Boise State Transgender Ban Could Cause Loss of NCAA Tournament Games


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The NCAA has obviously gone crazy. It has a history of moving events out of states over transgender laws. In 2016-17, it moved 7 championship events out of North Carolina, because of HB 2, which, in part, banned people from using public bathrooms that didn’t correspond to the sex listed on their birth certificate.

Now Boise State University is in danger of having the same thing happen to them. Last February, the Idaho House passed a bill (the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act), which applies to all teams sponsored by public high schools, colleges and universities. It does not allow girls or women’s teams to admit those born as male, even if they identify as female, thereby eliminating transgender nutjobs,

The law is a good law (as was the North Carolina law) but under pressure from gays and transgenders, and boycotts by professional sports leagues and entertainers, North Carolina modified the law in 2017 and NCAA events returned to the state.

Hey nothing like having a 7 foot tall, muscular GUY, playing on your women's basketball team right ? Do liberals realize how nuts they are ? Once transgender guys start getting into women's sports, will there be any actual, real women left playing in them ? World gone mad. :rolleyes:

Sports is a business.

If people don't watch, it disappears.

I don't think people would be terribly interested women's sports if former men are taking all the medals.
A society that has such ridiculous 'problems is toast anyway. Let it fall. If you can't protect children from deranged deviants you're gone already, and taking lots of Prozac doesn't help.
The Idaho law banning men (transgender nutjobs) from competing with women in women;s sports is 100% correct. If the NCAA does to Boise State what they did in North Carolina, I would urge everybody to BOYCOTT THE NCAA, and reduce them to rubble.

And make it known what you're doing. Send letters, protest holding up signs, bitch them out.
People (millions) need to boycott the boycotters (transgenders, queers, perverts, entertainers, etc.)

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