Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

The GOP has always said "let the private secotr create the jobs"..they NEVER said that they were going to take action and make the jobs appear...Only Obama and the democrats made that claim.

But please explain to me how the private secotr can create jobs with the President continually implementing regulations that increase the operating costs of companies?
That's what the man said.

Democrats wanted a clean bill. One page.

Debt ceiling itself is probably unconstitutional.


Prove it.

Actually it's essential.

Prove it?

It's not in the constitution and the constitution is quite clear about the government and debt.

Granting Amnesty and passing health care wasn't in there an that didn't stop Obama.

I'd still like a link that supports your claim.
Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

It would be a refreshing change if the Senate would even consider debating the bills sent by the house instead of tossing them in a waste can.

Why should they? The House refuses to negotiate. They send over extreme right-wing ideas and act insulted when the Senate won't agree to absolutely everything in the bill. I don't how long you've been paying attention, but that's not how it works. We have a divided gov't. That means both sides have to work together. That doesn't mean that one side gets their way on everything.
Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

It would be a refreshing change if the Senate would even consider debating the bills sent by the house instead of tossing them in a waste can.

This a bi-partisan thing?

Or you only mad when Democrats do it.

Because Republicans engaged in this behavior when they controlled the Senate.
Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

The GOP has always said "let the private secotr create the jobs"..they NEVER said that they were going to take action and make the jobs appear...Only Obama and the democrats made that claim.

But please explain to me how the private secotr can create jobs with the President continually implementing regulations that increase the operating costs of companies?

Regulations are not stifling job growth. That is right-wing make believe. Show me an unbiased source who will back up that claim. You can't.
Yeah, Reid has a bill which includes a right-wing dream amendment to the Constitution. Gee, I wonder why Dems won't agree to it? :rolleyes: I'll tell you what, if the GOP can agree to any Dem ideas, or even moderate GOP ideas that the GOP used to support(before they decided to hate Obama over all else), then you can bitch that Dems won't work with the GOP. So far, the GOP has said no to absolutely everything - anything - that Dems have proposed. Until the GOP can act like grownups and actually work with the other side ( you know, the side that controls the WH and the Senate), you have exactly nothing that you can bitch about.

Look at my sig.

Who's doing the bitching?

The dems as a whole are.

They have nothing but higher taxes and more spending to offer. That's all Obama has to offer other then blame-throwing.

You mean the higher taxes on the rich that a clear majority of Americans (including Republicans) support? Yeah, higher taxes and more spending is all Obama offers. :rolleyes: Except for the 2/3 in tax cuts that were in the stimulus. Except for the tax cuts that are part of Obama's jobs proposal. Except for the spending reductions and no tax increases that Obama agreed to as part of the debt ceiling deal. Other than your entire argument being wrong, I agree with you.

those smoke and mirror tax cuts that had no effect? The ones where we cut it now, but you pay it back at the end of the year?
Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

It would be a refreshing change if the Senate would even consider debating the bills sent by the house instead of tossing them in a waste can.

Why should they? The House refuses to negotiate. They send over extreme right-wing ideas and act insulted when the Senate won't agree to absolutely everything in the bill. I don't how long you've been paying attention, but that's not how it works. We have a divided gov't. That means both sides have to work together. That doesn't mean that one side gets their way on everything.

oh...I see....NOW that is OK...when the house and the senate was all democratic, "they won" so it was OK not to compromise.

Stop being a partisan hack and open your eyes....OF COURSE the GOP is going to send over a bill that is one sided...that is why the senate is to sit down and debate it...make some compromising changes in it....then the GOP leader approached Boehner and discusses the changes and why the changes...and then the house revisits it.

Seems you forgot how it is done after having 2 years of being like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full 'o change!
Wow, I see you've been reading the NPR comments. Exact same words by another person on a totally different board. Unless...............oh I hope not. :lol:

Wow, imagine that. Another person on the whole internet who shares my sentiment. that never happens :rolleyes: By that logic, all of you conservatives must be the same person, since you all say the same exact things on this board, every board on the internet, every right-wing talk show on the radio, every day on Fox, and every day in the halls of Congress. Don't quit your day job, Sherlock. :lol::lol::lol:

BTW, do you really disagree with me? Do you think this BS political theater is good for the country? Would you rather have them focus on the economy or have petty public fights over non-issues? Or is it just that you couldn't resist the urge to be a partisan hack?

Oh I agree alright, they should have focused on Jobs a 2 1/2 years ago but first they had to pass a bunch of regulations and 0bamaScare. Now that helped create bookoos of jobs.

Boehner said that since the House wouldn't reconvene until 6:30 on Wednesday, and because it takes hours to complete the security sweep necessary for a presidential address, "it is my recommendation that your address be held on the following evening, when we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks."

Boehner asks Obama to move jobs joint address to Thursday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Heck almost 3 years for a job plan whats another day

We had a job's plan the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill that no one took the time to read before they passed it. That's when the democrats had super majority's in the house and senate, they stuffed that down out throats just as he did his trillion dollar health care plan with his super majority's in both houses.

Never, not ever do you allow liberals or progressives to lead, America needs to learn this, we did during Jimmy Carter, this is America's reminder.

Maple, you are not a fool but you sound foolish. By your standards, Washington, Adams, Lincoln, the first Roosevelt, the second Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, and JFK were liberals, and they did just well thank you, along with folks like Eisenhower and Nixon (when he wa not subverting the constitution).

Adult up. We don't want the Weiners or the Ryans running our government for their pet interests. We need to elect people who represent you and me.

Adult up?? Why don't you try reading a history book, there was nothing liberal about Washington, Adams, Lincoln or JFK. Start with a national party no more, by Zell Miller, and there you will find the answer. The only thing that John Kennedy and Ted Kennedy had in common were their parents, that's it. JFK passed one of the largest tax DECREASES in history and it was across the board. He was also a hawk on defence, the Cuban missile crisis. Lincoln was a Republican, the party had only been formed 6 years prior to his Presidency, hardly a liberal. Adams one of our founders wrote many times about small government, and the need to RESTRICT government's involvement in the individual's life.Washington was another founder, who was dedicated to the freedom of the individual and wrote also about the need to RESTRICT and keep small the Federal government. The constitution was written to protect the individual and individual property rights.
Read something--- and learn something, quit with your liberal progressive one liners or you will get my Nit wit, liberal loon, nut club award of the month
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Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

The GOP has always said "let the private secotr create the jobs"..they NEVER said that they were going to take action and make the jobs appear...Only Obama and the democrats made that claim.

But please explain to me how the private secotr can create jobs with the President continually implementing regulations that increase the operating costs of companies?

Regulations are not stifling job growth. That is right-wing make believe. Show me an unbiased source who will back up that claim. You can't.

I'm sure if you Bing it you will see some reliable source that hasn't bought into Obamas BS. The AP, Rueters, CNN will report on it.
We had a job's plan the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill that no one took the time to read before they passed it. That's when the democrats had super majority's in the house and senate, they stuffed that down out throats just as he did his trillion dollar health care plan with his super majority's in both houses.

Never, not ever do you allow liberals or progressives to lead, America needs to learn this, we did during Jimmy Carter, this is America's reminder.

Maple, you are not a fool but you sound foolish. By your standards, Washington, Adams, Lincoln, the first Roosevelt, the second Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, and JFK were liberals, and they did just well thank you, along with folks like Eisenhower and Nixon (when he wa not subverting the constitution).

Adult up. We don't want the Weiners or the Ryans running our government for their pet interests. We need to elect people who represent you and me.

Adult up?? Why don't you try reading a history book, there was nothing liberal about Washington, Adams, Lincoln or JFK.

Oh bullshit.

The founders, Lincoln and JFK were all liberals.

Benedict Arnold, The Torries and the Whigs were conservatives.
It would be a refreshing change if the Senate would even consider debating the bills sent by the house instead of tossing them in a waste can.

Why should they? The House refuses to negotiate. They send over extreme right-wing ideas and act insulted when the Senate won't agree to absolutely everything in the bill. I don't how long you've been paying attention, but that's not how it works. We have a divided gov't. That means both sides have to work together. That doesn't mean that one side gets their way on everything.

oh...I see....NOW that is OK...when the house and the senate was all democratic, "they won" so it was OK not to compromise.

Stop being a partisan hack and open your eyes....OF COURSE the GOP is going to send over a bill that is one sided...that is why the senate is to sit down and debate it...make some compromising changes in it....then the GOP leader approached Boehner and discusses the changes and why the changes...and then the house revisits it.

Seems you forgot how it is done after having 2 years of being like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full 'o change!

Where have you been? The GOP refuses to cooperate with Dems on anything. They won't even agree to their own proposals.
...they are asking Obama to move his speech to bump up against FOOTBALL!!! LOL, that is his best case scenario. NO ONE wants another bullshit speech about creating jobs, when ALL his actions are job killers!

The less people who watch it the better for the Big O!
Why should they? The House refuses to negotiate. They send over extreme right-wing ideas and act insulted when the Senate won't agree to absolutely everything in the bill. I don't how long you've been paying attention, but that's not how it works. We have a divided gov't. That means both sides have to work together. That doesn't mean that one side gets their way on everything.

oh...I see....NOW that is OK...when the house and the senate was all democratic, "they won" so it was OK not to compromise.

Stop being a partisan hack and open your eyes....OF COURSE the GOP is going to send over a bill that is one sided...that is why the senate is to sit down and debate it...make some compromising changes in it....then the GOP leader approached Boehner and discusses the changes and why the changes...and then the house revisits it.

Seems you forgot how it is done after having 2 years of being like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full 'o change!

Where have you been? The GOP refuses to cooperate with Dems on anything. They won't even agree to their own proposals.

So in essence you got nothing but hard feelings. :lmao:
oh...I see....NOW that is OK...when the house and the senate was all democratic, "they won" so it was OK not to compromise.

Stop being a partisan hack and open your eyes....OF COURSE the GOP is going to send over a bill that is one sided...that is why the senate is to sit down and debate it...make some compromising changes in it....then the GOP leader approached Boehner and discusses the changes and why the changes...and then the house revisits it.

Seems you forgot how it is done after having 2 years of being like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full 'o change!

Where have you been? The GOP refuses to cooperate with Dems on anything. They won't even agree to their own proposals.

So in essence you got nothing but hard feelings. :lmao:

So in essence, you're a partisan hack with no interest in moving the country forward.
Where have you been? The GOP refuses to cooperate with Dems on anything. They won't even agree to their own proposals.

So in essence you got nothing but hard feelings. :lmao:

So in essence, you're a partisan hack with no interest in moving the country forward.

Come up with ideas instead of crony paybacks.

Regulation is one of the factors in holding things back, but you are more interested in that partisan hackery.

Climb back on Obamas lap now apologist.
Maple, you are not a fool but you sound foolish. By your standards, Washington, Adams, Lincoln, the first Roosevelt, the second Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, and JFK were liberals, and they did just well thank you, along with folks like Eisenhower and Nixon (when he wa not subverting the constitution).

Adult up. We don't want the Weiners or the Ryans running our government for their pet interests. We need to elect people who represent you and me.

Adult up?? Why don't you try reading a history book, there was nothing liberal about Washington, Adams, Lincoln or JFK.

Oh bullshit.

The founders, Lincoln and JFK were all liberals.

Benedict Arnold, The Torries and the Whigs were conservatives.

Um, the Founders fought against TAXATION (without representation), they preached small government and the preached forming a society based on the capitalistic principles of Adam Smith!!! Far from being liberal!

Lincoln was not a liberal or conservative in the relm of today. To make that argument that he either is both arrogant and ignorant.

JFK ==> "Ask not what your country can do for you, ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY!" Very different than the pay my rent, credit cards and put food on my table liberal base of the democratic party. JFK cut taxes and SPENDING to stimulate growth. He was a pretty good president in his short time at the helm. He was socially liberal no doubt, but his fiscal policies are conservative, much more than the two Bushes!!!
Why should they? The House refuses to negotiate. They send over extreme right-wing ideas and act insulted when the Senate won't agree to absolutely everything in the bill. I don't how long you've been paying attention, but that's not how it works. We have a divided gov't. That means both sides have to work together. That doesn't mean that one side gets their way on everything.

oh...I see....NOW that is OK...when the house and the senate was all democratic, "they won" so it was OK not to compromise.

Stop being a partisan hack and open your eyes....OF COURSE the GOP is going to send over a bill that is one sided...that is why the senate is to sit down and debate it...make some compromising changes in it....then the GOP leader approached Boehner and discusses the changes and why the changes...and then the house revisits it.

Seems you forgot how it is done after having 2 years of being like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full 'o change!

Where have you been? The GOP refuses to cooperate with Dems on anything. They won't even agree to their own proposals.

I have been paying attention since Obama took office.
I also know how it works.
I know the danger of a majority in both houses and the same in the it GOP or DEM.
I know the game of politics.

I also know that compromise ONLY comes with debate.

It is easy for Reid to say "they wont comrpomise, so I wont table it"

You should be pissed at that...but of course you are not.

I wonder when it was that Reid forgot how to get compromise from debate...I guess those two years of sneering at the other side and saying "fuck you, we won, take a back seat" clouded his memory of how it is SUPPOSED to be done.

Sort of how it did with you.
So in essence you got nothing but hard feelings. :lmao:

So in essence, you're a partisan hack with no interest in moving the country forward.

Come up with ideas instead of crony paybacks.

Regulation is one of the factors in holding things back, but you are more interested in that partisan hackery.

Climb back on Obamas lap now apologist.

Regulations are not holding the country back. You're the third person on the last two pages to make that claim. I asked another to prove it. He didn't. Can you prove it? Show me an unbiased source who agrees with you. You can't

Sit down. You have nothing.

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