got implemented, UE shot up to around 10%. It must have been all those previously Unemployed people that no one counted, suddenly looking for work. In any case NOW they were counted. His policies got that number DOWN to around 9.1%. And corporations are making record profits.

What's the disconnect here? Well for one thing..we have incredibly low taxes. The government is getting incredibly low revenue. And we are still paying for some incredibly expensive crap put up by the Bush administration.

Republicans took a shit, left it for Democrats to clean up..and are screaming bloody murder because they don't like the pace.


Got a link? Because I have several with the facts, Bush had an 8 year average of 5.3% unemployment, Obama after he promised that unemployment would not go above 8% if they passed the failed 787 billion dollar stimulus plan, it's went to 10% and now is stuck at 9.2%, you call that success??? I call that failure.

Are you still in denial of the fact that it was Barney Frank, Democrat, and Chris Dodd, democrat that took this country down with Freddie and Fanny,( the mortgage crisis) and that they were warned 17 different times starting in 2001 by the Bush administration to restrict Fanny and Freddy's reckless behavior. They were warned by Alan Greenspan, McCain and President Bush several times. The banking queen, Barney Frank, blocked passed of legislation that would have reigned them in and prevented the mortgage crisis. I can prove that too, now prove your statements.
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Democrats are saying they hate government?

Democrats are signing pledges written by a man who says he wants to take the American government to the bathroom and drown it?

Since when?

you know what I was referring to....your response just slowed up your response time to my question...

SO I will lay it out for you.

Do you not feel that democrats goal is to have the WH, the house and the senate all at once as you claim is the goal of the GOP?

They openly stated that when? Exactly?

I've never heard anything like this. are better than that.
You are starting to sound like "dont be stupid"....and you are most certainly not like that partisan jerk.

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