Boiling the election down to its essence.

Trump did everything in his power to combat the virus.
You're full of shit.

1. A botched public health response
The Trump administration failed to take the coronavirus outbreak seriously. In late February, while other high-income countries were ramping up testing and developing tracing procedures, President Donald Trump stated that “the Coronavirus [was] very much under control.” It was during these critical early weeks and months that the United States should have been stockpiling protective gear for frontline workers and making testing widely available. In contrast, South Korea, a country whose first confirmed case of COVID-19 coincided with that of the United States, bought 720,000 masks for employees of businesses considered at risk of exposure to the coronavirus. When asked if the U.S. federal government would supply personal protective equipment (PPE) to states, President Trump responded that it would not act as a “shipping clerk.”

He failed to keep himself safe, he failed to keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.
Liberals keep telling us we should give up our freedom and wear a mask.
Nitwits keep equating common sense measures to protect the public's health, like not being allowing to spread a deadly pathogen, with giving up freedom.
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans
But these guys blamed Bush for Hurricanes, they will try and propagandize anything.
Bush has a bad response too. Republicans have a bad record.
They lied about Bush, and they do it about Trump. But it's really sick to politicize it. Especially when the dems did not take this seriously at all in the begining.
He’ll walk out of there in a couple days and be back to kicking your asses. Dementia Joe will still be a brain dead zombie and democrats will still be communists.

You’re fucked.

They're even more fucked if they win, that's how profoundly bad they are.
The CDC budget went up every year under Trump.
You keep repeating that as though it makes a difference or proves a point. It doesn't.

berg: Trump cut CDC spending

kaz: Actually, the CDC budget went up every year

berg: "You keep repeating that as though it makes a difference or proves a point. It doesn't"

Well, not to a leftist, no it doesn't, LOL
The CDC budget went up every year under Trump.
You keep repeating that as though it makes a difference or proves a point. It doesn't.
It proved Jack of tards Boi to be a liar.

Only a leftist wouldn't grasp the relationship between their claim CDC spending was cut while actually their budget grew every year. A woman on PMS is more rational than berg and jackofnotrades
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

No bud, it's liberal mayors and governors like whitmer, who got her head thumped last week by the Michigan SC, and newsom who have screwed the people. Biden is a pervert and pedophile and needs to be studied through the glass walls of a padded room.
My post about attempting to use some thoughtfulness about those living in areas that have less open/out door space to breath fresh air & avoid contact with people who's health condition is unknown. rebuked as an "appeal to emotion" &" I am a sob sister" seems to me that this whole last year has been running on nothing but emotion. The building of walls between friends family & neighbor based totally on political party affiliation. has been easy to get caught up in & difficult to step back from.
I am trying.
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans

But blaming him for the response is 100% accurate. You guys just don't get that one small nuance, do you? No one is blaming him for the virus. They are blaming him for the piss poor
response to the virus...and those blue state deaths would have been a lot lower if he'd just done his job in January instead of holding pep rallies and golfing. But hey, what's a few hundred
thousand deaths between friends? The response, starts at the top. With the guy who alone has the power to activate and direct federal agencies to mobilize, allocate emergency disaster money,
and coordinate the proper government agencies to help the states with their own disaster response....if only he knew anything about how government works, and if only he didn't have millions
of enablers like you who give him a pass on every..single..fuck up he's perpetrated on the country.
Its TDS plain and simple. Trump has to protect the US economy as well as fight the pandemic. The CDC and other healthcare experts in the government have had a clear path to the media to promote social distancing and mitigation measures. If the democrats were running the government we would have no economy, $trillions wasted, and still have to wait 2-yeaars for a vaccine. A disaster by any other name.

Operation Warp Speed has expedited vaccines and therapies, a su8ccess by any other name.
He really hasn't protected the economy either. Biggest GDP drop in history.

He will be the first president since hoover to leave office with less jobs than when he entered.

The unemployment rate is over 8%. It was 4.7% when he came into office.

The manufacturing industry was already in recession before the virus. We were still losing jobs to China while we were dealing with the tariff war. In fact, our trade deficit with China has increased in the trump years.

All trump has done is extreme damage to our nation. I sure hope we can recover from this total crap show the trump and republicans have turned out nation into.
if dem states would open up unemployment would be low .... but opening up might piss off bidens benefactor china !
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