Vietnam Veteran gives President Trump his Purple Heart...

Comment: President Trump received a Purple Heart medal from a Vietnam Veteran who told the former President "you've got guts"...about the highest complement any veteran of combat would give.

We all saw it for ourselves. The President didn't run or hide, he jumped up, raised his fist in the air.

That is called courage under fire.

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Can you imagine? Giving a purple heart to a draft dodging loser.

It doesn't get much more "cult" than that.
Were all the millions of college students during the Viet Nam era INCLUDING TRUMP draft dodgers too? You cling to another false narrative about Trump because of your personal hatred of him. Like I said, pathetic.
Too Right Mate!

He earned those bone spurs!!

Were all the millions of college students during the Viet Nam era INCLUDING TRUMP draft dodgers too? You cling to another false narrative about Trump because of your personal hatred of him. Like I said, pathetic.
He did not get an educational deferment, just a fake physical deferment. Getting away with it, let him think those that served were "chumps", and has said as much. I was pretty sure, I was headed to Vietnam, upon graduation, though already accepted by 3 universities, and of course, I would have gone. My father served in WWII and my older brother was in Vietnam when I graduated, serving with the Marines 1st Reconn. Trump was indeed in the category, considered a draft dodger. Not a matter of hate, simply a matter of fact, speaking as retired military, both Officer and Enlisted.

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