Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

I sure as hell know how to spell schedULE. And that job doesn't pay enough.....Fuckin' pocket change.

But then, he should be working for free. The man is so inept he doesn't desreve that check.

well good, u can spell, but u can't be president. I quess that would make me angry also.

Did you, perhaps, mean... Guess?

I'm assuming moonbeams and pixidust has been drinking. He doesn't normally seem this blatantly stupid.
Interesting indeed. What if Obama says no? Then he comes out looking like an ass for playing political games with US jobs as the game pieces.
Obama was playing games to begin with. He was well aware the scheduling of the GOP debate.
This was another example of Obama's arrogance.
well you must know everything, when will you become the president and get it all right?
I sure as hell know how to spell schedULE. And that job doesn't pay enough.....Fuckin' pocket change.

But then, he should be working for free. The man is so inept he doesn't desreve that check.

well good, u can spell, but u can't be president. I quess that would make me angry also.
So, please explain how I CAN'T be President?

Not that I would ever want to be...But, I would love to hear your explanation.

I'll tell ya' one thing. I'm far more economically literate than our current Ineptness In Chief. And I damn sure would have wanted to know who exactly those Rebels were before going into Libya.....But then, Libya wasn't our fight to begin with, so, I would have never gone in, regardless.
I sure as hell know how to spell schedULE. And that job doesn't pay enough.....Fuckin' pocket change.

But then, he should be working for free. The man is so inept he doesn't desreve that check.

well good, u can spell, but u can't be president. I quess that would make me angry also.
So, please explain how I CAN'T be President?

Not that I would ever want to be...But, I would love to hear your explanation.

I'll tell ya' one thing. I'm far more economically literate than our current Ineptness In Chief. And I damn sure would have wanted to know who exactly those Rebels were before going into Libya.....But then, Libya wasn't our fight to begin with, so, I would have never gone in, regardless.

Because Iraq and Afghanistan were your fights, right?

And you know exactly what you're getting with regard to the type of regimes that will be in place from Bush's wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan when you guys pull out, right?
well good, u can spell, but u can't be president. I quess that would make me angry also.
So, please explain how I CAN'T be President?

Not that I would ever want to be...But, I would love to hear your explanation.

I'll tell ya' one thing. I'm far more economically literate than our current Ineptness In Chief. And I damn sure would have wanted to know who exactly those Rebels were before going into Libya.....But then, Libya wasn't our fight to begin with, so, I would have never gone in, regardless.

Because Iraq and Afghanistan were your fights, right?

And you know exactly what you're getting with regard to the type of regimes that will be in place from Bush's wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan when you guys pull out, right?
Afghanistan, absolutely is our fight......We had been working with quite a few Iraqi's for years in the event we ever went in there....We had an idea who we could trust....We also had boots on the ground to secure their major weapons.

Libya is a fuckin' joke. We went in there not knowing who those people are, and now we're finding out that it's a lot more Al-qaeda types then we thought, too include in the top echelon.There are no boots on the ground to secure the WMD's. And it's a hell of a lot of WMD's. And now we have intelligence officials raising concerns that Al qaeda may try to seize control of those weapons......We may have just handed the Jihadi's their own damn country with rich oil reserves and weaponry to both finanace and execute their Fatwa on the US......Pure stupidity.

Basically. we had no business going into Libya. It wasn't our fight, and the excuse used is that it was a humanitarian mission. What a fuckin' crock of shit. Syria was already unloading on their citizens, and Obama sat on his ass, and continues to sit on his ass as they continue to unload on their citizens.....He obviously chooses his 'humanitarian missions" based on political needs.
Im sure the republicans would alter their plans for Obama if he asked.

I damned well hope they wouldn't! The debate has been scheduled for weeks and TODAY obama asks for a joint session at the exact time as the GOP debate? The logical answer to petty bull shit is "NO!"

Oh I see the republican party is more important that the president of the united states.

Good manners are always important. If you leftists HAD to stick us with an incompetent loser, couldn't you have found one who had them, at least?
the republicans know no one will watch them and will instead watch the president.

They have NEVER shown him ANY respect WHY IN THE HELL should he do ANYTHING for them.

No, your President knows that he's a washed-up lame duck, and petty little junior high games are the only way he can get any attention.

If he doesn't EARN respect, he doesn't deserve it. And stunts like this prove that he doesn't deserve it.

And by the way, since his little speech was so unimportant that it could be put off for his vacation, I think it's safe to say that yeah, it's less important than choosing the man who's going to get us out of the mess "President" Obama has put us in.

He has NEVER shown us ANYTHING worthwhile, WHY IN HELL should we expect ANYTHING now? Other than silly little ego trips, that is.
I think he should schedule a speach every time they try to debate.

They have treated him like dirt since BEFORE he was president

I think he should, too. The more he acts like you and shows the country how little maturity and substance he brings to the office, the more certain we can be that he's headed to the dustbin of history.

It's not that I expect leftist twats to be able to produce an actual statesman with any gravitas, but really, you should be able to find someone who can at least FAKE it.
I damned well hope they wouldn't! The debate has been scheduled for weeks and TODAY obama asks for a joint session at the exact time as the GOP debate? The logical answer to petty bull shit is "NO!"

Oh I see the republican party is more important that the president of the united states.
I never said that, though my opinion is of little consequence here. What I said is it is petty and incredibly arrogant for obama to request the US House of Representatives invite him to speak at a date and time in direct conflict with a previously scheduled event. I think Boehner was much to kind to the President. Were I the Speaker, my reply would have been "No, you childish shit head".

Well, it's obvious that Boehner is both classier and more mature than "President" Obama.
the republicans know no one will watch them and will instead watch the president.

They have NEVER shown him ANY respect WHY IN THE HELL should he do ANYTHING for them.

You have to SHOW respect to EARN RESPECT. and the Obama has shown NONE to anyone, not even US citizens.

And with his approvals down in the 30's, I doubt many will WATCH more of his dumb VISIONS he has for our country...:lol:

Yea, that Obama, showing no respect. Like when he said he hoped Republicans fail. Oh wait, did I get that backwards?

Speaker Boehner's response was quite respectful, even going so far as to graciously cover for the REAL reason "President" Obama chose that date, despite the fact that anyone with an IQ over room temperature knew why. Admittedly, his respect was likely more for the office than for the self-absorbed, juvenile pissant who currently occupies it.
Boehner said that since the House wouldn't reconvene until 6:30 on Wednesday, and because it takes hours to complete the security sweep necessary for a presidential address, "it is my recommendation that your address be held on the following evening, when we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks."

Heck almost 3 years for a job plan whats another day

I imagine the President will graciously accede to the Speaker's request.
And work on a plan of reprisal behind the scenes. That's how Statists as Obama work.

How "gracious" can one be when "acceding" to someone slapping your wrist and saying, "Don't make me take you to the woodshed, fool"?
OMG I can't even say the president has black nuts without you whining? I could've just said big nuts but adding black in there makes it more offensive lol

Ex: kiss my ass compared to kiss my (add adjectives for flare) big white ass or little brown ass etc.

Stop yer bitching, cry baby

You assholes claim racism all the damn time. Funny thing is its nearly always you guys who bring up the color of skin. If anyone needs to stop crying its the entirity of the far left party.

HELLO---DEMOCRAT STRATEGISTS are calling Obama's move to try and usurp the GOP debate as childish. One stated-- by Obama making this move--shows how just insignificant his jobs plan really is. "He's already walking all over his own plan."

Krauthammer had a great idea--just move the GOP debate one hour past the President's address and then you would have 10 comments from all GOP nominee's on Obama's job plan---LOL
I think that's a great idea.

Unfortunately, something like the GOP debate requires a great deal of prior planning, coordination, and expense, and it's not possible to shift it later at such short notice. Unlike "President" Obama, who can clearly set out to make a long, boring speech at the drop of a teleprompter.
The debate time and date has been in the plan for months. Obama knew this when he picked his date and time. Are you that stupid?

Since when does a primary debate take precedence?

When it has been scheduled for months and the only reason the President wants to speak at that date and time is that he believes that the MSM will preempt the debate in order to televise his empty rhetoric.

I was going to go with "When the 'President' is a hopeless incompetent whose employers are impatiently looking forward to replacing him".

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