Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day


Another Democrat in the whitehouse.

Another Republican attempt to nullify the election.

Which is another reason this is so well played. :clap2:

Respect is earned not given, Obama has done absolutely nothing to earn the respect of anyone. Maybe a little for pulling the trigger on the gun that Bush aimed at Bin Lauden, but that's it. Kennedy and Clinton were respected Presidents, Kennedy was a conservative Democrat, not even close to being termed a progressive or liberal. Clinton had a good job's record and did balance the budget. People of both parties had respect for these two Democrat Presidents, Clinton blew that respect with Monica Lewinski and the blow job in the oval office, but he had it up until then.

Neither were "respected'...are you mad? Conservatives called Kennedy a commie beholden to the Pope and Clinton was impeached.

No Republican in the history of this nation has ever been impeached.

And respect? That should be "will of the people".

Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Apparently, your savior will tell us on the 8th.
The fact they were able to come to an agreement on the debt-ceiling blows that claim all to hell. It's an obvious lie.

Try again.

[ame=]Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube[/ame]

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

Harry Reid has a bill that was sent to him called Cut, Cap,& Balance that had everything in it that met the S&P's demands and he shelved it.

He and Obama are the sticking-points in all of this, not the GOP. They produced nothing.

Yeah, Reid has a bill which includes a right-wing dream amendment to the Constitution. Gee, I wonder why Dems won't agree to it? :rolleyes: I'll tell you what, if the GOP can agree to any Dem ideas, or even moderate GOP ideas that the GOP used to support(before they decided to hate Obama over all else), then you can bitch that Dems won't work with the GOP. So far, the GOP has said no to absolutely everything - anything - that Dems have proposed. Until the GOP can act like grownups and actually work with the other side ( you know, the side that controls the WH and the Senate), you have exactly nothing that you can bitch about.
Boehner said that since the House wouldn't reconvene until 6:30 on Wednesday, and because it takes hours to complete the security sweep necessary for a presidential address, "it is my recommendation that your address be held on the following evening, when we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks."

Boehner asks Obama to move jobs joint address to Thursday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Heck almost 3 years for a job plan whats another day

We had a job's plan the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill that no one took the time to read before they passed it. That's when the democrats had super majority's in the house and senate, they stuffed that down out throats just as he did his trillion dollar health care plan with his super majority's in both houses.

Never, not ever do you allow liberals or progressives to lead, America needs to learn this, we did during Jimmy Carter, this is America's reminder.

Maple, you are not a fool but you sound foolish. By your standards, Washington, Adams, Lincoln, the first Roosevelt, the second Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, and JFK were liberals, and they did just well thank you, along with folks like Eisenhower and Nixon (when he wa not subverting the constitution).

Adult up. We don't want the Weiners or the Ryans running our government for their pet interests. We need to elect people who represent you and me.
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"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Apparently, your savior will tell us on the 8th.

Infrastructure bank. direct lending to unions and crony contractors.
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Don't ask Obama, he hasn't a clue.
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Wow, I see you've been reading the NPR comments. Exact same words by another person on a totally different board. Unless...............oh I hope not. :lol:
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?
Yeah, Reid has a bill which includes a right-wing dream amendment to the Constitution. Gee, I wonder why Dems won't agree to it? :rolleyes: I'll tell you what, if the GOP can agree to any Dem ideas, or even moderate GOP ideas that the GOP used to support(before they decided to hate Obama over all else), then you can bitch that Dems won't work with the GOP. So far, the GOP has said no to absolutely everything - anything - that Dems have proposed. Until the GOP can act like grownups and actually work with the other side ( you know, the side that controls the WH and the Senate), you have exactly nothing that you can bitch about.

Out right lie.
Boehner: Failed grand bargain came down to taxes - YouTube

Absolutely not.

They didn't compromise. They got 98% of what they wanted.

It didn't help the President in the slightest. The S&P downgraded government bonds and the Market tanked.

That's what Republicans wanted to happen. did.

Harry Reid has a bill that was sent to him called Cut, Cap,& Balance that had everything in it that met the S&P's demands and he shelved it.

He and Obama are the sticking-points in all of this, not the GOP. They produced nothing.

Yeah, Reid has a bill which includes a right-wing dream amendment to the Constitution. Gee, I wonder why Dems won't agree to it? :rolleyes: I'll tell you what, if the GOP can agree to any Dem ideas, or even moderate GOP ideas that the GOP used to support(before they decided to hate Obama over all else), then you can bitch that Dems won't work with the GOP. So far, the GOP has said no to absolutely everything - anything - that Dems have proposed. Until the GOP can act like grownups and actually work with the other side ( you know, the side that controls the WH and the Senate), you have exactly nothing that you can bitch about.

Look at my sig.

Who's doing the bitching?

The dems as a whole are.

They have nothing but higher taxes and more spending to offer. That's all Obama has to offer other then blame-throwing.
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

Why are you afraid to call it a tax increase, you big scaredy-cat?
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Wow, I see you've been reading the NPR comments. Exact same words by another person on a totally different board. Unless...............oh I hope not. :lol:

Wow, imagine that. Another person on the whole internet who shares my sentiment. That never happens :rolleyes: By that logic, all of you conservatives must be the same person, since you all say the same exact things on this board, every board on the internet, every right-wing talk show on the radio, every day on Fox, and every day in the halls of Congress. Don't quit your day job, Sherlock. :lol::lol::lol:

BTW, do you really disagree with me? Do you think this BS political theater is good for the country? Would you rather have them focus on the economy or have petty public fights over non-issues? Or is it just that you couldn't resist the urge to be a partisan hack?
Respect is earned not given, Obama has done absolutely nothing to earn the respect of anyone. Maybe a little for pulling the trigger on the gun that Bush aimed at Bin Lauden, but that's it. Kennedy and Clinton were respected Presidents, Kennedy was a conservative Democrat, not even close to being termed a progressive or liberal. Clinton had a good job's record and did balance the budget. People of both parties had respect for these two Democrat Presidents, Clinton blew that respect with Monica Lewinski and the blow job in the oval office, but he had it up until then.

Neither were "respected'...are you mad? Conservatives called Kennedy a commie beholden to the Pope and Clinton was impeached.

No Republican in the history of this nation has ever been impeached.

And respect? That should be "will of the people".

Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

My statement is still accurate.
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Wow, I see you've been reading the NPR comments. Exact same words by another person on a totally different board. Unless...............oh I hope not. :lol:

Wow, imagine that. Another person on the whole internet who shares my sentiment. that never happens :rolleyes: By that logic, all of you conservatives must be the same person, since you all say the same exact things on this board, every board on the internet, every right-wing talk show on the radio, every day on Fox, and every day in the halls of Congress. Don't quit your day job, Sherlock. :lol::lol::lol:

BTW, do you really disagree with me? Do you think this BS political theater is good for the country? Would you rather have them focus on the economy or have petty public fights over non-issues? Or is it just that you couldn't resist the urge to be a partisan hack?

Oh I agree alright, they should have focused on Jobs a 2 1/2 years ago but first they had to pass a bunch of regulations and 0bamaScare. Now that helped create bookoos of jobs.
"Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day"

WHO CARES???!!!!!!

We have much more important things to worry about here. Why are we even paying attention to this off Broadway political theater? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???!!!!

Don't worry. President Obama will be delivering a powerful, motivating speech which will magically resolve the whole issue and soon the land will be literally dripping with milk, honey and jobs.

He couldn't POSSIBLY be asking to speak with just another one of his lame-ass "let's spend lots more money" proposals.

Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

It would be a refreshing change if the Senate would even consider debating the bills sent by the house instead of tossing them in a waste can.
When democrats are in trouble they try dirty tricks. They used to get away with pushing republicans around but those days are over. Barry blinked and moved his speech a day ahead.
GOP got 98%?

The GOP wanted 4 trillion cut in spending, a balanced budget and no increase in taxes.

They got what...a trillion in cuts in spending, no balanced budget, and no promise of extending the Bush cuts when they expire again next year.

How the hell do you see that as 98%?

That's what the man said.

Democrats wanted a clean bill. One page.

Debt ceiling itself is probably unconstitutional.


Prove it.

Actually it's essential.

Prove it?

It's not in the constitution and the constitution is quite clear about the government and debt.
Boehner said that since the House wouldn't reconvene until 6:30 on Wednesday, and because it takes hours to complete the security sweep necessary for a presidential address, "it is my recommendation that your address be held on the following evening, when we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks."

Boehner asks Obama to move jobs joint address to Thursday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Heck almost 3 years for a job plan whats another day

We had a job's plan the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill that no one took the time to read before they passed it. That's when the democrats had super majority's in the house and senate, they stuffed that down out throats just as he did his trillion dollar health care plan with his super majority's in both houses.

Never, not ever do you allow liberals or progressives to lead, America needs to learn this, we did during Jimmy Carter, this is America's reminder.

Maple, you are not a fool but you sound foolish. By your standards, Washington, Adams, Lincoln, the first Roosevelt, the second Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, and JFK were liberals, and they did just well thank you, along with folks like Eisenhower and Nixon (when he wa not subverting the constitution).

Adult up. We don't want the Weiners or the Ryans running our government for their pet interests. We need to elect people who represent you and me.

Well untiil that person is born what do we do about ths shit-for-brains in there now????
The simple reality is that a 9:1 or a 10:1 cuts to revenue increase has to happen as one of the steps to solving some of the financial mess. Wise Republicans understand this but are afraid of the hard right yahoos.
Harry Reid has a bill that was sent to him called Cut, Cap,& Balance that had everything in it that met the S&P's demands and he shelved it.

He and Obama are the sticking-points in all of this, not the GOP. They produced nothing.

Yeah, Reid has a bill which includes a right-wing dream amendment to the Constitution. Gee, I wonder why Dems won't agree to it? :rolleyes: I'll tell you what, if the GOP can agree to any Dem ideas, or even moderate GOP ideas that the GOP used to support(before they decided to hate Obama over all else), then you can bitch that Dems won't work with the GOP. So far, the GOP has said no to absolutely everything - anything - that Dems have proposed. Until the GOP can act like grownups and actually work with the other side ( you know, the side that controls the WH and the Senate), you have exactly nothing that you can bitch about.

Look at my sig.

Who's doing the bitching?

The dems as a whole are.

They have nothing but higher taxes and more spending to offer. That's all Obama has to offer other then blame-throwing.

You mean the higher taxes on the rich that a clear majority of Americans (including Republicans) support? Yeah, higher taxes and more spending is all Obama offers. :rolleyes: Except for the 2/3 in tax cuts that were in the stimulus. Except for the tax cuts that are part of Obama's jobs proposal. Except for the spending reductions and no tax increases that Obama agreed to as part of the debt ceiling deal. Other than your entire argument being wrong, I agree with you.

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