Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

personally, I am grateful that the President showed the good sense not to make a huge argument about this and changed the date of his speech. Of course, it would have been better if he had not been a dick about it in the first place by choosing the same date as the GOP debate.

Was Perry "a dick" when he announced his run during the first debate?


Did Perry force a joint-session of congress on prime-time to do it???

Perry the President?

Hmm..I must of missed where that happened.

He picked a different night.

Bet you still don't see Obama in a "good light".

personally, I am grateful that the President showed the good sense not to make a huge argument about this and changed the date of his speech. Of course, it would have been better if he had not been a dick about it in the first place by choosing the same date as the GOP debate.

So now he looks weak and well as vindictive. He snapped at Congress in an email after announcing that he's changing the date.....telling them they'd better do their jobs.

He needs to worry about doing his first.

He has been..

By the way this congress is historic in low number of bills it's managed to pass.

The job of the congress is to legislate and levy taxes.

And they haven't been doing it.

He picked a different night.

Bet you still don't see Obama in a "good light".

personally, I am grateful that the President showed the good sense not to make a huge argument about this and changed the date of his speech. Of course, it would have been better if he had not been a dick about it in the first place by choosing the same date as the GOP debate.

Was Perry "a dick" when he announced his run during the first debate?


an announcement by a Presidential hopeful, vs. a televised speech by the President.

Yeah, that's the same thing, dip shit :rolleyes:
personally, I am grateful that the President showed the good sense not to make a huge argument about this and changed the date of his speech. Of course, it would have been better if he had not been a dick about it in the first place by choosing the same date as the GOP debate.

Was Perry "a dick" when he announced his run during the first debate?


an announcement by a Presidential hopeful, vs. a televised speech by the President.

Yeah, that's the same thing, dip shit :rolleyes:

It was his own party he stepped on!

:lol: :clap2:
Obama has a few aces in his back pocket, now is not the time to go there. the gloves will come off. If im him, I wait for the GOP to decide on a contender and then go full throttle. Obama is a smart tactful politician.

This was not worth even going there. I would assume most of American would want to hear Obamas new plan. I should say, more peeps want to hear Obama than listen to a GOP round table sparring match.

Oh yeah, that 39% of his approval ratings are probably sitting on the edge of their seats wanting to hear the same ole Bs just worded differently..

the rest, not so much could
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This whole situation just shows that Obama can't even manage something simple like a speech.

He wanted to upstage the GOP Debate, because, hey, who wants to listen to 9 Republicans point out all the ways he's FAILED in every possible respect. So, yeah, let's suck all the air out of the room.

Boenher rightly points out that the House will not have enough time the same day it reconvenes to do all the things to prepare for a presidential address.

The White House gets into a screaming match and then folds.

Again- Obama folds- again.

Can this guy do anything right?
You see folks, Obama CARES so much about us, that he PLAYS games like this to ANNOUNCE his BIG VISIONS jobs plan for the country .

The man and his administrations are a bunch of lowlifes.
I would LOVE to see them prevent Obama from speaking in the House that night. It would force Obama to either pick a different night, or do a televised thing from the White House.

The former would show Obama in a good light, not wanting to upstage the GOP.

The latter would prove his intent with picking that night was specifically to upstage the GOP.


He picked a different night.

Bet you still don't see Obama in a "good light".

personally, I am grateful that the President showed the good sense not to make a huge argument about this and changed the date of his speech. Of course, it would have been better if he had not been a dick about it in the first place by choosing the same date as the GOP debate.

The fact that he chose the same date shows his arrogance and you can bet if his numbers were higher it would still be on ... hes grasping .....
Im sure the republicans would alter their plans for Obama if he asked.

First of all changing the scheduling of the debate would be much more difficult.

Second of all, another jobs bill is not the kind of thing that needs to be addressed before a full Congress, especially when some of the participants of the debate would have to be in two places at once. Obama can easily do one of those 1pm speeches he specializes in. Nope, he wants to lecture us and lecture Congress on primetime. Wow....he really knows how to bring folks together, don't he???

It was a stunt Obama pulled that backfired on him. Instead he resorted to snapping at Congress about doing their jobs in a email after he was forced to reschedule.

Didn't backfire at all.

Worked just as it was probably intended to work.

You wouldn't see that.

But then'll probably be dumbfounded by the 2012 election results too.

Claim it was ACORN!!!

I it worked the way it was intended to work....then that must mean the intention was to piss people off.

Is that a good way to lead this country?

By pissing everyone off???
This whole situation just shows that Obama can't even manage something simple like a speech.

He wanted to upstage the GOP Debate, because, hey, who wants to listen to 9 Republicans point out all the ways he's FAILED in every possible respect. So, yeah, let's suck all the air out of the room.

Boenher rightly points out that the House will not have enough time the same day it reconvenes to do all the things to prepare for a presidential address.

The White House gets into a screaming match and then folds.

Again- Obama folds- again.

Can this guy do anything right?

He got this exactly right. Somewhere Sir Francis Walsingham is smiling..:lol:
This whole situation just shows that Obama can't even manage something simple like a speech.

He wanted to upstage the GOP Debate, because, hey, who wants to listen to 9 Republicans point out all the ways he's FAILED in every possible respect. So, yeah, let's suck all the air out of the room.

Boenher rightly points out that the House will not have enough time the same day it reconvenes to do all the things to prepare for a presidential address.

The White House gets into a screaming match and then folds.

Again- Obama folds- again.

Can this guy do anything right?

No... only left.
personally, I am grateful that the President showed the good sense not to make a huge argument about this and changed the date of his speech. Of course, it would have been better if he had not been a dick about it in the first place by choosing the same date as the GOP debate.

So now he looks weak and well as vindictive. He snapped at Congress in an email after announcing that he's changing the date.....telling them they'd better do their jobs.

He needs to worry about doing his first.

He has been..

By the way this congress is historic in low number of bills it's managed to pass.

The job of the congress is to legislate and levy taxes.

And they haven't been doing it.

This isn't the same congress that set records on spending. That was the last one....the one when the Dems had the majority.

This is will most likely be the one that sets records on taxing.
First of all changing the scheduling of the debate would be much more difficult.

Second of all, another jobs bill is not the kind of thing that needs to be addressed before a full Congress, especially when some of the participants of the debate would have to be in two places at once. Obama can easily do one of those 1pm speeches he specializes in. Nope, he wants to lecture us and lecture Congress on primetime. Wow....he really knows how to bring folks together, don't he???

It was a stunt Obama pulled that backfired on him. Instead he resorted to snapping at Congress about doing their jobs in a email after he was forced to reschedule.

Didn't backfire at all.

Worked just as it was probably intended to work.

You wouldn't see that.

But then'll probably be dumbfounded by the 2012 election results too.

Claim it was ACORN!!!

I it worked the way it was intended to work....then that must mean the intention was to piss people off.

Is that a good way to lead this country?

By pissing everyone off???

Forget it.

You lack the empathy and/or cognition to understand statecraft.

Or why this was well played.
This whole situation just shows that Obama can't even manage something simple like a speech.

He wanted to upstage the GOP Debate, because, hey, who wants to listen to 9 Republicans point out all the ways he's FAILED in every possible respect. So, yeah, let's suck all the air out of the room.

Boenher rightly points out that the House will not have enough time the same day it reconvenes to do all the things to prepare for a presidential address.

The White House gets into a screaming match and then folds.

Again- Obama folds- again.

Can this guy do anything right?

He got this exactly right. Somewhere Sir Francis Walsingham is smiling..:lol:

Yeah, I'm sure all those in the 9.2% unempoyment are thinking it is a laugh riot.
Carney said he didnt!

He expects respect, but gives none!
Didn't backfire at all.

Worked just as it was probably intended to work.

You wouldn't see that.

But then'll probably be dumbfounded by the 2012 election results too.

Claim it was ACORN!!!

I it worked the way it was intended to work....then that must mean the intention was to piss people off.

Is that a good way to lead this country?

By pissing everyone off???

Forget it.

You lack the empathy and/or cognition to understand statecraft.

Or why this was well played.

Omaba: Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a speech on jobs to a joint session of Congress on September 7th, please.

Boehner: Sorry, Mr' President, but we cannot accommodate your request at this time. How's the 8th?

Obama: Well, I 'really' wanted to do this on the 7th, if it's all the same to you.

Boehner: Well, as I said, we cannot accommodate your request at this time. The 8th will have to do.

Obama: But I'm the President!

Boehner: That's nice, junior. You chose that date to upstage my party. I'll show the good grace not to make an issue of that fact in public. Now... unless you 'really' want a federal case made out of this in every media outlet in the nation....

Obama: The 8th will do nicely. Thank you, sir.

Yup. Well played, Mr President. :rofl:

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