why do most blacks support a party that loves Margaret Sanger?

It doesn't take a genius to see the games your playing....why not legalize murder after all the government forbids that? It's a bullshit excuse so that men and women don't have to take responsibility for their actions....But at the same time your kind wants Government to control every other aspect of our lives...If you are going to be an idiot at least be a consistent idiot.

They are taking responsibility. They are getting abortions instead of foisting another kid on the welfare rolls. I'm all for responsibility.

Here's the thing. When abortion was "illegal", it wasn't prosecuted as murder. Women who had them were almost never prosecuted, and the people who performed them, only were prosecuted if they were incompetent and injured the woman they worked on. These laws were largely ignored by 1973, by which time OB/GYN's were performing them and writing down something else on the charts.

The courts just faced the reality that these were unworkable laws.

So what happened? The Religious Right needed an issue to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. The rich get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned because REPUBLICAN Judges realize overturning Roe would be a disaster.

They are taking responsibility. They are getting abortions instead of foisting another kid on the welfare rolls. I'm all for responsibility.

Here's the thing. When abortion was "illegal", it wasn't prosecuted as murder. Women who had them were almost never prosecuted, and the people who performed them, only were prosecuted if they were incompetent and injured the woman they worked on. These laws were largely ignored by 1973, by which time OB/GYN's were performing them and writing down something else on the charts.

The courts just faced the reality that these were unworkable laws.

So what happened? The Religious Right needed an issue to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. The rich get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned because REPUBLICAN Judges realize overturning Roe would be a disaster.
Typical Leftist Bullshit ... completely void of any morality.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
It doesn't even occur to Trumpsters to look in the mirror when they ask this question.

What is Trump's support among white nationalists, white separatists, white supremacists? 99%? That might be a good place to start.

Yet Trump did more for blacks in a couple of years. Than Obama did in eight years. But you people think of Floyd as a hero. Proves you are low iq.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
It doesn't even occur to Trumpsters to look in the mirror when they ask this question.

What is Trump's support among white nationalists, white separatists, white supremacists? 99%? That might be a good place to start.

Yet Trump did more for blacks in a couple of years. Than Obama did in eight years. But you people think of Floyd as a hero. Proves you are low iq.

I don't think of Floyd as a hero. So there goes your feeble "argument".

Feel free to try again.
Family Planning?....Hey Goebbels, is that what you Commie bastards call genocide? Every woman has a choice but that choice is before she ever decides to get knocked up for having unprotectedy sex...When you create a life,it is your responsibility to nurture it...killing is not an option

Fetuses aren't people and none of us would want to live with Government in our bodies.
Forcing people to wear mask is goverment on our bodies.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
It doesn't even occur to Trumpsters to look in the mirror when they ask this question.

What is Trump's support among white nationalists, white separatists, white supremacists? 99%? That might be a good place to start.

Yet Trump did more for blacks in a couple of years. Than Obama did in eight years. But you people think of Floyd as a hero. Proves you are low iq.

I don't think of Floyd as a hero. So there goes your feeble "argument".

Feel free to try again.

You're about the only black person that doesn't think of him as a hero.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.

How long before democrats take things up to the next level and start to go after people like Hillary and Hollywood celebs to publicly destroy awards associated with the new woke e-racism?
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
It doesn't even occur to Trumpsters to look in the mirror when they ask this question.

What is Trump's support among white nationalists, white separatists, white supremacists? 99%? That might be a good place to start.

Yet Trump did more for blacks in a couple of years. Than Obama did in eight years. But you people think of Floyd as a hero. Proves you are low iq.

I don't think of Floyd as a hero. So there goes your feeble "argument".

Feel free to try again.

You're about the only black person that doesn't think of him as a hero.

Well, I'm not black, but I think you're dealing in hyperbole here.
There is no point .... just a bunch of off topic Leftist Delusional Bullshit.

Again, we realize actually thinking about it would melt your brain.

Forcing people to wear mask is goverment on our bodies.

Yes, but that actually has a good reason. Abortion, not so much. YOu also kind of stumble into a point. Even with everything going on, I see a bunch of people just ignoring the mask rule. Something it takes 2 seconds to put on.

So, um, how are you going to force a woman to remain pregnant for 9 months when she clearly doesn't want to.

Don't think about it too hard.

We know you don't have an answer.
1. I neither know nor care about Ms. Sanger's attitude regarding a certain ethnicity.

a. I HAVE read that her views on this topic have been distorted though.

2. She is one of my most admired people because she fought for family planning.

a. Every woman should have the right to decide whether or not she wants to give birth.

b, Furthermore, many of the problems in this world are due to overpopulation.
TheParser is absolutely right that Margaret Sanger’s views “have been distorted.” This OP article is typical of lying and despicable distortions of history pushed by political partisans on the extreme right. I have researched and written about this subject elsewhere. Margaret Sanger was a heroic Irish American fighter, mother, and educator for birth control, at a time when even raising the subject in print could get one jailed. She worked with W.E.B. Dubois and was praised by MLK, and she never tolerated racism among her staff in social outreach and clinical work, be it in Harlem or in Italian or Irish Catholic tenements. In her day poor and working-class women very often had no options but to raise countless children they did not want and could not feed, to abusive or absent fathers. The work she did was stupendously important.

After years of fighting in courts, getting jailed, being humiliated and ostracized publically, Margaret Sanger began to win victories, raised money from wealthy donors (of both parties) ... at a time when “eugenics” was a highly respectable pseudo-”science” and racism was nationally and almost universally accepted by U.S. elites. Her own early radical views (including work supporting women’s union struggles) assumed the form of a commitment to empowering and educating poor and oppressed women. After WWI she concentrated almost exclusively on promoting birth control education and access for all. She even made a point to accept an invitation to speak to a KKK women’s auxiliary, without in any way accepting their racist views. A few quotes taken out of context by unscrupulous people can never besmirch her rightful place as a “Joan of Arc” for family planning, birth control and women’s empowerment.
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The right to life republican phonies bringing up abortion again like they would have any programs to help families with many children. They usually viciously cut food stamps, medicaid etc. whenever they can. Such phonies. A clip below about these right to life hypocrites.
The right to life republican phonies bringing up abortion again like they would have any programs to help families with many children. They usually viciously cut food stamps, medicaid etc. whenever they can. Such phonies. A clip below about these right to life hypocrites.

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....
The right to life republican phonies bringing up abortion again like they would have any programs to help families with many children. They usually viciously cut food stamps, medicaid etc. whenever they can. Such phonies. A clip below about these right to life hypocrites.

That would be tramp and the republicans.
The weathy love the poorer people as they need an enemy and also to fight the front lines in wars.

That is why they are so anti abortion and anti birth control pills, to have people that don't matter to them.
It doesn't take a genius to see the games your playing....why not legalize murder after all the government forbids that? It's a bullshit excuse so that men and women don't have to take responsibility for their actions....But at the same time your kind wants Government to control every other aspect of our lives...If you are going to be an idiot at least be a consistent idiot.

They are taking responsibility. They are getting abortions instead of foisting another kid on the welfare rolls. I'm all for responsibility.

Here's the thing. When abortion was "illegal", it wasn't prosecuted as murder. Women who had them were almost never prosecuted, and the people who performed them, only were prosecuted if they were incompetent and injured the woman they worked on. These laws were largely ignored by 1973, by which time OB/GYN's were performing them and writing down something else on the charts.

The courts just faced the reality that these were unworkable laws.

So what happened? The Religious Right needed an issue to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. The rich get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned because REPUBLICAN Judges realize overturning Roe would be a disaster.
A couple of question.You stated that a fetus was not a person.By whose or what authority do you have to make that statement? Do you deny it is a living thing? If it is not a living thing, why does it have to be killed?

How about instead of having careless unprotected sex that results in an unwanted pregnancy.How about taking true responsibility and deny your animalistic impulses, the self gratification and think about the consequences? Hell why should you? When you can just murder the unborn.Our society has become so debased and morally bankrupt that it sees butchering an unborn child in the womb as a right.

Abortion is the sacrament of the radical feminist movement.....there is a priced to be paid and you will not like it.
A couple of question.You stated that a fetus was not a person.By whose or what authority do you have to make that statement? Do you deny it is a living thing? If it is not a living thing, why does it have to be killed?

The authority is, it's not viable outside of it's mother, therefore not a person. Done.

How about instead of having careless unprotected sex that results in an unwanted pregnancy.How about taking true responsibility and deny your animalistic impulses, the self gratification and think about the consequences? Hell why should you? When you can just murder the unborn.Our society has become so debased and morally bankrupt that it sees butchering an unborn child in the womb as a right.

Naw, guy, the problem is that abortion didn't start with Roe v. Wade. They've been doing abortions since Jesus' time.

They are a lot safer now, which is why they are more accepted.

Our society is morally bankrupt, but not because of one form of contraception. We are bankrupt because we accept poverty, racism, and a president who is a moron but he's entertaining.

Abortion is the sacrament of the radical feminist movement.....there is a priced to be paid and you will not like it.

Here's the reality... you nuts can go on and on, but abortion will remain the law of the land.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
You promote the destruction of the founding fathers. Many of the politicians today could not clean their bed chamber pots.

I'm not sure I know exactly what "destruction of the founding fathers" is supposed to mean.

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