Boiling the election down to its essence.

That Trump is to blame because he created a white house "culture" is the lamest shit ever.
What would call a refusal to wear a mask, refusing to make attendees of his rallies to wear a mask, mocking others for wearing a mask, and not enforcing mask wearing in the West Wing?

And yet there still is no clear connection between countries and whether they enforce mask wearing to their deaths.

What you are doing is begging the question. Lame argument.

The key is not touching your face and washing your hands, just like with other viruses.

But since you want to engage in finger pointing. Governors have way more power over State responses and the ones who fucked up according to you are the blue State governors, they had most of the deaths. Which according to you makes it their fault.

So what are blue State governors doing wrong? How do we get them to stop murdering their citizens?
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans

But blaming him for the response is 100% accurate. You guys just don't get that one small nuance, do you? No one is blaming him for the virus. They are blaming him for the piss poor
response to the virus...and those blue state deaths would have been a lot lower if he'd just done his job in January instead of holding pep rallies and golfing. But hey, what's a few hundred
thousand deaths between friends? The response, starts at the top. With the guy who alone has the power to activate and direct federal agencies to mobilize, allocate emergency disaster money,
and coordinate the proper government agencies to help the states with their own disaster response....if only he knew anything about how government works, and if only he didn't have millions
of enablers like you who give him a pass on every..single..fuck up he's perpetrated on the country.
Its TDS plain and simple. Trump has to protect the US economy as well as fight the pandemic. The CDC and other healthcare experts in the government have had a clear path to the media to promote social distancing and mitigation measures. If the democrats were running the government we would have no economy, $trillions wasted, and still have to wait 2-years for a vaccine, a disaster by any other name.

Operation Warp Speed has expedited vaccines and therapies, a success by any other name.
Trump clearly failed us. We have had no real national response. He left it to the states which failed. One state has a strong closing and the state next door is open. Guess which state got a lot of visitors? The pandemic response a complete failure.
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans

But blaming him for the response is 100% accurate. You guys just don't get that one small nuance, do you? No one is blaming him for the virus. They are blaming him for the piss poor
response to the virus...and those blue state deaths would have been a lot lower if he'd just done his job in January instead of holding pep rallies and golfing. But hey, what's a few hundred
thousand deaths between friends? The response, starts at the top. With the guy who alone has the power to activate and direct federal agencies to mobilize, allocate emergency disaster money,
and coordinate the proper government agencies to help the states with their own disaster response....if only he knew anything about how government works, and if only he didn't have millions
of enablers like you who give him a pass on every..single..fuck up he's perpetrated on the country.
Its TDS plain and simple. Trump has to protect the US economy as well as fight the pandemic. The CDC and other healthcare experts in the government have had a clear path to the media to promote social distancing and mitigation measures. If the democrats were running the government we would have no economy, $trillions wasted, and still have to wait 2-yeaars for a vaccine. A disaster by any other name.

Operation Warp Speed has expedited vaccines and therapies, a su8ccess by any other name.
He really hasn't protected the economy either. Biggest GDP drop in history.
You have to make arguments that are based on facts.
Any time I see a comment like that from a Trumplehead I ask myself what difference does it make to use factual assertions in a post when you folks don't accept facts?

This is creating a culture that helped lead to his infection. What would call a refusal to wear a mask, refusing to make attendees of his rallies to wear a mask, mocking others for wearing a mask, and not enforcing mask wearing in the West Wing?

Obviously you chose to engage in a purely emotional argument given your first sentence. LOL, an emotional argument about accepting facts. Yes, you're that big an airhead
A mask does not stop the virus, skippy.

Sorry, I forgot, you guys don't believe in science.
You have not refuted what I said, skippy. You put up bullshit like you always do.
But, again, you did not refute what I posted with your link. You only used 1 sentence that I posted and not the rest of my post.
You truly are an idiot, socialists and communists love you, comrade.
The CDC and other healthcare experts in the government have had a clear path to the media to promote social distancing and mitigation measures.
The CDC and other health agency's messages and protocols were constantly contradicted, undercut, and politicized by the WH.
Trump has to protect the US economy as well as fight the pandemic.
When is he going to start?

Again, proving that facts are the last thing you care about.

Fact, governors have far more control over State responses.

Yet you blame Trump.

You're a partisan hack, that's the fact
Leaving it to the states doesn't work. One state closes and the next closest state that is open gets lots of visitors. The numbers don't lie, our response has been a huge failure.
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans

But blaming him for the response is 100% accurate. You guys just don't get that one small nuance, do you? No one is blaming him for the virus. They are blaming him for the piss poor
response to the virus...and those blue state deaths would have been a lot lower if he'd just done his job in January instead of holding pep rallies and golfing. But hey, what's a few hundred
thousand deaths between friends? The response, starts at the top. With the guy who alone has the power to activate and direct federal agencies to mobilize, allocate emergency disaster money,
and coordinate the proper government agencies to help the states with their own disaster response....if only he knew anything about how government works, and if only he didn't have millions
of enablers like you who give him a pass on every..single..fuck up he's perpetrated on the country.
Its TDS plain and simple. Trump has to protect the US economy as well as fight the pandemic. The CDC and other healthcare experts in the government have had a clear path to the media to promote social distancing and mitigation measures. If the democrats were running the government we would have no economy, $trillions wasted, and still have to wait 2-yeaars for a vaccine. A disaster by any other name.

Operation Warp Speed has expedited vaccines and therapies, a su8ccess by any other name.
He really hasn't protected the economy either. Biggest GDP drop in history.
Name one other time when the entire US economy was totally shut down.
Thanks for playing. Your TDS blinds your economic honesty.
What boils down to the election is a choice, "China or America".

No it's far worse than that. The choice is freedom or SLAVERY TO GOVERNMENT. Dems would imprison us on a government run plantation like some European countries where government takes 70% of every dollar you earn in exchange for their government run social handouts. Healthcare is their first takeover target, then energy, then the food supply mark my words.
President Super Spreader maintained a culture at the White House that has now infected many people there and has now put our national security at risk.

He remains a menace to this country.
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans

But blaming him for the response is 100% accurate. You guys just don't get that one small nuance, do you? No one is blaming him for the virus. They are blaming him for the piss poor
response to the virus...and those blue state deaths would have been a lot lower if he'd just done his job in January instead of holding pep rallies and golfing. But hey, what's a few hundred
thousand deaths between friends? The response, starts at the top. With the guy who alone has the power to activate and direct federal agencies to mobilize, allocate emergency disaster money,
and coordinate the proper government agencies to help the states with their own disaster response....if only he knew anything about how government works, and if only he didn't have millions
of enablers like you who give him a pass on every..single..fuck up he's perpetrated on the country.
Its TDS plain and simple. Trump has to protect the US economy as well as fight the pandemic. The CDC and other healthcare experts in the government have had a clear path to the media to promote social distancing and mitigation measures. If the democrats were running the government we would have no economy, $trillions wasted, and still have to wait 2-yeaars for a vaccine. A disaster by any other name.

Operation Warp Speed has expedited vaccines and therapies, a su8ccess by any other name.
He really hasn't protected the economy either. Biggest GDP drop in history.
Name one other time when the entire US economy was totally shut down.
Thanks for playing. Your TDS blinds your economic honesty.
I don't believe every state has been shut down at the same time. But what we did do was based on the rules set by trump. Huge failure.
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans

But blaming him for the response is 100% accurate. You guys just don't get that one small nuance, do you? No one is blaming him for the virus. They are blaming him for the piss poor
response to the virus...and those blue state deaths would have been a lot lower if he'd just done his job in January instead of holding pep rallies and golfing. But hey, what's a few hundred
thousand deaths between friends? The response, starts at the top. With the guy who alone has the power to activate and direct federal agencies to mobilize, allocate emergency disaster money,
and coordinate the proper government agencies to help the states with their own disaster response....if only he knew anything about how government works, and if only he didn't have millions
of enablers like you who give him a pass on every..single..fuck up he's perpetrated on the country.
Its TDS plain and simple. Trump has to protect the US economy as well as fight the pandemic. The CDC and other healthcare experts in the government have had a clear path to the media to promote social distancing and mitigation measures. If the democrats were running the government we would have no economy, $trillions wasted, and still have to wait 2-yeaars for a vaccine. A disaster by any other name.

Operation Warp Speed has expedited vaccines and therapies, a su8ccess by any other name.

TDS stands for Trump Defense Syndrome. A condition that seems impervious to the drug combination of reason and common sense. No cure for it. Democrats and Republicans have little to do with vaccine research. Warp Speed was just a campaign pitch. Research and trials were already underway. It was gonna happen one way or the other. And I'm sorry, if anyone other than Trump (Republican or Democrat) was running the government, we'd have a lot less dead people. a better economic outlook, and the same rush to develop the vaccine.
Fact, governors have far more control over State responses.
Fact, states were left to fight with each other over scarce resources due to a lack of a coordinated federal response.

What resources were they fighting over?

It wasn't ventilators, we never ran out of them.

If you're mad about masks, it was Obama/Biden that depleted them. And at the time the medical community was saying to NOT wear them anyway.

So be specific. What resources were the blue State governors murdering their citizens "fighting over?" Be specific, finger pointer

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