Boiling the election down to its essence.

One thing people over look if they live in places like I do with lots of open land, acreage, big yards, even most apartments have some out side space. smaller towns have less new people traffic coming & going. in big city's peopled are trapped by less space to breath free, they will have more chances to catch the virus. We should have more sympathy for their situation.
Fundamental human sympathy and empathy are currently looked down upon as weaknesses.

At least for now. But we'll get back there!
Appeal to emotion: not an argument.
Also not a reasoned argument, sob sister.
Sure it is. If you don't like that, too bad. You whine too much.
Yes, we get it....You're a better man than all of the rest of the hoi polloy rolled into one....Not to mention the smartest asshole in the room, no matter which room that happens to be.

Is there any conceit left in your entire family, after you've managed to hog it all up?
One thing people over look if they live in places like I do with lots of open land, acreage, big yards, even most apartments have some out side space. smaller towns have less new people traffic coming & going. in big city's peopled are trapped by less space to breath free, they will have more chances to catch the virus. We should have more sympathy for their situation.
Fundamental human sympathy and empathy are currently looked down upon as weaknesses.

At least for now. But we'll get back there!
How so? What sympathy and empathy?
Muh feelz trump reason.....It's the liberoidal way.
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“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds.

But since you want to finger point. Huh, it's governors who actually have most of the control over response to the virus and the vast majority of deaths are in blue States.

Your argument without your idiocy would say one should never elect Democrats, you are saying you're the party murdering Americans
But these guys blamed Bush for Hurricanes, they will try and propagandize anything.
Bush has a bad response too. Republicans have a bad record.
Republicans spend so much time and effort telling us that last place is the best we can do. How sad.
Moonbats spend so much time and effort dreaming up irrelevant straw man arguments....How sad.
Sure better than cult-like support of failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, crime increasing, recession, the most pandemic deaths....
No, I wasn't asking you to dream up even more straw men! :auiqs.jpg:
Clearly you embrace failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, the most pandemic deaths... Thanks trump.
One thing people over look if they live in places like I do with lots of open land, acreage, big yards, even most apartments have some out side space. smaller towns have less new people traffic coming & going. in big city's peopled are trapped by less space to breath free, they will have more chances to catch the virus. We should have more sympathy for their situation.
Fundamental human sympathy and empathy are currently looked down upon as weaknesses.

At least for now. But we'll get back there!
How so? What sympathy and empathy?
DemonRats call Covid-19 the “Trump Virus” but get offended and call Trump racist for calling it the “China Virus”

DemonRats are more aligned with the Chinese Communists Party than our own Conservative President.

Demonrats are treasonists. Please move to China where they’ll gladly re-educate you.
Republicans spend so much time and effort telling us that last place is the best we can do. How sad.
Moonbats spend so much time and effort dreaming up irrelevant straw man arguments....How sad.
Sure better than cult-like support of failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, crime increasing, recession, the most pandemic deaths....
No, I wasn't asking you to dream up even more straw men! :auiqs.jpg:
Clearly you embrace failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, the most pandemic deaths... Thanks trump.
Yer trying too hard, kid. :itsok:
Republicans spend so much time and effort telling us that last place is the best we can do. How sad.
Moonbats spend so much time and effort dreaming up irrelevant straw man arguments....How sad.
Sure better than cult-like support of failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, crime increasing, recession, the most pandemic deaths....
No, I wasn't asking you to dream up even more straw men! :auiqs.jpg:
Clearly you embrace failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, the most pandemic deaths... Thanks trump.
DemonRats want bigger PPP packages than the Ruplicans

those riots and crimes are being perpetrated by leftists and leftists mayors are preventing Trump from stopping them.

The highest death counts have been in Democratic run states.

DemonRats want to lock down the country again (Biden repeats it). That will lead to a depression.
Clearly you embrace failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, the most pandemic deaths... Thanks trump.
Easy to, when all they have to do is say "fake news".

Kind of like a "White Out" for reality.
That Trump is to blame because he created a white house "culture" is the lamest shit ever.
What would call a refusal to wear a mask, refusing to make attendees of his rallies to wear a mask, mocking others for wearing a mask, and not enforcing mask wearing in the West Wing?
A mask does not stop the virus, skippy. It can stop water droplets that contain the virus. But the virus moves through
the mask otherwise. Yes, the virus IS that small.


What a mask does is prevent you from spreading the virus to a point but is not the kill all to stop any spread...

The problem though is there are two ways to look at what that means, stopping a percent of the spread.

Let's say a mask stops 50% of the virus. But if there are say 1000 virus and it removed 500 of them, while it reduces the virus spread by 50%, it likely reduces the successful transmission not at all or very little. You only need a certain number of cells to get through to spread the infection

I actually understand how masks work and it is more for the ill than for the well because I have suffered all my life with COPD and that is how I knew this virus needed steroids and antibiotics because it is pneumonia we are dealing with and when society start treating it as the threat it is then we will win...

Also how I knew it was not the flu is because I never get the flu for some strange reason...
Republicans spend so much time and effort telling us that last place is the best we can do. How sad.
Moonbats spend so much time and effort dreaming up irrelevant straw man arguments....How sad.
Sure better than cult-like support of failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, crime increasing, recession, the most pandemic deaths....
No, I wasn't asking you to dream up even more straw men! :auiqs.jpg:
Clearly you embrace failure. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, the most pandemic deaths... Thanks trump.

Such a comment shows you to be a hack.
Trump clearly failed us. We have had no real national response. He left it to the states which failed. One state has a strong closing and the state next door is open. Guess which state got a lot of visitors? The pandemic response a complete failure.

The Trump administration has been a comprehensive failure; Trump himself is incompetent and unfit to be president – he clearly doesn’t deserve a second term.
President Super Spreader maintained a culture at the White House that has now infected many people there and has now put our national security at risk.

He remains a menace to this country.
the isis caliphate has been destroyed and NK isnt testing nukes...[mike drop] !
NK has lots of nukes, there has been no deal.
There’s no deal with NK.

There’s no ‘wall’ on the border from the Pacific to the Gulf.

There’s no ‘replacement’ for the ACA.

There’s only record debt, high unemployment, and a raging pandemic after four years of Trump.
President Super Spreader maintained a culture at the White House that has now infected many people there and has now put our national security at risk.

He remains a menace to this country.
the isis caliphate has been destroyed and NK isnt testing nukes...[mike drop] !
NK has lots of nukes, there has been no deal.
There’s no deal with NK.

There’s no ‘wall’ on the border from the Pacific to the Gulf.

There’s no ‘replacement’ for the ACA.

There’s only record debt, high unemployment, and a raging pandemic after four years of Trump.
While the yugeness of the debt and unemployment are not really fair to lay on Trump. The rest, by his own estimations, are indeed failures.
What happened to all that winning we were going to be sick of?
President Super Spreader maintained a culture at the White House that has now infected many people there and has now put our national security at risk.

He remains a menace to this country.
the isis caliphate has been destroyed and NK isnt testing nukes...[mike drop] !
NK has lots of nukes, there has been no deal.
There’s no deal with NK.

There’s no ‘wall’ on the border from the Pacific to the Gulf.

There’s no ‘replacement’ for the ACA.

There’s only record debt, high unemployment, and a raging pandemic after four years of Trump.
NK has been silent for nearly a year....that's a good thing....just wanted you to know.
No one said there would be a wall from the ocean to the gulf. There has been a lot of wall built in the hot spots.
Nope, there is no replacement for the ACA, that's a good thing.
Record debt started under your messiah.
There was historic low unemployment before China unleashed a hybrid Corona Virus on the world.

Sad that you have such a pathetic case of TDS, have you tried steroids?
Trump clearly failed us. We have had no real national response. He left it to the states which failed. One state has a strong closing and the state next door is open. Guess which state got a lot of visitors? The pandemic response a complete failure.

The Trump administration has been a comprehensive failure; Trump himself is incompetent and unfit to be president – he clearly doesn’t deserve a second term.

Wow, two morons giving each other electronic hand-jobs.

There is no standard to determine success or failure, but the left somehow feels inclined to make such stupid claims.

Cuomo should be subjected to the same standard.

He'd be headed for the firing squad.
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.

Wrong, but you do get 10 Points For Consistency!

Boiling down the election to its essence is this:

We have a choice between a Free Society protected by a Constitutional Republic or a Control Society under a Leftwing Totalitarian Thugocracy.

I support the former...which means voting for Trump.
Bottom line, trump has failed. The wealthiest country with the most expensive healthcare shouldn't have the most deaths. It's sad how republicans embrace failure.
Trump did everything in his power to combat the virus.
Governors have the ultimate control over their states.
Trump is developing vaccines and therapies in record time.
If Biden was president he would not have stopped flights from China and we'd have had 2.2m deaths.
Please remember, Biden is always wrong.

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