why do most blacks support a party that loves Margaret Sanger?

I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.

She is completely relevant, and a fair target.

By the way, today's Democrats have gone well beyond the Klan. They aim to replace their old black-to-white slavery with the slavery of all to the State.
she was a racist lib and wanted black babies killed and thought blacks were inferior to whites.

Most of the quotes attributed to Sanger in your article are either outright fabrications, or taken wildly out of context.

So let's get some clarifications about Sanger.

The first one is Sanger opposed legal abortion. Understandable, since she lived in the 1920's when abortion was still a fairly dangerous proposition in the days before antibiotics.

The other was that she sought family planning for blacks as an attempt to eliminate them. Also untrue. In fact, her efforts to provide family planning to African Americans were praised by leaders such as WEB DuBois, Marcus Garvey and yes, Dr. Martin Luther King, who understood that the ability to plan your family was a key route to success economically. Even today, we see that the difference between poor families and affluent ones is WHEN they had babies.

Now, not to say that like, oh,just about everyone else in 1920, she had views about immigrants and blacks that we'd cringe at today.

Family Planning?....Hey Goebbels, is that what you Commie bastards call genocide? Every woman has a choice but that choice is before she ever decides to get knocked up for having unprotected sex...When you create a life,it is your responsibility to nurture it...killing is not an option

Fetuses aren't people and none of us would want to live with Government in our bodies.
Because they are easily misguided and the Left knows this and exploits them accordingly.
Either misguided or just don't give a rip. It's all about what's right there in front of them I'm guessing, but not much thought about the next hour, day, month or year. They are led (i.e. followers), and not so much leaders. Fortunately for many though, they escape the herd, and blossom into great men and women, but sadly they are seen as Uncle Tom's and Tomasena's. Just like the poor protestor who was telling the black cop in the video how he was a traitor, and that she couldn't believe that he was on that line trying to uphold the laws for the white man. Yet here we see these same radicals not saying or doing anything about black on black crime in the inner cities etc.

Children of black families being exterminated by gang violence, drugs, and abortion being used as birth control.

Sad situation, but it's all the white man's fault right ? No it's not, and that pig ain't going to fly much longer.
She is completely relevant, and a fair target.

By the way, today's Democrats have gone well beyond the Klan. They aim to replace their old black-to-white slavery with the slavery of all to the State.

Wow, you are a crazy person.

SO check it out. You and every other white person has no problem with "White People Welfare" - Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance and Veteran's Benefits. Trump just signed a 4 TRILLION dollar welfare bill to tide us over Trump Plague and avoid a recession. Most of you signed off on it without batting an eye.
Family Planning?....Hey Goebbels, is that what you Commie bastards call genocide? Every woman has a choice but that choice is before she ever decides to get knocked up for having unprotected sex...When you create a life,it is your responsibility to nurture it...killing is not an option

Fetuses aren't people and none of us would want to live with Government in our bodies.

Tell that to the Manson family who cut poor Sharon Tate's baby out of her womb two weeks early, and got forever imprisoned for their henious crimes. Funny how it was such a henious crime until it was legalized by the same hippie generation that started disassembly lines for it years later. Bunch of sick human beings these days.

she was a racist lib and wanted black babies killed and thought blacks were inferior to whites.

Libs are really hypocrites in regards to Planned Parenthood. They say they are for contraception, but I have yet to hear any of them attack their own fathers for failure to use a rubber.
Eugenics was another dark history of the US. Most were white men.

Eugenics is a world wide phenomenon, not specifically part of "US" history. And Marge Sanger was a broad.

The US practiced it, just another one of the dark history. I know who Sanger was. It was led by the white elites and mainly men.

Where do you think Hitler got his idea from??
Tell that to the Manson family who cut poor Sharon Tate's baby out of her womb two weeks early, and got forever imprisoned for their henious crimes. Funny how it was such a henious crime until it was legalized by the same hippie generation that started disassembly lines for it years later. Bunch of sick human beings these days.

They weren't charged for the fetus, they were charged for the 7 adults they killed. And that was when abortion was still illegal in this country. They didn't treat the death a fetus like a crime.

You kind of made my point for me.
Eugenics was another dark history of the US. Most were white men.

Eugenics is a world wide phenomenon, not specifically part of "US" history. And Marge Sanger was a broad.

The US practiced it, just another one of the dark history. I know who Sanger was. It was led by the white elites and mainly men.
Ok, and why do blacks support the party who uses it more than any other, and wants it to continue as some sort of birth control/population control ??? Which population is being controlled by it the most ??? Who uses it the most ???

I will say this, as the generations degrade, the trends regarding who is using the methods are shifting, and we are seeing things that we wouldn't have dreamed of taking place now in society.
Tell that to the Manson family who cut poor Sharon Tate's baby out of her womb two weeks early, and got forever imprisoned for their henious crimes. Funny how it was such a henious crime until it was legalized by the same hippie generation that started disassembly lines for it years later. Bunch of sick human beings these days.

They weren't charged for the fetus, they were charged for the 7 adults they killed. And that was when abortion was still illegal in this country. They didn't treat the death a fetus like a crime.

You kind of made my point for me.
Bullcrap.... They were charged for every henious thing they did in that case, even if were grouped in. Didn't have to have specifics, as the crimes were hurendous, and they captured the horrors in every part of it. Your point doesn't address the horrors being committed in abortion's that are one in the same, otherwise just as it were in that tragic event in which the most of us can't ever forget.
Wow, you are a crazy person.

SO check it out. You and every other white person has no problem with "White People Welfare" - Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance and Veteran's Benefits. Trump just signed a 4 TRILLION dollar welfare bill to tide us over Trump Plague and avoid a recession. Most of you signed off on it without batting an eye.
Wow ...

What an irrelevant and STUPID comment.

There is a reason Leftism is considered a mental disorder.
Family Planning?....Hey Goebbels, is that what you Commie bastards call genocide? Every woman has a choice but that choice is before she ever decides to get knocked up for having unprotected sex...When you create a life,it is your responsibility to nurture it...killing is not an option

Fetuses aren't people and none of us would want to live with Government in our bodies.
That is the most non sensical thing I've read in a long time......of course they are people....Government in our bodies? WTH does that even mean?
The biggest hoax(s) are ? Trump is responsible for a thriving economy and balanced budget and great healthcare system and so many other great things. People are literally dying from his ineptitude and it’s now, his new normal.
Eugenics was another dark history of the US. Most were white men.

Eugenics is a world wide phenomenon, not specifically part of "US" history. And Marge Sanger was a broad.

The US practiced it, just another one of the dark history. I know who Sanger was. It was led by the white elites and mainly men.

Where do you think Hitler got his idea from??

Liberalism is an ancient idea. The Hitler-Sanger ideas extend back for several millennia.

Really, if you go back far enough, to the liberals of ancient Sodom, or even back to Cain who practiced eugenics against his brother, it isn't an old idea. According to legend, Cain was not a honky at all.
Bullcrap.... They were charged for every henious thing they did in that case, even if were grouped in. Didn't have to have specifics, as the crimes were hurendous, and they captured the horrors in every part of it.

No, they were charged with the laws they broke... and killing a fetus was not against the law.

Also, learn how to spell...

Your point doesn't address the horrors being committed in abortion's that are one in the same, otherwise just as it were in that tragic event in which the most of us can't ever forget.

Fetuses aren't people. No "horrors" are being committed. Nobody remembers the Manson murders for the fetus, they remember that crazy hippies were going to kill us all!

That is the most non sensical thing I've read in a long time......of course they are people....Government in our bodies? WTH does that even mean?

Are you some kind of retard?

If you are going to have an abortion law that means anything (unlike pre-Roe v. Wade, where these laws were on the books and everyone ignored them), you would need the government to regulate our bodies... doctors would need to inform on their patients, women would be forced to have babies they don't want.
Bullcrap.... They were charged for every henious thing they did in that case, even if were grouped in. Didn't have to have specifics, as the crimes were hurendous, and they captured the horrors in every part of it.

No, they were charged with the laws they broke... and killing a fetus was not against the law.

Also, learn how to spell...

Your point doesn't address the horrors being committed in abortion's that are one in the same, otherwise just as it were in that tragic event in which the most of us can't ever forget.

Fetuses aren't people. No "horrors" are being committed. Nobody remembers the Manson murders for the fetus, they remember that crazy hippies were going to kill us all!

That is the most non sensical thing I've read in a long time......of course they are people....Government in our bodies? WTH does that even mean?

Are you some kind of retard?

If you are going to have an abortion law that means anything (unlike pre-Roe v. Wade, where these laws were on the books and everyone ignored them), you would need the government to regulate our bodies... doctors would need to inform on their patients, women would be forced to have babies they don't want.
It doesn't take a genius to see the games your playing....why not legalize murder after all the government forbids that? It's a bullshit excuse so that men and women don't have to take responsibility for their actions....But at the same time your kind wants Government to control every other aspect of our lives...If you are going to be an idiot at least be a consistent idiot.

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