Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

No it isn't. It's because Democrats would not agree to 4 trillion in cuts. And that is why the S&P downgraded us thanks to Dems who has been fighting cut backs all year long.
It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want. you think the democratic party acts any differently?

Oh sure it does.

Reagan wasn't impeached over Iran Contra. He was popular but there were plenty of reasons to impeach him.

Clinton was impeached over a blowjob. He was popular and there was absolutely no reason to impeach him.

I can't think of a more stark difference.

Lying to Federal prosecutors and getting on national tv and lying to the American people is grounds for impeachment, had Reagan did the blow job thing he would have been impeached by his own party.
The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?

It's a bogus figure anyway.

If one component of what the President wanted was ALWAYS and forever, from jump street, an unconditional non-starter for the GOP, then the rejection of that "wish list" item is not properly countable in the alleged (utterly fictional) "98%" figure.

The President: Let us negotiate. In addition to spending cuts, I propose we raise more revenues by increasing taxation.

The GOP: Tax increases will not be a part of any compromise. They are a non starter.

The President: Ok. I'll put that matter off to some future date. Let's get down to negotiating!

[Time passes. Difficult complicated negotiations take place. The GOP gives a LOT of ground and ultimately, an agreement not worthy of the paper it's printed on, emerges]

Sallow: See? The GOP got 99.999998% of EVERYTHING they wanted!
It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

Sounds to me like you've already conceded that Obama won't have anything in his "plan" that would fix the economy or address unemployment, Sallow. I think you know as well as I do that it's going to be a rehash of the policies he's already tried...the ones that already failed.

Conceded what?

And what failed? During President Obama's administration the private sector created more jobs in 3 years then during President Bush's entire eight years. And you guys are jumping up and down about how "successful" Bush's jobs numbers were (And I am pretty sure they were as bogus as the numbers that came out about how bad the recession was, from the Bush administration). And before anything even got implemented, UE shot up to around 10%. It must have been all those previously Unemployed people that no one counted, suddenly looking for work. In any case NOW they were counted. His policies got that number DOWN to around 9.1%. And corporations are making record profits.

What's the disconnect here? Well for one thing..we have incredibly low taxes. The government is getting incredibly low revenue. And we are still paying for some incredibly expensive crap put up by the Bush administration.

Republicans took a shit, left it for Democrats to clean up..and are screaming bloody murder because they don't like the pace.


So the guy that's now unemployed after 13 years thinks 0bama is better at job creation?? Alrighty then. :eusa_whistle:

People were asking about the libs' favorite job creation meme this year: Did Obama really create more jobs in 2010 than Bush did in his entire 8 years? Well, yes, but it's a stupid statement. Here's the data (all numbers are in thousands):

Bush Obama
1/31/01 1/31/09 Difference 12/31/09 12/31/10 Difference
Total Jobs 132,469 133,549 1,080 129,588 130,712 1,124
Private Jobs 111,634 110,961 -673 107,107 108,453 1,346

So you can see that the statement is strictly true: Obama did create more private sector jobs and more total jobs in one year than Bush did in 8.

But that doesn't stop this from being an utterly dishonest statement. What they're really saying is that they're going to count both recessions that Bush went through against him, but leave out most of the recession in Obama's term. Here's a fairer comparison, looking at both men's periods of growth:
Bush Obama
7/31/03 12/31/07 Difference 12/31/09 12/31/10 Difference
Total Jobs 129,864 137,951 8,087 129,588 130,712 1,124
Private Jobs 108231 115574 7,253 107,107 108,453 1,346

...or maybe just comparing their first two years (even though the recession started during Bush's term, while the recent recession was half-over when Obama took over):
Bush Obama
1/31/01 12/31/02 Difference 1/31/09 12/31/10 Difference
Total Jobs 132,469 130,183 -2,281 133,549 130,712 -2,837
Private Jobs 111,634 108,595 -3,039 110,961 108,453 -2,508

Well, that's a little jumbled, go here for the actual charts: Cage Match: Bush vs. Obama Job Creation
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May have been said already, but if not, here is my take on this..

First- He knew it was a conflict. If he didnt, then we must ask about the competency of his staff

Second-Assuming he knew it was a conflict, he also knew it would create an issue for Boehner and Boehner would likely not grant him his request for a joint session for that day

Third- Lets see if I am correct. On Thursday evening Obama will drop the little comment of how the GOP placed more importance on their debate than on the jobs situation in America



We have a winner!:thewave:

And America will see just how petty and immature the boy king is. We will know how people perceived his remarks by Monday morning at 9:30 AM Eastern by checking the Rasmussen daily tracking poll.
Didn't backfire at all.

Worked just as it was probably intended to work.

You wouldn't see that.

But then'll probably be dumbfounded by the 2012 election results too.

Claim it was ACORN!!!

I it worked the way it was intended to work....then that must mean the intention was to piss people off.

Is that a good way to lead this country?

By pissing everyone off???

Forget it.

You lack the empathy and/or cognition to understand statecraft.

Or why this was well played.
Hey woof woof...You wouldn't know statecraft from arts and crafts.
Tis better to remain silent and keep others guessing on your lack of intelligence rather than post and remove all doubt.
I remember this with Jimmy Carter, eventually no one pays attention or respected what he was doing, and could have not cared less about what he said or did. He was put on ignore, the same thing is happening here.


Another Democrat in the whitehouse.

Another Republican attempt to nullify the election.

Which is another reason this is so well played. :clap2:

Respect is earned not given, Obama has done absolutely nothing to earn the respect of anyone. Maybe a little for pulling the trigger on the gun that Bush aimed at Bin Lauden, but that's it. Kennedy and Clinton were respected Presidents, Kennedy was a conservative Democrat, not even close to being termed a progressive or liberal. Clinton had a good job's record and did balance the budget. People of both parties had respect for these two Democrat Presidents, Clinton blew that respect with Monica Lewinski and the blow job in the oval office, but he had it up until then.
The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?

That's what the man said.

Democrats wanted a clean bill. One page.

Debt ceiling itself is probably unconstitutional.
It makes absolutely no difference what plan Obama puts up. The Republicans are not going to vote on it. It is their stated goal..and they stated very clearly..that their number one priority was to make Obama a one term president.

Anything that helps the country will help the President.

And that's not part of the outcome Republicans want.

The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

Harry Reid has a bill that was sent to him called Cut, Cap,& Balance that had everything in it that met the S&P's demands and he shelved it.

He and Obama are the sticking-points in all of this, not the GOP. They produced nothing.
I remember this with Jimmy Carter, eventually no one pays attention or respected what he was doing, and could have not cared less about what he said or did. He was put on ignore, the same thing is happening here.


Another Democrat in the whitehouse.

Another Republican attempt to nullify the election.

Which is another reason this is so well played. :clap2:

Respect is earned not given, Obama has done absolutely nothing to earn the respect of anyone. Maybe a little for pulling the trigger on the gun that Bush aimed at Bin Lauden, but that's it. Kennedy and Clinton were respected Presidents, Kennedy was a conservative Democrat, not even close to being termed a progressive or liberal. Clinton had a good job's record and did balance the budget. People of both parties had respect for these two Democrat Presidents, Clinton blew that respect with Monica Lewinski and the blow job in the oval office, but he had it up until then.

Neither were "respected'...are you mad? Conservatives called Kennedy a commie beholden to the Pope and Clinton was impeached.

No Republican in the history of this nation has ever been impeached.

And respect? That should be "will of the people".
Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?

That's what the man said.

Democrats wanted a clean bill. One page.

Debt ceiling itself is probably unconstitutional.

I dont care what Boehner said...whatever comes out of his mouth, Obamas mouth, Reids mouth, Cantors, Pelosi's...all rhetoric and political posturing.

Bottom line....the GOP did not get even CLOSE to what it wanted.

Obama compromised...he did not even get CLOSE to what he wanted.

This was a compromise....nothing less.
The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

Harry Reid has a bill that was sent to him called Cut, Cap,& Balance that had everything in it that met the S&P's demands and he shelved it.

He and Obama are the sticking-points in all of this, not the GOP. They produced nothing.

What government on the face of the planet has that sort of nonsense in it's constitution?

There's only one other government with a "debt ceiling" which they never even pay attention too.

This was a first.
GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?

That's what the man said.

Democrats wanted a clean bill. One page.

Debt ceiling itself is probably unconstitutional.

I dont care what Boehner said...whatever comes out of his mouth, Obamas mouth, Reids mouth, Cantors, Pelosi's...all rhetoric and political posturing.

Bottom line....the GOP did not get even CLOSE to what it wanted.

Obama compromised...he did not even get CLOSE to what he wanted.

This was a compromise....nothing less.

The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

Harry Reid has a bill that was sent to him called Cut, Cap,& Balance that had everything in it that met the S&P's demands and he shelved it.

He and Obama are the sticking-points in all of this, not the GOP. They produced nothing.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?

That's what the man said.

Democrats wanted a clean bill. One page.

Debt ceiling itself is probably unconstitutional.


Prove it.

Actually it's essential.
I it worked the way it was intended to work....then that must mean the intention was to piss people off.

Is that a good way to lead this country?

By pissing everyone off???

Forget it.

You lack the empathy and/or cognition to understand statecraft.

Or why this was well played.
Hey woof woof...You wouldn't know statecraft from arts and crafts.
Tis better to remain silent and keep others guessing on your lack of intelligence rather than post and remove all doubt.

I think Sallow has been snorting the glitter again.
Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?

That's what the man said.

Democrats wanted a clean bill. One page.

Debt ceiling itself is probably unconstitutional.

At the fourth attempt. Then the word from you guys was stating that went for the tea party.

Same BS different accreditation.
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

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